(2008/10) Oct 2008

anyone of u nvr swaddle ur baby since discharged from hospital?
my CL nvr swaddle my girl, i tot its okie since she like to stretching leg & hand.
but nw my mum said worried in the future her walking pattern ll ugly ler.. so worry

littlealmond>> o no! may have hard time when CL leaves hor?
taking care of baby really not easy! no wonder we get so much leave! haha really nid it de!

Jess>> me lor, but my in laws supposed to help out with some of the housework, but dun wash my dishes nor do my laundry. i din expect their 'help out' is juz cook for me leh -_-""

bbgoh>> me oso one month this sunday leh! hehe, ya i think fairly normal, but my girl worse, coz at night she will cry and cry. i suspect is wind
put ru yi oil seem to help a bit. i'm told to try to keep her awake in the day so at night she can sleep thru. i think is ok to not swaddle as long as ur baby can be comforted.

enya>> thanks, i emailed u

beary>> haha so funny, i oso had some similar case. i put her rocking chair outside toilet door hahah hope she din smell any bad gas!! btw, i always seem to pass gas when feeding
poor baby got nowhere to run to

lili_fc>> me too!! when baby sleeping, i can't seem to sleep. any little noise she make, my eyes shoot open and check on her... faint

wow, so many of u pumping out?? i feed direct so far and dunno how much she taking. but i read that its not possible to overfeed a breastfed baby. coz breastmilk just gets digested so easily. hth
Hi mummies,

I broke down this morning cos my maid told my mil that my baby doesn't like me to carry him. Each time, the maid takes over, he stopped crying. I'm so worried that he'll be attached to maid and not me. How come there's no attachment or bonding between my baby and I?

My milk flow is also getting lesser. My milk always ask me how much i pump? Why so little? All these is making me feeling quite tense and depressed. I want to cheer myself up to make things better but how?
<font color="ff6000">precious,

don't be discouraged ok? your maid just has no tact, or she's just being mean and unthoughtful. of course your baby will love you. you have to just keep holding yr bb and get better at it! my hubby and i never used to hold bb until we had our own and we have to learn how to do it properly so that they are comfortable. yr bb is so used to yr voice after hearing it for 9 months in the womb, and knows yr breastmilk smell so will know exactly who her mummy is! i suppose kids who spend much much more time with their maids than their parents (eg if both working long long hours) then naturally will be closer to maid, but not for now lah...

don't give up with the pumping. I also didn't get a lot, but persevering. whatever bb still needs, just supplement with formula. but don't give up so that bb gets at least whatever ebm you can produce. and if you pump often supply should increase. don't care abt what others say - you decide that u want to give the best to your baby and just try your best. don't feel bad if cannot totally fulfill bb's needs, just tell yourself you're already giving bb all you have!
cheer up k? we are here for u.

thanks freya's mummy -

i think we are entitled to the 4000. so it's given in phases...


where have you disappeared to? v busy with preparing for bb's man yue? mine is this Sat...


my bb is drinking lots too. total of 835ml yesterday!

anyone knows where to buy those small vacumn flasks to store hot water for making FM when going out?</font>
<font color="119911">Precious>> firstly, pls dun get depressed, coz that will affect milk flow. 2ndly, u nid to calm down when baby cries. Baby will feel uncomfortable being carries if u urself feel nervous or anxious. your maid however, dun really care so much that baby is crying, so is able to calm the baby. another reason (happens for me too) is that we the mum, smell of milk. so when we carry the baby, baby will alwys root for milk. and dun worry about baby closer to maid than u lah. i think this kind of thing no nid worry one. baby will know who is the mum.be happy that someone is able to soothe the child.

