(2008/10) Oct 2008

<font color="#C24641"> JJmom
he's in camp now. we quarrel thru SMS! i cnt take it anymore. i called him n let him listen to her gal's nonsense.

she start her nonsense since 8pm+</font>

i see.. take deep breaths and try to cool down. i guess huuby like that cause it's your first girl. it is definitely very stressful taking care of 3 kids. especially at this age. maybe you could try to video how gracia is when he is not around and show it to him so that he'll understand how hard it is for you. *hugz*
<font color="#C24641"> Karen
haha... what ur maid do? having a maid is another problem at home too!!!

nope. he wont. he will sweet talk to his precious gal. den aft that. case close! he will nvr try to encourage or tell me how much he apreciate me. seriously, i find that all my effort is gone to drain. ='(</font>
<font color="0000ff">Reb,
cool down 1st, u must understand tat it's not Gracia's fault tat she is a spoiled gal then. Mayb also bcoz she at the terrible 2 stage lah

mayb today is a bad day, had an 1 way fight with my DH this morning too.

So angry tat I couldn't sleep from 3am till 5am. &amp; it's coz he spoiled our dog!!!

&amp; always leave the gate open even thou i reminded &amp; stressed on the impt &amp; allow him to go inside our gal's room. Ended up he pee at the mattress, waste $ to throw away the quite new sea horse mattress, heartache the $$$</font>
karen - re pears ok.

rebecca - hey, it's definitely not easy raising 3 kids all on yr own
I am sure yr hb appreciates you; just that he doesnt say or action that he does. He knows he can rely on you to bring up his kids right?

Kids tantrums - This brings to mind about training one's child, discipline, disciplinarian and naughty corners. Anyone thot about this yet? Very soon they will become independent beings and from 1yo onwards, will want to exhibit this 'scary' yet exciting trait. I've thot of having a naughty corner but need to research more on how to execute it. Daddy will likely be the nice guy, and mommy - well... the not so nice one.
<font color="0000ff">XY,
saw u, your DH &amp; marcus when i went to pick up nat juz now
din call u coz in a hurry.

wee...wee...looking refreshingly gd after a romantic get away huh?
think i got to join Karen... keep bb at home... she dun seem to be recovering fast... as at now, she is still having running nose &amp; rashes on the face... see liao so heartache. going to miss another gathering... haiz...
Purpleangel, Everafter and Mona, Sent out price quotations to you gals. Will be loading pics to my site tonight. Will send update once done.

Real porridge...
Minibee gagged and threw up a little when i let her try the real chicken porridge i made for her today. Sigh... 1.5 hours of slow cook all wasted.
Think I will try again next week when she her appetite is better and not feeling so lousy from the heat.

Ruffles, I think chinese pair is too liang for babies? Ang mo pair, let it ripen then steam, it will be mega sweet.

I bought a round mat from Ikea in bright orange to be used as the TIME OUT spot. I plan to implement Time Out for the tantrums.
Ruffles, I am already the bad cop now... Daddy is her BUDDY! So I guess the roles are fixed.

Mint, I just remembered u asked abt SJ stuff too? So sorry, my bad I have been really behind on queries. Which items are u keen on? You can see range from my site. www.thebusybee-store.blogspot.com
I'll try to make it. All baby girls again. Hehe...

I also have octopus Marcus. He's new found hobby is tearing papers, magazines. So i just throw him those adver booklets and he'll have loads of fun pretending to read then flip the pages and start tearing them up. Then EAT!
I am very particular about dogs and baby's things and I told her that before. After my fungal infection, I told her and told her and told her (4-5 times) not to put my panties to hang with the baby's clothings. I just don't want the fungus to spread (why take that risk) to her clothings. Today, I saw it side by side again! Since I was so tired, and sick (I got a fever last night; thankfully disappeared this morning), I really shouted at her. Hubs thought that if I really made her angry, she would one day throw down Jo or the dogs if I was not watching. That's how our fight escalated. I told him to put himself in my position. After so many reminders and tired from lack of sleep, looking after ill Jo, and recuperating myself, how can I be patient?! Sigh, don't want to talk about it anymore.
Keke... u saw us. We went fr a stroll to punggol plaza. Keke...

Want to help me with my dirty laundry? Wahaha...

