(2008/10) Oct 2008

<font color="aa00aa">Trace
Yup. My left side was almost out of shape...so painful! My PIS advance was bought at $669. But I heard some mummies were saying there are different versions now, 2007 and 2008. Since mine was bought last year, it must be the 2007 version and I guess the price may be different now. Do check it out at "The First Few Years" cos they are selling the pumps at cheaper price as compared to those departmental stores.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">lili
I'm a mountain tortise. Never heard of this name before. Is it a infant/childcare center?</font>
Do u all feel cramp at ur lower abdomen area at times? I have cramp like pains which last a min or so almost everyday...is it normal?
<font face="tahoma"> Hi Lili_fc,
There's 1 Cheries Hearts just below my coy. But there's no infant care for that branch. I went in to check out the Childcare seems not bad, the food menu, activities and area is spacious and clean. </font>
<font color="0000ff">Trace,

Am oso not getting a PIS unless my sis can buy for me from US when she flies there..becos it's almost half the price of SG leh. Went shopping with her over the wkend, she said "you zhe gi pi yao" ornot? can squeeze gold out ah?? lolx ;p

Heard from a fren that TMC sells cheaper for both Medela and Ameda, and there's a 10% off with the FBI card as well. DH said he will buy for me after bb born hahaha..hmm..then i tell him too late ornot? later no sales so ex ex, then he said nvm!! Guys!! arghs!! -_-"</font>
<font color="0000ff">Elch,

I oso experince what you do everyday, esp in the morning after I get up!

Cld be due to us sleeping in one position thru'out the nite or maybe uterus stretching to accomodate growing bb

First Few Years is a shop at Metro Paragon, think Level 5</font>
hmm...i m lost nw for the milk pump..

at 1st tot of not getting any cos my fren gog to lend me..but aft 2nd tots..she din use for 2 yrs liao..i still need to sterlise it blah blah blah..so tot of getting a cheaper one (mayb $100 plus)...

I have decided to get NUK sterliser, it comes with 2 milk bottles..think its 4 oz..it cost $101..quite reasonable
I wanted to get the scarlet n black one but no more stock so in the end got the sky blue n coffee grounds one...the other 2 colors combination tat was left are grey n pink and grey n yellow....
PIS pump
As text previously, First Few Years selling $549 (2007 model) and $649 (2008 model). Do contact to reserve/ check if have stock for 2007 (if you don't mind old model)

Here's the contact: 6836 3693 @ Paragon Level 5
I normally get the cramps in the midst of walking...
Ya, the color combination quite nice...hee...saw alot of ppl using it while shopping yest too...
<font color="aa00aa">Trace
It is shop selling a large range of bb stuffs. I only know there is one at KKH (near to McDonald) and another one at Paragon Level 5.</font>
Good morning ladies!
Nice weather today, hee...

Have transfered the $$ to you, please check ur email! Thanks a lot!
Wahh... Ur description of the pillow a bit hard for a slow-minded me to absorb.
Where did u get it from? Mabbe I can take a look for a clearer picture.

I feel a kid of pain on the left side at times. I told my gynae before about it. She said "doesn't sound like contraction pains. But do lookout if u have any pains in the middle or right side of ur abdomen".
<font color="0000ff">Phtanus,

Will check tonite and advise you via email again ^_^ Thanks...

Raining heavily tdy, dun feel like coming to work super duper sianz...*sleepy*</font>
I called my clinic this morn too..

asked if need to see gynae or not cos my pile is still there..
she said can go see GP..
Any mommies bought anything from Baby Hypermart? Is it worth to make a trip down (Hm...I am staying at west)? Thanks!
Hi mummies,

Can I check if it's possible to share steriliser btw 2 babies? For how long (till wat age) do we need to sterilise bottles for our babies?
Good morning Mommies,

Very excited to be going for my detailed scan this afternoon. Hopefully I will know if my baby is a boy or girl!

Regarding sterilizer/bottles/pumps

I am confused. Have been reading alot about getting BPA free bottles. But realised that we will still need to sterilise the contact parts of the breast pumps. So isn't it ironic, if bottles are the only items that are bpa free? Now confused which brands of sterilizer and breast pump to get. Cos eventually still back to square one and exposing baby to BPA?

