(2008/10) Oct 2008

<font color="aa00aa">elch
Glad to know that your son's jaundice level has dropped. Dont worry too much. Your boy's PD also Dr Lilian Lim?
I started to bathe on the day I was discharged from the hospital. But during that time bcos I still had the plaster on for my c-sect so I couldnt bath properly. The moment the plaster was taken off from me, I gave myself a good shower with hot hot water.</font>

dun worrie too much, i am sure its just a passing phase, ur baby will definitely recover shortly and be home with u in a day or two

my mum oso very strict, dun allow me to bathe initially
but after my endless complaining, she gave in coz i say i cant bring baby to PD with a smelly body for baby's 1st check up
So effectively i bathe with the hot herbal mixture exactly a week after i deliver
just make sure u wipe urself dry, close all window and blow dry ur hair

but now my c-section wound have some prob, a bit discharge, so i am monitoring n nber bathe, just 'wash-up', as in just lower body n upper torso, dun dare to wet my wound

mousebb, me still dun have menses leh, juz the lochia. seems endless, everyday a bit a bit....sigh! when will it end? Its been 3 weeks liao

Good GP in Tampines or Sengkang for baby?
Anyone have recommendation? My PD is always very crowded, and have to wait till 1 hour to see her. My baby is a crying terror and its difficult to wait till an hour without him tearing the clinic down :p I was thinking if go to GP, at least can take queue number 1st then go down
Halo mommies, I am back! Miss u all...hm...dun think i have time to catch up with the posts.

How are you all doing? I almost sank into post-nata depression last weekend, coz I suffered from Mastitis! Very depressed and felt terrible, almost wanna to give up BF liao. Luckily with DH's support, family and CL's help, I managed to pull through, now OK le! Just that my milk supply drop after this ordeal, sigh...Anyway, I dun want to give myself too much pressure, just do my best and be a happy mommy.
hi ladies,
Anyone here using the medela PIS? I think my breastshields are too small but I dun really know which size is correct for me. I read the explanations on the medela website but the answers they gave are just so vague.

ya, Dr Terence Tan's q is super long and his charges quite ex too. My hubby also likes him cos he's a very detailed person. But I lazy to go all the way and wait long long. heehee! Now must look for a pd near my place.

In that case, dun worry too much. 2 or 3 days and your bb will be back home.
Even when I rented the bed home, I also cried cos see her so poor thing lying there. Normal to feel worried lah.
Hi Mummies,

My boy doesn't want to latch on now, he's always frustrating, crying and pushing me away when i latch on. If I choose to express now, is it still possible to switch back to TBF later?

How much should a baby in the 4th week be drinking now? Each time he cries, everyone will ask me if he's hungry but i do not want to overfeed him.


I think we are using the the same gynae (Dr Woodworth) and PD (Lillian Lim at the Kid's Clinic). so qiao...I think we can exchange more news and info with each other.
<font face="tahoma"> Hi mint,
normal retail price is S$45 excluding postage. i can offer at $40 excluding postage.

postage (including handling fees) will be S$2. </font>
my cl driving me crazy..
she is so lazy...only watch tv and naps, cooks rubbish food for me. today she was feeding my gal rice with dark soy sauce and me with leftover from yesterday

she is supposed to look after my gal while i nap during the day...instead she naps and ihv to look after my gal.

then at nite, she sleep thru the nite while i look after my boy.

wah enya that sounds bad. Can explicitly tell her to take care of yr boy at night at least? That's what u r paying her for... Otherwise u sure burn out one.

Precious, expressing is also breastmilk. So if u feed all ebm, also can consider tbf I think...

Lili, I'm almost back to normal weight and shape. Tummy skin still a bit loose but I think that's natural. Just tone it up in the days to come lor. Quite surprised to regain size so quickly, think massage and binder and bf all helped. I still wear binder on alternate days...

directly tell her wat u want. tell her u r in confinement not suppose to eat leftover food. no need to argue with her, just tell her wat u want her to do. it is wat i do this time. I directly tell her do this and that, also tell her wat to give my #1 to eat and cook. when i go to nap, i tell her, i take nap now, u look for my #1. At nite, i dun care i directly wake her up to wash the bottle and change the diapers. although i can do but i would rather take rest n with NB. U are giving her $, no need ke qi with her. Some CL will take advantage if the mummy keep quiet. Dun let urself too tire during confinement period. It will drive u crazy (sorry i say so, bcos my #1 CL is also like that, i cannot take it n cry many time, finally i sack her and i feel happy). this time i keep tell myslelf dun let CL bully ownself. u are paying them to work. not paying them to make u tire.
anything can sms me. dun stress urself.
elchwong, i started bathing the day i came back from the hospital! MIL bought some herbs from the chinese medicine shop and i used water boiled from that to bath. So can bathe daily.. i am not allowed to wash my hair daily and that is already driving me crazy. can empathise with you being hot and sticky. eating all those confinement food makes one sweat loads, even with daily bathing also not good enuff. must be worse if cannot bathe at all! Maybe can ask your mum to allow you bathing with the chinese herbs (it is called Da4 Feng1 Cao2).

mint, i am also using Medela PIS. Think you can check out the PERSONALFIT breastshield, think that has different sizes?

enya, that is terrible! did u tell her that u dont want her to do that again (feed your gal rice with dark soy sauce and you with leftover food)? if she is sleeping thru the night, no reason for her to nap at all. next time i recommend u my CL, she is all right. only "problem" so far is my MIL caught her using not so fresh veggie for me and wanting to use leftover rice to cook me fried rice - my MIL very swiftly "corrected" her.
Wow! So good to hear that u gain back ur weight and size so fast. Binder, i also using. Did u apply anything before u bind? Overnight bind?
i must say am v fortunate to have v zi dong cl. She takes full charge of bb unless we offer to carry or feed to learn and get used to caring for bb. She also mops and does laundry for the family automatically.

