(2008/10) Oct 2008

Morning mummies...

Just back from the clinic, I'm down with flu and on mc for 2 days...going to be on the mask whenever I'm near my boy...don't want him to catch the bug...

Had the flu vaccine yesterday and down with flu almost straightafter! Ironic!

<font color="#C24641"> Morning mummies
still nt in good mood. coz quarrel with hubby since mon. feel like left this home.

i'm those kind who dun like to hve favouritism. but my hubby love it. u can say i'm bian tai or watever. once i know u love that thing too much. den i will destroy it! n mark my words. since he always say i'm a crazy woman.. den fine! so be it! i'll prove to him what is the REAL meaning of CRAZY WOMAN!!!

ya. i got this 2 gems is enuf! Gracia is just an extra!

maybe he nt use to it leh.. unlike mine! can tolerate Gracia stupid nonsense! last time my hubby also the same. aiya.. still one thing.. regret of commit into marriage coz of responsibility!

take care mummy!!


Don't vent your anger on yourself and Gracia...cool down...both of you are innocent...don't say Gracia is extra la...very sad to read that...
<font color="0000ff">purple,
is it? how much she selling? So far ok leh, i find the extra support at the waist is gd for me.

&amp; the support at bb's bottom also quite gd &amp; there r extra paddings at the legs area so the cloth is not 'cutting' into her legs.

there is also a string to tie up the carrier &amp; a matching bag plus a FOC diaper bag.

overall i think it's value for the price lah
btw we paid $89, don't kena carrot head hor...heehee</font>
<font color="#C24641"> mummies
seriously, i start to dislike Gracia. guess all of her nonsenses n spoiled child like behaviour. it feel painful to hate ur own child. but i cnt be help. dun wish to take Gracia as a revenge victims. i voice out to hubby all my feeling n thinking. but still my words fall on deaf ears. feel so miserable. y cnt he understand me? y cnt he try to put himself in my shoe? sometimes he is so sweet that i feel that i'm the world most happiness wife. sometimes he can make me feel like ending my life. feeling so sad n down now... how i wish i can simply just gve up everything.
<font color="#C24641"> eLcH
it breaks my heart too. just imagine i'm ther mother n type out all this tellin gu all Gracia is an.. e...x..t..r..a... just imagine i'm crying m typing at the same time...
<font color="0077aa">Reb
*hugs* plz dun dislike yr Gracia, she is also yr gem. try to relax yrself, music can help?
or talk to someone, talk out u ll feel better

i bought at ntuc

re ; men
last nite also have cold war with my hb while having dinner. he is very funnie de loh..
just so small thg he took it so seriuosly &amp; can get angry. mil cook the small egg in soup then it hurt my mouth as too hot. then he scold me loh ask me drink water. i just told him 'dun need, alrdy hurt my mouth liao. its too late' he use the hand to compare with mouth. if we burn our hand we ll quickly use cold water to cool it -_- i just cant argue bk de loh.. i only said this is mouth not hand then he angry liao wat the hell
<font color="0000ff">reb,
aiyoh...u hor, 这里说这里算就好啦. Must not really treat Gracia like tat hor, it's never her fault de, cannot take it out on her lei, she only a baby. Don't involve her into your argument lah, like tat she vy poor thing

don't regret your marriage, it juz need working out *hugz hugz*</font>
<font color="#C24641"> bbgoh
i did talk it out.. i did tell him. but no use.

that sickening gal starts her nonsense again! if she wakes my Erin up, she get it frm me!! i'm goin to go crazy soon!!! having such a ill bred gal!</font>
<font color="0077aa">Reb
talk to someone u feel can be yr best listener. talk out yr every anger abt yr hb. please dun vent it to Gracia. She is innocent, she dunno everythg
Rebecca, pls don't say so abt Gracia. I knw u r feeling upset over your hb behaviour but the kid is innocent. *hugz* Is this the "cold war season"? i'm too having cold war with hb..sigh

Dun be like that. I'm sure u dun hate Gracia. U just hate the situation and the way she is behaving. The fact that u are crying means that Gracia also mean alot to u.

Middle child tend to have more tantrums. I was reading about the middle child sydrome. Coz the 1st born is always pampered coz he;s the first. The last one coz she's the baby. The middle one is often ignored. So they will do things to attract attention to themselves.
The middle or second born child or children often have the sense of not belonging. They fight to receive attention from parents and others because they feel many times they are being ignored or dubbed off as being the same as another sibling. Being in the middle a child can feel insecure. The middle child often lacks drive and looks for direction from the first born child. Sometimes a middle child feels out of place because they are not over achievers and like to go with the flow of things.

