(2008/11) November 2008

she's feeling paiseh she nottin to do at home yet not cooking meals, so its like doing a show for people to see and not to make her look so bad in front of people

bear, maybe your mil too slack at home liao until she dun feel like cooking ...
Lovedogs, i dun have a prob meeting earlier.. heehee.. but also must see if the buffet place opens early. i think they usually start at 6pm.. we can always start first.

Ooi ladies, if ur child and hb are coming along please indicate beside ur name hor. this is to facilitate the person that will be making the reservations.

Olwen, Jo, ya i think she has no knack of cooking. but if u are coop at home the whole day, don't u wanna do something? she doesn't do anything! last time during the hols i also buay tahan. would bake stuff to try. i really have no idea what she does at home!

Peanut, u just wake up ah.. i dun like the guilt trip.. next time when the bb comes she will say we force her to take care.. urgh!

Eh, u guys talking abt milk powder and it making ur kids more active? studies have shown that food dun really play a part in increasing activity levels in kids. U can watch this really gd set of episodes on the Truth abt Food by the BBC. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sn/humanbody/truthaboutfood/
haru, Jo
Been advised to get a CL as 1st mth is really tedious. Experienced & good ones can even advise on BF, totally caring the bb in the nites.

U leaving the maid alone with bb? Will u be thinking of installing a camera too? I'm still thinking of the best arrangment. Maid, bb & camera or Nanny but daily fetching & having to look after at nite. Haiz, can't have best of both worlds..

Baby Cots: Any comments on IKEA ones? Saw some that are able to convert from new born use till toddler at bout $229 if I remember.

Car Seats: Read that Britax is popular, any ideas too?
yah lor how come u understand me so much.. took half day leave cos cun wake up early morning wahahaa... then told MIL going for work but actually went back my mama house for lunch tsk tsk..
mummies, I wanna share something abt cord blood:

My hb's fren donated cord blood to "Singapore Cordblood Association" (nt too sure the name), a non-profit organization after she delivers. And she was somehow told that they purely stores the cordblood only and no testing was done. And if cordblood is needed to save patients, they will take one yr to do cordblood testing before the patient can use the donated cordblood. My hb was abit worrying .. not sure if *touchwood* one day if bb needs cordblood, are those private cordblood bank gg to take one yr to do testing before our own bb can use mummies' cordblood? Or since if our own bb requires the cordblood, no testing is required.
Bear-You "postpone" ur DS la.. kekeke

nikki-Actually won't nanny be better coz at least nanny is experienced in taking care of kids.. but a maid can at least help cover some housework la.. maybe if opt for nanny can find one near ur place?

my MIl did confinement for me for my first preg so I think this time round same lo.. I still feel more assured she is taking care of my kid rather than a stranger lo.. but I heard of good CLs though.
haha.. hanor. join us before u go pick ur boy up ^_^

u gals gg to meet so early? 6pm? if meeting tis friday i can meet earlier cos i'll be on MC for gynae appt. but next friday cant cos gotta work. hee.. can only reach orchard area around 6.45pm
I;ve went to a few condo open house during the weekends and really so exp lei.. love one we saw at balestier most.. 2 bedrooms jus nice for couple and a kid.. but cant afford lei the downpayment already need almost 50k cash.. after paying we'll eat grass liao -_- Keep daydreaming how nice it will be if we can leave our own life ther..

Initially we employ maid cos my mum say she can take care but need a maid. But now she not feeling good recently and says she dun wanna take care liao. But we already employed the maid le and she is quite okay with household chores and cooking, worked with us for 1 mth already. If go find baby sitter, will be a heavy burden for us ... bb stuffs, maid @ home and baby sitter. So we planned leave maid and bb at home alone but will want to install camera.
Enne, i def will give her allowance lah.. where got free lunch in the world one? but knowing her shd would rather not take the money and not take care of the bb if she dun feel like it. a bit cough only can dun take care for one whole wk!!! that's why my SIL quite piss with her cos she had to take so many days of no pay leave cos MIL say she cough lah/ flu lah..

Peanut, u lazy again ah.. heehee.. shiok ah. slp until the sun burn ur backside!

