(2008/10) Oct 2008

forest, think as long as u consume enough nutrients from daily diet shd be okay bah.. else try calling the gynae and check if u shd go over earlier to get multivit?

btw, gynae mentioned dun take those vit c pills which are 1000mg.. daily we need only abt 100mg of vit c.. which is like 2 oranges daily or the amount of vit c in obimin..overdosage of vit c may result in baby being immuned to vit c in future.

hmmm.. seems all of u r taking more vits than me... the last time i asked.. when i first saw gynae at 8wks.. was told i didnt need anything more.. other than folic acid..

hope my bb is getting enough nutrients from my food intake... although.. i think i m not eating tt healthily!!
<font color="0000ff">Forest,

I oso got my fish oil via outside sources, so got it at quite a good price
, my gynae was abit uptight when I told him I started on fish oil, he checked with me wat brand I took. Neurogain is one of the purest fish oil from wat I understand from him, so he's ok with it, other than that his clinic carried another DHA from GNC but since I alrd bought 1/2 dozen of neurogain I din take it from the clinic ;p but my gynae vitamins and etc all very cheap so I'm guaranteed of the price lower than outside but too bad he doesn't carry neurogain hmmmm....28th will come by very soon!!


Thanks will go check it out the next time I go for my checkup
Hi all mummies...

Today went for my oscar test! baby very cooperative, I'm done within 30 mins...my hubby saw my baby moving the body and hands...nw baby is 6.1cm at 12 weeks 3 days...

now have to wait for the results on thurs..
heheh.. although 28th not so far away.. but now, am really counting every single day... cos' cant wait for next appt.. next scan to see bb!!!

hmmm... i think i just felt my bb move leh... 2 rippling movement in the middle of my tummy.. and since im not having any "gas output" now.. i think it shd be BB movement!!! oh... just felt it again! so exciting mummies... kekekek...
<font color="0000ff">Hi Trace,

Happy to know that
hee hee, how come your results will only be out on Thurs? My results are alrd out, just waiting for my gynae to call me later in the evening after his clinic sessions</font>
how many wks are u? u're also taking more vits than me...

good tt ur baby was cooperative... mine was facing down... and it took quite a while for us to make baby face upwards.. in the end, i had to lie sideways.. not facing the tv.. and cldnt see the movements by baby as much as my hubby did... hehehe...

Maybe I'm going to the gynae on thurs for my regular checkup. My gynae is at Mt A...was told have to wait for 3 days for the results to send to his clinic.


I din see much of my baby's movement too cos the monitor is not facing me. My hubby saw it everything..n he's so excited about it..haha..they were saying baby just woke up, was turning his/her body a while then stop..aft that starts to move his/her hands...so amazing...

Any idea when will I be able to know the gender of the baby? 4th or 5th mth?
wah... roti prata, yummy! Yesterday after reading postings about the fish &amp; co waiter, I got craving for that so went there for dinner. heehee! Now tempt me with roti prata... haha!

Trace, so nice
dun worry. results will be fine. My test is tmr morning. So excited to see the growth now.
After my test, you will consoling me about the results. heehee!

I went for my 11 week check and bb is 4.7cm. Dun know tmr will be how big. I asked my gynae about vits that I should be taking and he said right now take folic good enough. He will be prescribing for me when I see him on 30th.

I always feel very excited when the date for next appt draws nearer.
<font color="0000ff">Hi Mint,

Ytd, the sonographer got tell me abt the thickness (mm) of the neck and she got explain where and wat measurement she's taking, she oso tell me abt the bb's length and etc...only blood test have to wait
so your hubby saw all the movements right... same for my hubby... they get really excited.. and it was just funny watching the hubby's reaction.. kekeke...

but for me... before i lay sideways.. i could see the monitor.. and cld see bb's clenched fist... and legs.. and nose already.. ehehhe... really cant wait for next scan!!

i feel just like u.. excited abt the next appt!! for my gynae.. i also had to wait 3 days for my OSCARS results.. actually was supposed to be 2 days.. but i didnt get a call.. on the 3rd day, i was too anxious and called up on my own.. :p
Littlebluey, Forest,
I already cut the calcium pill into 1/2. Will try to cut it into smaller pcs tml &amp; c how. I m still feeling vy 'er xin' now...

