(2008/10) Oct 2008

<font color="ff0000">Hi everyone,

Are any of your babies having rashes on the face?? Skylar has lots of rashes on her face, also noticed some on her head yesterday. Her face used to be so nice and smooth, it's all red and rough now, so poor thing. Should i bring her to a doctor u think?

<font color="ff0000">Xinying,

I've finally updated Skylar's website liao, do check it out again ya......

Trace, Forest

A huge congratulations!!! Your babies are sooooo adorable already. </font>
<font color="ff0000">Hey remember last week i was saying abt Skylar having constipation?? She can finally poo better now after I switched to Friso. Hehe, never thought i can get this happy when i finally see soft messy poo. HAHA

<font color="aa00aa">Gio
Wenmin also having heat rash on her face. Her face now looks so rough wor! I remember PD mentioned before no medication need required as the heat rash will go away by itself.</font>
Gioanna burdon,
did you buy friso1gold or friso comfort? From what i know, comfort ease constipation but got residues in milk.. but frisogold dun have residues.. anyway, both same except for the constipation "ingredient". can call their hotline to ask their nurse if in doubt. I'm also feeding my bb on friso1gold now.
dimpletot - I gave up on the NUK latex teats cos they tend to turn sticky, and the teat holes will close up; frustrating my ger and me. Now I use the silicon Nuk teats, size small, Medium hole. So much better. The teat hole size that comes with the bottles is too small and my ger takes foreever to drink from it. It takes a bit of getting to used to ..but my ger still sucks on it .. and also suckles on my breast... no teat confusion... also no air taken in.... thank goodness.
Ribenali, mint, beary

thanks for the info on hiccups. I also got disturb Ethan in the daytime lor but he refused to wake up and can even sleep with noise from the tv, vacuum cleaner etc..how i wish he can sleep like tat at night!!


I know its common for newborns to have rashes and peeling skin. Ethan also had these when he was a few days old and it cleared up by the 2nd week. How old is ur bb now? Are u breastfeeding? Maybe bb is allergic to something that u have eaten?

did u go to Dr Ang for ur post natal check? I forgot totally abt it. My bb is 5 weeks old now...oppss..!

I ever asked GNC on milk thistle...they said its more for promoting liver function or something. Fenugreek is more recommended for milk production still.
Mummies who have done baby full mth already. Any good caterer to recommend?

Mousebb, I like choz cakes as well! Yummmmmmmmmmy! :p Last time when colleagues doing full mth, I always ask them to order choz.... hahaha

My bb also makes a lot of noise when he sleep. Every night somemore. He likes to make a ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRR sound and it is very loud. Now when he drink ebm, he even scream.... aiyo... dun know what he wants

Hi Enya, just reply u an email.
btw, are u mummies still taking DHA? where do u buy the DHA from? The one from my gynae very expensive so looking for alternatives now. Any recommendations? Thanks
<font color="0077aa">diane
yes i went after 10days of c-sect then he arrg again another appnt on Dec to do wat vagina test.. haha how come u can forget it

missed 1 section ur milk nvr leak out huh?
<font color="aa00aa">LittleAlmond
I'm still taking DHA cos I heard it is very good for breastfeeding. I bought from my gynae and I think most probably I would continue to get it from him since his clinic is at compass point and I always go there. Too lazy to source for another brand. </font>
<font color="aa00aa">bbgoh
Bo leak leh! I guess it is bcos my supply not so good. And no engorgement also. </font>
<font color="aa00aa">bbgoh
My gynae also arranged an appt in Nov for me. Was told most probably is doing paps smear. </font>
Hi mummies,

I have give my boy pacifier, but most of the time he dun want to suck.


My boy drink a lot at night until his stomach very big and bloated, tat why I scare.

I am still taking DHA also. Mine is from GNC..called Goldminds..its abt $70 per bottle of 60 capsules. On caterer, I used YLS and dun like them. Still prefer Neo garden.


ya lor. I forgot...hahaa..then how? If I go now, scared he scold me!!

my boy also dun like pacifier. He uses his tongue to push it out after he suck suck suck and realise no milk come out.
Thanks for the info.

I bought my nursing bras from mothercare. I dun really like the ones from perfect mum as they dun really fit me well.

My bb also had rashes on the face and neck. But now it's all gone. I didn't use anything and just simply left it alone. It went away after some time.

Last night my bb also refused to sleep till 1am. Her eyes were so bright. She had slept alot during the day time. In the end, I let her sleep on my bed for a while cos my room air-con was on but her room CL say dun on air-con. When she finally fell asleep, we took her back to her cot. But CL this morning told me that she didn't sleep and played a while on her own in the cot till she fell asleep again. Today, I'm not going to let her sleep so much le. :p

Ya, my bb also like to make the ARRRR sound when she sleeps. Heehee!

