(2008/10) Oct 2008

ok ladies... bye for today!! ;) enjoy your evening!!
Thanks, mummies and mummies-to-be,
My spotting has stopped since a week ago. I'd asked him to get a part-time helper but he's procrastinating on it since he got a free one here.

Reading about how your husbands dote on you fill me with envy. I don't want to talk to my bb bcos I'm afraid the moment I open my mouth, I will scold her father.
O o mummies,
Can I check with you on the charges for Oscar test - I read somewhere that we can claim medisave for it? How does that work? How to claim?
dun seems like heartburn le. i got heartburn during my last trim for #1 and the feelin compared to now is totally diff. its really pain....dunno chest muscle or heart pain....

initially tot its stomach gas...but then its not freq. only once in a while. aso dunno if its bb movement but it feels like it cos remember i experience tis during the 1st preg.

wah...so many mtbs here having insomia.....me also cant sleep well at night cos always disturb by my boy. still cant sleep thru...very cham....morn go work super tired.

not sure if can claim medisave. never heard b4. but i do know can claim 450 for the medical claim like gynae package or all your checkup receipts etc. i claim mine with my gynae package for 450.....
hi mummies, so many updates today.

I had tried gaviscon and mylanta for my heartburn. Both don't work for me. Anyway, mylanta can be bought over the counter. I can pass you mine if you don't mind since I only took it thrice. I went to my gastroenterologist today. He gave me famotidine and nexium. Hopefully the medicine work.

Sometimes I also feel very upset, especially at night when I feel so lousy and my hubby is not with me. Then I will feel very guilty towards the little one. I told my hubby maybe we should just stop at one and he was so disappointed, telling me two is better.

This Mrs Wong's class sounds so powerful. Hehe. Is there anyway to check the schedule online and book online? I also wana know what's so good about this Mrs Wong leh? Will it be too late to start the course during third trimester huh?

Oscar test>>
Mine is next Monday. I am looking forward to it cause so long never see my bb. Hehe.. Hope everything is good cause I will be flying back to China few days after that.

I am taking mutli vit, calcium and neurogain. All from the gynea.
Hi I also talk to my bb everytime! Tomorrow I am going for my detailed scan, so excited to see bb again!! Will tell bb to guai guai & mummy & daddy can finish the scan fast! kekeke
Hi to all mummies, din post any msg for a while already.

CL: Oh the market rate now is $2k? Someone recommended me one that charges 1.8, but when i called, the CL wanted me 1.9k, so my mum advised me against engaging her. Is it true that the rate will increase according the how many children you already have i.e. 2nd preg will be charged more than 1st?

Forest: I also gained about 3kg so far, 14w now, how abt u? Think I overeat, all my pants cant fit already, and most of my tops too.

Clarins oil: If I have time I will shower 1st, apply the oil and have a quick rinse, but without putting shower cream again la. Can still feel abit oily after the rinse.
Good morning mummies!

Re: antenatal class by Mrs Wong Boh Boi
When I was expecting my #1, hubby enrolled me in Mrs Wong's class. Have learnt quite a lot in the class esp for 1st time parents, hubby and me have really benefitted from the lessons. The class also helps you to get mentally prepared for what to expect during your labour pains, and the arrival of your bb.
Me started using the stretch mark cream in my 12 weeks liao. Am using Galenic which I get from pharmacy. Also used the same brand for my #1 and so far so good. Have tried palmer before but somehow my tummy developed rashes so din continue with it.
so fast u can do detail scan alrdy? u r in 20weeks liao huh.. so envy woh

Vitamin >> i 've pre-natal mul-vit & DHA fish oil from gynae only

Strectmark cream >> i only use normal body lotion to apply, haven get any cream

CL >> ll ask my mum do for me bah.. my mil reject to do le but i mo happy let my mum to cook for me

Baby movement >> hw is it feel huh? i nvr feel any movement le... (blur)
Morning Mummies,

Everafter, I tried to eat my dinner last night but in the end, "merlion" again. In the end, hubby make one cup of warm soya bean milk and some biscuits for me. Thats my dinner.. haha! Breakfast also no appetite... just take half slice bread and orange juice. later I try to drink milk.

Cheezel, oh... then maybe is short of breath or other reasons. Better check with ur gynae.

Pinkimum, I dun mind, if you are convenient then you pass urs to me. Now I really look o_O, panda bear eyes, cannot sleep well.

Mummies, my stretchmarks appear already, on my lower abdominal and backside area... cream dun work. Argh! Hubby still says look like a "GLOBE" pattern... Envy those mummies with no stretchmarks.
antenatal class
How do you all know about this Mrs Wong's classes? Only those delivering at TMC will know about these classes, is it?
Good morning all mummies!

