(2008/10) Oct 2008

did u check w gynae why huh? strange to become intolerant after preggie.. but well, alot of us have had strange things.. or rather.. lets not call it strange.. we just didnt know of it before! :p if u can take cheese, at least not so bad too!

mrs chua,
cheese is good substitute for milk!! good that u love cheese.. i've never liked cheese in my entire life.. so thank goodness i can still take milk..
errr.. cannot take soya milk meh? i take it almost everyday too!! when im having my bfast at the market.. i only heard cant take tau huay cos of the content in it.. so i think soya milk shd be fine bah...

i also love massages!! havent had 1 since preggie.. so, waiting for the time when we can start pre natal massage!

thinking abt what to eat for dinner is a headache for me... getting more n more picky abt food!!! arggghh...

think u must prep ur hubby to start massaging for u... get hubby to do some leg massage at night.. to ease ur cramps..
i pre-warned my hubby when i got preggie... be prepared to do leg massages for me.. kakaka... :p

<font color="0000ff">Forest,

I grab my DH last nite when the cramps set in, he got a shock and thot wat happen hahahahaha :p but he immediately msg for me then at least not that bad, else total concuss!</font>
<font color="ff6000">for tonight, I am thinking chicken rice... or bar chor mee... or laksa... hahaha.

my colleagues just asked me the other day, are you getting hungry a lot more often today? and for me the answer is yes. need to eat often, but small meals (cos too much i will feel bloated).</font>
kakaka.. im sure u must have felt really painful to grab ur hubby like that!! geezzz.. so scary thinking of it! hope u feel better sooon!!

ok mummies.. gg off for today!! ciao! ;)
Re: Antenatal Class by Mrs Wong

Ladies, if you wanna sign up the antenatal class by Mrs Wong. Have to book early. cos her class always fully booked very fast. Learn alot fr my last antenatal class conducted by her. quite humourous also. very nice lady....she will ans whatever qns u have in mind.

know why my nick is cheezel...cos my 1st preg, i'm always craving for cheese...anything with cheese i will eat....hehe....n i love cheezel balls alot.
hi everyone... ate my chicken drumstick rice just now... quite oily. :p

now waiting to send a very large email file out... i think my system hanging liao... at least I'm at home and not in office...
bbgoh: Yah in my 20weeks alr but I still pop by this thread cos know a few of them here! Kekeke..

Mummies: Just went for detailed scan! Smallberry is all curled up like a little prawn &amp; clenching his fists! One hand up &amp; the other at his buttoks &amp; the sonographer show us his little feets so cute! He has a cute button nose like mummy &amp; daddy.. Kekek... The scan was done quite fast because bb was cooperative. And its CONFIRMED, its a mickey mouse! Everything is normal for smallberry &amp; he weighs 340gm.

Diane: I also have grren veins on my breats.. Eeks..
hi mummies out there

for those applying clarins oil/cream, do u experience itch after that. i used it for my no 1 and do not have this problem
does anyone suffer fr bad insomnia, i hv been suffering since last wk, and have not had a single night sleep since last sat?

Went to see gynae, she cant prescribe me wif any medication and advise me to go for body n head massage to relax myself. Well, went for a pre-natal massage yest, but it din work for me at all. i still din manage to sleep last night.

MTBs, any remedy for me?
<font color="0000ff">Ginapy,

Since the beginning of tis wk, I've been experiencing broken patterns of zz, not one night I can get a full night's zz....-_-Zzzzzz

Did u try drinking a glass of warm milk or maybe wear socks? That might help
poor girl, its really xingku when have insomnia. i also very scare of it.
have u try drink a warm milk b4 sleep? try to relax urself dun use computer or watching on late night altgh u cant sleep. try more times massage see can help or not
Littlebluey: do u mean normal socks? i feel that there is a sharp pain on my neck, or something pointing my neck, thats y i keep on tossing whole night.
forest, didnt check with doc y diarrhea frm drinking milk. he didnt say anything when i say i've gastric pain and aft drinkin milk, vomit also...
Good morning all Mummies!!

are ur calves feeling better today??

hehehe... no wonder!! funnily for me, i dont take cheese but i love cheezel balls too!! kkakaka.. :p

so exciting to hear abt your detailed scan!! and congrats its a mickey mouse!! kekekek...
just this morning, my hubby asked me.. shall we ask gynae not to reveal bb sex to us?? i was like.. huh.. why the sudden thought?!?! he says keep all of us in suspense mah... :S

maybe u can try to find out if there's aroma oils which is OK for mummies to use and can help in insomnia?? i know that not all aroma oils can be used during pregnancy, so u'll need to go and consult the professionals.. or google on it... hope u'll get good sleep soon!!
<font color="0000ff">Ginapy,

Normal socks will do, think I watch a program lately and they advise pple who wants a good nite's rest can try wearing socks becos it will keep their soles warm (some blood circulation) theory thus leading to better zz pattern.

