(2008/10) Oct 2008

Purple, do u use the regular barley pearls?

Bbgoh, has Seline recovered? U must be tired from taking care of her.... Hang in there.

Rebecca, better take your Nicholas to the doc. Seems like the virus is jumping from one kid to your next. Get it cured once and for all?

<font color="aa00aa">Mummies, do you find your ss reducing? Mine has been reducing everyday. Am trying to tong until wenmin is 1 yr old but looking at this situation, I may have to stop soon. I dont know is it bcos my body is tired or what
I don really nap de leh.. and hor, when he nap i also need to do housework or cooking leh..

ya lor.. he has been like that recently.. so sianz...
<font color="#C24641"> mousebb

WA!!! u still wanna 'tong' until WM is 1yr old. i'm trying hard to wean Erin. coz she bite me!! vry vry painful lor..

WOW!!! miss u so much!!! >.<

busy bee
he's ok now. just that he look tired n pale.
So... what did i miss?

Read that Nic is sick ah... poor thing. U better try to keep ur kids away from each other. Else, they take turn fall sick, then u very cham.
<font color="#C24641"> XY
too late. all fall sick together.. n continuous. Erin start, den 2days ltr, Nick n Gracia start together.
I have an opened pack of Huggies Dry L size. 48 pcs left. You want?

Welcome back. Missed you so much... heehee! Glad that you had a great trip.

Holiday, holiday, when can I go for my holiday?
<font color="0077aa">mousebb &amp; busybee
Seline recovered le.. back to IFC yst

icic u din bring him to Doc?
my cousin's son also on fever hit 39 &amp; got diare then they bring him to KKH

u r back
glad tat u enjoy yr trip

yah i agreed. when at hom i also hard to get nap. when she sleep i have to do washing or prepare her foods everythg or rush to take shower
my hb is the one who accompany her sleep -_-
<font color="#C24641"> bbgoh
fever drop liao.. den aft fever drop den diarrhea. den now al stop liao.. is he look tired now.. he slp frm 12 until now leh.. nvr wake up at all leh.. i din feed him any med. coz fever drop. some more he refuse to eat. so i din feed him med.
Tell hubby travelling with baby is not that scary. Keke... go book the next flight and go! Keke...

BTW, any gathering coming up? Pildough's swim date still on?
<font color="#C24641"> XY
nah.. hubby i dun care abt him.. YTD had a big fight with him. now on cold war.
as for me, Nick &amp; Erin are my everything!! i will take good care of myself for the sake of them!!
Ya, ya, ya, mine also reducing, maybe too tired. I also trying to tong til my Monsaac turn 1-year old, see how lo. My case is easier i guess, coz I only need to feed 1 mouth, hee...Jiayou for all mommies who still Bf-ing!

Btw mommies, wanna to check with u all, are u all still loosing weight? Mine is a bit too much lay, i lose 1kg within 2 weeks lay although I ate like a pig everyday! I know many of mommies may want to box me, but i really dun want to loose anymore weight liao, how huh? My mum said I too slim until look like a maid now
, but how to control? My fren asked me to see doc to see if something wrong with me?! Diaoz!

Welcome back! Glad u enjoy the trip! So #2 on the way le? hee...
Wahha.... Pressies,
Let me see, 2 huge bags of dirty clothings. Anyone wanna help me wash them. Wahaha...

Lotsa photos. Will find time to edit and post on FB. U all can drool at the scenery and food. Keke...
Really ah? Aiyah, but my hubby kiasi leh... say got swine flu, etc etc. By the time I convince him, I'll be too tired to go anywhere. Already having a hard time convincing him to bring Regina to a pool.

We're meeting on Thurs at Plaza Sing.
<font color="aa00aa">Phtanus
Maybe you are too tired liao that's why you are loosing so much weight. My weight lost is quite slow. </font>
Thursday. Hmm...
Let me see if i can pull an MC. Time?

Swine Flu
But ur hubby went to USA!!! Alamak... anyway, i think this whole swine thingy is over rated.

Ya lah, it's actually overrated. Ok, I shall go research on where's nice to go and baby friendly... Heehee!
<font color="#C24641"> Phtanus
me me!! same as u. now my wt is just 50kg. n i took the wt just aft i hve a seoul garden meal with hubby n frens.

alot of my frens say i vry thin. no more slim.

aiya.. told him that i prefer him to stay at home with me. dun go to those out-field training. coz Gracia is vry attach to him. coz he pampered her too much. she can make a big fuss out of a small matter n the daddy will go n sayang n pat her. telling her to behave n cannot be like this.. so sweet to her. as for me. sry lor.. wrong means wrong. dun come n bullshit n gve me all sorts of nonsense. den hubby go n volunteer to help out in the out-field training!! so fed up with him n told him to bring his bao bei into the camp n hve out-field training with her!!!</font>
<font color="#C24641"> mint
cannot cannot!! ltr he spread the virus to u!! keke.. =P

now my hubby kan cheong liao.. coz i just SMSed him that Nick fall asleep frm 12noon until now. din wake up at all. den eat one slice of bread only. the only time he wake up coz Gracia snatch blanket frm him. </font>
I got lesson today.. But it's raining here.. convenience for u to meet at mrt??

I hope i can lose weight.. everyone said i getting fatter.. sad..

why he volunteer? cannot too pampered. just like my mil too, also veri pamper Ashton.. beat him she will say why beat him... so sometime dun like to bring him to her house
<font color="#C24641"> Chris
dunno him la.. guess he love the grass patch n tress more den us lor..

nope. din feed him any med. coz he din eat food. dun dare to gve. scare will harm his stomach.

i did. he dun wan to eat. sit there n cry. make me fed up n heartache.
Maybe you wake him up to drink some hot milk and eat a slice of bread.

Rain here stopped liao. Sms me. Is $10 ok for you?
Dun like that lah... Gracia is not well also. Every kid has different ways of coping when they are not well.
<font color="#C24641"> mint
he dun wan. i prepare for him. he sit there n cry.

aiya.. that Gracia. now stop liao.. see. told u liao.. she got a kind of illness de.. sot sot de.. now she watchin TV ma.. den once the show finish, she will continue with her 'big fuss'!! n all this thanks to my hubby!

i wish i can. i staying with in-laws leh..
poor nick.. U also poor thing.. handle 3 kids is not easy at all!!

I bought per pack $14 normally for huggies.. can cheaper abit?? LOL..

<font color="#C24641"> Tweety
i dun mind all this 'xin ku'. as long as i teach them the right value n they follow the correct path. I'll be vry vry pleased.