Yesterday was a not-healthy day for me.. Had prata in morning & evening have instant mee. Feeling so regret... but will stay & eat healthy from now... so all mummmies also much do that... (we encourage one another ok??)heeeheee

you are right, the parentcraft will ask when your EDD. since, i can enrol mid-june, you can too. cos' i told them my EDD is early Oct.

Heard about Mrs Wong too, have alot of sharing. Mrs Wong teaches those nurses & let them teach but heard not much of sharing of experiences.

Would like to recommend this CL if you still cannt find one.

Name : Yoke Chang
Mobile : 012-2692304 (msia mobile)

She is my brother's gf's mother. Very good and experience. She is not long winded or talkative kind of person. She been in this line for number of years. I seen her before. No bad, good cook and quiet. You may start to give her a ring if you wan to book her as from i know, she has been book for few months liao. ;-)
Hi all,

this mrs wong, she teaches in TMC is it if we were to sign up for the classes?


for the claims, you can refer to CPF website under Medisave info. its shows u the claim limit etc.

Btw yesterday I booked my malay massage lady liao. Recommended by my friend
Lucky i call her yesterday, she told me fully book for year end already but still can squeeze me in.
Trace, there is a thread on palmer stretch mark cream giving a lot of MTB rashes so if u do feel itchy after application, better stop using it immediately.
i read on the cpf webby that we can claim after birth under the maternity package. we need to submit all the receipts for all the checkups and tests done. therefore, i believe we can also include the amount we paid for oscars, etc into this claim. suggest u check cpf webby for more info!

hehe.. this is my #1.. so i can only guess it was bb movement, since yday i wasn't burping gas when i felt the movement.. kekek.. but it felt exciting!!

good luck for ur oscar test next mon!! u mentioned u r flying back to china.. do u work in china??

wow.. so fast is ur detailed scan!! do update us on how it went!!

im now 13w3days... and the additional 3kg was measured 2 saturdays ago!! i hope i didnt gain more weight ah!!! :p

thanks for info abt mrs wong.. i talked to hubby last night.. and think we'll enquire at parentcraft on our next appt at TMC.. hopefully she's also doing weekday night classes, as most likely we'll attend the weekday night one...

when i felt movement yday, it was like ripples thru my tummy.. but only at the middle part.. and it was twice... then it happened again... so, i believe it cld be bb moving... :D

hope u have better appetite later today... u already have stretchmarks? which cream did u use? i read also tt this is v much dependent on individuals...

rem, to eat healthy food today ahh!!
Gd Morn all mummies..

where to get good malay massage lady huh? I think i shld book now in case all fully booked..

I starts using my stretchmark cream recently but i realised a bit too late, cos there's some marks on my butt oredi :p
Hi.. kind of long nv log in here... How's all the mummies???

Went to my regular check up last Monday, Dr. did a scan and measure the neck thickness.. The result is ok at 1.4mm..

I think my baby is kind of small, i supposed at 12w on Monday but the baby measurement shows 11w5d only... is 4.9cm consider small???

Start the vitamins and DHA now... still have no appetite...
<font color="0000ff">Morning Ladies,


Hope you have regain your voice and in the pink of health


Hope your MS will go away really soon! Talk to your bb(s) tell them dun make mummy "suffer" so much
triple blood test is an alternative test for Oscar test. but oscar test is more accurate than that. but my friend did triple blood test too , result is okay also.

i was told to keep my receipt so that can claim by by gynae's nurse (TMC).
u booked ur malay massage lady? when are you starting?? i got a recommendation from frens also.. but my fren did pre natal massage every week.. and post natal, she did twice every week!! i'm wondering.. does it need to be sooooo frequent?? :p
hihi... He nv said anything le.. so I think ok lah.. hee.. I got DHA from my previous gynae, so I didn buy from him now. I think next visit then buy from him. My friend told me it's $32+ for 1 mth supply. How about u???

My baby nod its head when Dr. Ang took the measurement.. so cute.. can c its legs and hands.. hee
Diane, u book for pre-natal or post-natal? Post-natal so fast need to book liao meh?

I m like lagging behind on so many things =P
CL, yoga class, antenatal class etc. all haven decide or book yet...
Hi Littlebluey,

Nope. I m not getting any CL as my mum will help me. My mum + MIL did for me for my 1st one also.

My bro ? haha..think not so soon ba.