Enya, musnt let her bully u. U need all the rest u can get whilst she's here. Still got2-3 weeks more right?
lili, yup overnight on alternate days.

didn't apply anything extra. My massage lady also surprised I went down so fast.

On c l, also wanna say I'm amazed how she can function on so little sleep. When bb is sleeping in the day she will read newspapers!
<font color="ff6000">phantus,

don't stress too much. What we have we give baby.
most impt is we must stay healthy and in good spirits for bb's sake. that's what I tell myself too.
<font color="aa00aa">Phantus
Dont be too hard on yourself -> Happy Mummy = Happy baby!!!

Yup. We have the same gynae and PD!

I'm using medela PIS and the shields which I'm using are the standard size.

At first I also thought was lochia but then as it gets heavier and heavier, then I realise it is actually menses. My last pregnancy, my menses also came back after one month exactly after I gave birth.

Your CL so terrible lah! You should have told her off directly. If feeding your gal with dark soy and you eating the leftover food, then you dont need her liao! She is damn lazy!!! You must not let her bully you! </font>
I still have 10kg on me..Total put on 20kg for my pregnancy.
Tummy still very flabby and lose also..
And looking forward to starting my massage session next week. Cause i can only start after 3 weeks cause mine was c sect. Hope its still useful. I put on the adominal binder everyday tho it is really very hot. Cause i am not BFing so cannot depend on BFing to help me lose weight.
I still have 3kg to lose. Hopefully will lose it soon then can lose more to my ideal weight. Heehee! :p

ms piggy,
can pm me the details on how to order? Thanks.

Think I will order the nursing shawl from ms piggy instead. Sorry.

You should fire your CL leh... Feed a kid with rice and dark sauce?!? *faintz*
mousebb, beary, mint, lili_fc, essana,
Thank you...my PD's Dr. Lilian Lim...

Went to see my boy just now...very relieved to see that he's actually enjoying himself under the bright warm light...he's a heavy drinker! He drinks up to 90ml of EBM/formula at times!

As I'm reading through the posts, I'm 'psychoing' my mum to let me bathe...hee...I feel so dirty with just a wipe once daily! I've got the herbs ready but mum says can only bathe after at least 12 days even with those!
Wah Enya... well done. So lazy, pay her for wat??

I've taken bb out for the pass 3 days. Woo hoo... when he cry, i jusr flash him my boob. haha...
i fired her and got confinement food catering for friday, and will get pt cleaner too.

sigh. so unfortunate.
During my confinement, MIL made sure i had fresh food every meal. Even leftover from lunch she also dun allow me to eat. Ur CL is terrible man.
Mummies, i felt my nipples becomes bigger and seems swollen after expressing. Then after wearing nursing bra, it becomes worse! Nipples become distorted shape, like kena pressed by the bra. Anyone have the same prob as me?
everafter i also like u..
so in the end i jus stick my breast pads to my tighter fitting clothes.
feel better n also can air my nipples more.
but these few days i been feeding on my right breast cos left nipple still healing from over suckling..
now my right also started to bleed a little.
even wih constant cleaning + purelan gel.
so i told my CL to feed bb with formula.
dunno is i nv take care properly or that my nipples supper sensitive that so ez sore n bleed..
but i told myself don too stress..
cannot feed BF jus use formula.
trying to not feel guilty
wow so happy you sack your CL, she is terrible. Goodness, cannot believe there are such CL around.
just get a pt cleaner in to do with the cleaning..
Hang in there...it will get better.

Re: reno work
wow mummies.. my flat or estate is having some really unnecessary and untimely (for me) renov works.. now the flat is so dusty and all.
Thankfully I have a helper bo really dunno what to do with the cleaning.. the drilling and hammering on the outside of our flat really make me faintz.
brought Marcus to the pd today. He put on 1.2kg since he was discharged from hospital 1 mth ago!

PD say he has super sensitive skin. Very prone to heat rash and baby acne. Sigh...i must keep him cool and bath/wipe him more often.

PD never recommend any injection package leh. Just gave him 2nd dose of hep b jab today. Next appt is 2mths later.
drink stop to poo then day dream put him on the cot he started crying. burp him then offer him again. suckle 10min stop to poo poo again. He just woke up again bf now. why r u still up? bf?
he fall asleep now hopefully this time is for real. i think a little is comfort sucking but i don't know how to stop him coz he cannot fall asleep if i don't let him suck.
sometimes so angry with him. especially if I am very tired. Sometimes I doze off while bf him and almost drop him. :p luckily I am on my bed.
I tried playing music liao. It didn't help him to fall asleep but it certainly help me. My bb seems very afraid of noise and he does not know how to self soothe. He also cannot stay in his cot alone for longer than 5 min. He wants to be carried all the time.
