(2008/10) Oct 2008

Littlebluey and forest,

I also dunno how true is the saying but I m secretly hoping for a boyboy to be my 1st and follow by a gerger next..

came across this article from asiaone few days ago on how chinese using the chart to predict boy/ girl and its said to be 99% accurate


However must bear in mind they are using chinese yr and chinese month for mummy age and month u got preggy (time when u are suppose to .. chinese yr is yr eng yr (ignoring mth) plus 1.. i tried asking few of my frens to test and got 100% accruacy based on my small sample size..

<font color="0000ff">Trace,

It's all in the mind, if you are able to get it out, then I dun see why you can't enjoy having the porridge?


My DH sent me the chart a couple of days back, all indicate boy leh..hmmm...if it's really true, then wat Dr Lim told me on the last visit is true le *lolx* ;p</font>
so who hv booked massage lady already?? my colleagues jus told me ydae that i better book fast lor...norm its we go to their hse right?
gross rite? so i dun dare to eat from nw on..though i loves it...

you shld see my gynae's expression when my HD popped that ques..he said u r the 1st person to ask mi yr wife can eat frog legs or not? hahaha...

do you mind if u could recommend yr massage lady to me? I urgently need a massage..cos my shoulder is aching till i cant zzz last nite..
<font color="0000ff">Everafter/Joyful,

My package should be $50 per session around 1.5 hrs wor, think I will be taking at least 10 sessions
My DH said just go ahead and book lor..hahahahaha...the massage lady told me if natural can do it 5-7 days after birth if C-section then hv to wait for 3 wks later then can wor..


How's yours?</font>
at least u ate half!!

wah.. we really must be conscious to hold on to escalators handrail whenever we take one!! so dangerous!

ya i like!! and i like it fried with a little brown crust.. and piping hot.. keke.. now, i thinking to ask hubby to go buy.. kakaka..
hahaha.. ur hubby v cute leh.. dont allow u to take dark sauce.. but think my hubby said the same, and i asked him? sure or not? means i cannot eat soya sauce for nine months!?!? he gotta be kidding lor.. kakaka.. :p :p

im an ardent fan of frog leg porridge lor! now where got good ones huh?? i find geylang one standard drop.. and not so nice...

i also booked.. but mine like no package.. just go by $50 per session bah.. but i havent spoken to the lady.. and duno the details.. think i'll call her again to ask!! :p
<font color="0000ff">Gals,

I got a couple of contact by kind frens, maybe if you all are keen can contact :

Liza: 94342836
Mdm No: 90048804
Zu: 98804301
Hannah: 96319557</font>

I think you got a better deal than me.. Mine is $300 for 5 session 1 hr per session... Maybe i should try to negotiate more in this case
<font face="tahoma"> regaring post-natal massage,

I have a contact too. If am not wrong, she's charging $400 for 7 sessions

Maggie : 96474045</font>

based on your chart, then mine is a gal..heehee..eh btw lunar month of conceiving the baby how to count. For example conceive in Jan, lunar mth means Dec or Feb?..heehee


i book my massage lady based on recommendation. She charges abt $35 per 45 mins session. But she fully book liao. Managed to squeeze me in only. I booked 8 session with her first.

Frog legs

Now i feel like eating frog leg porridege from Geylang...slurp!
conceive in Jan, lunar should be Dec bah.. me too leh also get girl, just confuse of age only. bcoz if count of lunar age then conceive on Jan(lunar Dec) we should count this yr age or last yr age bcoz haven CNY ah so should be still last yr age bah

ya lor also think that lunar mth shdl be Dec. Lunar age..hmmm...i think by default just add 1 more year bah..dun count whether before or after CNY..otherwise very confusing...haahaaaa!!!
<font color="0000ff">Diane,

If conceive before CNY, it will be 12th Lunar mth (Dec), after CNY (then will be 1st lunar month)


Mine dunnit to pay deposit upfront

thanks. Can feel slight twitching on my tummy now. wat a weird feeling. Cant wait to go for my scan next wed.
i book based on recommendations.. cos' my hubby's office a few of the mummies use the same massage lady.. but i have not spoken to the massage lady myself.. i got hubby to call, and he didnt ask for the details.. however, mine is pre to post natal.. so will be longer period of massage..

i just looked at the chart.. it says a boy for me.... dunno how accurate this chart is hor.. kekeke...
Thanks Rachel mummy, bbgoh &amp; forest!! Yes this is my first bb!

Mummies: Just to let you know in sept thread alot of mickey mouse!

Trace: Thats so gross!! But I have never like frog legs so its ok...
you are right, if its lunar dec we should count last yr age to be accurate...
mine is a boy... eagerly waiting for next gynae visiting next week..

the postnatal massage package really differs... im starting to feel abit confused now whether mine is worth it..
bbgoh, Diane,

My way of calculating will be to see which month ur bday falls in n nt based on year(e.g. my bday falls in Mar but I conceive in Jan so my lunar age's still 27)...if conceive in Jan it might nt be lunar Dec cos lunar Dec only starts on 8th Jan...

dun think it's harmful..but just the tot of it turns me off.. :p

wow..so many contacts for massage lady, i'm going to call them aft my checkup...cos on half day today..
if use this yr age i get boy leh haha so its diff answer for me if add or not add

thk most mummies here is conceive on Jan (lunar 12th) bah
<font color="0000ff">Bbgoh,

Yeah, I agree with you most MTBs here would have conceive before CNY which is 12th Lunar Mth
, the difference is the age..</font>
hi mummies,

been mia for some time liao.. wow so many posts liao. me busy with my hse reno and work so no time to come in but anyway will be having my own hse liao.. so happi

so many mummies already book for massage lady liao ah.. is it a must to get one so that we will slim back? or can we jus BF and exercise coz they say BF will help to slim down too.. then no need to spend $ on the massage lady liao :p

any mummies start wearing bra for preg? i jus buy 3 and the sales gal damn gd at doing biz say these 3 i buy is wear during day time like going out or to office then at nite oso need to wear if not breast will sag esp now preg getting bigger then pysco me to buy another 4 for nite but nite ones no wires so veri comfortable leh.. oh ya.. i buy some panty too.. sigh total spend ard $300 on undergarment liao.. lucky govt got give $ this mth then can help to pay abit
Hi Mommies!!

