(2008/11) November 2008

yoyosan, we same same. First time mum? Hb and I also thought everything jus buy Avent brand, no need think so much. hehe.

mummies, when I went TMC for DS last week ... this guy walking ard and gave me this brochure abt this expresso thing where the machine will sterilise all bottles and dispense correct proportion of formula milk and hot water into the milk bottle one. Cost $300+ i think. Looks good. But I already bought the Avent sterilizer so dun think will spend money to get that expresso machine.

Haru: so sweet of your boss wife!!!! my mum will be buying for me the cot...so i am happy i dun have to worry spending so much money too.
bladers, I'm not too sure if avent sterilier fit other brand of bottles. Lazy to ask ard so jus decided to get everything from Avent.
Problem with avent is that the parts you must used back avent...other teats like nuk and pigeon cannot fit avent and avent cannot put into pigeon sterilizer....
<font color="0000ff">wtan</font>
where r u staying now? i think it is alwys hard to make decisions whenever kids is concerned. despite u being a working mum, your boy is v sticky to u, can tell u put lots of quality time together..
helper shld be in tis 2 wks..

<font color="0000ff">jo</font>
i didn't really use much of bb cot except to put bb's stuff, hee! my boy's leg kena trapped when he tried to flip, ouch! actually playpen w raise platform is gd enuf.
Hi ladies, where do you store your breast pump and bottles after sterilising them? i heard from other threads they store the pumps in the fridge. wierd? and the bottles, they just leave it outside....is that how some of you store it?
yea. you and hb sama sama thinking as us. Just get everything same brand, at least avent quite easy to get anywhere. And they seem to also cover all the ranges.

Blessed mum:
hmm.. shdn't they be stored in the sterilizer after sterilising? the sterilizer can keep for about 8 hrs if dun open up. So i guess can just leave it inside bah. how does other mummies do it?

I sent an invite to some of you for a Huggies Promo. Can win 6 mths of supply. Hope you all dun mind the "spam"...
Ya ya, send me, I want to join. haha.

Your lady boss so nice, tell her what other items you are short off. hehe.
Each email refered earns me 2 extra chances for the promo. But only up to 5 slots. Instead of me sending to everyone, I limit to the 5 slots so that the rest of you can do some referral and get more chances. No point I send then wasted coz muz be unique. So those I sent to, pls pass it on for extra chances too...

I sent to Bear, Minkybear, Olwen, Alibaba and Hui.

For those that cannot wait, just register and join lor. Haha. Search huggies using google.


And for those who have older children, Motherhood magazine got a promo for pampers (but only the bigger sizes). Go to the webby and see.
then maybe i buy all Pigeon products, save the hassle of thinking which fits which..hehe...

fifi: how to go to the club what URL

Hi guys! only free now.. wat a crappy day.. so much shit at work. damn sian...

Lovedogs, actually if the source of raw stuff is not clean, then the chance of getting parasites is much higher. For raw fish, u risk the chance of getting flukes. Raw meat, u get flukes, tapeworms and hookworms. aft taking that module i nv ate raw stuff again. not even medium.. everything is well done. the photos my prof took was horrible!!

Fifi, thanks for the link! see who got the luck.

Re: steriliser
Avent has this rack thingy that might limit the amt of bottles u put in. i rem that pigeon's steriliser is bigger. do rem that u have to steriliser ur breast pumps too. Anyway i m prob getting Pigeon cos it cost half the price of Avent!

Re: Cot vs Playpen
I m getting a cot. i think playpens are a bit filmsy leh.. i prefer it to be more sturdy. there are some cots that can be converted into junior bed so most prob will be getting something like that. Somebody suggested using a mattress on the floor but i find that it puts the bb in close proximity to dust. also u need to bend up and down so might lead to backaches in the long run.
Wow, so many posting in a day...

Blessed mum,
I also saw the steriliser and the warmer just now at kiddy place. I think it is cheaper than other brands. I'm thinking of buy that too but is there any warranty?

Wow ur gynae is so good can give you HL. Mi also running out MC left 4 days only. I also hope that my gynae can give me HL the next time i visit him.

My hb also wanna get a fengshui master to name my boy. Can i have the feng shui master contacts, pls? Thanks.

I thought my hb is the only one that don wanna buy baby cot. Haha, we share the same fate. Just now when we went to kiddy place, saw the bath tub, he even wanted to buy the bath tub to use as bb bed. So dangerous. Stupid suggestion.

Lovedog, Lilian,
Hihi, i also stay very near to both of you. Along tampines ave 7 @ st 42. i think just 2 bus stops away.

So sian. Having piles, go toilet also difficult. Very painful and it start to bleed when i pu pu. I think i should eat more fruits. Anyone having piles also?

