(2008/10) Oct 2008

Guess I was juz unlucky.

I keep asking myself, do I really need her? and the answer is no.
1. she doesn't go marketing
2. she doesn't do housework
3. she doesn't look after my gal
4. she doesn't even cook proper confinement food

(Im really particular, I need good food + min. rest for this period)

Sigh sigh.
<font color="aa00aa">Good morning mummies
morn all!

I still have 8 or 10kg to lose too. Tummy flabby too.

How many capsule of fenugreek to take daily? Friend said 6 daily, 2 after meal. But 2daily as indicated in the bottle. Advise
<font color="aa00aa">lili
I only take 2 capsules daily, as indicated on the instruction. Dont want to over rely on fenugreek too much.</font>
<font color="0000ff">Morning All

My PD was advising me if the baby does vomit his milk out, the best thing is to turn the bb to his side and burp him on the back. Instead of burping him in the normal position.

For baby with jaundice, my mum has been bathing my boy with the "liu huang" for several days alrd and it helps!! Now his condition has significantly improve! So mummies u might want to give it a try

<font color="0000ff">Phtanus,

Hope u are doing great now, dun stressed yrself too much ya, since I fell sick I oso noticed a decrease in my EBM but my DH said dun stressed myself over it juz take it easy!


Am sure u can do it, juz remember to rest when the kids are sleeping to get some energy back!
Oic. I just took 2 capsule.
That time my massage lady gave me fenugreek seed to boil water but after CL comment something, dare not try
<font color="#5E5A80"> Morn Mummies!!
how is your day today? i'm so tired that i over slept again. so today my Nicholas din go sch again. urgh!!!

i'm takin 4caps of fenugreek + 4caps of fish oil.
coz i really need alot of BF for all my 3 kids. thou my #1 and #2 is nt on TBF but at least let them mixed with their FM. coz i wanna increase their immue system. esp my #1. coz bad ezcema. and i heard that BF can help to improve the condition.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">lili
Your princess looks so sweet!
We also brought the same rocker for wenxuan but he doesnt like it and now wenmin is using it. On same nights, she would sleep on the rocker.

Wow! 4 capsules of fish oil! I only take 1 capsule everyday. Same for me. I also add some bm to my boy's fm to improve his immune system. </font>
Morning Mummies,

Anyone still not gotten their infant car seat? I got a Peg Perego Primo Viaggio for sale, is Brand New, bought for MIL's car but she refuse to drive with baby!

Model: Primo Viaggio SIP
Color: Exactly as shown in picture
Specs: European Safety Standards, 5 Pt Harness, With Sun Canopy
Bought $412, Sell $312
Pasir Ris/ Tampines
medela PIS shields - u can buy the shields from Moms &amp; Babes at United Square. They have different sizes. i'm using the 36mm size shields. the normal ones that comes with the breast pump doesn't fit me.
<font face="tahoma"> good morning ladies

i have PM you.

my CL is leaving tomorrow... going to be on my own very soon, abit apprehensive!
hi gals,

We just received 750 in the bank under bb bonus. Supposed to be 4000 right? Any idea if its supposed to be lump sum or phased? Thanks!
bb bonus are given in amount of 750 over a period. It will given in 4 phase which I have recieved for my first child.so it will be 3K only. So, we are not entitled to 4K, izzit?

Did you try to use the 'ru yi you' on the baby's tummy and backside?

My 3rd nephew used to have a hard tummy when he was an infant and my sister and my parents thought that he got wind in his stomach and kept changing his milk powder. Until they went to see a doc and he told them there's no wind. It's just that the baby is like that.

Mummies who are using medela,

Looks like the breast shields they pack for their pumps are not 'standard' enough. My nipples also get sore from the frequent rubbing and friction with the shields. Unfortunately I have to bear with it becos my husband won't go and get bigger ones for me.

I'm just wondering if any mummies experience the same thing as I do. I always feel very exhausted and weak after expressing the breastmilk. For the first few days that I expressed, I even felt giddy. Is that normal?
hi all mums! so sorry hardly log in. how u all manage the baby and still can come in so often?? i so very tired haha sleep every chance i get, which is hardly at all! baby always feeding or trying to sleep. its so hard to get baby to sleep! carry and rock her sing to her. once put her down, she cry le! how u all do it? now bz with prepare 1st month this sunday

i oso looking for milk bags. decided cannot do full latch every time. too tiring le! pls pm me price n num of bags?

enya>> how many bags inside? ty
Hi rains,

CL got use 'ru yi you' on bb's tum tum. But seems like he is still not comfortable. And he always will still throw out his milk like merlion. After a while, he will want milk again.

We tried burping him, sometimes he burped at least once then we sit him for a while before putting him down. The moment we put him down, he will throw out again leh.
quick question. i bought a bottle of fenugreek from nature's farm at 500mg. description saz 1 tab/day. can we take more? my milk ss is dwindling... sigh ...
my ger does the same and PD saz she is perfectly fine and she is gaining weight. so now, i just let her throw up but she asks for milk constantly due to that. i hv to feed her almost like 1-2hours every time.
<font color="#5E5A80"> Almond, Jelly,
i'm facing the same prob too. my gal will keep vomittin until i oso dunno wat to do. sometimes she will throw out just like merlion. but my family doc told me it's not good for BB to throw out like dis. if the vomittin is too serious, might need to see a specialist. but recently hve been takin her weight. din decrease but increase. i oso called down to KKH and ask them, the nurses told me that if the vomittin is bad, we can bring our BB to A&amp;E and ask the receptionist whr should we go if we wan to see a specialist doc.</font>

I need some advise here...my baby at 3wks old drank a lot! I wonder if its normal or am i overfeeding him?