Jo, if u bank with private cordblood banks, then u will use back ur own bb's cordblood. i dun think any test is needed cos its ur own cordblood in the end wat. But for those public ones, since u donated it and anybody can use it, rigorous testing is needed to make sure the donor sample is not contaminated or habour any genetic diseases, hence a whole suite of testing is needed.
lovedogs: u r right lor. wahahaha, remember tt day i was saying my dad mentioned i shd get the shelford suites. today, one bank guarantee came in for vetting, customer is elevator contractor for this shelford suites. wonder whether they can help me get discounts, haha, fat hope.

can i ask those mummies who r due in the beginning of the month & maybe closer to me in size. do u feel your stomach is getting big enough now tt it's starting to rest on your thighs when u sit at work? cos i really feel like tt already lor.
hi Jenn and snowy,
oh, i didnt see that Avents IQ single electric pump.hmm..sounds like a pretty good deal.

thats nice of ur mum. we don't have a maid, and my parents are helping to look after my nephew too, so i dun want to stress them out to help me with e confinement if they cannot manage. been exploring confinement food catering too as an alternative. and prob get a part-time cleaner to help with chores.

sorry i have to give it a miss as my friend is getting married that day. =>

i am a lil ambitious in the sense that i am assuming i can manage by myself (even e daily laundry, feeding, etc) w/o a CL. i guess i will discuss with hubby and my mum if we would cater for the confinement meals instead. my sis also did not had a CL, instead her MIL just prepared meals with lotsa ginger and rice wine for first 2 weeks. and then the rest my sis DIY, so i reckon i should be able to manage too.=P
Enne, why must postpone my DS? i m doing it at my gynae's clinic! so u not working gd mah.. can bring ur son out along with us. isn't that better?

Alibaba, nvm i m sure Lovedogs will be still around at 6.45pm!
olwen-I think urs might be a exception coz u got x3 bbs inside thus naturally might expand faster?.. Hey just curious.. are u able to go for natural birth? or triplets need to go for c-sect?
i contemplated to geng MC one today.. but then decided not to again.. no lah never sleep until sun burn backside.. woke up 930am stil not too bad wat.. but went back my mama place jus going to leave for work then heavy downpour.. wah.. at that time really felt like taking full day..
Bear-I know.. juz kidding la.. keke.. hmm see how coz dun think bringing my boy go for the DS ler.. I might wanna cut my messy hair too(finally got the time) and its at Aljunied so need to see how.. u all gog anywhere else after dinner?..
bear, I agree .. if using own cordblood for own bb .. no need any testing. Initially, my hb heard too much from his fren until he regret signing up for the cordblood thingy. But I tried to tell him what I thought. Anyway, I'm the one who paid for the cordblood package loh.
nanny vs maid
i tink nanny oso heng sway one.. & bb have to attempt to nanny's living standard, hygiene etc. gotta bring bb thru & fro, And need to do our housechores. maid u gotta teach her from beginning to be up to ur standard.(cannot expect too much oso)
but recently i heard some feedback from my gf about her maid. who actually damn lazy. always wanna slp , leave her son to play & slp.. even her son complaint tat the maid beat & push him. now my gf is considering to change a maid anot.. wat if our new born cant talk & got abused! omg~ so poorting.. really cant have best of both worlds. cctv is a gd solution? how many camera do we need to install? cos she can hide somewhere tat is out of vision which is LPPL...
alibaba-best is to have ur own relative babysitting ur kid.. else being a SAHM is the best safest solution but of coz must see circumstances lo.. u gog to have a maid to look after ur kid? but to give the benefit of the doubt, there are some good maids who really take good care and dote on the kids.

Jo-Yeah take it as a form of insurance, anyway only 1 kid cordblood is needed rite? now for this 2nd one can donate liao.
Ya, but it's betta if we can get recommendations on Nanny near our place if we opt for one. But u noe, although maid can also do housework but also have maid problems.

It's betta to install camera so that u can watch fm office. It's really a huge burden now with everything price increasing..

I shall have to see whether my princess is difficult to handle on my 1st month before deciding on the alternatives..
hui: thanks!

peanut, Jo: wah, so evil. better not let Bear's MIL hear u say tt. sekali she forbid Bear to go out w u all.

lovedogs: i second the suggestion to start early. not so much cos i no work to do but i really get so tired by 6.

guru Bear: can u ask your own mum to look after instead? somehow i have phobia of MIL looking after now. own mother is always better.
cos i left my fish oil and iron pills in the office, whole weekend never eat already if today on MC then 1 more day without the med.
I went for Mt Alvernia hospital tour on Sat morning. Place not bad though. A couple brought two daughters along to attend the hospital tour. This elder daughter (abt 5yrs old) was asked by her mum not to knock on the nursery room glass window and she purposely going to do it but was stopped by her mum and when she stepped back, she stepped onto her dad's foot and he almost tripped and he called his daughter IDIOT.
Olwen - Mattress:
Where did you buy the mattress from? If $18.90 I think I may buy a new mattress for my baby too instead of using the old one from my aunt. Heehee.

