(2008/10) Oct 2008

Purebliss: Wow! You are expecting twins!

Oh yea, varicose veins r more prominent on the lower part of my legs too. I noe I sure kena them coz my mum has 'em and I read that they are hereditary
hmmm.. cut down on carbo ah.. hehehe... i dunno what protein to take leh.. i am kinda averse to fish now as well.. :S

good that u managed to take some food!
u have varicose veins too? maybe u wanna try pre natal massage? heard that it'll also help in varicose veins... but its hearsay.. i cannot confirm either...

worried abt stretch marks now.. cos these 2 days.. tummy is stretching more than few days ago... and im not applying anything as yet!!

Can apply on breasts too.. i heard that breasts is another plc to take care of for stretch marks...
Diane... I didn't opt for OSCAR leh... Dr. Ang asked me if I wan OSCAR, and I told him no leh...

Hi wan Chuen... glad to hear that.. thought my baby too small coz i lose another 2kg... haiz...
Stretch mark is white colour lines... but nor sure the beginning is what colour leh...
purebliss, orr...u having twins, no wonder so fast got stretchmarks but even then still need to apply cream if not, they will itch?

forest, u going for yoga too? let go together lei, I trying to look for kaki loh. Haven decide where to do it coz most of the places seem quite out of the way lei...sianz
i havent decide.. becos same problem.. also worried abt distance... n getting lazy since preggie.. :p if we can find good place to go, i really dont mind lehh.. cos i think its good pre natal exercise!!
Hi mummies,

Stretch Mark is not only a white colour lines. I ever seen my fren's one. brown, bruise colour....very horrible and terrible.hmmm...it looks like a breaking glass but in brown colour. All over your tummy. She told she felt itchy and pain in the last trimester.
My fren did apply lotion since her 1st trimester but still no help lei.

I didnt have any stretch mark after my 1st one *hope for 2nd one as well and i didnt apply anything as well as too oily i dun like the feel.
yah strect mark not only white colour lines, i saw my cousin just given birth de her is brown & bruise colour de.. i also not sure but i thk starting is bruise colour de then few yrs ago bcum white lines bah.
i saw my mum & my manager them all is white color de
my cousin said she also applied butter cream (palmer) but not use at all loh so i thk better after delivery then apply whitening lotion haha
Hi mummies,
Went for OSCAR test this morning, the NT scan shows bb's neck thickness abt 1.4cm, now waiting for blood test results. Will go back for review coming Sat, as hubby not free this afternoon.

About Dang Gui, think we should avoid during pregnancy lay, as it will stimulates bleeding acc to babycenter.

Same, same. Yesterday suppose to be my 12w, BB only measures ~4.9cm during scan this morning. Sonographer said my bb is abt 11w now, a bit worry. But bb was active during the scan, cant stop kicking his/her legs, and heart beating strong. So i guess it should be all right ba. Will check with my gynae this Sat. Hee...hubby asked me to eat more, so that bb can grow better. Aiyo, as if I dun want, just that dun have appetite to eat lay!
hi Phatanus,
yr baby is 1.4mm or 1.4cm??? mine is 1.4mm leh.. doctor said low risk, so i didnt go for OSCAR. only normal blood test.

gynae nv comment on the size leh.. so should be ok ba... I also no appetite to eat ley.... haiz... hopefully after 1st trimester then can eat better...
Had PM you! Good that you are at least taking some food. For me, I only have problem eating dinner, lunch and breakfast still okie.

Thanks. My hubby is the one working in China!

Yeah, stretchmarks not only white colour. And I think cant really prevent since my sis applied cream and oil diligently but her tummy still looked like a watermelon. But being kiasu, I still try to apply the clarins oil. But maybe only once a day if I remember. Hehe. Oh, I didnt know must apply on breasts and other areas leh. Think I better start checking for stretchmarks, I only checked my tummy now.

What is the market rates for massage lady huh?
I am so worried about growing fat and flabby. Hehe. My mum just told me I can give away my jeans since I could never fit into them anymore... so sad....
dear mummies..
Have u all start to drink milk powder??? I tried Frissomum but cant stand the smell.. wonder where to get sample of other brand before buy the whole big tin??
im going to see a chinese sinseh this sat also.. if she tells me anything that should be avoided, i'll let you mummies know!!

ohhh.. so u follow ur hubby to china.. but isnt working there? good, then u can rest well and be a beautiful mummy!!

throw away ur jeans? thats what my hubby says also... can forget all my XS clothings liaozzz..
but tats why the girl who introduce the malay massage lady to me.. told me to do massage religiously.... but for me, once a week is a bit too much leh.. can't imagine doing tt for 5months continuously!!! and then twice a week for post natal!! *faintz* i dunno abt market rate, but the one i was recommended charges $50 if im not wrong.. must recheck with my hubby...