Yes, weekend is coming. My malaysia friend is driving me to jb to shop over the weekend. Hope to get some good buy over there especially with the good exchange rate now
fifi> got ur invitation! thks. but fill all the way.. end up got error message.. will try again then. hee..

wtan> u got bear email for the contact list? my email is in there. hee..
Hi there! Just to alert you all: Maternity Exchange @ Marina Square is having a fantastic deal every Saturday in July, starting tomorrow, 5 July!
- Additional 10% off their clearance sale items (which are already at up to 75% off!)
- 10% off regular priced maternity and nursing wear
- 1 extra credit with any rental package (It means you get to rent 1 more pc for free!)
It's a rare offer, do take advantage of it! Visit www.maternityexchange.sg for more details. See ya!
bibi: i tink has warranty so delay buying so maximise warranty period.

bear: ya, i saw a pic of a caucasian man who claimed he has suffering headaches and cant cure it, went to doc had a neuro scan and found out his brain all parasites (did a cross section of his head to open skull) the pic was horrifying, my HB always scold me for eating too much raw food, oysters and sashimi...actually what he says is true, not good..now 9 mths abstain from sashimi hopefully after tat wont like it as much
wtan: slowly does it lor. my son grew v fast in the first few years then i realise this year he has slowed down a bit. but let him continue to be active within safe limits. but the sinseh told me after age 2, can feed them the cheaper brands of milk like nespray &amp; dumex - things we ourselves grew up on. she said gain &amp; all those r over-fortified. may make them hyper &amp; sometimes bad tempered.

u r right abt one thing, shd feed less sugar. my mum hates sweets &amp; ribena. she says nothing but sugar &amp; empty calories. remember the childhood tv ad abt ribena "my mummy says it is good for me"? my mother says "ribena is bad for me"!

my MIL also said at puberty, can feed boys tien chi to make them grow taller. so not to worry.

fifi: thanks for the link.

Blessed Mum: so lucky! but i shdn't be too greedy becos i already got 1 free cot from my sis in law. i go check the email from fifi then i forward to u. PES is some other kind of plastic. not sure what it stands for but it is bpa-free. pigeon PES bottles r v expensive!

mummies: do u notice a lot of ads in this thread lately?

ok, time to go pay bills. see everybody on monday morning.
Bear, Bear: can add one more place. i checked out ocbc, there's 1 for 1 at triple 3. but up to maximum of 4 ppl (i.e. 2 free) per table. who has ocbc platinum card?
Dear Madams,



We are five students from Raffles Junior College who will be embarking on our Project Work.

As our Project is based on the modernization of cures for blood diseases, we hope to raise awareness and funds for public cord blood banking.

We understand the significance of cord blood stem cells in curing blood diseases. However, not many others do. Through this project, we hope to raise awareness among the public and pregnant women about the uses of cord blood: encourage mothers to donate their babies’ cord blood to public banks (SCBB) and increase the extent of positive impact that cord blood has brought to the curing of blood diseases. We also hope to give support to public cord blood banks by raising funds from the public.

ur boss's wife is so nice to be getting a bb cot for u..nice leh..

i m staying in tamp..ya..indeed v hard to make a decision..but alittle complicated for me bcoz #1 my mum is helping me to take care &amp; she stay in bedok but for #2 she cant &amp; dun want also..so i m thinking either we get a nanny near our place or if not let MIL who's also staying in Tamp (in fact few floor below us nia) to look aft..but i dun like q the idea of siblings being seperated or look aft by diff pple..no choice leh..i cant quit my job too as per mentioned earlier..i think why my boy is sticky to me is bcoz he knows there's a #2 coming to "snatch" me away from him lah..before i was preggy, he prefer to stick to daddy..lol..nice to hear that ur helper is coming in 2 wks times..u shd get her to get use to the environment &amp; also ur daily needs so that u can try to rest as much while she help u out too..hee..whc country is she frm?

ya..i agree with u on the bb cot..for us we felt that cot is gd bcoz later on we can convert it into a junior bed or day bed when the kids outgrow the cot..anyway...hubby always commented tat the cot is like white elephant collecting dust...lol..coz my boy sleep in sarong in the day &amp; night in bewtn us...lol...but for #2 we will train him to sleep in cot la..keke..

ya..take more fruits might help..tell Dr Koh abt it too..when's ur DS?i m seeing Dr Koh this coming 7th for my next appt..okok, i think i will PM u all for the contacts of the FengShui Master Jing at Aljunied..oh..bb will grow big one so cant sleep in bath tub for long too..hee..

i hvnt got the list from Bear yet..think she's trying to consolidate more contacts for us..nver mind, i will PM u, ok?

