(2008/11) November 2008

morning all..

lots of posting over the weekend ya.. Me feeling feverish and running nose.. pity my BB.. Must Jia You!
oic..such a coincidence..ur #1 also u went to Master Jing Zi Long ah..haha..so qiao...i will also be gg to him for #2..ya..i can understand hw u feel now..lol..i wish u all the best for ur DS next wk ah..keke..yest was watching Spiderman 2 & was thinking if Maguire is a nice name..since i m looking at 3 syllabus & also if possible to start with M since #1 is M too..hee..but seems like Maguire is a "grand surname to me"..haha..
Morning all!
I just saw that there's a BP for fisher-price high chairs. I am thinking of getting it. Do you all think it's too early? Hee, but it's much cheaper plus I know I do want one.

I'm also staggering my purchases. Try to get some as each month goes by. Not getting stroller too. Just getting a sling, but maybe next month or something.
morning mummies. today feel v tired, depressed, heavy & miserable
donno how long more i can come to work.

fifi: donno leh. maybe someone can call ocbc or triple 3 to check? u got your card upgraded so fast? i haven't even sent my form back yet.

wtan: how old is he now? i thot nan 2 is only for babies below 1? i heard tt babies who take nan r rather fat. was he fat as a baby? my mum is not so much understanding as paranoid. she also didn't allow me & my sisters to take sweet things when we were children. she shd have been a dietician instead of teacher. is your mum is more indulgent becos first grandchild?

u take care and recover soon..


u r so nearby
another tampines mum. during ML next time we can all meet up hor...heheee..


u ok? not enuff sleep? maybe monday blues? i also very sian that today is morning.

Re: Mamypoko Samples
NO NEED TO sign up online. Just call Mamypoko 6265 1648 and ask for free sample.

I called and received 1 NB and 1 XL Pull up pants in my mailbox last week.

Re: Sterilized pumps and bottles.

I bought a HUGE Lock&LOck box. Once all the bottles are assembled, juz keep inside this box. Should be able to be kept sterile for 24 hrs.
think it's ok to buy later..but can do ur shortlisting shopping list now la..keke..we also got a stroller when bb was born coz no enough space to store then was staying with my IL..keke..

relax..today is just mon nia..press on ah..it's almost half day gone liao..look forward to lunch ah..Mav is 21mths & growing..he's on NAN HA 2 (not Nan 2)..it's for babies aft 6mths old..can feed all the way la..but i want to switch him to norm FM too...just that he has been used to it liao..so if added with other FM, he will knows lo..headache..oh..it's nice of ur mummy not to allow kids to take sweet things too..my mum ah..she's the type that want pple to do things her way lo..she wont listen one la..i m also having probs with her looking aft my son now..she likes to go her way & insist we follow lo..if not she will threathen us that she dun take care..so dun think talking to her on the potato chips for Mav will help..sigh..
su mei: haiz, take care. i already so sian. u so poor thing, both sick & big.

lovedogs: wow tt's fast. i asked for free sample online. i guess i will just wait for them. fitti lady was giving out free samples yesterday at carrefour too.

i think maybe i'm tired from pushing w the crowds at carrefour yesterday. sigh. wld like to wait for my MC to go shopping but i will be too big by then & not safe. thanks for your concern.

wtan: yah. for the sake of my job, i have to press on. hopefully after lunch the time will pass faster. i also feel v sian becos a syndication just came in. i hate doing syndications becos they r v tedious. also a bit fed up w my para-legal cos he so young & a bit oblivious. he doesn't understand urgency of things sometimes & when he comes back from MC 2 days, instead of rushing to quickly do his stuff, he chats w those young girls during office hours. some more he has to rush off at 5 sharp for class. end up i got to finish up his things if he's not around after 5.

21 mths, can drink normal neslac already. my son took neslac from 1 all the way till 5 yrs. tastes quite nice. why does maverick take nan HA?
gd morning ladies

wtan> thanks for ur info! $88 sound reasonable.

i tink malay massage all price go up. my sil last yr did $40 nia. recently my fren check same massage lady charge $50 liao...
hi everyone,

just wanted to update everyone that we are having a minnie. Both hubby and meg are so thrilled as both of them wanted a minnie. I am just thrilled that bb is growing well and the detail scanned showed that she is healthy and growth is on track.

Hubby has decided two names Cordelia-Jane or Emma-Jane. But Megan chose Emma-Jane. So we will go with Emma-Jane.