actually to increase milk flow, u can considerlatching the babe? i pump out always very little too, and i heard is normal. but my baby gain a lot of weight (i latch her 100%), until i oso worry. so long ur baby gaining about 100g/wk i think, then is ok. your baby also 4 weeks right? same as me. and pls ignore ppl who tell u ur milk little etc. all this will adversely affect u. i read to increase milk from pumping, u can massage breast + hot compress (or hot shower) b4 pump, and when pump, bend forward so gravity helps the milk flow, and to look at your baby or photos of baby (if at work)

so pls dun stress ok? HTH</font>
Hi Precious,

Breastfeeding is a part of motherhood, but whether our milk flow a lot or a little, it doesn't make you less of a mother to your bb. I was also depressed when i had my 1st bb (having the same comments made at me), so i know how you feel. As long as we mothers do our best (be it breastfeeding or other parenting stuff), it's already more than enough to our little ones.
<font color="#5E5A80"> Jess,
haha.... i also hve MIL to "help". she only cook for me. that's all. and i'm looking after 3 kids. if she in very very very good mood. then she will help to really look after them. she she mood swing. she nvr really help me look after them. most of them time, i'm the one doin the job. she promise to help me shower my newborn and my #2. but end up all she only shower my #2. and not everyday she shower her. good mood den shower her lor. no good mood then she will drag the timing. from morning, she will drag until later afternoon. and my #2 diapers is so full until i think can make a few cups of 'tea' lor...</font>
<font color="#5E5A80">Precious,
understand how u feel. dun get depressed. coz it will affect ur milk flow.

since you having a maid to help u, u only get to help out in the house work. den now u no need to tink much. juz concentrate on ur BM n ur BB. baby cry and all this, u go carry her. dun let ur maid carry. even if changin diapers, u also change it urself. and also when u'r carryin or changin ur BB, try talkin to him/her. as time goes by, she will get use of ur voice. though she listens to ur voice for 9mths but the real voice is much more diff whn she is in the womb.

at first my boy is the same. he will keep cryin and cryin until i oso goin to cry liao. but whn the moment my grandma carry him, he stop. the reason is wat Jus us had mention just now. when they cry, we(1st time mum) got nervous and anxious. and the BB can actually sense it. so they got uncomfy. and it will make them cry even more.

but now as a mother of 3, i can handle them easily. but of coz at 1st whn i'm home wif my newborn, she will cry whn i carry her, coz she's still not very use wif this world. but now she's OK. now is, my hubby carry her, she will cry even more. coz of that, my hubby dun wan to help me carry her whn she cry.

hubby jealous. he complain that my gall will only stop cryin whn i carry her.

so dun give up on BF and dun depressed ok. i'm sure u can do it better den ur maid does!! and i'm sure that in ur BB's heart, nobody can replace a great mummy like u!!!

jia you!!!
<font color="#5E5A80">Juz Us, lili,
i envy u all lor.. ur BB willin to accept pacifier. my Erin dun wan. she take my nipple as a pacifier.
<font color="#5E5A80"> Mummies!!
hve u all heard of Milk Thistle?
heard that i works well wif Fenugreek.
anyone here try b4 or heard of that b4?</font>

I've done a search on the internet and read tat we can't overfeed babies, cos if they are full, they wud reject the milk automatically. But the rate tat he's drinking now, cant help being a bit worried.


I got a vacuum flask from IKEA. Quite good..can keep hot water for at least 24 hrs, w/o turning cold.
<font color="ff6000">rebecca,

i never heard of milk thistle before leh... maybe google a bit to find out more?


thanks! will try to get from there... it's the smallish kind (500ml?) that can put in the bag rite?
<font color="#5E5A80"> lili,
LOL!!! "throw" away? hmm... =p

but hw u get to let ur BB accept pacifier? Erin just dun wan it. she will push out wif her tongue. and is u "force" the pacifier to stay in her mouth longer. she will cry until so bitterly. sometimes like no voice and her face become red and like goin to turn purple!! so frightenin!!! but whn the moment i take it out. she's back to normal again. haiz... i pity myself and my nipple =p</font>

aiyah she dun want also good leh... not easy to wean off, and lips shape might be not nice if suck pacifier too much. try to rock Erin to soothe her instead of giving her your nipple?

eh, this milk thistle thing comes with this warning on that webpage leh "Consult your physician prior to using this product if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition." so better not take unless yr doc says ok.

ok, gonna pump some more. take care gals...

aiyah i come in, you go off... miss me ar? hehe

i'm doing fine, baby's manyue is this Saturday too!!! so tomorrow afternoon got quite a number of errands to run...