I have checked out Medala's local office..and have dropped them an email..to see if its cheaper to get from their ofc directly..hehe..will keep u gers posted if it's cheaper. Thanks!
Ms pi:
I am also with Dr Ong, the 1st time I saw him I told him straightaway I don't take milk and other products and he asked me not to worry. So I think you don't need worry too. The only I try to take is milo.

Most lilkely I'll take Mt E, I prefer a convenient location.

I also haven't bought anything. I have set my eyes on a capella stroller, still don't know wat to get for car seat.

Mrs chua:
Pls take care of yourself. Hearing your problem makes me concerned about myself, since I tend to do alot of walking and some carrying of heavy stuff. But for my sil, she was found to have a low lying placenta but eventually it shifted to the normal position.

Opps these few days I do have a sharp pain on the right side..
Chua Wan Juen:
Thanks. I will take care of myself for the sake of the baby.

Yea, I used to like doing things myself and walking rather than depending on people. Like I used to bring out our laundry to sun early in the morning. Now I have to content to waiting for my hubby to wake up and bring them out.

I used to also squat while doing some laundry that need to be handwashed. But now, because of the low placenta, I cannot squat so must bring a stool along. Quite ma fan, but needs time to adapt bah. I hope that it will shift its position too.

Re ur pain, have u spoke to ur gynae?
Hi all,

For strollers, would it be more practical to get those travel systems whereby can detach and convert to car seat or get separately?
Mrs Chua:
Until now, I also squat to handwash clothes leh.

My appt this fri, definitely will bring up the pain issue to my gynea. Also not sure how to describe the pain, its below the pelvic area. But thanks for your concern too

I had the same idea as you too, to get a travel system. But so far I cant find any suitable ones, as they tend to be more expensive. And some cant be used for new born? I think also more troublesome if to handle e.g. when closing up the stroller to put inside the car.
Hi Chua,
the travel system kind is definitely more ex than normal strollers and also more bulky too. But am just wondering if buy separately, will the cost come up to be about the same price range? Really confused now.
Hi Wan Chuen:

I guess it is ok to squat if u dont have a low placenta? Unsure also leh. I cannot coz of gravity perhaps? Hahahaha... My own conclusion.

Then again, if u squat down to wash ur clothes, wont u be pressing against ur tummy also? I noticed that I have to open my legs wider now if I sit on a stool. Very unglam, but no choice. Hahahaha...

Have u spoken to ur gynae? Mabbe it is nothing to worry about, but y not call and confirm?

But u must take great care ok?
<font color="0000ff">Ladies,

Think we just hv to exercise more caution in whatever we do

Sometimes, I will hv the tendency to forget that I'm pregnant and I will have big movements lolx ;p</font>
<font color="0000ff">Phtanus/Diane,

I read before that people commented Bb Hypermart's stuff are not as cheap as compared to those dept stores during sales period. Further down, there's oso another Bb Kingdom.

But I muz agree that Bb Hypermart carry a wide range of strollers and car seats, think it's the bargaining sales, but for those smaller items, they are not selling cheap same price as outside or even more ex w/o the additional discounts..</font>
I did tell my gynae abt it last wk during routine check up n he jus tell me to walk n move like a preg lady n nt assif I'm nt preg...must rmb I got baby in me...hee...think he's saying that its caused by fast or sudden movement ba...
Phtanus, Diane,

I went to BB Hypermart on Sat nite n decided to go Taka sales the v.nxt day cos the price Taka offers is much better! E.g. Maclaren Quest Sport retails at $368 in both shops but BB Hypermart only offers 10% but Taka offers 15%...

I agree with u! Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night because when I shift my sleeping position, I felt as if I "slammed' my tummy too hard liao. Heehee... I guess dats wat I did before preggers.

Ahhh.... Den really nothing to worry about loh.
Lili, I remember u ask abt the pigeon glass milk bottle right?

I juz bought another NUK glass bottle with latex teat 8oz at Kiddy Palace at 15% = abt $12 after discount, if u wanna get it better go quick. There were a few pairs of parents grabbing it with us last nite...hahaha. In the end, we din even manage to get any glass bottle with silicon teat for my sis

Pigeon bottle can use NUK teats
Some1 has concern of if Medela products are BPA-free?

Juz saw this from another thread that some mtb posted :

'Saw a notice at Mums &amp; Babes at AMK hub that says that Medela products are BPA-free. it's announced on their website too'
yes, i did.

NUK bottle can use Pigeon teats? Do you know the size for both? i heard need to get small for both, is it?