Another 18 wks to go....
Chillipadi-congrats on little minnie! how old is Megan? I also think Emma-Jane is nicer... I think Emma is one of the more popular names.. I know coz been searching baby names websites.. hehehe..
alibaba, yup~ the one i booked charges $50..

alibaba/pkum, yesterday went for dinner wit parents in law and went kiddy palace to look at the urban walker stroller.. father in law sponsored the stroller for our BB =D bought the aqua colour one.. cost $329.. it's e same function as lightweight comfort just that it's 2kg heavier and that it is more spacious (use up to 36mths BB)

good morning! hope u had a nice weekend


wah...young man trying to sian gals in the office ah? waste of time hor.. can u chase him and not do his stuff for him? how many more weeks to go b4 u ML? if really tired, can ask ur Gynae to give u some HL? coz ur condition is not juz 1 bb inside leh, u have 3!

hui, alibaba,

the rates are very good. Mine last year was $60 per hour and this year increased to $85!!! where to find $50 lobang?
Morning ladies

Hi kash, yes my hb is looking for job, there are many opening in Barclays on last sat straits times paper, so he just try his luck there. UK co. is much more stable lor, heard their bonus also higher then us co. hmm..how I wish I m in banking line too, but I’m not, otherwise I may earn more to support family..hehe

Baby cot:
I will definitely buy one as i'm easily got lower backache, so that I don’t always hv to bend down to help little one change her napkins. Any idea where to get? I heard kiddy palace promotion just over liao.

congrats! i agree that emma-jane sounds better. wow! how old is megan? she knows how to choose names liao? so smart
Yoga was ok. i like the idea that the class is small. only 5 of us that day max size for class is 8. i have signed up by the way.
Nw they are having a promo, for 20 classes just need to pay $480. Can mix and match yoga with pilates or fitball. Bt fitball is in the morning during weekdays. so for working moms not v possible.
I can’t find any meaning of jayden. But I hv friends call jayan meaning victorious people, they are smart and love but people too. Jovan, good too, esp the meaning

Blessed mum,
Where did u brought your avent sterilizer and warmer, the price looks great leh only $165…

Thanks for the contact, is Jing Zi Long Fengshui Centre very popular to name the baby?
baby23-Yeah I think Jing Zi Long is popular but I heard You Zi Long even more popular? Think the fee more ex?
hi mummies'

can i ask for Mamy poko newborn diapers, how many times can BB pee onto it before we have it changed..?

I heard some brands can pee 5 times before changing...
chillipadi: congrats. u have 18 weeks. i have 13 plus weeks but still so sian.

enne: i feel like but concerned tt i got no more job by the time my maternity leave starts. dr loh said i'm still quite ok, w all the anti-contraction medicines he's giving me so it's only my weak body tt cannot take it.

lovedogs: yah, young men v difficult to handle sometimes. overall he has good attitude but he is too sociable sometimes.
she is recommended by my cousin.. maybe u can contact her if u're interested. check out wat type of service she carry out etc. so far i have not booked her yet. haha..
alibaba-good morning..

re:massage lady
do avoid Siti, I had a bad experience with her when I used her, in the end terminate halfway.. haiz.. so need good recommendations this time round...

hui-Sadiah is good?
Morning all! Today quite alot of my colleag off so office very quiet hee..

Vel and owen, hope you feel better soon... Take care ok!

Hi kash, thks for the info on mummypoko. Will definitely call and get the free sample :p

Hi chillipadi, congrats on your little Minnie & that your detailed scan went well!
oh yah hui. u r in already. can i ask u, since your aunt works w dr zou, do u know whether we can take ginseng at this stage? i hate taking it but my MIL insists & she says good for the bb. can't remember the chinese name. she bot $300 worth so v wasted if don't take.

for mamypoko can wear longer. actually for NB, the problem is that they poo very often...so u change often mainly due to the pooing...




how young is that guy? his boss doesn't mind he goes ard chatting in the office? poor thing....hope he will be more "zhi tong" to do his own stuff. Do u have to OT? or can leave on the dot?

alibaba, hui,

thanks...but i just booked another lady recommended by an ex colleague. charging $60... i like the one i used last yr very much...too bad the rate of $85 is bo hua..


i was in a UK company twice in my working career... they move very very slowly.... hiaz... :p i got my cot from bb hyperstore last time...
glad gal: thanks.

aiyah, i just missed hui.

minkybear: thanks for your email. funny thing, i thot fifi said she was also sending to me but i didn't receive it.
Gd morning mummies.. Monday blues eh...

Enne, ya both Minkybear and I went for yoga.. i m surprised that even simple stretching exercises can cause my arms to ache. :p me so lousy!

Olwen, its just monday blues. cheer up! what did u get at Carrefour? bb stuff? have u made a trip to Baby Kingdom/ Hyperstore/ Cheong CHoon to get some stuff?

