(2008/10) Oct 2008

<font face="tahoma">ladies,
Bebe et Maman has some gift sets promo, if you're keen let me know. i will work out something for u


<font color="0000ff">JJmom,

Robinson is having 20% off NUK products but am not sure if you can get the glass bottles there


Will check it out
<font face="tahoma"> littlebluey,
if you're interested in anything, either post at that thread or PM me
<font color="0000ff">Mspiggy,

The things are beautiful and I'm a sucker for things that have stars on it *oops* will take a closer look tonite if possible, now hv to concentrate on work else can't finish hahahhaha lolx</font>
Hi Ruffles,

I heard frm radio that they are having this $300 promo gog on..I mean for Cordlife..so i m checking it out...
Lili, I think both have teats tat has range for 0~3mth, should b size S bah.

Most ppl use pigeon bottle with NUK teats, coz Pigeon bottle is famous for it's BPA free while NUK is famous for it's nipple like teats.I m going to use it this way too so not sure can do the other way round anot.
thanks for the bottle &amp; teats matter.
will check it out!

all mummies,
Metro having sales 20% discount. I'll be getting Ergo bb carrier there... check this out... carrier $151.20 (up $189), insert $39.20 (up $49). Further saving...
glass bottle i feel heavy but better...

i heard KK hospital can get it for free if you deliver there... or can go get it if you not delivery there... TMC, i'm not sure
MrsChua, no lah, it's juz tat I m more kiasi mtb loh...coz I heard some other moms saying abt the chemical use in normal milk bottle is harmful to bb so I juz try to use glass bottle &amp; plastic bottle tat is BPA Free =P
But most moms r still using normal milk bottles.
Lili, I heard some other hospital also give FOC, can check with yours after u delivered. but heard they only have small size 1, think it's 4oz. So juz buy the big size outside 1st, small size 1 get FOC...hahaha

Don't buy too much too lah coz when bb gets bigger &amp; trys to hold the milk bottle themselves, it mayb a bit dangerous too. Saw some bb throwing the milk bottle after drinking.
<font color="ff6000">Diane,

you were asking abt GNC multi-vits rite? I'm still taking cos in first tri I bought 2 bottles. So now on the second bottle. not much constipation. in fact today, i got diarohhea cos i think i drank too much cold milk in the morning (even though I mixed it with some hot milo!).

on BPA free bottles,

personally, I'm quite optimistic and hope the bb can latch on most of the time. in that case, bottles use will be minimal. milk fresh from the body is fastest and cleanest.
Hi mummies!

jollyhoppy, carole
Congrats on ur baby boys!

waa! u having a princess! congrats!

Mrs Chua, do take good care of urself, things will definitely be fine

seems like most of the mummies bought some stuff for our little babies. I oso dash to john little, robinson, kiddy palace over the weekend!
Bought some little blue socks, towels, blanket, hat, clothes, bath tub, bath mat, avent manual pump, bottles...the list goes on! I just cant stop! hahahha

think my hubbie was reallie tired out!

but we both enjoy the shopping, coz all the baby items looks so small n cute!

Thanks! I have read their website,hehe..2 diff ways of storage..however i prefer stemcord...its seems more localise n cordlife is US co. Cordlife is $1400 for the 1st payment..subsequent storage will b $250..not sure abt Stemcord's prices
<font color="0000ff">Lili,

At TMC, I heard they will give NUK latex teats as they are using NUK over there.

Great lobang for those who are intending to get the bb carriers.
oh no... We bot the avent bttl and 10 more pc dat come in a box last weekend leh... Then how? Ahahaha...

JJmom: I am double KS. Not only kiasi but kiasu too.

But how do we sterilise the glass bttl if we use them? Same method?
Mrs Chua,

I have asked the staff at kiddy palace..cos i intend to get glass milkbottles too..she said sterlise it as per normal in the sterliser
Good for u. I wish I can be as optimistic as u. I keep fearing that I will not be able to bf effectively. Heard more failure stories than successful ones.

Thanks for ur concern.

Yea yea, everything so small and cute. But alas, lesser cutest stuff for boys. More for girls leh... Haiii... Tink my hubs also enjoyed buying for our boy coz he din complain of tiredness. Nor did he seem restless/lethargic, which is a FIRST loh.
<font color="0000ff">When I get too excited and want to get more stuff, my DH will roll his eyes and say "is it necessary to get now??" hahahaha lolx</font>
Heard from a friend who has contacts in stemcell research field that says the cord blood banking industry is not guaranteed to work. apparently a lot of their claims are not proven with a long scientific track record.

