Lian, so far so good. *cross fingers*
G also attending 3 hr kindy in morn, and 2 hrs pcf in afternoon. But my father is around to help fetch so that's why my mum focus mainly on J. And she is able to cook simple meals for dinner
She prepares when J is sleeping.
But it gets noisy when G comes home from school, he always clamour for attention as well.
But at night and weekends, then quite tiring with 2 kids..
G also attending 3 hr kindy in morn, and 2 hrs pcf in afternoon. But my father is around to help fetch so that's why my mum focus mainly on J. And she is able to cook simple meals for dinner
But it gets noisy when G comes home from school, he always clamour for attention as well.
But at night and weekends, then quite tiring with 2 kids..