(2008/10) Oct 2008

Little almomd

I was told by TMC pd that for babies, its best to get a digital thermometer and take the temp at the armpits...more accurate for bb.
Ethan throws out milk everytime he stretches hard...I just let him be though will have to make sure he dun choke on his milk.

congrats again...wah ur bb so big and u can still give birth naturally lor....hero leh u...heheee

<font color="ff6000">wow, essanna, you're doing really well if you can latch on so often without feeling the strain. good that your CL can amuse her so that it's not literally all the time.


I'm gonna go for the 6 in 1. my PD said that it's about $70 more exp than the 5 in 1, but i figured if it cuts down the number of visits to the PD and less pain for kate, it's worth it. also toyed with idea abt going polyclinic, but since this is first born, am gonna be like most parents and just indulge lah. partly also lazy, so will prob stick to this PD - dr KH Lim at Kinder Clinic (Mt A).

also on immunisation,

i heard that some parents decide not to immunise until kid has to go kindergarden. cos esp for MMR, some parents swear that there is a link to autism. but my doctor friends say dun have, and they immunise their own kids. so i suppose I'll go the route of immunising as late as possible, since not sending my kid to infant care where she'll be exposed to more germs earlier. apparently sometimes the mercury in the dose is too high, and they use the same dose for big kids as well as tiny babies.

On feeding and burping,

Kate is drinking so much now! She has a funny pattern. In the mornings, she will need to drink 60-100 ml every hour. For 100ml, it 'wears out' in an hour because she possets (pukes) up quite a bit of it. my CL says that there is mucus/phelgm that comes out too (can see sticky stuff, not just liquid), so the puking actually helps clear out the phelgm which is good. Also Kate doesn't seem to uncomfortable when she pukes. no crying. just throws out once every morning when we burp her.

on latching,

Kate is latching about 2-3 times a day. rest of the time I just express so it's more definite how much she's getting. Sometimes she latches well and feeds for 10-15 mins on each boob and i can hear her swallowing milk. sometimes, she latches for 5 mins then makes a face and shuts her mouth tight when i try to stuff the boob in her mouth. so i take that as a 'I'm full' signal. but then that girl will cry 5 mins after that, and drink ebm or formula milk from a bottle. haiz. I'm getting more and more zen abt this... if there is ebm, take ebm. if no more and still hungry, supplement with fm lor...</font>
essana, pildough,
I also have the same problem. Fully breastfeeding and I don't know if the boy is getting enough. Sometimes he can sleep for 3-4hours, sometimes after 1hour needs feeding again. Problem is my nipples feel so sore. Is it due to incorrect latching? Then sometimes feed one side for 25minutes and he sort of fall asleep. But when I try to unlatch him, he will suckle again. But my nipples feel so sore so I try to change to the other breast then he will fuss and refuse to latch on. Feeding time is really a battle.
Those who introduce the bottle, will the bb get confused with the teat and our nipples huh? I scared if I introduce the bottle, he will refuse to latch on after that. But my nipples feel so sore at times, don't feel like latching. And bottle feed, at least I can tell how much he is drinking.
My boy has to be admitted to TMC due to jaundice level at 300+ when he went to do his jaundice level check...feel so heartbreak when I hear it from hubby...I'm so going to miss him...
<font color="aa00aa">Forest
Congrats again!

Dont be upset. You can still go visit your bb during visitation hours. The nurse will bring your bb out from the nursery and you can sit with your bb near the sofa/chair near the lifts. You can feed him also... Should be just 1 or 2 days. There is also a room (at the corner near to ParentCraft) for mummies to breastfeed their bb. So if you want to latch on your bb, you can go to the room. </font>
elchwong, sorry to hear that. Hope his jaundice level goes down quickly and he can go home soon.

dimpletot and pinkimum, my right breast feels ok since each time she only latches for not more than 30mins and sometimes so short, 5mins! my left breast is a goner due to cracked nipple right from day one, so i feed from that side max once in 3 hrs. there is no pain if correct latch on, but i think cannot be latch on for hours, just dont sound right.

isabel is up again asking for milk!!
There's another alternative whereby you can rent the photo therapy bed home and let your boy sleep on it. That was what I did when my baby's jaundice level was high. The pd gave me 2 options: admit or rent the bed.
I latch max 30 mins on each breast.