Glad to hear that you got a good CL! mine's not bad too... her last day's next Tuesday... hope i'm able to take good care of baby alone after that! keeping fingers crossed!
rebecca>> no leh, i oso trying to 'wean' my baby off my boob and onto the pacififer. haha i just bought it last week and tried twice, so far hasn't worked yet. popped in to see if nid to sterilise every time. will continue and see how.
<font color="#5E5A80">Juz Us,
ic. i hve a new one. but bought for Gracia. but she dun wan it durin teething period. guess all her gums are hurtin whn she chew on something. and ever since then, she wean off the pacifier liao.</font>
precious, dun feel too upset. like dimpletot said, we smell of milk so when we carry the baby, he will root for milk and cannot really settle. My CL much better at comforting baby to sleep than I am. Your maid is just tactless. Abt the milk supply, sometimes i wish these "well-meaning" pple will shut up. Just trust that you are doing the right thing. I felt exactly the same for my firstborn when my well-meaning MIL keep asking me if the bb is hungry whenever she cries *hinting that my milk supply not enuff* but as long as we are demand feeding, should be all right. always remember demand = supply. and also different babies have different demands..

pacifier - so far, only used it successfully once! bb also push it out with her tongue, have to hold it in her mouth and keep putting it back when she throws out. eh, not easy leh. yes, we sterilise it before use.

vacuum flask - available at all major departmental stores e.g. Isetan, Robinsons, CK Tang, usually at the kitchen appliances sections.
<font color="0000ff">Any1 still have the list of things to pack for the hospital bag? Pls PM to me, thanks
<font color="aa00aa">LittleAlmond
Wenmin was making lots of noise last night and din give us a good sleep. Today the whole day went to distribute wenmin's full month cake. Very tired and the head so heavy! </font>
<font color="aa00aa">Precious
Dont cry. It is not bcos your bb doesnt like you to carry him but it could be due to the angle which you carry him is not comfy. Dont let your maid's remarks affect you hor. Dont stress yourself over bm too. Just give whatever you have to your bb and if not enough, supplement it with fm. It is absolutely alright if you supplement it with fm. Dont feel sad hor.

Juz Me
I tried giving pacifier to wenmin when she kept crying but she doesnt want it. Wenxuan needs pacifier whenever he sleeps so each time when I sterilise the milk bottles, I would also throw in his pacifier to sterilise it.</font>
Dun worry too much.. bb will surely look for mummy. Dun let your maid carry your bb, bathe or change diapers at all. Let her do all the other stuff like help you take things when you're changing diapers, or clear up after you bathe bb etc.

My bb now hear my voice only will start crying cos want me to carry so whenever I talk, I have to whisper so that I "escape" carrying her. Heehee!

I wanted to give bb pacifier but my mum and CL say dun give. So bo pian, sometimes I have to let her comfort suck on my boob. My poor nipple!

I bot my flask (Tiger brand) from Isetan during their sale. It's quite good. My CL uses it to keep my longan tea. I just pour from it and it's still hot.

My CL next Thursday last day le. I think I'm going to cry when she leaves. *sob*

The std size breast shields doesn't suit me and after each pump, my nipples hurt cos of the friction. So I went to buy the bigger size ones today. It's not only better, more milk came out too. With the std size ones, my milk comes out in drops and at the end of each pump, I'm so exhausted. It even came to a point where I dreaded expressing milk. Told my hubby and he brought me to buy the shields today.

my baby is still sleeping a lot during day time and awake at nite. He is abt 5 weeks old already. I tried everything to get him into routine at nite..dim the lights, mnade surroundings quiet,play music etc...but still no use leh.

