(2008/10) Oct 2008

jollyhoppy- Hi hi!!! Haaa yalor me been MIA from this forum le...but still a silent reader! ;p
I do drink Horlicks but not as in 3 cups daily..Cos I still drink other beverages like milo and Mamil Mama milk lor.... ;)
Hmmm hope my supply will remain or at least increases... During my confinement, I can still yield bout max 240ml(both sides)...now cannot le leh...max only 190-200ml only....
At days when I'm too tired, only 130ml nia...
Sigh... ;(
Everyday have to worry bout supply to meet her demands but guess no point worrying so much oso...no choice give FM lor... *keke*


I also took Mamil Mama. After the tin finished, decided to stop cos i find it quite exp...
So far have tried AnMum, the above and dunno whether to try Enfamama... looks like these three are the lactating milk brands. Any reason why u chose Mamil Mama? I chose it after AnMum cos Mamil Mama matches the FM I'm giving my kid - Mamex Gold.
dimpletot- Hee yalor Mamil Mama really quite ex leh... Actually no particular reason y I chose Mamil mama...cos during pregnancy I tried Similac for mums but the taste really can't make it lah..so yucky! And I gotten sample pkts for Mamil mama and I really like the taste.. so much better than Similac one! so hence been sticking to it...;)And I oso give Mamex Gold to my girl for her night feed! ;)

mousebb- Heee yalor me long time no 'see' in this forum le... *keke*
Dun need envy me... my good supply was during my confinement period...now seems to decrease le... sigh! Maybe less pumping sessions oso lah... Last time 2-3hrs will feel engorged and need to pump out..now can tahan 5-6hrs or more b4 I need to pump out leh...Just hope supply enuff for my girl can liao.. ;p
Enya...thanks for sharing!

Thanks for the various tips...will try them out later when I 'dry clean' him...

I've got a Baby Bjorn as a gift...tried it once but only for 5mins as my boy's face keeps 'banging' on my chest as I walk...I scared his nose will be flatten...hee

Milk Flow:
My max output is 320ml from both sides...is it normal? I'm not sure what's the 'target' amount...started taking Similac Mum last Fri...
elchwong- Hey mummy!! Wow ur supply is really GOOD!! 320ml tats a lot!!!!;) U using wat pumps? Must ve overfilled the pumping collection bottles!! Super duper envy u lah!!
Any tips to share share!! =)
I managed to pump 180ml on my right and 80ml on my left as I latched earlier...I'm using Medela PIS...I try to drink as much fluids as possible that's all...hee...
wah elchwong!!! Your supply really super duper manz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~ can sell le

btw, here's CH in his Bjorn. As usual, he has fallen asleep in it


Hi littlealmond,

Yes, she is keen but she want to know how much u r selling and is it a 2008 vision? Please pm me the price if u r selling. Thanks.
elchwong, sorry to parrot, but 320ml is a lot!! i think i better drink more fluids too.. i pump both sides w/o prior feeding also dun get 180ml...
Any mummies still using binder? the osim one not so tight so i didnt buy. bought one frm guardian but when i sit dwn it crumple up so its uncomfortable and leaving red marks on me!! wanna get rid of the stupid flabby tummy soon leh
<font color="aa00aa">Good morning mummies

Wow! Super envy you lah! My max is only 300ml and that was bcos I overslept and pumped after almost 6hrs!

The OSIM old version (green colour) one is good leh cos it comes with a extra pull! I bought that, 1 large one and later a regular one. I dont like the new version one cos the height of the belt is too short and it wont be able to cover my problem area. Wanted to buy the old version one with magnet after I gave birth one month later but was told the whole island wide only left with the large size of the old version ones as they are going to wipe out the old ones soon.

Recently I bought a cloth binder from the bulk purchase. Somehow it is better lor.</font>
Good Morning. How is everyone today? May all our babies be nice and sweet today so that we can have our much needed sleep and peace.

I am so sleepy. Zzzzzzzzzz

Ethan is a finger sucker. He is now very good at sucking his own thumb. Last night, he keep stuffing his thumb into his mouth and suck himself to sleep in the middle of the night. How? Should I introduce pacifier to him instead or just let him be? Anyone with babies like that?
Xinying and gang,
Can I join you gals is you are really meeting up? But I have a 2 years old elder boy. I stay really near Xinying @Edgedale Plains. Just 1 street away.
hi jenny
My bb learning to suck her thumb when i took off her mitten, but i will let her suck her pacifier. And she is ok.
She has been introduced to pacifier when she is less than a mth. My girl need pacifier only before sleep.
Heard easy to get rid of pacifier than thumb.
Morning all...

Thanks Icylemon for the update on the J n J sale. In that case I don't think I will go down, the savings won't even cover my petrol cost from sengkang to jurong east.

My little one is 3 months old today and is drinking more and more! Now she can guzzle down 120ml per feed. She took 6 feeds yesterday and slept thru the night. I think at this rate I can start introducing solids when she is 4 months.