Birth Story

1030 Hooked on CTG at clinic. Contractions detected but not regular.
1200 Gynea did a VE for me. Not dilated yet and insert the tablet to induce labour.
1215 Hooked on CTG again. Everything is okie and I was free to leave the clinic and told to admit myself into TMC in the evening. Had chicken rice for lunch and went shopping at Orchard.
1730 Admitted myself into TMC.
1815 CTG again. Contractions still not regular.
1900 Took my dinner and the wait continued.
2300 CTG again. Contractions still not regular.
DId not sleep well the whole night. Getting kancheong that contractions still not kicking in. Middle of the night, felt some irregular contractions.

0700 CTG. Contractions getting more regular and also painful.
0830 Was having breakfast when the gynea came in to check. 2-3cam dilated. Was told to prepare to go to the labour ward. Felt so excited.
0930 Went to labour ward. Was shaved. Given enema to clear my bowels.
1015 Contractions getting more pain. Gynea checked that I was 4-5cm dilated and burst my waterbag. She told me to take epidural now if I want to. I decided to give myself another 10minutes. Was put on drip to speed up the labour. The nurse told me the anesthetist is not at TMC and needed 30 minutes to travel to TMC. So if I decided to take epidural later, still need to wait, not immediate. SInce I felt more pain, decided not to be a hero and requested for epidural.
1115 Administered epidural. What a relieve. Was feeling hungry and requested for food but was told to take sips of water only.
1300 Gynea checked. Baby was still quite high. But might be able to start pushing soon.
1430 Epidural dosage decreased so that I could feel the pressure. After that, I started pushing. And I had a hard time pushing, don't know how to push. And I was panting and pushing. The baby was still not coming down and I was losing blood.
1550 Gynea came. Decided to use the vacuum. So with final 2 pushes, baby Kaidon was finally out. I was off the epidural and started shivering. Blood pressure also went down. So was under observation before going back to my room. I was really exhausted after that.
My boy was also admitted for jaundice last wednesday and only discharged on Saturday. I went to visit him everyday, and you can request to breastfeed him and bring ur EBM over for the nurses to feed him. Don't worry. Tomorrow my boy needs to check his jaundice level again, hope that there is improvement.

My left nipple also feels more sore. I think it might be the position, that we are more comfortable carrying in a particular hand. Sometimes it feels pain even when I use the breastpump to express out the milk. But if I don't express, I will be engorged. Don't know how.
Elcha, rent the bili bed home lah. Cheaper than staying in hospital. Ask them for it. I rented the bed for Marcus too. Think it was $250 for 3 days rental.
i'm feeling so tired... sigh... i'm thinking how ez it would be if i dun have to express every 3 hrs... sigh.. my nipples are so sore now... ouch... which nipple cream should i get??
Dun be so sad... I know what u mean...
Dun take it too personally. Nothing do with you and nothing like bb dun like.. when he cry in your arm and ok in someone else hand.
Dun think that way ok.
I know cos when I have my #1.. I was super sensitive too and get depress over this issue :p
Sometimes.. when we are stress up, bb can feel and it and she will feel stress too and cry...
When u hand her over to say HB ir MIL.. whom are not stress..bb can calm down faster.

Besides.. it's also our homones la.. our emotion are more "unstable" so dun take it too hard ok.

Littelalmond and Rebecca
I remember my #1 also regurgitate milk like merlion when she was young.. but she started merlion only like from 2 mths onwards. 1st mth she still drink very well. But it's a phase.. after a while she gets better and the merlion go away.