Also he has hiccups after every feed. normal?
Think is normal cos my bb also has hiccups after every feed. And the funniest is when her hiccups stop, it means time for us to change her diapers. Haha! So her hiccups are a sign for us that she's pooing. Heehee!
Hi mint, diane

just read from a book that was given out during a doctor's talk (part of Mrs Wong's classes) that hiccups are NORMAL!
Relief for me, coz my baby oso have hiccups after i feed him at times

Its written:
All babies have hiccups. Somebabies are so good at it that they litterally shake the cot they lie in. Hiccups are due to pressure of a full stomach on the diaphragm, causing it to go into sidden spasms. Hiccups are not due to indigestion, gas or other physical probs. The attacks do not bother the baby much,they upset the parents more than the baby.

There is no need to stop the hiccups straightaway. they will stop by themselves in 5-10 mins. It is not necessary to feed the baby water to stop hiccups. this may cause the baby to choke on the water. hiccups will get much less by the age of 3-4 mths

okie, end of my report! hope it helps to reassure you

i oso manage to find something on feeding in the booklet given out during the doctor's talk

its mentioned that all babies are unique and parents shld not rigidly the schedule as stated on the milk can, just feed on demand...

As a general guide, in the 1st mth, most babies will demand 6-8 feedings per day at an interval of 2-5 hours. The volume per feed varies from 30ml to 90ml inthe 1st week, increasing to 90ml to 150ml by 3-4 weeks. Each feeding shld not last more than 20 mins. Rem, if baby is happy, thriving and gaining weight, you r doing fine! so stop worrying n enjoy!

Phew! another relief!
initially my bb is oso like tat, sleep during d day aand very awake at nite. I told my dad abt it and he keep on disturbing her and dun let her nap too much during d day and finally she nw sleeps at nite.

Same here she oso has hiccups everytime. sometimes b4 feed, sometimes after feed and even during nap and she will be awake by her own hiccups.

my CL told me, old folks says tat bb wil grow up with hiccups. its normal one.
u ordered from choz for ur baby's 1st mth? Is it nice? I am thinking of ordering from them too for my colleagues n relatives

i am thinking of doing some minor decoration for baby 1st mth, but was unsure of how to word it...should it be "baby Isaac 1st month celebration" or ..hmmm...wat else? i oso dunno. Any advice?
The fenugreek from gnc is 610mg per cap. guess you can take up to 6 too, the fenugreek from nature farm. you can ask the sales lady, they should be able to advise you on that.

I tried the combination before. Yeah, it worked very well

here...you can sms me 94525107 if you need someone to talk to.
in fact i felt better now that she is gone. hv a first hearty confinement meal from newbaby :)

i still swaddle my boy with his arms out. think he likes it.

the cake looks good. where did you get it from?
hi mummies
Just finished milo after PUMP and also after feed bb w FM as no time to thaw and warm BM.

Pacifier was given to bb when CL said bb looking for nipple to sleep and i already having sored nipple on 1st or 2nd night after returned home from hospital. So, i said give bb pacifier no choice as dun want agitated nipple. Some how, bb just take the pacifier and doze off. Dun think CL 'force' it ..
That time, i must be crazy, think that CL give her nipple to bb to suck. I must be crazy, right?! Even till now, i hope she didnt. Haha
dun be sad.. mummies here has said it all..hee I have nothing much to add on but be assured that your bonding with bb will only get better.
I'm used to this remarks with my first born too but it's from my tactless MIL. I was determine to make it better... so when bb cry I always rush to carry. I will sing her song, carry her upright...try different safe position, there will be a position u can soothe her.
pple say carrying this upright on your shoulder is closer to your heart and bb can hear it. It a familiar sound to her cos in your tummy they listen to our heart beat for 9 mths.. they will be soothed. but remember to support the back

Jiayou.. and come here to vent anger.. we will support you

thanks for the hiccups!
Morning mummies! Hope everyone is coping well.

Enya, regarding my order for the milk band, i made the payment already and sent you an email for quite some time. I havent hear from you since. Guess you must be busy. Can you please check and revert. Thanks!

<font color="aa00aa">Good morning mummies

Mummies, I was super tired and I overslept. Missed out one pumping section and pumped out 250-260ml when I woke up at 3.30am.</font>
