(2008/10) Oct 2008

<font color="aa00aa">I feel that it is very difficult to take care of my gal. She only knows how to cry and cry the whole day. She doesnt like to sleep or nap. Everyone around her is affected. My boy cannot sleep well cos each time when he is trying to sleep, she would either cry non-stop for no reasons or play on her musical table. Carry her she also cries. She struggles a lot when I carry her. I cant even close for eyes for 1 min. So angry with her!!!</font>

<font color="#C24641"> mousebb
can understand how u feel. Erin are like this also. she wans me to stay in the room with her all the times. now is Gracia that giving lotsa problem. she can cry n cry like nobody business. n coz of that, Erin woke up n cry also.. den i attend to Erin first. but too late. Erin is angry n cranky. but i only hve 1 pair of hand. i cnt handle 2 crying BB at the same time.
okie, thanks. i will try calling them

oh no! this must be tough on you as well... i am very tired on saturdays and sundays as i babysit rebekah and she is getting very active as well and sometimes fussy too!
<font color="aa00aa">rebecca
Same lor! Wenxuan is also giving me problems. Both of them want my attention but I only have 1 pair of hands. When I bath wenmin first, wenxuan will cry until very cham! When I feed Wenxuan first, wenmin will cry until the whole house is going to collapse! Am very tired lah! </font>
I know what u mean.. haiz.. being a mother really got so many worries.. u got 3 somemore.. even harder on u..

is she teething?? or too hot weather??

She's an aunt.. she speaks chinese one.. I tried to call before.. and she got stocks at time and sometimes need to order..
<font color="aa00aa">Jelly
Nowadays I let the 2 of them play together and sometimes I just dont care and let them do whatever they want as long as they dont bully each other cos I have no energy le. </font>
<font color="aa00aa">Tweety
She is teething. I on the air-con for her le but she still cry wor! Just dont understand how come she has so much energy to scream and cry the whole day! Am wonder how come her mouth is not tired meh! </font>
<font color="#C24641"> mousebb
know i how i shower my 2 gals. put the 2 of them into tha BB bath tub. shower together!!! bo bian..

what to do? i choose to keep them, den i must look aft n take good care of them.
<font color="aa00aa">rebecca
Haha! The 2 gals must have lots of fun when they take their shower together.</font>
mommies... am very tired as well... rebby still wakes up for milk at nite and she takes over my bed space, turning and tossing... my whole body aching as well
<font color="#C24641"> mousebb
ya.. both of them having lotsa fun. but my clothes are wet!!!

*hugz* Erin also..
<font color="aa00aa">Jelly
How many times did rebby wake up every night? Have you increased her milk intake? Maybe she needs more milk now. </font>
i increase leh but hor, she is notti... she will have her last feed at say between 8-11pm and will still wake up once and at most twice to drink her milk again... i dun mind waking up but these days, i am just too tired leh
maybe her gum in pain?? Varner will cry also even when drinking milk wor..

me too.. so tired.. Bb will wake up for water and milk..
<font color="aa00aa">Jelly
These days wenmin also has her last feed at around 6-8pm and then she would go sleep at around 10pm w/o milk. Tried to feed her but she refused to drink and would fuss alot. My hubby would feed her before he go to bed at around 12-1am so that she would not wake up in the middle of the night to drink. Maybe you can give rebby 1 more feed before you sleep so that she can sleep longer before she wake up to drink again?</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Tweety
If her gum pain and she can still cry the whole day, then I really must peifu her le! Haha! Anyway, I have standby teething gel liao. Thanks for reminding me! </font>
hahaha.. then I really don know liao.. Me cant really handle my boy too.. good thing got nanny.. but she's gg back soon when I'm on leave.. haiz..
<font color="0000ff">jelly, tweety,
sigh...me 3! nat also still wake up for her milk &amp; pacifer
<font color="0000ff">mousebb,
i also armed with the teething gel, gng to put the teether into the fridge later when i get home...scary teething period

looks like my nat is gng to have 2 at 1 go leh (@_0)'' any other bbs have more than 1 too?</font>
She will come back again after 2-3weeks.. since I will be on 2-3 weeks leave.. so will get my mum here to help so that I can go driving lor..
My boy's still waking up in the middle of the night too...not once but up to 5 times over the weekend...was so relieved when he only woke up twice last night else I'm going to collapse! Fri-Sun was terrible...he woke up almost every hour from 12mn-5pm...
<font color="aa00aa">Tweety
Then not too bad lah. You just tong for 2-3 weeks and you also have you mum to help you. Dont worry
My boy having 2 at 1 go twice! 1st time was his lower teeth and now his upper teeth...applied teething gel but no use leh...
<font color="0000ff">elch,
yah, i also heard need to apply quite a bit more for the teething gel to b effective

y your son suddenly wake up every hr? don't tell me it coz of teething (@_o)''</font>
I believe it's teething and also hope it's teething...at least I know it'll be over soon...if not due to teething and it's because of his habit, I'll die flat! Haha...
jelly, tweety, jjmom..me 4! my boy has broken his habit of no milk from 11pm to 5am...now back to new born habits..every 3 hr feed...and somemore will eheheh for pacificer...i have been hopping out of bed more than sleeping on it!
halloo hallo..just wanted to say hi...haven't been coming in ..so busy with baby..sigh..so tired leh..
my girl has been waking up before 7am also...
her top 2 teeth are coming out already..so that makes 4 teeth...
anyway 3 more days to last day of work...YAY....
Marcus is still bo gay at 8mth 1 day. Sigh...