Re: cot mattress
Def would get a new mattress.. cos i feel when u wash it, u tend to introduce moisture.. no matter how u sun it, it is hard to remove 100% of it lor.. this allows fungus and dust mites to have a gd time in there!

Congrats Chillipadi on ur minnie!
aiyo..why he's like that one?why do u hv to "follow-up" on his work aft 5pm..like that wat time u knock off?can be v tiring leh..esp nw when u r expecting 3...oh dear..hope u dun overwork hor...actually do u hv intention to take extra time off aft giving birth ah?think hor u shd spend some time with them leh..since u cant decide to get a maid now, right?Mav was taking NAN HA 1 bcoz earlier he has some allergy when we started him on solids..then aft..i didnt switch..only continue with NAN HA 2..so till now lo..nw i try to put him on Gain IQ..he dun like..Neslac ah..is it sweet?coz i think NAN HA 2 is bitter so anything that's a little sweeter hor..he dun want to drink..he might find it weird la..headache leh..

duno leh..but seems like a few of us went to him from here la for our #1..keke..u can consider lo..
mornin ladies,
hope you all had a good weekend. went to robinsons to check out the breastpumps and have a little more idea of it now. wow, the Avent Isis electric one is $799! i didnt expect to be so ex..anyway, i mite get the manual one first and the extra bottles. looked at some sterilizers and the bottle warmer too. the warmer is quite small and already $50+, wow!

Re: confinement lady
can i check who is doing w/o a confinement lady? i am thinkin of not booking one and askin my parents to just help me with the preparation of confinement food and getting a part-time cleaner to help with chores. anyway i think its a lil too late for me to try to book a CL now.seems like most recommended one are booked!

what a nice blessing! hubby and i are waiting to make some of the big purchases to see if we can get some vouchers or something help with all the shopping.=P

congrats! i tink the name you and hubby have chosen is gorgeous. =>
Hi enne, kash,
Meg is 4 years old. She has been excited since she we told her that we are expecting. From day 1 she wanted a mei mei. we asked if it was a di di how, she told us to give him to my nephew. Her mind is so set that it's a mei mei so when we told her on Sat, she was so happy and went round telling everyone that baby's name is emma-jane.

base on what I have read so far, best is to buy new mattress and no wash or recycle 2nd hand mattress. Cos' you don't know if your baby will be allegic to it. Alos depending on how old the mattress is. If the mattress is more than 2 years old, best to buy new one cos' sometimes dust in the old mattress can give baby breathing problems. If it's relatively new, than use a very powerful vaccum cleaner like the rainbow (vaccum mattress brush) to vaccum it and than sun it under very hot sun... my 2 cents worth..

I have lightly used Medela Swing pump (used for only 1mth+) for sale. The pump come with Medela Cooler Carrier and 4 bottles. Pictures as attached.

Will provide receipt and warranty. Interested, Pls PM/ SMS me at 98397101


haru, yup... =) so sweet of him.. so now the only big purchase I have to think abt it the pumps etc.. I was looking at the Avents IQ single electric pump which cost $249 (can be used wit charger, battery, or manual) so it's like 2 sets in a purchase.. hmm~ Avents have this newborn set of diff bottles costing ard $40+ not sure worth anot..
Morning ladies!

Chillipadi,Congrats on your minnie!
I like the name Emma-Jane too. Is sound so nice.

which massage lady u used last yr? I used mdm Rokiah (Tink like tat spell).I like her very much and her rate increase to $85 too.
Hear alot of good feedback for mdn sadiah.Will wan to book her n try too.
i am not having a confinement lady. My mum will be helping me to cook the food and bathe the baby for the firs 2 wks. She will also teach my maid how to cook the confinement food so tht she don't have to come over after from 3rd wks onwards as she is also helping me to look after megan. I stay 5 mins from my mum so it's actually quite convenient. Also hubby will be taking 2 wks leave (if c-section) to help out. If normal delivery, he may take 1 wk leave.

For Megan, we had the same arrangement and Cecil took 2 wks leave as I had a c-section. I am praying hard for natural delivery tis time round but gynae says only 60% chance as I had an ectopic surgery last year as well.
lovedogs: he just turned 23. my "kai-zai". he doesn't go around chatting, the girls actually come to his place & chat w him! he's v nice boy & generally i was quite pleased w him till last week. hope he will notice my cross-ness this week! i used to make breakfast for him everyday but i'm withdrawing tt this week. hope the starvation will wake him up a bit.

generally, i go back at 6.30 cos of my pte bus but i think i will start going back earlier. too old & tired already.