Gave them to Marcus on Mother's Day. He's ok with it. He prefers fish. Gave him chicken and pork, but he dun really like. So all the porridge is with fish. Fish and carrots, fish and spinach, fish and sweet potato etc.
bb sick - it's flu season again... so all have to be more careful not bring bb to crowded places ... yikes.. GSS starts this Thurs!!!! How??!!

busybee - re porridge ... soon soon she will be opening her tiny mouth asking for more! The terrible weather cld have played a big part in her not wanting more. Orange mat - so cute u busybee! So fast minibee buddy w daddy.

xy / Dimpletot - Mine grabs my spectacles and EATS tissue paper. God.
<font color="#C24641"> JJmom
i dun care. told him nt to pamper her. since he dun care. i also dun care. he love to pamper her.. den i'll torture her! so what if she is my own flesh n blood! let her cry n let Nick n Erin bully her! if he dare to do anytin to my 2 kids! i'll make him pay for it!

i only wan my 2 kids. i dun wan 3.i dun hve the patients n energy n free time to see Gracia's talented drama. if he appreciate what i do for him, y din he reward me? i dun expect him to buy me roses or bring me to a super high class hotel for dinner or get me lotsa diamond rings or necklace or bracelet. just a simple word like.. 'i know u spend alot of time n energy on the 3 kids.' something like this. or a simple 'i love u'. sad to say. aft married to him for 5yr, he stop telling 'i love u'
seriously i feel vry vry sad.
Hmm, the disparity! Anyway, you're just angry that's why you said all that. I'm sure you love Gracia as much as the others. Who knows. She may be the one who loves you the most when they all grow up
<font color="#C24641"> Karen
aiyo... words fall on deaf ears. change her lor.. if nt u will hve high blood pressure. *hugz*</font>
What if the new one is just as bad? I'm sure my husband will blame me for changing. Ha, I pointed that to him just now and he said it's something in the future, how can I predict that. I said that I know him for so long, of course I know what he would say la. Nevermind la. I just go to my mum's place often, then I don't have to face her.
Rebecca - Hugs. Thot of having coupletime with hb and leaving kiddos with someone? They say having kids changes the dynamics of a married life and I totally agree. It eithers becomes better or goes down hill all the way.

XY - Mine got thrown onto the floor a no. of times leow. I need new specs now.

Me too loggin off too. Good nite moms
<font color="aa00aa">reb,
ok lah, juz vent your anger here with us. M sure u don't do tat to your Gracia, juz saying 'qi hua' *pat pat*

it's juz men lah, they r like tat de. Actually m sure he knows deep down, he cannot do without u de. Mayb tat's y he vy 'fang xin' to go out field mah...</font>
<font color="#C24641"> Karen
haha.. go ur mother house relax ba..

haiz.. i dunno... really feel tired.

he is nt good ar words but action? s simple hug is more den a thousands words.
<font color="aa00aa">Karen,
y don't u juz have diff hanging rods for bb Jo's clothes.

I have a hanging stand juz for sunning all nat's stuff only.</font>
Can't really afford ah. Our washing yard is so small. With her diapers, not much space left. Plus the clothes rods are too near each other. The hangers will bang onto each other.
<font color="#C24641"> JJmom
haha.. i can be nice. but also nasty too. there's a period of time, i keep telling hubby that how i wish i only hve Nick.. if nt.. Nick n Erin also nt bad. but for sure nt with Gracia.</font>
Good morning mommies!

Weather looks like it's gonna rain! Hope it washes all the humidity away.

Gonna rush my work and go off for a nice spa this afternoon! It's Pamper-Me day for me!
morn momsies...

gonna be the whole day of likely fruitless meetings... rather stay at office and work!

what happened? eh, wanna go for mini album class at laine's papetrie?
Good Morning Mummies!!

I bought the green pear (ang mo pear??) then wait for it to ripe or turn soft before steam.. This one supposed to be sweet..

What type of apple is sweet huh?? I bought fuji seems not sweet...

Y so pissed off early in the morning??

so shiok to go spa.. keke..

don be sad.. U got precious Nick and Erin mah..
<font color="aa00aa">rebecca
Dont be angry with your hubby lah. He sayang gracia a lot mah. My hubby also angry with me when I disciplined wenxuan and scolded me for beating him. I told him if you are so scared that I will "ill-treat" your son, then pls bring your son to work with you! Haha!</font>
Good Morning Mummies!

Ruffles! I would be all chirpy if it was my PAMPER ME day too!! Hahahaha.... ENJOY!!!

Tweety , I bot the organic Fuji apples. SUPER SWEET!

Chris, Cheer up....
thanks mummies,

angry with hubby.. he said i keep showing the tired face to him.. realli so tired meh!! then i told him u wan to try to take care of yr son alone.. he say dun compare... he simply dun understand that the fact i am also working and for the past 2 week i did not have a good rest at all... last nite told him i go to bath, ask him to listen for Ashton crying.. then when i am bathing, heard ashton cry and he did not come, shouted for him and after i come out show me a black face.. so damn pissed off..
<font color="0077aa">morning mummies
tdy weather not bad

u may try organic royal or fuji, its really sweet &amp; not really ex lah
<font color="0000ff">chris,
*pat pat* seems like our men r stepping on our toes these days...argh</font>
busybee &amp; bbgoh,
Where u bought the organic apple?? NTUC??

*hugs*.. I realy don understand our men.. so unsensetive.. haiz..
<font color="0000ff">Jelly,
this friday nite on u
coz my DH working late AGAIN
so me &amp; nat will b @ home with the dog...sianzzz