Littlebluey, how much did u get your Neurogain? Can share where did u get it cheap? I bought it at abt $30+

try to talk to your baby...if the baby is lying at a good position, its very easy and completed in a short time..


It's indeed funny to see hubby's expression...and in the car he will share with you how the baby moves..haha..so cutie!

Today I asked sonographer about the thickness of the neck etc, she din tell mi anything except the length of my baby
is it my baby is abnormal? haiz...i keep having negative tots.......
littlebluey, that's good. At least roughly know whether good or bad.

forest, I think I'll have to wait till 30th to know my results (my next checkup). I think I will be anxious to know also leh. Can call the gynae ah? I'm so scared that he's busy then no time to entertain me leh.
talk to baby ah? like so strange leh... haha!

sounds like your sonographer not very friendly. As long as you're not in the high risk age, should be ok. must think positive. My colleagues keep telling me that everyday cos I'm a paranoid.
<font color="0000ff">JJmom,

Maybe you can either break/cut it into smaller pcs or take it with some juice instead of plain water, like that won't be er xin le...tht's what i do sometimes when I find the pills too disgusting to swallow hahahaha lolx ;p

Yeah, I got ard the same price as you
hahahaha, you got lobang?? Actually my lobang is from a fren who has the lobang *long story* hahahaha...u got the blue/pink bottle?


Your DH response same as mine DH, will be very excited and start talking about it once in the car hahahaha ;p

Dun worry too much, am sure everything is ok de
U never check with the sonographer?</font>
lili, for booking of classes, need to go down to TMC personally to book or can book online or phone call?
or u can have some sweets or sour plums ready... so after u take the pill.. can pop the sweet or sour plum to cover the taste??

i had the same feeling as u... cos' sonographer just told me the length of baby.. but didnt say anything abt the neck thereafter... that also got me really worried, and i was sooo anxious until the 3rd day, i cldnt wait any longer and called the clinic to ask for the results.... i guess, its normal for sonographer not to mention the thickness of the neck?? probably cos' have to combine it with blood test, and then based on age, to do the adjusted risk factor... stay positive ya!!

for me, the nurse told me they'll call me to update me on the results.. when i called, my gynae was not in, and the nurse relayed the results to me.. i think it shd be ok to call... mommies are anxious to know the results... :p
Littlebluey, no lah, i thou u have cheaper than $30 lobang...haha
I got mine from my gynae loh
Mine is blue colour but what's the diff leh?

yes..i talked to my baby this morning,hehe..quietly at one corner, in case hubby laff at me..hehe..i asked baby to be co-operative and let uncle/auntie scan for you..finish it fast and we can go home fast! :p


I did asked the sonographer wads the thickness of my baby's neck..she said results will be released together with the blood test..wads yr sonographer's name? Mine is angelia lim..something like dat..:p
Liyan, lili_fc,
so both of u start in June ah... now, already make booking for June... hmm.. wonder if i shd be KS to call n make booking or wait till my 28th appt....

talking to baby is not strange lah.. me and hubby also frequently talk to baby... hehehe... its like "tai jiao" lor... ;)
Forest, it's not the after taste tat is uncomfortable 4 me but the swallowing part. The pill will like 'melt' in my throat &amp; tat feeling make me wanna puke it out immediately liao.
like what liyan advise, do book early so i quickly called just. can call to make booking &amp; made payment on next check up.

No booking for July class yet only June class.