Bear - Cramps:
Its not that bad lah. But I normaly have quite bad menstrual cramps last time so I'm particularly senstitive to cramps (so that I know its coming and prepare myself for the pain). I did not know its normal to have cramps when preggy so abit scared. I went to see doctor more to make sure that all is fine than because of pain. Heehee.

Olwen - Cramps:
The MO say just drink more water coz if urinal infection, water is good to help clear. If not, water oso good to prevent. And water also good to prevent dehydration. So generally, drink more water lor. We dun think is urinal infection coz I dun have any pain when urinating, no bleeding also. Everything ok except the cramps today. Since baby seems ok, and there is no contraction, best she can do for now is ask me to rest more and drink water lor. Lolx.

I never work very hard lah. Especially not in office. If tired, maybe is coz never sleep tat well or coz I was packing stuff in my hse over the weekend. Lolx. I think is the never sleep well coz since last week, my baby seems to have grown a lot suddenly and I keep feeling her punching me all day and night. As if she dun have enuff space in my womb like that. Then keep waking up in the middle of the night for no good reason.

Alibaba - Cord banking:
Stemcord store in 4 parts (so if need, use only the amt u need). Cordlife store in 1 part (so if need, use all). Stemcord store in 2 locations so if anything happen to 1 location, stil have the other). Cordlife only 1 location. I haven decided whether to bank anot yet. But if I bank, I may choose Stemcord coz that's the one my aunt used. And cordlife more ex for me by a few hundred.

Olwen - Genging:
They cannot terminate you after 5 mths right? Or issit 6 mths? Lolx. Anyway wad kash say is true. If they terminate u after ML, you can find another job then. You will be back to full working capability and your new company would not worry abt u getting preggy again coz its unlikely that you want more than 4 kids right? Lolx. Its before delivery that we worry abt. Not after taking paid ML. Furthermore, if they have to pay for your ML, I'm sure they wont terminate you. Instead, they will milk you for all your worth after your ML. So just ensure that you tarhan until you past the 5 or 6 mths mark, and make sure they have no non-preggy related reason to use against you.
no wor we not evil wor tsk tsk.. really wat.. she cook until so mian qiang then might as well dun do it.. really giv people an idea she jus doing for show only.
Peanut, hahaha i won't be like Enne, ask u to geng MC.. i m the type sick also will work one.. that time i was bleeding i also worked from home.. bleah..

Enne, dun think we will be gg anywhere aft that.. all the preggie ladies shd go home and slp! hhahaha.. try bringing ur son along lah..

Jo if sign up liao cannot back out right? so wat's the point of thinking abt it?? heehee.. anyway u are the one paying wat. :p
enne: yah, i really so fat now tt i need to walk sideways. or at least by the time i stop work, i probably will be.

at first when they scanned 2 water bags, i thot still can deliver naturally cos my first was natural. but when finally confirmed triplets, i gave up the idea cos dr loh is v v good at c-section & i dowan to risk anything happening to them. if deliver naturally, first one to come out will be safe but can't guarantee the next 2.

think u really like shelford suites? hahahaa...next time when u see ur dad, drop him BIG BIG hint :p


since there is a big group, i think we can all arrive at our convenient time...those early one can go earlier etc... its juz that i hate to stay in the office for too long....


what time can u reach there? i also think coz u r having triplets so u will definitely feeling "heavier" compared to the rest of us... hhmm... actually, is it good for u to walk ard too much?
hi peanut,
am sure one day you and hubby will be able to have your own dream home. =>

am looking around for carseat that can also be put onto stroller..heard that its more practical. but i guess that means the car seat can only be used as a stroller for a couple of months before the baby outgrows it and need a bigger stroller..
Bear-hao lo hao lo.. u r the 'angel'.. I am the 'devil'.. kekeke! ok I ask my HB how first. hee.

olwenlim-Better for u not to walk so much else strain ur tummy not good too.. its carrying 3 babies ler.. how much u put on now?
Enne, yup think 1 kid cordblood is needed only. Ermm .. what you mean "this 2nd one can donate liao"? I having 1st bb eh ...