Bear bear: yah, went to get a mattress for the last cot which doesn't have one. for those hand-me-down which came with mattress, i'm borrowing somebody's powerful rainbow vacuum to suck out the dirt & dust mites. alamak. one carrefour enough to drain all the energy from me. not to mention cheong choon.

wtan: cos if urgent, the account mgrs will come & look for the stuff after 5 & if he didn't finish it, i got to finish it up. haha, i don't dare to ask for extra leave after my maternity. remember i was teling minky bear & co how my boss even asked me to use some of my maternity leave for my HL? i'll be using 10 days of my own AL for my HL cos she so unhappy abt it.

yah, don't give Gain IQ. the sinseh specifically mentioned this brand. altho it's endorsed by the tcs ah jie, i think these medically trained ppl know more abt it lor. can u get advice from his paed how to mix the milk & switch him?
Massage lady
Alamat, I hv not engage one, am I too late to find one? anyone can provide me their contact? When is the right time to do massage if I’m going for c-section?
Jenn: yah, u v lucky. i just went to the sprees thread. your batch 2 stuff has arrived already! envy u leh. can't wait for my stuff to arrive. donno y, the sight of cute baby things makes me feel better.
Hi enne, izzit, do u went to You Zi Long to name your baby? Will appreciated if u could post their contact here too?

Kash, oic…I will go to baby hyperstore before GSS over, thanks.
hi minky bear, Bear> HOw was the yoga? sigh. i wanted to go but my cousin came from HK last min, i had to go fetch him. did u guys sign up? how's the instructor? did u enjoy it?
Morning everyone. I'm on MC today. Just came back from KK. Woke up with some cramps so decided to go there see the doc. I went to the 24 hrs clinic but once they realised that I was 22weeks+, they asked me go to delivery suite le. They checked my baby's heartbeat, whether I had contractions and oso see whether got dilation. All ok so they just ask me take a urine test then give me 2 days MC to rest. The MO say must drink more water and rest more.

When they were monitoring my baby's heartbeat and whether I have contractions, my girl so naughty. She kept punching at the probe there. Probably its abit cold so she dun like it. Lolx.

It depends on how old the mattress is and wad's the history (i.e. who used it). How much is a mattress huh?

Yah they sent me the card with a number to call to activate. I was comparing the 2 and realised the main differences are:
(1) For Plat Card, 2000 Robinsons dollars = $10 Robinsons voucher, 4800 R dollars = $30 R voucher. For old card, 2500 R dollars = $10 R voucher
(2) Annual fee for Plat Card is $120 but for old card is $60. Waived if you spend $5000 in a year for both cards.

No need to buy now. I bought early is coz I bought the car seat and shun bian buy the stroller so that I dun have to go again. The car seat was on promo and they had little stocks left. I was told that the local distributor oso no stock liao so I thought just buy lor.

I love the name Emma. If my hubby never insist on A, I think I would name my girl Emma lor. But hubby want the name to start with A so I'm still thinking.

I sent u the link wor... hmmm... is your email on the contact list correct?

I'm not getting CL coz I will be having a maid. I bought a book on confinement foods so that she can help me with that. I think my Mum will also take some leave to help me out if necessary.

Service so slow. I applied for a CC from them last Thurs. Supposed to be ready in 24 hrs. Up to now still haven get their call to confirm the application.
maggie, yes we sign up. not too bad some stretching n after tat the muscles will ache alittle if you havent been exercising.
instructor is a indian lady, she seem ok la. at least nt the pushy sort. anyway was our first lesson so i guess she didnt push us that hard.
Re: confinement lady
Hurry book if u can.. when i was looking for mine at 15 wks, most of the recommended ones have been taken! Minkybear shared that she might be getting from an agency may be she can share with u her experience. Minky, hope u dun mind me telling the rest.

Olwen, just go to places that are near to u lor. dun have to go all the places. running around these places also has a cost to it!

Re: vacuum cleaner on mattresses
Eh, i hate to be a wet blanket but becos i m a hypersensitive person, i donate my blood for lab experiments over here. the prof working on immunology mentioned that we shd never use vacuum cleaner on mattresses.. cos usually the dust mites like to burrow deep inside the mattress, avoid heat and sunlight. when u use a vacuum, the dust mites are brought right up to the surface so more contact with the person slping on the mattress. anyway its up to u lah...

Olwen, it really wasnt meant to be rude i mean i happen to knw cause i am wearing their underwear which is really comfortable.

I guess if Chillipadi and Megan is fixed on it i guess no harm ppl probably will call her Emma anyway