I opt for 4.30pm on Sat as Hubby do works occasionally on Sat till 1pm so unable to make it for 2pm.
JJmom, oohh.. now i understand.... :S maybe u shd really try what Littlebluey suggested.. take it with juice or flavoured drinks.. like milo?? hope it gets better for u!!
Trace, we have been talking to our bb ever since we know of our preggie leh. Not strange at all, it's fun to do it together with DH.
Go try it tonite &amp; u 2 will surely enjoy it, bb enjoy it too
<font color="0000ff">JJmom,

I got the pink one, it's one with a higher content if I'm not wrong. We can get the blue ones at the pharmacy but not the pink ones. If I'm not wrong, the blue one price is around $25 ++. But I guess, no problem taking either the blue/pink bottle


Think mine is Monica XX wor...can't remember hahaha</font>
forest and trace,
heehee! ok, I will try talking to baby... I think I will end up laughing and feel like siao cha bo... heehee!

gtg ladies. bye and and have nice evening.
wish me luck for tmr's scan. Will update you all on the progress.
u're exactly 1 week behind me...

wow... seems like HOT CAKES all the classes.. will check with hubby on his schedule.. he has to work weekends at times.. probably i'll have to take the weekday nights classes... do you know if Mrs. Wong is teaching on weekday nights??

your preganacy is abt the same as me..i'm 12w3d...hehe

hmm...i m not taking any vits at the moment except folic acid and duphaston.
I had my NT scan last Sat and on the spot the sonographer assured tat all the readings are good...belongs to low risk range...awhile back my gynae clinic called n cfmed tat the scan n blood test results r normal...phew!
Thanks forest &amp; littlebluey, a little ashame of myself as a mom-to-be to make a fuss over taking pill...ha ha ha
hmm...i will get my HD to join mi in the talk with my baby. My HD will onli touch my tummy..but din talk..:p


the sonographer was laffing to herself at certain point of the scanning..dunno wad is she laffing at??? I asked her wads so farny huh? then she suddenly said ok baby, stop there, this position is good..haha..i'm puzzled!
Sorry is NT scan same as the type of scanning for OSCAR?


I'm still taking duphaston...will see if need to take when i see the gynae this thurs..
talkin abt the antental class at TMC, i muz share with u all smthing funny. When i went for my NT scan, i went to enquire abt the class. then the lady tot i delivered liao! mayb my top was really so big n loose that cant see my tummy at all :p
<font color="0000ff">Trace,

Maybe she's talking to the bb? hee hee...

My Dh will talk to bb every night and he loves stroking my tummy, then will say seems like bigger le hor...then always before bed, he will say BB be good let mummy zz ok then he will plant a kiss on the tummy
ke ke</font>
Hi Moms,

carinakoh, yes I am .

everafter, think i giving my dinner amiss tonight. Hate the feeling of eating and throwing... I think my boy also wondering what is wrong with mummy... Haha! Took some biscuits just now as per advice by the mummies, it works... but i snacked 2 pieces niah.

elchwong, ur edd is one day ahead of me.

Mummies, enjoy ur evening.
mayb she's talking to my baby, but the way she laff while scanning, i am blur..haha..

hmm..muz really get my hubby to talk to my baby..i will tell my hubby..if u dun talk to baby, baby will not b close to you! hahaha...

have u gers started applying stretchmark cream?

Giving up dinner?!! do take smthing light lah..else heartburn will get worse. at times, i also told hubby that i really hate eating lor...but wat to do...still hv to eat
my hubby same as ur hubby.. will always talk to bb.. and sometimes, if i feel unwell.. he will say.. bb good good.. let mummy rest.. and will also kiss my tummy n say good night to bb everynight.. ehehe..

no worries.. we r all supporting each other!!

okies.. i'll check the webby!! tks!!
looks like me have to go enquire for the antental class liaoz..heee...

littlebluey: my DH also talk to bb everynight..to be good..else if i wake up in the middle of the night..he has to wake up too..heee..

Trace : me started on the clarins oil and stretchmark cream..ks..heee

<font color="0000ff">Gals,

My fren said dunnit so gan chiong abt the anenatal class, becos she told me all we nd to do is to enquire on the classes, then the folks at Parentcraft will check with us when is our EDD and advise us accordingly which class to go for? She's oso with Mdm Wong</font>