So hubby and i will prob be giving this a miss. so expensive to store some cord blood, and no guarantee that their claims that the blood can be used to treat deficiences and subsequent babies are true... just my personal thots to share.

same for my hubby too!
dat dae i told him i hv checked out the sterliser n wanna buy soon..he said NO need to buy so early lar..can buy later..i said later no sales hor?!?!?

at 1st i tot it will b useless too..but my SIL convinced me..n nw i m looking out for any promo frm stemcord or cordlife..mayb i go n find out more during the motherhood exhbition..
<font color="0000ff">Dimpletot,

We've the same sentiments as you, that's y we are not opting for it either
Rather put the $ into buying insurance for the child.


Tht's wat I told my DH esp the breast pump, he said nmv...*roll eyes* guys!!!</font>

there's only 1 thing dat he's keen..dats bb's stroller! dat dae he went to see the stroller at robinson expo sales...he said this ferrari stroller..haha..he said cannot let bb sit ferrari ..so let him/her sit ferrari stroller..duhz!

but we quite like dat stroller, spacious n coolz! n 3 wheeled..dat day on offer $549
mrs chua, u are rite... baby gals definitely more pretty n cute stuff than baby boys! i cant help stealing a look at the pinky stuff too. haha

nmind, take it as having a baby boy will help me save a few dollars. haha

Is she very "detailed" during the scan? One of my friends went for her scan at TMC and said the sonographer (dun know the name) was very rush. Just roughly go through and then tell her "ok"...

But i guess, we cannot choose the sonographer so just have to keep fingers cross. If I really get a bad sonographer, i will keep on asking questions until i am satisfied...heeheee
<font color="0000ff">Trace,

Ooops! paiseh I thot u know your gender le hee hee, when's yr Detailed Scan?


My DH was still lamenting on Sat morning, touching my tummy and ask if bb is going to be gal?? *diaoz* then I tell him, in that case u better hope that Detailed Scan might give us a surprise hahahaha lolx..then I told him having baby boys help you save $$, becos lesser cute stuff to buy, then he think abt it and say "ya lor" fainted...</font>

Thanks so much for sharing on the pigeon bottles and Nuk teats. I've been wanting to get the NUK latex teats cos i read that it will prevent nipple confusion.. but wasnt very sure whether it was compatible with pigeon wide-neck bottles.

R all nuk latex teats meant for wide-neck bottles? not sure what size to buy..

I asked a salesgirl the other day and she just went "we don't encourage customers to switch between different brands". how unhelpful huh..


Yeah..i was initially rather enthusiastic abt storing cord blood too..but my hubby did more research and told me the benefits are really unproven at this pt in time..so i think i'll give it a miss too..

my detailed scan will b 11 june..bb too shy to show me..n i hv to wait so long to find out..

its always nice to hv a gal..esp those cutie clothes! hehehe.....
Trace / Lil Bluey - You can call Cordlife and Stemcord to send you their info. packs. Stemcord saves the cordblood in 2 locations, whereas Cordlife saves in 1. Cordlife is for pte consumption (meaning for you alone), whereas Stemcord's is public. Do check out which you prefer.

curioxete - Think there are different size teats for wide and normal neck bots.
curioxete, I m not sure abt the NUK teats can fit piegon wide neck bottle anot lei coz me &amp; lili r talking abt the glass bottle (only has normal neck type) only wor.
curioxete, I m not sure abt the NUK teats can fit piegon wide neck bottle anot lei coz me &amp; lili r talking abt the glass bottle (only has normal neck type) only wor.

Hmm..ok.. i'll go check out the nuk latex teats in more detail..

oops..i bought the Pigeon PES bpa-free bottles, so mistakenly thot u all were talking abt that too..eh..it's ok, i think i'll just buy one nuk latex teat meant for nuk wide neck bots n see how..

ladies - Just found this info. on the web. Some bb brand names are listed. Cordlife will be there too if you intend to store the cordblood.

Motherhood 2008

Public - Free Admission
Hall 5A
05 - 08 June 2008

05 - 07 June 2008
12:00pm - 10:00pm

08 June 2008
11:00am - 10:00pm

Show Profile:
(Even Bigger than last year!)

Make a date with us and get more than what you can bargain for at the Motherhood Exhibition ’08, where generous discounts and free copies of Motherhood English and Chinese magazines await.

Look forward to four days of exclusive exhibition special buys, with discounts of up to 80 per cent on strollers, playpen, milk, diapers – take your pick from more than 75 exhibitors, with big names such as Pampers, Nestle, Huggies, Friesland, Cordlife, Wyeth, HPB (Health Promotion Board) and many more.

There’s always something new to learn about, so sit down to talks by leading experts on a range of baby care topics. If you’re bringing baby along, he’ll be well entertained with fun activities like musical performances by Yamaha Music School, and the Super Star Kids contests! Want something more exciting, then keep a lookout for the Baby of the Year, Gorgeous Mum, Mother/Father-and-Child Look-Alike, Little Miss Glamorous and Little Prince Charming contests!