For my #2 I think he also regurgitate after feed from day 1 onwards, tho not like merlion but also a fair bit.
I think they call it reflux or something.
Perhaps u can consider feeding small and more rgular. U will be more tired cos got to feed more times.. but it may help.
in lay man hor, It's also becos the "closing" between the stomach and the throat not so mature.. thats why the milk will back flow and regurgitate.

Hope the bbs get better.

Re: bb throwing up
Usually even bb throw up.. I dun top up the feed one. I will look for cue that bb is hungry.
Sometimes... when bb throw up we think it's ALOT... but actually not true cos it's mixed with stomach juice and all so actually may not be 100% milk that they throw.

I'm seeing Dr Terence Tan too.. for the intial consultation for my 3 bb.
I like him very much.. he is very assuring and very comfortable to talk to and he always explain things even I dun asked...
BUT.. his q super long hor..and he is no cheap too.
SO I end up seeing PD at my place here. Only if got Big case ***Thank God, no big case yet*** then I will consider go queue for him.

I seem him tis morning with my Gal.. and after that my HB was telling me.. he is REALLY good well there is a price to pay too.. :p as compared to our regular PD.

yes, its called reflux. My boy got it too. He throw out milk quite often and i feel so sad whenever he does tat, esp when he throw out quite a lot. And its so messy, hv to keep cleaning him. But PD says most bbs will outgrow this when they reach 4 to 5 mths.

anyone open the CDA account alreadi? Which bank do ur choose? Which is beta?
Me quite lazy to read thru the info... kekeke
yes yes its very messy but bb will outgrow it. Tough for parents only. In fact i think the regurgitate will not make too much discomfort in bb.

I open the CDA acc already.. this time round I choose ocbc. I had 1 with Stand Chart. I think ocbc is giving 1% int for the cda account rite?
Stand chart is giving previaling rate at 0.88 if I'm not wrong. Think all other perk about the same ba.

I always has problem latching bb, it will get sore and crack and bleed from day 1.. so I already give up latching.. has been pumping.
always pump both together.. somehow left breast produced less now..
I think might be becos in BFing for #2 I had mengitis and somehow might cause the low supply.
Now it's getting a bit more normal...
hi mummies,
after a emotional nite yst, today coping better with the engorgement n BF-ing liao..

here's my birth story:
23 oct:
visit gynae, did VE n gynae decided to induce me next day as my cervix oredi ripen and my BP still on borderline due to anxiety..

24 oct:
8.30 am - arrive n prepare.
9am - put on drip
10am - gynae came n i was 2cm dilated, gynae broke my waterbag
11am - contractions @ 5mins interval n dilated 4cm.
BTH pain liao ask for Epi
12.30pm - 5cm dilate
1pm - 6.5cm dilate
3pm - 8cm dilate
4pm - fully dilate n ready to start pushing BB further down.
gynae come, snip n 1 push my BB Krya is out

forest, u power lah 3.9 n no epi!!
salute u!!

enya, thanks so much for the support n advice yst nite *hugs*
Your twins has good weight. I dun think they are small leh. It must be really tiring handling twins. I have one NB and I already feel so overwhelm by their cries and demands.

essanna, pildough, pinkimum
you are not alone. I am also practically feeding my boy all the time. Siong. I know he sometimes take me as a human pacifier but I don't know how to change his habit. I tried all ways to comfort him but he still scream and scream until his voice is shivering. After 2 hours, I finally gave in and let him suckle, in less than 5 mins he fell asleep already.

Pildough, essanna,
On throwing up milk, I usually does not top up with more milk for him unless he demand. Usually after my boy throw up milk, I can see that he is feeling better and he will fall asleep while I am cleaning him up.

I gave my boy FM when I really does not have enough after BF him continuously for 2 hours and he is still screaming. So far, he seems ok and does not seem to reject my nipple when I latch him. Yeah, like you I also wish I can tell how much he drinks per feed.