Are you thinking of getting CL for yourself ?
forest, JJmom

i book for post natal. Din know got massage for pre-natal one leh...heeheee... i book 8 sessions first. She said at least need 5 sessions to see effect. Then I booked 8 sessions first lor. If not enough, can book again but see if she is available or not first. I will have to call her after i give birth and also to tell her if i natural birth or c section so that she can decide when to start.
Twice a week is the norm i think.

I dun have to book CL because MIL doing for me. As for the prenatal, i also have book yet. No need so soon mah. I read that shld be at least 24 weeks of gestation then can book.


I din buy DHA from Dr Ang. I have been eating "Goldminds DHA" from GNC before i was pregnant. It cost abt $60 after discount and last me for abt less than a month coz i eat 4 every day. The reason why i eat this product is because the DHA is derived from the marine plant (original source of DHA) that fishes eat to obtain the DHA in their meat. So thought better than fish oil. Sometimes, u dun know the fish oil is derived from what kind of fish also.

So cute ur baby!!!...mine was like an upside down cockroach during my last scan with Dr Ang.
<font color="0000ff">Icylemon,

Hope you recover your pretty voice soon! jia you!!


Initially I wanted to, my DH told me he got one Msia relative is a confinement lady but am not keen. I'm a fussy person about cleanliness, dun like pple to mess up the stuff at home and etc....my MIL was asking me the other day if I'm getting one, I told her nope...most prob my mum will help me cook, if she can't then i will just cater those confinement food bah...hahahaha...;p.

U are lucky, have both to help you
U not lack leh.. me also nv book anything.. even maternity wear also nv buy...
I'm not getting CL.. my mum and MIL will help...

massage lady is to help u lose weight???
So cute of u to describe yr baby as upside down cockroach...

i HOPE the massage lady can help me lose weight...haahaaa!! Actually heard that this kind of massage also can expelled out fluid retention etc and strenghten the womb. But it depends on how individual reacts to the massages bah.

My HB is the one who described HIS kid as an upside down cockroach...so heartless...wahaahaaa!! I think Dr Ang also very amused by his description.
Can eat 'dang gui' meh? Better check with TCM 1st, i heard some herbs r not suitable 4 preggies de...
can we eat dang gui? i rem there's 1 tonic we cant take.. but i cant rem the name le... my memory is getting worse everyday!!

i was told need to do massage for pre and post then can lose weight leh... so the recommendation is to only start after 24wks??

hehe.. ur hubby v funny leh.. describe bb as tt.. kekke...

Hope you recover ur voice soon.. avoid fried food k! hehe..

u r going to do yoga too? where?
Not sure if can take dang gui leh...
btw, did u do blood test during yr NT scan??? Dr. Ang took my blood for blood test.
i also dun know whether can eat dang gui or not leh...my MIL said she wants to make for me to eat..but i not well verse in chinese tonics wor...

Hi Tweety

the blood test is taken after the scanning of the neck (NT scan). Shld be the oscars test. yup i took that and paid $200 for it. I got the results already. 1:10,000.
Dang Gui: My fren's gynae specifically said don't take as it may cause jaundice in babies. But as my sis in law said, there are many other causes for jaundice, doesn't mean its the dang gui.

Tweety: Think your baby's measurement is ok lah, when I took my measurement at 10 weeks its was a shown only 9w4d, 3 days less than what it should be. But the next scan it was updated to same no. of weeks as I was pregnant.

Forest: I am about 1 week ahead of you. Planning to cut down on carbo to avoid too much weight again. Anyway not much nutritional value from carbs like rice, noodles and biscuits rite. I will try more protein instead.

Oh... how does stretchmarks look like har? I must check if I got any. They say its red lines at the start?
Yea, how do stretchmarks look like? I have some whitish looking lines at the top of my thighs leh. Are they stretchmarks?

I started on Clarins ard a mth ago but on my breasts and tummy only. But at the sight of the white lines on my thighs, I started applying that area too! KS mah....
mrs chua, thighs &amp; bottom also need to apply 1. Someppl may need to apply on upper arms too. Depends on where your fat normally grow
But tummy, breasts, bottom &amp; thighs r must lah.
JJmom, jialat le... so are those lines stretchmarks? If they are, den really jialat liao. Hahahahaha... Apply where my fats grow. Den arms also liao...

Hi Mummies,

Forest, just now i try something before eating and i din throw out. I make a glass of warm sour plum drink and drink first before eating... then i took my food... so far pass 1 hr plus... never "merlion".
My stretch marks came out already because my tummy stretches fast cos carrying 2 inside there. It is reddish and the pattern looks like watermelon stripe. I using Mustela stretchmark cream but i guess it will not help. When I preggy with No. 1, I also kanna whole tummy... this rd worst.. backside also have.

Varicose veins also appears on my tight... Purplish in colour.
