(2008/10) Oct 2008

<font color="#C24641"> Tweety
ya i know.. but din contact her yet. coz dun hve a cfm ans for her ma.. dun wan to keep her waiting ma..

<font color="#C24641"> Tweety &amp; mousebb
i can be vry vry vry vry patients. also can be vry vry vry vry vry vry quick tempered. </font>
<font color="aa00aa">rebecca
I told my hubby he cannot interfere when I "discipline" the kids. The moment he see the boy runs to him with open arms, his heart melted liao and would give in to his nonsense. I dont mind to be that bad guy cos I know my kids will still be close to me since I'm the one taking care of them most of the time.</font>
<font color="#C24641"> Chris
haha... ya.. u dunno meh.. our family like dramatic de.. LOL!!!

my hubby dun care de.. just that once i touch his bao bei.. his face will turn black n gve me one kind of att. i dun like it! u know, being a SAHM, we need to e the bad n good guy too. we cnt be good buy forever. like wat jelly had mention. 'spare the rod spoil the child'</font>
wah.. like that no good leh.. U 2 "pien xin" wor...

I heard pearl powder can be given when bb got block nose or running nose, not sure abt cough though..maybe u can ask ard??
<font color="#C24641"> Tweety
at first i nt bias de. is coz of him den i become bias. ask him help me look aft my 3 kids.. he say no.. he only look aft Gracia. open n close mouth always.. 'Gracia is my bao bei.. I sayang Gracia. papa love u.' SICKENING!!! n know wat, Nick's told me that papa sayang Gracia most! upon hearing this, it breaks my heart!!!
<font color="0000ff">Reb,
aiyoh...y like tat. Must let him know tat Nick is hurt by his 'pian xin' leh. No gd for all the kids including his bao bei Gracia too
<font color="#C24641"> JJmom
told him many many times liao.. but still the same.. even my WHOLE church member also know that Gracia is his bao bei.. even my senior pastor also know it lo.. tho my church is nt a big church la.. but at least got few hundreds members la.. they all know it lor. so u can see how obvious he sayang n pampered Gracia!!!

i told Nick that papa also sayang u. but coz u boy boy.. papa dun like to always sayang u like mei mei. coz mei mei is gal gal. gal gal like ppl to be gentle. den i told him, u boy boy ma.. boy boy must act like boy. cannot be like gal. den he say.. orh~. den i told him.. nvm la.. got mummy sayang u enuf lor... de he say.. OK!!</font>
<font color="#C24641"> Tweety
got a period of time he ok liao. nt that bias liao.. but aft he come back frm overseas training. pattern come back again..
<font color="aa00aa">These few days my gal eat very little solid food. Sometimes she only finished 0.5tbs rice cereals nia. Think could be the hot weather which affects her appetite bah.</font>
<font color="#C24641"> mousebb
at least ur gal eat 0.5tbs. Erin simply just dun wan..
waste my energy to prepare for her..
<font color="aa00aa">rebecca
In order not to have too much wastage, I only prepared 1tbs cereal + 1tbs puree/fruit juice for her. Am thinking to give her some porridge from next week onwards. At least one meal porridge and one meal cereal...</font>
<font color="#C24641"> mousebb
ic.. my gal is nt ready for porridge. feed her like i'm goin to poison her like that...
<font color="#C24641"> mummies
i dunno my Nick is ok ant leh.. just reach home.. he fall asleep. last time he wasn't like this...
hubby out-field training.. nobody help me look aft kids.
<font color="#C24641"> Jelly
hope so. i know he will. as God is the healer. but to practice this act, it's quite hard. mayb i hve a little faith.

i really vry worried abt him. he no longer a chatterbox.
dun worry too much for him, try and translate your worry to prayer... even if you have faith of a mustard seed, God can hear ur prayer and will be moved to heal nicholas!
<font color="0000ff">Reb,
have u bring Nick to the doc? Is his fever gone? Mayb the med is making him tired? *pat pat*</font>
<font color="0000ff">teething :
i vy scare...nat's 2 front teeth coming out anytime now. She is a little fussy last nite, i so worried tat she will feel pain...heartache
<font color="#C24641"> JJmom
bring him to doc twice. he recover liao.. no fever. just that he keep complaining to me he vry tired.
afternoon mummies!!
I'm so kiasu go and buy milk powder again since got offer and gg to end soon..

that contact is from gmarket meh?? I got mine from her too..

Nick will be ok.. don worry too much..
hi mummies!

hugz... nick will be ok!! i didnt know he was sick until i read the msgs now... have not been able to catch up with the archives... u stay strong ya!
Hi Mommies,

Apologies to barge in.

I have stopped breastfeeding.

Selling my BNIB Boots breastmilk storage bags at $12.50 (40 pre-sterilised bags in @ pack)

Collection at Punggol or Alexandra
im ok.. just stressed n tired due to lack of sleep... even if im v tired.. i cant fall asleep when i get into bed... think my mind is still working... this results in v little sleep for me.... sigh...

how abt u?
<font color="#C24641"> forest
haha... thanks for concern.

u take care wor~ u sound vry vry stress leh..

guess most of the mummies are busy lor.. that's y..
i cnt go in to my restaurant city lor.. sianz..
barley water ok for bb?? give as plain water??

oh dear.. u got to take care.. I'm also draining soon.. Varner teething so hardly got good sleep lor..
<font color="0077aa">hi mummies

how is everyone?

wat happen to Nick? hope he get well soon

u goin to on leave then can have plenty of nap le :p

<font color="#C24641"> bbgoh
Nick fall sick lor.. high fever. den sun n mon got diarrhea. but now stop liao. den he look so pale n tired. worried for him.

Me Back! Ytd whole day sleeping. Keke...
Trip was ok, shopping is tiring, food was great.

Marcus behaved very well on the flight. But we only manage to get the bassinet on the flight to HK. Not the return as too many babies. And our seat was too far away from the bessinet. So had to cradle Marcus while he snoozed away.