I know it;s very sad.. I can remember when PD told me my #2 need admit hospital for his juandice last round, my tear flow down immediately.
You will definitely miss him but you will know he will be home very soon like 3 days and his condition will be under control.
u can take time to rest inbetween pump too.
you will be bringing EBM to hospital daily?
<font color="0077aa">morning mummies

thanks for ur details info abt jabs
u mean some GP also got offer 6 in 1 jabs huh? ehmm maybe i can check with the nearest GP see got bor
baby's PD got offer his packages but so expensive ler.. thk abt 1k plus bah

$440 packages is only the 6 in1 jabs or all the jabs till 18 mth?

sometime i also warm it up to 1hr as baby sleeping &amp; cant expect when she is goin to wake up. i just keep change the water keep it warm lor

the twins so sweet.. u finished ur confinement days liao huh

this sunday i m goin to end my confinement days le but mil said still must drink the longan tea till 40days
i'm working. Cos' i cant figure out the 16wk continuous &amp; 12wk + 20days flexible calculation. Hubby said option 2, after calculated, have extra 2 days as Dec have public holidays bor...

He suggested to take continuous 12wk &amp; then apply the rest of ML leave (either 15 days / 18 days)

Not sure if option 1 (112 days) more worth it than option 2 (104 days).

Pildough &amp; mummies, any further advise?
6in1 jabs
i didn't check w my PD the price, anyway bb is so small, so i'll continue go PD lor...

Longan tea
i have stopped drinking longan tea but plain water after last wkend stay at inlaw place. Too busy to make &amp; drink when bb around ..haha

Do your bb behave cranky during day / night? My bb behave during day &amp; hardly wants to sleep during day time and makes me rather busy. So, let her sit on rocker &amp; she doze off... haha

My bb drink 4oz of BM (day) &amp; FM (night only), is it alot or little?

When can increase bb milk volume? and when can change the teat to no. 2?
anyone starts or intend to adjust bb sleeping pattern esp at night? i felt very tired esp bottle feed (BM/ FM) &amp; then pump after that... too me around 45 mins (incl washing &amp; sterilise bottles &amp; pump)

Read a thread in Sept, mummy give more milk at night than during daytime...
<font color="0077aa">lili_fc
my girl currently use teat no 2 le.. she still drink 3.5oz but since yst she seem not enuf i must give pacifier to satisfy her then sleep. so tdy i like to increase a bit see how

i thk when to increase is depend on ur bb bah

i also like to start adjust the night feeding ler, same same tired after feed then pump &amp; wash spend for abt 45-60min le bah</font>
Whn bb get pek chek wih level 1 teat then u consider changing.. think about after 3 months ba.

My hr never give options like your compnay.. I was told to take 16 weeks straight think it's easier for them ba.
I would think option 2 is good too but for me.. is if I started back to work.. I dunno how readily my boss will let me go on leave.
So I have no complaint to take all at one go.
I also lugi lotsa holidays.. esp.. my company also give extra company holidays on top of the PH so I really "loose out" a few days but my colleague always says.. aiya.. already got 4 mths ( cos of them during their time only 3 mths or even 2 mths)) so they think I very blessed liao la.

Hmm.. usually when go for jab. PD will also include checking the bb development etc etc... thats why I will go to PD for jab instead of GP. Not sure if GP can do a good job.
I heard... bb under 1 yr should see PD, after 1 yr perhaps can consider see GP if parents are comfoy.
But my kids.. now all still seeing PD hehehe.. cos GP at my area cannot make it.
Congratulations to mummies who have poped!

Rebecaa, if bb keeps vomitting gotta go for ops? That's very serious leh. My mil said that if bb throw out is gd, then bb will grow up fast. Hmmm... but sometimes like wat some of the mummies said, they throw out like merlion.

My bb likes to stretch himself real hard after feeding, while feeding or most of the time. Dun know why he stretch so hard. Maybe being cramp into me for too long. hahaha

Mousebb, try not to take too much panodol lah, not gd in the long run. I always sleep the headache away.