Nikki, to install camera whole house should be ard 1.5-2k bah ... yah .. I agree to install camera so that I can watch from the office.

olwen, hopefully bear's mil doesn't go into Singapore Motherhood forum. hehe.
Jo-ohh. sorry sorry I meant for me la.. hehe.. u know hor Cordlife sent the wrong report to me u know.. they sent me another mummy/baby report... then my HB met up with that agent to pass back to her then they send us the correct one.. I feel its quite a careless mistake coz this kind of info is quite confidential lo.
cannot la.. i mus work.. stay home i duno can take it anot. becos need my cpf to pay off our housing loan oso...cos we itchy backside.. we brought a mansionette.. tat need both our CPF. though has rented out to get "extra income", we need the $$ to be save for renovation. hee.. also we have been paying off utilities bill for mil's house & her insurances.... another burden.. so getting maid would be more worth while. & in future if really move in to manisonette. maid can be at great help. cos the house chores will be super tedious. ha, if get a normal 4rm flat, being SAHM no much problem liao. haa..

i sometimes jus too lazy to take the supp.. haha.. occasionally from morn i drag til before slp than take...
U guys so funny.. tell u something, my MIL can't read Eng!! wahahaha.. but the bad thing is that my hb might spot check. Ya but Peanut is right. i nv force her to cook for me. my own mum cooks for me 2-3 times a wk, also nv hear her grumble.

Olwen, my mum works lah.. she super on working on... suppose to retire 3 yrs back but her frens all ask her to work for them. anyway my mum doesn't wanna take care. she already warned me not to bring to her to take care liao.. sigh..

Fifi, okok i see.. i also got bad cramps. i m trying to tell myself no blood means ok.. i do get crampy feelings at my womb, like now.. i try to distract myself!

Jo, u went for the hospital tour ah.. how was it? i prob won't go for it but dun mind hearing ur feedback.
bear, u r rite. I think cannot withdraw one. Think my hb jus giving himself extra to worry abt.

lovedogs, I dun remember cordlife lady told mi anything abt testing.

carseats: mummies, are there any baby carseat that can be used from newborn to toddler?
i know hw u feel la..job security is v impt to u..esp now..but also no point in stressing up urself so much & worry abt the job then made the 3 kids stressed up too..ok..maybe i shd call up Nestle to chk if i can get some samples on Neslac/Nan 3 from them..hee..thks..

whc hospital did u deliver ur #1?

u can awaz clarify ur doubts lo..but like i mentioned earlier..if due to genetic illness also cant use the stored cordblood...watever it is..dun wish to hear abt the using of cordblood too la..hee..so u gg to install a camera ah?

omg..better get ur gf to change the maid la..hw can beat the son w/o any reasons?then got report to ur gf bo?oh dear..i m also v worried abt maid looking aft babies..if i m really gg to get a maid..i m sure to install aleast 2-3 cctvs man..1 in living room, 1 in bedroom & last 1 in kitchen?keke..
at least u stil take it within the day wat.. i try to take fish oil and my iron pill everyday.. but the multivat.. aiyor.. sometime once every 3-4days lei cos i hate the taste.. might as well dun take..
Lovedogs, of cos they have to screen when they collect ur blood. if they find bacteria or fungus in the blood, it cannot be used liao. have u guys asked the cordbanks wat happens if the sample is contaminated? wat sort of compensation would they give u?

Jo, heard Britax is gd.. they have models for infant till 4 yrs old i think.

Olwen, why are u walking sideways like a crab??!!

bear, when my hb got nothing to do, he also goes to forums. Hopefully he doesnt come in though he knows I'm now active in Singapore Motherhood forum.
I went for TMC and Mt Alvernia hospital tour. 1) Carpark - Mt Alvernia better 2) Delivery Rooms - Mt Alvernia seems bigger 3) Wards - Almost same for the two hospitals (looking at renovated wards) 4) Price - Think TMC is slighter more ex. From start, we thought of gg Mt Alvernia liao. After our visit to TMC, we cfm that we would wanna go Mt Alvernia for delivery.