Huh? Sharp pain? How come?


Thanks for your concern, still feel the slight veins tugging when I got up tis morning but it's definitely much better than ytd
I was trying so hard last nite when I turn to my side to zz to ensure I will not trigger off any cramps *concuss* ;p</font>
did u try soya milk then?? :S hope u dont get gastric pains as much.. i do get it on and off as well.. but will feel better once i lie down to rest...

i feel like zzzzzz... zzz..ing now!!

wow... i had fried hokkien noodle last night...kekek.. also yummy!! hehe..

I actually have the same thinking as your DH leh coz I think it will be a 'happier' happening when the gynae pull my bb out &amp; say : 'Congrats, U have a ?'

Mayb I watch too many shows...muhahaha

But another reason also becoz I wanna try to avoid being unhappy if my PIL r unhappy if they din get their preferred 'hope' lah. Their thinking will still affect me in a way thou we don't mind the gender ourselves loh...
Morn all mummies...

cooling morn! goody!

I'm gog to my gynae this afternoon for checkup and my OSCAR result..so anxious!hope everything goes on well...

Any idea where I can go for my pre-natal massage? any recommendation? My shoulder aches very badly yest night

And do you think I can go facial? hmm..recently a lot of small pimples popping out ..mostly on my forehead...getting very frustrated abt it..
Last nite, I finally managed to have my sis's maid to help pan fried those pink rice kueh with dark sweet sauce &amp; chilli. Me &amp; my sis's fav kueh since young...so yummy

Somehow it really nicer to share food with some1 who love it as much as u do
<font color="0000ff">Oh ya,

Talking about facial, want to check with you gals whether we can use those home mask? Kose brand? My sis fren juz got a tube from me back from Japan and I want to use leh!! Super outbreak leow!! -_-!!</font>
forest, on and off i got drink soya bean milk. The gastric is still very bad...this morn had to walk faster to office in order to cheong to toilet to vomit
<font face="tahoma"> good morning ladies

trace, am still going for facial... going to clarins coz they dont use machines.. all using hand massages so it's safe
morning mummies,

i also been having breakouts... people say that normally u will have breakouts if you carrying girls dunno how true is the saying...

facial is ok as long as we don't do those treatment with electric current, just ask the beautican to do a gentle massage after cleaning should be fine..

So hungry already looking forward to lunchtime!!

I read thru the thread on facial..was told can go facial as long as they dun use those machines on you (dunno wads dat machine abt)...mayb u can try asking your gynae to see if can use the mask at home..

2 weeks ago, i went to my gynae, i asked the nurse there, she told me dun go facial..n even if ask Dr, he will tell u..do it at your own risk..

My hubby asked my DR dat day if I can eat frog leg..hehe..cos i got craving for it! but my Dr said DUN EAT! so till nw i still din eat it...n dun think i will eat it again in my life aft Dr explained to me..
<font color="0000ff">Joyful,

If it's true, I will be very happy! muhahahahaha lolx..yesterday night my DH was talking to bb then he said "Bb, are you a gal?" hee hee..so farni!!!</font>
facial is okay. professional beautician will not use "high-frequency" machine on your face after extraction. They will know what to do.
IF during extraction, pain, just tell them, they will not do much extraction for you.
<font color="0000ff">Trace,

My gynae oso dun encourage facial, he said just go pharmacy get some cleanser to wash face can le lolx... ;p</font>
<font face="tahoma"> re outbreaks :

i read that our body is very smart... trying to detox on its own to make our body "clean" for baby hence we have outbreaks to disperse those "impurities".

hence we shd eat more veges and fruits
glad to hear u feel better now.. at least its an improvement from yday!

hhhmmm... good question abt Kose.. i checked dermalogica brand n therapist told me its ok to use for preggies... i also got my coll to get me some charcoal and collagen mask sheet from Kose for me.. and i havent used them yet...
now, i aint sure if Kose is ok for use for preggies ahh... :S

hahaha.. u really have same thinking as my hubby!! for him, he says its better to have the suspense.. and we'll get really excited when deliver.. but i havent thought abt it yet.. dunno whether shd really ask not to know abt the bb gender..

slurpzz... the way u describe the kueh.. made me feel like having it too!!! and i wanna eat the pink rice kueh and soon kueh!!