Re: Breastfeeding
I have problems in latching bb initially too so I express out as nipples are sore and bleeding. I tried to latch bb again after my nipples have healed and found that it is much easier to latch bb now. Maybe after using bottlefeeding, bb knows how to open his mouth bigger and suckle better.
Mummies who have birthed
Ask for your experience. For the past 2 nights, I have been having irregular contractions. Strong but painful. I know I'm not in labour yet because yesterday's checkup revealed my cervix is still not dilated.

But do you all have such contractions before your labour actually starts? Also, suddenly I have incontinence, yeeks.

I really dislike this vaccination thing. dun remember we hv so many vaccination before.

I was surfing the net one time, when i came across this article saying that children do not need Hep B jab before age of 14 and the jab has no effect on them.

And some of this jabs actually weakens the body and cause other side effects instead of helping the baby.

So far, we try not to give too many jabs (those peddled by pds) to the babies unless we really think it's necessary.You know..nowadays drugs industries are making tons of money from all these stuff.

You know what they always say about 'viruses are created by antivirus software creator'
Hi Karen,

I do have some contractions before labour but not that strong and painful. It only last for sec. When I'm really in labour, I din feel the contractions strong and painful until I reached hospital and under CTG monitor and was told that the contractions are coming strong.
<font color="aa00aa">bbgoh
$440 is for 6-in-1 jabs only. Still need to pay for rotavirus ($99 each) and Pneumococal ($169 each). Cannot remember how many do dosages for each jab. I also let wenxuan took the jab for chickenpox when he was 1 yr old. He will be taking his MMR on 21 Nov.

I have no time to sleep away my headache so bo bian but have to take panadol lor. I still have lots of panadols which my gynae prescribed for me last time and I'm taking those panadols.

We are in the same situation! </font>
during CL stay, she increased 1/2 oz bit by bit... since last day, bb is 3.5oz, i just increased to 4oz, bb still drink.

on ML, that's what my HR replied. am considering to either take option 2 (listen to hubby lor , should be safer,.. haha)
so far, my bb no prob yet on teat 1, was thinking when to change to teat 2 and she drink rather fast (approx 15mins) but burping can come 1/2 hr later... faint...
blur me just...

yesterday i washed some floor towel and, when done, i wanted to hang up... saw 1 pc of bb towel.. so thinking to give it to my dog to use then...

this morning, when bathing bb, i used the TOWEL!! after that i recalled..... Oooopsss hope bb not sensitive... else, jia lat... what a mother am i... blur blur... hhaha
<font face="tahoma"> Good morning!

CONGRATS!!! Baby Kieren is also big boy!

Congrats to all who have just popped!

re: lovedbaby products
my webstore is carrying lovedbaby products, anyone needs them just PM me
<font color="aa00aa">LittleAlmond
I'm also having migrane and some times even the panadol also wont help! This is like how you have described, really want to bang my head against the wall! </font>
LOL! You ah. If it were my maid, I would have rattled non-stop at her. But haaaa, your pregnancy forgetfulness still hasn't left you. :p
mousebb, cookie, pinkimum,
I've stopped latching 2 days back as my nipples started peeling, bleeding and cracking...thus, hubby have been bringing EBM to the hospital daily since yesterday...hope my nipples will recover soon and I can latch him on again...my mum doesn't allows me to go out except for today as I've made an appointment with the lactation consultant for suspected blocked ducts and etc...

mint, xinying,
My hubby prefers baby to be in hospital as he felt that they are more professional in handling baby and he'll recovers faster...

PD called this morning to inform that baby's jaundice level has dropped though not ideal yet...will test on him tomorrow and see how things goes...

<font color="aa00aa">Mummies
I think my menses is back! Initially I thought was lochia but it seems to become heavier and heavier and the colour is very dark. Anyone of you have your menses back liao?</font>