I asked my gynae if still need to continue with DHA and he told me no need already. hmm...
<font color="#5E5A80"> Enya,
ic. thx for the info. but did u consult ur doc b4 taking it? coz a few mummies told me that they just consume it w/o doc's advise.

LOL!!!! u really make me burst into laughter!!! dun tink the CL will hve such behaviour ba... coz aft all, BB is ur's de ma. and she will feel freak out wif she really gve her nipple to bb ba...

hmm... but how come some mummies take it together with Fenugreek? so funny leh... for bette liver function can mixed with milk production? hmmm.....

Jess, Diane
my gal is same as ur boy. she will gve that kind of funny and cute look. like the pacifier taste funny..</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Mint
My gynae never tell me to take but since it is good for breastfeeding, then I just take lor.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Jess, Diane, Rebecca
Nowadays, babies are very smart! My wenmin also doesnt like pacifier cos no milk come out and it cannot satisfy her.</font>

mine was up from 12am to 6am lor..i am like a zombie today liao..he could not fall asleep and kept making noises and moving around..then pooed at 3am...then continue to make noise and drink milk...wah lau me nearly went crazy!

I ordered Nepia diapers...supposed to be delivered today before 12pm..then just now i called them and they told me would only be delivered between 4 to 5pm lor..wah lau...
<font color="ff6000">ruffles,
thanks for info on NUK - I'll prob change to silicon too. although they say latex is most like mum's nipple.

yes I'm still taking DHA cos gynae says good to continue if breastfeeding. I also find my Dhaxtra 1050 expensive. almost $60 for 30 capsules. cos apparently the older version that was $48 is no longer being supplied by supplier. cheh.

for those using Medela PIS,
i find the super shields from mums fairy quite good. the angle of the shields is better than the original ones so won't get backache. and slightly bigger too. dunno why medela so dumb go and make the original shields such that one has to bend forwards so much - so uncomfortable!

on sleeping,
my bb makes so much noise at night! like she's trying to poo. AARRRGH, airrrrr, etc. grunting and neighing like animal farm, and twisting her body all over, stretching and kicking sometimes. after a while we just leave her to make those noises so long as she's not crying.</font>
i have the book. it's like an encyclopedia! but also a lot of 'extra' info that sometimes i think is too cheong hei. can buy from times or mph too.
<font color="ff0000">Nin,

I used to mix FrisoComfort with Similac (when she was on Similac) but find that FrisoC is very hard to dissolve, hated it. Totally switched to FrisoGold now and her constipation is gone.

As for the rashes, I feel so heartache when I see her smooth face becomes so rough. It must be very uncomfortable for her.

Hello mummies! Been long since i logged in already. Busy with Sheralyn of cause. Almost drives me nuts when she doesnt want to sleep at night. Haha. But seeing how my premature girl is growing, i'm super happy!! =p

She's 9 weeks old already. Time flies super fast. I still remember how i was complaining about my confinement a month plus ago. Hehe. Anyways, here's the updated pic of her.


Anyways, do add me on msn: [email protected]

It gets so bored when you're awake in the middle of the night and then there's nothing to do!! Hehe.

Hope you mummies have been coping well with everything!!
Sorry, had been a lil busi these days. Sent out your milkband already yesterday via normal mail
Sorry to keep you waiting.

no, didn't. they are all natural herbs, so it's okay.

You can try the Calendula cream. it's very effective for ezema, cradle cap and rashes.

The milk band is for breastfeeding like to record which breast you last feed, when you last feed and duration of last feed.

you can check here www.milkbands.com
hi diane, i have the book as well. But mine is a 1996 copy, not sure if there is a newer edition. It is a very thick book; I quite like it when i had my firstborn since I am a bookworm. ;p now too lazy to read again, unless something happens and i can't handle. ;p
wah the things pple sell. i have been using a notebook to record when i last fed, which breast and how long. coz after the first 2 days at hm, i find myself trying to recall which breast i last fed from whenever bb asks for milk!
<font color="aa00aa">Candle
Long time no 'see'! Bb Sheralyn's eyes are so big!

This is bcos I missed a section mah! Supposed to wake up at 1am but overslept. Only woke up at 3.30am and my breasts were feeling so hard like rocks! </font>
Hi..I'm newbies here. Can i join? My son dd is 17 oct 2008. I am staying at sengkang now.

I have two sons. First one is 4yrs old alrdy. Glad to find this forum.
yeah!! i think stare at big eyes baby for too long when i'm preggy! HAHAHA!

hellos!!! =) its still the same big eyes but her cheeks are ROUNDER. HAHAHA
hi what do u all think of Bengawan Solo cakes? They are quite competitively priced also. Marble Cake with 2 AKK and 2 red eggs costs $9 only - the packaging looks quite good too. I am deciding between Choz and Bengawan Solo..
i ordered the full month cakes from bengawan too. in my opinion, they look quite presentable and sweet. can show u pics if u wan. =)