Wah, it is really hard to follow the thread as its moving very fast.

I went for a scan on Monday hoping to see the gender ,i wan to noe if its a minnie mouse or mickey mouse but my bb is sleeping so sounding and crossing its legs. No matter how the doc tried to wake my bb up, it juz continue to sleep. Hiaz.. like the father, always like to sleep. I was so angry that when i reach home, i beat my bb ( not too hard lah of coz, coz i hitting my own tummy) and scold my bb for not being co-operative.

My next appt wil be on 7th may. Hopefully this time round, my bb will co-operate with me and the Dr. to do the scan.

Wanna ask u girls if ur tummy is protuding out already? I can't wear all my clothes le and i bought some cheap, losse and nice tops from bossini and giordano ( i have a maternity pants). dun wanna spend too much now coz tummy will sure grow bigger one.
hello mummies...

Hope all of you had a good lunch.. i had a BK meal so satisfying but feeling abit guilty now so quickly pop in my multivit to feel better keke... what did you all have???

gd that u hv craving for BK. me no craving at all so everyday headache dunno wat to eat but cant dun eat so jus eat for the sake of eating

anyway i hv fried bee hoon with egg and fillet.. oh ya, i heard my fren say preg can eat more eggs ard 3 per wk, is it true?
<font face="tahoma"> hi ladies,
i think i can feel my baby's movt now! though this is my #2 still very excited... hehehee

today's the 1st time!
<font color="0000ff">Ribena,

My tummy is already protuding le and quite obvious leow..I've wear all those empire cut dresses, the rest alrd can't fit in le ;p


I met some ex-colleagues for lunch at "Bao Jin Tian" then had roast duck noodles and tim sum *yummy*


How far are you along now??</font>
<font color="0000ff">Mspiggy,

Must be nice to feel your baby moving about inside


U can derived proteins from egg, but like what Joyful said beware of the cholestrol found in the yolks, just eat the whites, which is normally what I do hahaha ;p</font>
<font color="0000ff">Juz now, I had lunch with my ex-colleagues and they were telling me if expecting a gal, the mum would be pretty if it's boy, the mum's nose will become very big? *oops* how true is it??</font>
Littlebluey, Ribena,
my tummy also protruding now le.. tried to wear 1 of my normal skirts tis morning and cant... so, i have to opt for all my babydoll tops/dresses, etc..

so exciting for u!!

Cheer Bear,
where did u buy ur bras? i bought some bras... thats bigger in size.. but now find them not so comfy!!
thats what i heard as well... so, i always look at my nose ahh.. hahahah.. :p
hmmm.. i heard that for TMC.. for certain gynaes.. if u book 4-bedder, u get automatically upgraded to 2-bedder?? but im aiming for 1-bedder for more privacy though.. how abt u?

oh my.. i had korean noodles at hk cafe.. actually, i think its instant mee.. so unhealthy.. now im soooo bloated!!

I heard about that too. Two of my frens' nose indeed became bigger when expecting baby boy. But last time when my coliks expecting baby boy, their nose/look were normal lay. Hee...

NVM la, once in the while shud be ok.
<font face="tahoma"> littlebluey,
i think my nose looked normal when i was expecting my boy. guess all these are myths only

some said pointed tummies are expecting boys while rounded tummies are expecting girls. not true for me too! hehehee

<font color="0000ff">Phtanus, Mspiggy,

They have frens who are like that, that's y they told me about it muhahahaha lolx...but still I think it's to each individual...</font>
Hi mummies...
I was so busy in the morning with all the work.. finally finish liao.. heee...

Milk Powder:
I will try again maybe next week after my 1st trimester.. Since ms start to get better... For the sake of baby.. haiz.. but I got no problem with HL fresh milk leh... but it's cold one lah.. hee..

Storeberry... congrats on mickey mouse.. hee...

forest.. yr hb like to hv surprice.. hehe...
not a bad idea leh.. but cant buy clothes lor..

cheerbaby... wow.. $300 for the bra n panty??? I'm fainted... so ex wor... i still wearing my normal panty and bra leh.. bra abit tight, so i try to wear those bigger size coz i bought wrongly the other time.. as for panty no problem leh...

btw.. for bra, shall we wear the non-wire or wire also can???

Ribena.. wow.. i'm also gg for scan on Monday.. hee.. tummy still not visible but alot of pants cant wear liao.. try to wear those lose dress...
I'm also start to buy cheap cheap and nice dress to wear.. hee... those not meant for maternity but as long loose, i don care.. hee...
i buy from perfect mum at suntec (i work at suntec mah) veri gd leh.. veri comfortable leh.. now i wearing but dun feel like got anything.. in fact last nite jus buy normally i will wash first but see that they got pack in plastic (new one) then i dun bother to wash so today start to wear

same as u.. think will opt for 1 bedder

Hi mummies,


I opt for 4 bedder and they upgraded me to 2 bedder for free. *charge me $$$ for 4 bedder.
Think you can try opt for 2 bedder and probably they can upgrade you to 1 bedder for free...hehe