oic..thks for sharing ah..my boy is not on NAN HA 2..argh..i cant switch him out of the other FMs leh..he rather dun drink wor..lol..i think i will hv to slowly switch..NAN HA 2 v v ex leh..lol..ur mum is so understanding abt sweet stuff..my mum is not like that..she's even feeding my boy potato chips man..sigh..ya..i hv to try to control his sweet intake to prevent him from being more active coz during preggy with him, i everyday eat hotcakes till gynae was so shocked at one scan, bb grew so much that he ask me to go for Gestational Diabetics test..oh ya..at a stage where boy are growing can let them drink the soup to make them "grow taller"..i heard abt that..hee..
I am staying v near you
Blk 133,jus next to the big field!
I am going to enrol my gal into learning vision too.Just had a confirmation with them and be sending her in next yr Jan unless there is available slot at Oct.
LV is very popular ley.If u wanna cfm a slot,better act fast and register.
i hv just placed my spare parts order for Medela accessories via the overseas spree thread..hope they can fit in my PIS advanced purchased ard jul 06..coz it seems to me like there's some improved versions for the accessories (they keep indicating for pumps purchased aft Jul 06)..if u dun want to ship via VPost for ur PIS, then maybe u want to consider getting it via eBay...1 of my gf who just gave birth in May (she sold away her PIS purchased at the same period as me) bot her 08 version (lighter &amp; smaller) for ard $SGD360...cheers~
u all cant accept PM leh..aaa...nver mind la..do u want me to post the contact for the Fengshui Master for naming newborns here or email to u all?
Maggie, where were you? me n bear waited for you bt you did not come. we signed up for the class already. over all it is a v relax class. with lots of stretching. Actually katong mall is nt so ulu on a weekend la got lots of kids and ppl. maybe you think abt it and see if you want to join us the next lesson
by the way just wondering if you guys knw tat straits cafe and straits kitchen are two different places. one is located in hyatt, the other is in hotel rendezvous.:p
Hi all!

Hee seems like much lesser posts over the weekend! Anyway seems like I am not the only getting who hasnt gotten the major stuff..:p Alibaba, so you would be getting them nearing in Oct?
Anyway me had a talk with hubby and we concluded certain things should wait to ensure optimum usage and to stagger our purchases. So we would not be getting a stroller before delivery since we have noted that newborn bb don't usu use! Most parents use the slings rite to carry the newborn out? I felt that is more useful. Hee and we don't forsee we would bring bb out to far places at least for the 1st 1-2 mths. But for diapers, clothes, we probably would get enough to last us for the 1st 2 weeks when bb is born.
Cot still hoping, my sis in law can pass to us.

Just visited a friend's bb's '1 mth old' party yesterday. He is so cute! My friend was sharing she did breastfeeding and had to do it every 2 hrs. Gosh, so shiong. She is using Medela Mini Pump and has no problems with it.

Oh I finally felt kicks on Fri nite! So happy haa...and my hubby could feel it.
Had a short visit to the gynae on Sat and he reported that my DS results were normal, but alittle low on iron hmmmm so looks like I have to eat more red meat and liver!

And we also settled our confinement lady hee..I guess most of you have also booked? We got from PEM Confinement Agency, now just cross finger that can get along with the CL.

Hope everyone has a gd weekend!
Heehee... Never see, waited Yesterday and today baby Shane is so active! Thankfully, all is well!

Minkybear, thanks for concern... Muack!

Enjoy your weekend mummies!
hi mummies for 2nd hand baby cots with mattresses, do u wash the mattress? or buy a new one..? I am tinking of washing it but not sure whether the foam mattress can be washed??
selling PRELOVED Avent Digital Bath and Room Thermometers

This digital thermometer is a bright and cheerful way to keep baby safe and comfortable. It doubles up as a convenient way to monitor the temperature both in baby's room and bath. Ideal as young babies cannot control their own temperature and are more sensitive to hot water than an adult may be able to predict. It has also been designed and tested as a safe, fun bath toy.

email me: [email protected]

dear mummies-good morning.. MONDAY BLUES........ I went to see my gynae last friday evening dunno why my this little one so so shy.. legs still close tight tight.. can only wait till next week for DS to confirm gender liao... hee. how's everybody?

Auggy Bear-what happen to ya?? Shane is ur bb name?

Bear,Minkybear-u all went for yoga right, how was it.
Jing Zi Long Fengshui Centre
64A Geylang Rd, Lor 25A (Next to Aljunied MRT)
Tel: 6741 7377
just call him to provide the details then collect the report with the names selection abt 2 workings days later will do..$88..i think they also provide choosing of auspicious dates for c-sect (but diff charges la)..m thinking if i shd go on tat with them too..

wow..u so fast decided on the name liao ah..nice..Shane..v boyish leh..

i didnt wash for mattress leh..duno hw to sun it leh..maybe if u want, sun the mattress lo..then cover over with an additional piece of bedsheet cover la..make it more comfy for ur bb too..hee..

ah..u must be excited to look forward ur DS next wk ah coz u want to confirm if really #2 is a boy ah..hee..
Morning mummies...

Bibi, use bathtub as bb cot? haha ... ur hb really trying to save money loh ...

bladers, I would think that it would be better to get a new mattress for ur bb.

Think bb cot is still a good choice bed for baby.

wtan-YESH very very looking forward, how I wish time flies... haha.. HEY my first boy my MIL also went to Jin Zi Long to count the 'bi hua' but we chose the name ourselves so in the end change a chn char only.

Jo-morning too........