Facial should be ok? i'm still going for monthly facial.. cos' also have those little pimples popping.. best is to check whether the brand of ur facial salon is ok for preggies to use..

for massage, i was recommended home base one.. oh ya btw ladies, hubby doesnt know how many mins our recommended massage lady does.. but def at least 1 hr lah.. kakaka...

how abt mani/pedi.. are u mommies going for it? is it ok??

why cannot eat frog legs? High in protein leh.


I still go for facials. So long as no machines or infrared or whatever light treatments and no high dosage of retinol a, shld be ok. The beautician would know what to do. The mask they use on me is oatmeal mask. Good to soothe pregnant women skin.
<font color="0000ff">Forest,

I think Kose mask should be ok rite? Since I read the majority of ingredients are derived from plant extracts hmm...got more faith in Jap products ke ke but still unsure leh...wondering if anyone can shed some light on it!!
Buy from Japan very cheap nia leh....

We are looking fwd to know our bb's gender on the next visit becos we cld hardly wait to call out him/her name hahahaha lolx</font>
littlebluey i also dunno wat happen le, just feelin that like something sharp pointing on my neck. tried changing different types of pillow, but stil cannot.

Mayb tonight i will try to sleep wif my socks on and will see hw it will turn out. Thanks anyway!
erm..bcos hor..my gynae said it reminds him of aborted foetus..
i loves frog leg porridge too! but nw i dun dare to eat too....
really?? breakout is gal ahh.. hahaa.. but i also heard another school of thought.. tt we'll get more facial changes (like bigger nose) if carrying a boy.. kakakaka...

:S poor u! i hope ur gastric gets better soon, and u will not have diarrhea as much!!

why cannot eat frog leg huh?? 1 of my favourite food of all time!!! :S i also dunno if i dare to hear what ur gynae says...
I also had fried hokkien mee for dinner last night. But I only managed to finish 1/2 of it.

Last night I was at wisma, going down the escalator. And it suddenly stopped! Got a shock. Luckily I was holding on to the handrail and my friend tried to hold me back. So mummies, be careful when using the escalator.

I also never have a good night sleep for long. Where did u go for massage?

I used clarins, so far so good. But before I started using, I already have occasional itch on my tummy.

My hubby also doesn't wana know the gender of the bb. He said he wants surprise on the day of delivery. Then he told me we should buy all the neutral colours like white, yellow etc... But I think I can't wait so long, will wana know. Hehe...

Suddenly, I have craving for cheeseballs. But my mum will sure scold if i take this kind of 'rubbish' food, according to her.
I agree!! hahaha.. of cos when i asked manicurist, they say can.. but i read in certain threads in the forum that its not good? kakaka..

i can never wax on my own!! :S so i resorted to shaving and now, a few 5cts on my legs ahh... so ugly!

i also think kose shd be ok.. but may have to ask Kose counter just to be sure sure sure !!

oh u and ur hubby have bb name all ready ?? kekeke... i was also excited to know, but now that hubby is thinking of waiting till delivery.. will see if tats what he wants lor.. i wont mind it as well... ;)
<font color="0000ff">Trace,

That's gross!! but it's quite true lar..to a certain extend....u know I never scared of blood or gross stuff but my DH will freak out!! hahahaha...he think I mad mad one lolx...;p</font>
Forest, u also like those pan fried pink rice kueh? I love it with dark sweet sauce &amp; chilli but hor, DH told me to stay off from anything dark colouring food =P He say bb will have dark skin wor, I also worry lah but got craving leh. So go over my sis's place to eat...hee hee

Trace, Eeee...the way your gynae describe vy er xin leh...

Diane, my gynae said no dye hair, no mani &amp; pedi for now wor. Ask me to be as natural as possible, even said I no need make, he even move closer to c my face when he said tat so i told him, i din put makeup. Think he also a bit more KS like me lah.