This morning he drank 80ml of EBM, 30 mins later, he drank another 40ml FM. Then he refused to sleep, and make noise. I've changed his wet diaper, and still refused to sleep, and kept moving his mouth around. Then CL fed him another 40ml. Total intake is 160ml!!

Is it normal? The amount tat he's taking reali scares me off!
Hi Enya,
Have email you.. Thanks.

Hi juz Us,
I also have problems with carrying bb. He seems not to like me to carry him. I just cun pacify him when he crys, the moment CL carrys him, he stop! Haiz...
<font color="#5E5A80"> Mummies,

i heard that some BF mum are taking fenugreek and milk thistle together.
and it works well for them.
wanna ask hve anyone here try the same method?</font>
Hi vanilla,

My boy (2 weeks old) morning feed is 100ml every 3 hrs and he will sleep after that, but during night time he is very alert and will always move his mouth and search for milk. He is drinking 100ml then 40ml then less then 1 hr time he is crying for milk again. Me too scare I overfeed him.
hi mummies

i m counting down for full mth coming this sunday

my girl seem like sleep whole day. after feed just continue to sleep then sometime i must wake her up for feeding &amp; bathing. is it normal? she only ll cry when poo poo &amp; hungry

is it normal for all NB like tat but she is almost 1mth old liao ler
<font color="#5E5A80"> bbgoh,
dun worry. it's normal. they will be more alert in the day whn they are abt 3 mths old.
<font color="0000ff">Lili,

what did your CL said abt the fenugreek seed for boiling with water? side effects?</font>
Mummies who have vomitting babies,

I remember my 1st kid was like that: constantly vomitting like merlion, but my parents would feed her milk after that to replenish the milk intake. I'm not sure if it's due to her narrower airway then as later on, she's diagnosed to have asthma. I was worried but didn't take her to the doc as the docs said that it's ok as long as she was still active after throwing up.


It's normal for NB to sleep and drink milk thro out. 1 month old is still NB leh. You should really count your blessings now. A few months down the road and she'll be pestering you to entertain her. You'll wish she's back to her NB stage.

Re: Baby's appetite

I feel that as long as the baby is feeding or taking in milk, we don't have to worry. They are not goldfish la. I don't think the issue of overfeeding applies. I haven't heard of fatal cases as a result of overfeeding. What we should worry over is when the baby doesn't want to drink milk.
hi vanilla, jess

i am oso not sure how much to feed my baby. I scared to overfeed him! Hes a big drinker oso! my mum keeps complaining that if baby wans, just let him drink, but i scared thats not too good...

any mummies can advise?

from the fm can information that i gather, baby feed ard 120ml 5 times a day, thats abt 600ml on a 24 hr basis. but my baby (3 weeks 2 days old) is already drinking up to 800plus ml a day! *peng*
<font color="#5E5A80">rains,
but my family doc told me the reason to cause BB keep vomittin is coz the end of the stomach or the intestine is narrow. and if the vomittin is too bad or serious, might need to hve a surgery to open it up. for this case. BB usually throw out like a merlion most of the time.

another reason is,
aft each feed, the stomach is full wif wind. so whn we burp our BBs, they will tend to throw out lil bit.

one more reason,
aft the feed, the stomach muscle contracts. so the BB will throw out lor...</font>

i think ur baby is a darling to sleep so well!

I hope my baby will learn from ur baby girl! haha

2day i carry him until i got no time to even express my milk and go toilet, tummy reallie pain until i cant tahan, throw him on the bed n let him cry.
cat possibly bring him into the toilet n do business. haha
my baby has been having reflux - milk coming out after feeding.. seems like vomitting. I took him to an Osteopath who help massage him. And after 2 visits he's much better. he burps better, an doesn't have the milk reflux problems.

I am looking after my boy all by myself, quite stressful as no one to help and no one to talk to.

From our thread, a lot of the mummies had CL, MIL or Mum to help them, so good.
Hello mummies...

Woooo past few days been so tring lah...
With those latching and pumping sessions and bonding with bb etc, it's been so tiring yet enriching!! ;p
My bb Kaelyn is bout 1wk+ old now... Things gng on well cos got a nice and experienced CL ard....Hopefully to learn more from her b4 she leave...

Hope everyone here is coping well!! *Jiayou*

Enya- Hey mummy, u be ordering from Drugstore and LovedBaby? Cos thinking of getting more Desitin cream and a nursing shawl!
Do pm me or email me at: [email protected] if u are ordering ok! Thxs! =)
i' looking after my bb myself now too...
try to rest when bb rest... i'm trying but vy alert... when i want to rest, bb already awake.. hahha

went to PD last evening cos' bb scalp have red patches, kind of worry. so PD given us lotion to apply, today seems better ... and also cream for nappy cream.
I have checked w PD, the 6in1 jab cost $113 per jab.. is it expensive?

Btw, i have finished all the supplement during pregnancy, still need to take?
what fruits can we (BF) mummies eat now? i've been eating apple daily.... until vy tired... haha

the rocker is a gift from hubby's friend.


its good that ur cl is gone! shes not much of a help at all! bully u oni...

u must take care n jia you okie?
drink more chix essence!