i bot anlene for adults prior to getting preggie.. and still drinking it now... its only half a tub now!

oh then urs shld be the normal blood test. Mine was oscars


I have green veins over my breasts already. Then also have some silvery marks but not very obvious. I never apply cream on my breasts though. Stomach area still ok.

u can try Anmum. Its not bad. Actually for my past visits, wanted to get some samples from Dr Ang's clinic but keep forgetting....duh....next week i go and see if i can get...provided they have. Ur next visit is in May right?
yes, anmum is nice. see if your gynae have sample.

all mummies
have you think of what milk powder to get for your bb after birth even with breastfeeding?
forest: $50 per session? What are the perks again for such pre-natal massages?

Tweety, I havent had the urge to drink milk for the past 2 mths. When I signed up with TMC for the First Born Incentive, 2 pkts of dunno-wat-brand-milk-for-pregger-ladies were given to me. But no urge to drink also... This is bad...
milk powder for baby >> haven leh, got so many of brand in the market, maybe ll see wat recom from doctor bah..

Dinner >> tonight ll go hom cook some simple dish, have bog vege during lunch time
Forest.. I always hv problem with milk powder... I forbia.. will throw out soon after drink...

Diane.. I got the sample from Dr. Ang, but they hv only frissomum.. and it's quite a big tin.. not those packet one...

My next visit is May 12th.. hee...

lili.. My MIl will cook. but don really like it since my preganancy.. don know y...
I was thinking of anmum chocolate favour, but scare cant take it too... so thinking to get sample lor..

As for bb, i thinking of Gain IQ leh.. hee...

Mrs. Chua... Me also v bad.. don feel like looking at it man... so sick at it...

I've been looking at bb's name lately.. i think i too gan cheong.. hahahaha...
anmum chocolate flav really not bad.. ehmm like milo taste loh

wah u got a big tin sample from Dr.Ang? if each visit ask a tin then can save $$ woh haha

wah din know Dr Ang give big tins le...heehee..too bad u dun like the taste otherwise can save $$ wor...heeheee

U can try Anmum. I am drinking the original flavours one. I think it taste a bit sweet. Or u want to try the choc flavour as recommend by bbgoh?


u also under Dr Ang like us right? Can go get free frissomum...hahaaa!
<font color="ff6000">So far I tried Anmum samples from my gynae, and Enfamama (thanks Purebliss!) Chocolate. I prefer the chocolate one... also drinking meiji milk sometimes.

realised whilst making these drinks that it's impt not to use water that is just boiled. it's too hot and makes the powder clump together - very lumpy. Think about 80 degrees type of water cooler hot water the best.
like in my office.</font>
Yeah, I am not working. Sure I can rest well, but not sure about the beautiful part and growing fat. Hehe.
I think I can also throw away all my xs clothes and bikinis le.
How come need pre-natal massages huh? Thought more important is massage after delivery. Can also check with your hubby $50 is for how many minutes?

I have not been drinking milk. But I try to take more cheese. Anyway, since I am taking calcium pills, think it is okie to do without milk?
Mrs Chua, I also have 2 packets of milk from the gynea that are still in the paper bag. Haha.

After reading ur post on green veins on breast, I immediately checked mine. Hehe. Think I should be more diligent with my clarins oil.

We haven even started thinking of bb names. Anyway, my hubby doesn't wana know the gender, think need to come with 2 names then. But I think I don't want this kind of surprise. haha...
bbgoh... i put milo with the milk powder, but will still throw out.. don know y... haiz..

yaya.. Dr. Ang really got that sample but need to fill up the form leh... don know can take how many though.. hee...
tweety: Actually me already shortlisted a few names. For both boys and gerls. More KS right?

Yea, i agree with bbgoh. Can save $ if ur gynae gives u a tin each time u ask.

Jialat, me very very very tired and sleepy. How to survive for the next 1 hr +?
pinkimum... we are thinking both lor.. since don know the gender yet mah.. hee...

Mrs Chua.. u are really fast.. did u consult any fengshui master in chinese name???

ya lor.. if can take that vanilla fav. can save alot... too bad i still cant take it.. will try again next week after 1st trime...
Hi Mummies,

Mrs Chua, yup twins.

Forest, i was happy too. Deprived from food for so many days... meaning my hubby got to invest in more sunkist orange juice. Wahaha! Yah, varicose vein but my gynae dun allow me to go massage... sob
that is the worst of all. She says later the twins position kanna accidentally move and blah blah... now only can see those purple railway tracks slowly appearing.