Being a middle child would mean they are loners. They really don’t like to latch on to a person in a relationship, there fore they have trouble keeping one due to lack of interest. Not liking to take the limelight for anything, they are not over achievers and just simply work enough work to get by, and typically that goes with school as well as a career. They are however very artistic and creative. If forced to use abilities they will work well, but do not work well under pressure. They often start several projects but rarely keep focused long enough to finish a project. The best career move for a middle child would be along the lines of using their creative. Going into a writing or journalism career, and into a career that they could freely express themselves would be good. Anything that would have hours that are flexible, and projects that frequently changed would be good for a middle born child. Since relationships are not of high importance to a middle child, often times they are alone. However, the best possible match for a middle child would be a last born.

Go google on Middle CHild Sydrome. Can read up on them.
<font color="#C24641"> JJmom, bbgoh, everafter, XY
i know she is innocent. all my 3 kids means alot to me.. i can gve up my life for the sake of them.. i'm willing to do anything for the sake of them..

he got lotsa attention. i even gve her more attention den Nick.. now Nick den is the loner. he din even wanna tell me when he fall sick. coz he see that i attend to my 2 gals too much..

Everything XY posted. I can hear the distress in your words. Seriously and my heart goes out to you. Motherhood is so so so hard, and you are three times that. But yah, it's a cycle. Gracia is not getting enough attention from you, the mother. So she uses the way that works for her to get your attention - to misbehave. The angrier you are at her, the more tantrums she will throw. Why not do opposite? Ignore her when she throws tantrums, and when she is quiet and good, praise her and hug her. Shows her the kind of behaviour you want from her. Children are smart. She will get the message eventually.
hi mummies,
seems like mummies here don't have a good time with hb...
me too oso... issit a season thingy? or just in the guys? more n more dun understand the guys... just getting more insensitive as days go by

can i ask any mummies here know abt "zao(4) mi(1) fen(3)" (Powered Brown rice mixed with some chinese herbs)? What are actually the chinese herbs mixed? and the purpose of having "zao mi fen"?

dun have that negative tot in your mind. (i understand it sometimes can't be help) but try ways to vent out your unhappiness...
if u need to cry out loud, have a good cry and follow by a sleep... or
talk to some1 u're comfortable with... or
vent it out here... (we'll be ur listening 'eye')
<font color="#C24641"> Karen
i ignore her.. n she nvr stop. coz if hubby is ard, he will ask me to sayang her so that she can quiet down. sometimes i does that coz Erin is sleeping. as i dun wan Erin to get hurt or wake up in her sleeps. coz Gracia will go ard jumping n kicking while throwing tantrums. if i dun attend to her, hubby will. he cnt bear to see his BAO BEI cry so bitterly.. as for me, firm type. dun expect me to gve in when u'r in the wrong or misbehave.
Once Nic gets well, you can join us for outings and when we can, we can shower some attention on Gracia. She will love it. Then you can promise her she can get more of such outings if she is a good girl. I can go pick you up if you have problems travelling
Just continue with the 'ignore bad behaviour and reward good behaviour'. Have to sacrifice the other two for a while. Takes time for her to get the message but she will if you are consistent. It's the Terrible 2, isn't it?
<font color="#C24641"> Karen
aiyo.. nvm la.. dun wan to trouble u la.. some more we'r staying so far away.. u SK/PG. i'm at semb.</font>
<font color="#C24641"> Karen
she's just 19mths old.. still got 5 mths more to go leh. or maybe gals tend to get mature at young age?! haha!!!</font>
<font color="0000ff">purple,
then give the lobang to XY bah, she drooling over the thread liao...hahaha

XY, or u buy from me lah, i go get the zen 1 =P

i also regret not taking the zen print which is jelly's</font>
Haha... ya lor.

Agree with Karen.
Next time, bring Gracia out with us lah.
We can meet at more centralised areas. Anyway, SG is sooo small. Keke...
reb, no worries at all...
i do share your phlight as i do have that -ve tot at times.
even had a big talk with my hb but he just doesn't seem to understand the problem... (though he claims he does)
i've kinna given up on my r/ship with him... more of like strangers sharing the same bed.

my focus now is more to my gal n trying to meet up frens more often.

do you/can you get help to look after ur kids for a day or so so you can relax n pamper yourself?
<font color="aa00aa">rebecca
I can understand your situation cos mine is similar too. Gracia and wenxuan are both at this stage when they tend to be very mischievous and create nonsenses to attract our attention. Like what I said, they are just trying their lucks. I guess what we can do is to give them more time but we cannot compromise. Altho I kept saying wenxuan is my all-time favourite, but I'm not favouritism cos I know by doing it, the other one would get hurt.</font>
morning mummies!
came across this site for bb slings... very tempted to order one but still finding out from her the price and how much is the shipping costs. http://heartcrafts.multiply.com/photos/album/7/Slings

your nick is so sweet and he is such a good brother to your 2 gals. maybe your hubby keeps forgetting that he is doting too much on gracia that's why she is becoming spoiled. sometimes when you love someone too much, you tend to do that without realizing it. i myself am like that. i tend to spoil my nephews and nieces.. even my dog. that's why i have to constantly remind myself not to spoil rianne. maybe you can list down the things that your hubby is doing that spoils gracia and tell him that he can still dote on her but not too much.
<font color="ff0000">Hello Mommies!!!