JTS... found a website with lovely and best of all free children's mp3s. I downloaded quite a number of children's songs for my girl and play it for her everyday. Now with economic crisis must tightened belt. Anything that is FREE is good!
*wave* ro R&amp;R's mummy

i am surviving motherhood... kekeke... v tired though... wonder when will i be able to sleep for 9 hours straight again... and wonder when will i ever have the courage to have #2... hahaha

how are you? how are your 2 lil' ones???
busy bee!

may i have the website???
thanks in advance.

agree that anything free is GOOD!!! had been watching korean, japanese, taiwanese and hong kong dramas on a free webby too!!! kekekekekeke...
busy bee

so fast your girl 3 months old le!!! mine not even 2 months yet... my arms are already aching from all the carrying... wonder how it will be like in a few months' time... think i will have biceps!
<font color="aa00aa">Busy bee
My kids' PD told us better to start bb on solid from 6 months onwards if bb is drinking the milk well cos at this juncture, milk is the main food for bb. Unless bb is drinking very little milk, then we can consider giving cereal.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">everafter &amp; Mummies who have ordered from Kittybride from Fast Babycentre Spree #5

Kittybride is asking the spreeists to let her know your mode of collection and your mailing address. Please PM her.</font>
Hi Joanne,

hah!!!! increase the consultation fees!!!....never checked the bill when I brought my elder daughter there last sat!!!! he like blood sucker leh..everytime go, I must pay at least more than $60 one!!!!I only go there when my gals get sick la....cannot tahan to spend so much....I will take the 6-1 @Dawson GP, not bad the doctor Chan n I see quite a lot parent bring their bb there....Actually poly is not bad but If our bb sick and wanna to pospone the appoinment we need to wait for quite long that is the reason y I change to GP....btw where do u stay? I m at depot road.
Thanks for the link to the free music.

Wah, I thought I was the only one watching DVDs now. Hee. I just finished Moonlight Resonance which I bought off the web. Now I just camp on the sofa. Watch DVD, and when baby wakes up, feeds her and puts her to sleep, while watching DVD. Almost whole day like this. No life.
Thanks Ruffles, got yr pm.

Karen, hope your bb enjoy the songs. Prob the songs are replaying over and over in my head!

Mousebb,yeah i will check with PD on the next visit. I read in the books can start as early as 4 mths with rice cereal then puree of fruits or root vegetables. But of course will ask PD first.
karen, wait til you have a second bb. I feed the bb, play with my toddler, then feed the bb, back to entertaining my toddler again, no time at all. unless like now, i ignore my toddler cos i am quite tired of her games and logged in! think i should plan some activities for my toddler as i think she is bored out of her wits staying at hm all day!
Mousebb, u got order the Medela storage btls 6pack right? Did u opt for registered postage or via courier? i didnt realise its glass btls leh
<font color="aa00aa">everafter
Oh dear! I din realise it's glass bottles leh. Opted for registered postage cos I have no time to go collect from her

me too.... look after bb, still got to entertain my gal... she is super naughty after her didi is born.. wonder when this phrase will end..
but lucky i still hv my maid.. at least she can help to feed and carry my bb at times when i feel like taking a break.

I also alone take care 2 kids w/o helper. Super tire. other than that also need to do housework... need to wait my hb back from work then he can entertain toddler.
Breastfeeding mummies
Hmm, do you all take chili? I took some yesterday (couldn't resist) and today my girl is super fussy. Wonder if it's anything to do with the chili.
hello mummies
Have arranged my massage lady to come to massage me again next wk. Yeah. Hope my tummy will be more firm and flat after that...

What facebook ? U all open oct thread in facebook?
<font color="aa00aa">essanna
Same same for me. The whole day busy with feeding my bb and playing with my toddler. Super tired! Cant even close my eyes for 5 mins!
<font color="aa00aa">Karen
I also avoid chilli. McSpicy is my favourite! Although it is spicy yet I like it. However for the sake of my milk, I have not touched it for very long le.</font>
Mousebb, aiyoh if i knw its glass btls then i dun want to buy already...if arrange via courier its $7 like not worth liao hor?
<font color="aa00aa">everafter
Same lor! If i know then I dont want also! But kittybride never mentioned if can arrange by courier anot. If yes, I dont mind paying cos with the registered mail, it will be around there also and furthermore, glass is heavier mah. </font>
Mousebb, did u order alot of things thru kittybride? I was thinking if u not urgent, maybe we ask her to arrange 1 courier service to my plc? then we share the cost of courier and i pass to u when u next visit Dr Adrian?
<font color="aa00aa">everafter
I only ordered the bottles. Great! I can also go pick up the bottles from you at your place anytime cos we go to compass point very often, dont need to wait for next visit to Dr adrian. I placed the order under another nick 'pig pig'. Thanks! </font>