JJmom, yah, very itchy... i still applying until the cream finish. Then i use aloe vera gel and apply... dun waste money buy anymore.

Pinkimum, i miss my roti prata... and steamboat. :p

Dimpletots, i cannot drink any of those powder one this rd... now trying to drink MAGNOLIA fresh milk ... cold cold, easier to drink bah?
does it mean that the next visit you will know the sex of your twins? exciting!

I drink milk until quite sian, but prefer to drink milk than take calcium pills. already the gnc prenatal pills already very big. but i think i mastered the trick. put pill far into tongue, then drink big gulp of water and swallow -

Doc wong seems more strict with you leh... she told me can go massage, just don't touch lower back and front. fan er it's the massage place that say must wait till after 5 months. cheh.

i am using palmer's cocoa butter with shea butter stretchmark lotion, so far ok leh... i dun see any marks, but maybe still early days. i think i have cellulite lines on my butt hahaha. but that is just fat lor... whereas stretchmark is from skin stretching too fast due to uterus growth rite?
Tweety, Mrs Chua,
hmm.. u all dont like milk ahhh.. can take cheese, or other substitutes??

Mrs Chua,
hmmm.. i've been told that it helps to prevent varicose veins and helps in keeping shape... but honestly, im not sure if its really true.. but it definitely help in easing the aches when u r in 3rd trimester.. when bb gets heavier.. and tummy gets bigger..

my cousin suggested similac for bb.. she says its good...

hehehe... no stress and keep happy.. def can keep happy and radiant awaiting the birth of ur bb!! hehehee..
ya.. i think bikini also can throw.. if got stretch marks.. really cant wear it manzzz...
hmm.. i really dunno much abt the massage lady yet.. its my hubby's coll who recommended, and i got hubby to make the call for me.. let me check and if i have details, will let u gals know!!
tweety: No ah. As in shortlisted some English names only. Chinese names will most prolly consult help.

purebliss: Wah seh... Gd for u! I was kinda hoping for twins too. Coz MIL's generation has a pair, hubs' generation has a pair too. So far a line down, meaning our baby's generation, no twins yet. But... Chin chye ah
happy for u ah!! hmmmm.. so ur twins are your no. 2 and no. 3 right?? wahhh... tell ur hubby, the investment is worth it!! kekeke.. so cute leh.. twins... i'm trying to imagine, see 2 babies during scan... must be v v amazing and exciting!!!

huh.. u r not allowed to massage ah... but if massage mostly leg.. shd be ok?? i didnt ask my gynae tho.. maybe i'll also ask... :p

are u lactose intolerant?

actually mummies, i'm rotating between my anlene powder milk and HL Milk.. becos i find powder milk v v heaty.. and i will get constipated.. so i rotate it now.. and its better!! heheh..
i havent experienced yet.. but before preggie, i was quite prone to leg cramps.. :S do u feel better now??
forest: I have been taking cheese. Hubs usually prepares 2 slices with bread per day as substitute for my breakfast.

In my early wks of pregnancy, I still cld stomach milk. But nearing the end of 1st tri, turned off by it.

Hmmm... But my worry is I cringe when people even attempt to massage my shoulders. Hence, nvr in my life have I ever been massaged before.
everafter, I also cant take milk ever since preggie leh, will diarrhea. But eating cheese is okie. And sometimes I try to take soya milk.

Had PM you regarding the mylanta.

Enjoy the evening. Me thinking what to eat for dinner, headache. But still need to eat something.
<font color="0000ff">Forest,

The calf part still painful!! Can feel the tugging pain haiz...I was telling DH tis morning, tis is one of symptoms from now on...-_-"" hope I dun get it too often else cham man!!
boo hoo hooo</font>
got fill form de huh then i thk only can take one time lah..
u got drink in warm mah? bcoz nw u still got ms so dun drink 1st loh.. can have soya drink &amp; cheese as subtitute 1st. wait ur ms gone le then try again the milk powder loh

yah i also under Dr Ang but too bad i also scare original flavour de, only can accept choco

mummies >> if u often suffer leg cramp, heard its due to lack of calcium. so try to get more calcium

same same .. i also ll suffer constipated when have powder milk, so ll get soya drink &amp; HL milk to rotate loh. and have more fruit evr day, i buy plum &amp; it help in constipated loh
<font color="0000ff">Bbgoh,

I'm lactose intolerant, so it's really quite difficult for me to take milk, although am trying to drink the Similac one now..hmmm...</font>

if really cant take then dun force urself, try to get substitute from other like foods or supplement.