Seems like many of the mommies are having problems with hubby. Hugz!!! I still think communication is really the key.... maybe can try a different way of voicing your grievances? Most guys will turn off once they know we talk in a confrontational or lecturing manner. Thank god Tim is a very hands on dad so most nights he will bathe skylar after I fed her then i will put her to sleep. Can try working as a team.... I know it's hard cos not all hubby will want to but i always believe to bring up nice happy children, the hubby and wife needs to be close and united.

Child Accidents
By the way, any of your babies have any accidents yet? Skylar fell out of bed on Sunday, now has one big bruise on her forehead, luckily didn't hurt anywhere else. Sighs, she is crawling and she was so fast.... i just put her down on our bed then turn to get a handkerchief from her cupboard, turn back she is already on the floor screaming her eyes out. Think there's gonna be alot more accidents like this now that she is mobile.


Our darlings are very active now. Exploring. Cannot leave them alone, not even for 1 sec.
Normally, i'll dump Marcus in his cot if i need to get something or go to the loo. Bed is just too dangerous.

I bought the si shen fen. But haven't tried yet.
Singapore has first case of H1N1:

Singapore confirms first case of H1N1
Posted: 27 May 2009 1033 hrs
Tan Tock Seng Hospital

Special Report

• Flu Outbreak

SINGAPORE: Singapore has confirmed its first case of Influenza A (H1N1).

The patient is currently being treated at the Communicable Disease Centre at Tan Tock Seng Hospital (TTSH) and is in stable condition.

The patient is a 22-year-old Singaporean woman who was in New York from May 14-24. She arrived back in Singapore from New York on SQ25 on 26 May at 6.30am. She was seated at Row 55.

She began to develop a cough while onboard. She passed the thermal scanner uneventfully as she did not have fever then.

Later in the morning, she consulted a GP who decided to send her to TTSH via a 993 ambulance, given her travel history.

She was immediately admitted for testing. Laboratory confirmation of her infection was made by midnight of 26 May.

The patient has been vigilant in monitoring her own condition and had sought immediate medical attention once she realized that she was unwell.

Her attending GP, through his quick response in activating the 993 ambulance for the patient, had also helped to minimize the spread of infection from this case.

The Health Ministry says it has initiated contact tracing of her close contacts. They will be quarantined and provided with antiviral prophylaxis.

Passengers who had travelled in the same flight and were seated in rows 52 to 58 are urged to call the hotline at 1800-333 9999 to enable the MOH to check on their health condition.

The MOH adds that all medical practitioners and healthcare institutions should continue to be vigilant to suspect cases.

Singapore will continue with temperature screening for passengers entering Singapore at all checkpoints (land, sea and air).

All passengers passing through or entering Singapore are given Health Alert Notices on board their flights, advising them to monitor their own health if they have been to affected areas and to seek medical attention immediately if they are not well.

Singaporeans are reminded to maintain high standards of personal hygiene. This means covering your nose and mouth with a tissue when you sneeze or cough, and washing your hand frequently with soap and water, especially after contact with respiratory secretions, for example, after sneezing and coughing.

Everyone also needs to be socially responsible. This means staying home and avoiding crowded places (including trains, buses, offices), putting on a surgical mask and seeing a doctor if you have flu symptoms.

MOH advises those who travelled to affected areas to closely monitor their health and seek treatment as soon as possible should they develop symptoms.

Members of the public are also advised to exercise caution over travel to affected areas.

In the event that travel is unavoidable, the public is advised to take precautionary measures such as avoiding crowded areas and maintaining high standards of personal hygiene at all times.

However, if you are unwell with fever and cough but have no travel history to affected areas, you are also advised to see a doctor and stay at home.

MOH is monitoring the situation closely and will update the public should there be any new developments.

For more information on Influenza A (H1N1-2009), you can access MOH's website at www.moh.gov.sg, call MOH's hotline at 1800-333 9999, or visit www.flu.gov.sg.

- CNA/ir


Alternatively, http://in.reuters.com/article/governmentFilingsNews/idINSGC00115820090527.
haha... but dun noe when is the next BP by lhp leh...

XY, the lady PM me direct... if you want I pass the contact to you. hmm... tot you have a connecta liao? keke

<font color="0077aa">linlin
my gal start solid with brown rice with shi shen powder for abt 2mth then now on porridge.
i bought the moon rabbit brand de. heard the shi shen is only to increase appetiate.