I can see the white white on his lower and upper gums. But all still have not broken thru the gums. U think all 4 will appear at the same time?? Scary.
hi mummies,

i'm new to this thread.
lately i'm having difficulties when giving solid to my son. wonder if anyone can help/advise?
hi mummies,

i'm new to this thread.
lately i'm having difficulties when giving solid to my son. wonder if anyone can help/advise?
<font color="0000ff">XY,

gd mah, no need to have teeth yet lei since they r not having solid yet, no need to take care (^_^)b

i rather she grow more hair 1st

wah...4 at 1 go! I don't even dare to think abt it...scary!</font>
hi mummies .. i have been a slient reader of Oct thread and i share the same journey as some of you mummies. Our darlings keep waking up in the middle of the nights when they have been sleeping through .. very shag and tired and totally in need of beauty sleep ..

hi XY ...
my son oso bo gay .. he just turn 8mths today .. born early in end sept instead of his Oct EDD .. hehe ..
2 teeth are 70-80% out and the other 2 just about 10% out...each time I latch him I got a phobia of getting bitten!
Gathering gathering gathering
Think I'm going to have to give this Thursday gathering a miss
. Although my girl is on the highway to recovery, she's not reached her destination yet and I want to nip the damn virus in the butt, and not allow it to spread to other cutie babies.

BM dipping
Hmm, my girl is not having as many wet nappies as she usually did. I don't know if it's because of my dipping BM (I sure hope not!). Or hopefully, it's because she's ill and needs more water than usual.
Octopus baby
Anyone having one? I have. I would be sitting at the sofa, surfing the net while the baby beside me, playing by herself. 5-10 minutes later, I would feel or see the tentacles oustretched, reaching for me. Sigh, very tiring. I thought we could sit side by side, enjoying each other's company while doing our own things.

Got my retrobanz! So cute! Thanks!


Am thinking of starting bb on that this week... Who else already started?

Tweety, jelly

What is gmarket? I also get from this aunty. Wonder where she gets from... Malaysia?

This thurs

Karen we'll miss u! But u r right, best to keep Jo home till she's totally well. XY, do join us! Other mums welcome too. So far got purple, pildough, mint, mints friend and nicky.
130pm at swensens plaza sing k?
<font color="0000ff">Reb,
cool down, pls don't fight infront of your kids, not healthy 4 them

Don't let Gracia knnows tat daddy &amp; mommy fight bcoz of her hor

I know it can b tough (my DH also) but try to reason with him bah =P</font>
hiya mommies

Busy day at work today. Only logging in nw.

yelly, tweety, jjmom, vanillapod -- me 5! Also waking every nite now at 3am for a full milk feed even though she takes 4 other full milk feeds in the day + 1 fruit puree for breakfast (in addition to milk), 1 lunch cereal, and 1 real porridge for dinner! I wonder why.

XY - Good to have you back! Hope you had a great time! It's gd Marcus still bogay .. cos you dun want bitten nipples. Ouch big time! But .. I worry all 4 will appear at the same time ;( It will be poor Marcus and poor mommy....

Teething - I was just talking to HB abt not being able to rem how painful teething was when we were babies... and he laughed at me ..

phtanus - I will also get boxed by mommies here. Also losing weight even though am eating like a pig. It is scary ... I try to drink a glass of milk daily + eat 1 rich cake + drink Yomeishu and eat all the nutitious things. It does help keep the weight in check...

dimpletot - This is Vic's 2nd week on real brown rice porridge. Last week was chicken &amp; spinach. This week is fish &amp; spinach.

Pears - What type of pears are good for pureeing? I keep seeing the Chinese pears and was thinking they are a bit liang for bb? Then I see the green ang mo types, and think they aint sweet enuff n rather hard ... need to steam a long while to soften....

Rebecca - what happened? Gracia could be exhibiting her terrible twos? Dun la ... she's only a child ya?
Sayang mommy.

Sean Lau shoot - who's going next? Show us yr pics!!
<font color="#C24641"> Joanne
he pampered Gracia too much. n it leads her to throw tantrum as n when she like. she's like a spoiled child!! n she her nonsense can last for hours!! i cnt take it anymore!! she was like this when my hubby went overseas training n it last for days. aft that, she's use to the way i handle her. but once hubby is back, she's back to her old-self. throwing tantrum as n when she like. i'm sick n tired of this family. told him that he should try to avoid all those overseas training or in camp training. but he dun listen to me. told him that if he continue to be like this, i'll bring my Nick n Erin with me back to my mother's place!! i'll left Gracia with him! either he bring her along with him to overseas n out field training. or i will leave him for sure!! hve been tolerate him for yrs!!! he nvr try to understand me! nvr try to understand how stressful looking aft 3 kids! HE WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND!!!!!!</font>

Buy the ang mo pears. Leave it alone for a few days. They will turn soft. Can also steam to make them softer. That's what I use anyway.

MISS YOU!!! Gifts lei??
