(2008/10) Oct 2008

hi mummies *wave
how is every1 doing?

BM - my ss is low
the usual pump is 100-150ml onli

is the sling good? i am thinking to get one soon coz cant tahan keep carrying my son ard and with sling my hands will be free :p

meeting at SK? when? i shld be able to make it

oppss 4get to say that if meeting at SK sms me k (my contact is in the oct mummies list) or pm me oso can but not realli free to check :p
mousebb & lili
Oooh thanks! Oops, the chili I had last night was similar to chicken rice chili - sour and spicy. Tsk tsk. Will refrain from Chili now. But I love it
Hi Ribena Li,

I was reading past posts and come across you mentioning about car adaptor for Medela pump. Can I know where can I get it from? I have been pumping in the car for quite some time since I've gone back to work after 6 weeks. The batteries can only last me for 3 days so it has been costly.
whitepaper - i m ok lah. bb regine has started to sleep thru the nite since 1 mth old. she used to have this week she lagi early. her last feed at 10pm, the next day she woke up at 7am or 7.30am.

busy bee - can i have the website for the free mp3 too. thanks in advance.
thanks for the announcement. Will pm kittybride. glass bottles are good for storing bm. why you dun want?

really ah? cannot take raw food? I tot only pregnant cannot take. After my confinement I went to whack sashimi. oops! Very difficult not to take food without chilli leh. Some food is nice when it's dipped with chilli sauce.
R&R's mummy

wahhh means dat you have a good life now lor
seems like girls sleep through the night earlier! mine still wakes up once at night.
diane, my gal's sleeping time seem to have xtended itself.. from 8.30 to 10 but this mean she only wake up @ 3am for feed so i only wake up once..
i'm hoping she will get use to sleeping longer n longer hrs by 3th mth then i can have peace
ok mommies, other than Bjorn, i'm here now trying to help sell MIM sling too.


CH refused to sleep just now. carried him and sang to him also no use. my arms were so tired so i put him into my MIM sling... and guess what?

he fell asleep immediately!!!
<font color="aa00aa">Mint
Glass bottles difficult to send by post cos scared it would break and I have no time to go collect from kittybride.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Mint
I heard shashimi can boost milk supply wor! I think as long as we eat in moderation, it should be ok bah. </font>
if i am very tired, will leave toddler in front of Disney Playhouse &amp; take a nap. My MIL doing housework, can sort of keep an eye on her.. but dun feel gd leaving her to watch so much TV.
my breast is feeling sore &amp; tender when i lightly press it. it is not engorged and is quite soft. is this normal?

these days, breasts feel abit funny. weird pains here &amp; there...
hi mummies

carrier >>
anyone using combi? i got 1 hand down from sil. i just tried it, found out tat neck support cushion is too wide, cant adjust ler..

sling sarong >>
oso got MIM sling which hand down from sil but really stupid ler keep try &amp; try still dunno hw to use
Whitepaper – Ya! Infact I should be very qing song now esp at night. Coz BB Regine can sleep thru the night until next day morning right.

But me har… watch HK drama online &amp; play psp till ard 2am-3am then go to bed. Hahaha… so no diff.

Who to blame?? MYSELF!! Hahahaha…..

Diane - I would say BB Regine very good girl. She self train herself. She did a very good job not me.

But sometimes I wonder if it is ok for babies at such young age to only have 6 feeds a day only. Coz they are suppose to drink every 3-4 hours.
mousebb - Sure?? Sashimi can boost BM? I m a sashimi lover! *looking ard for Tracy*

anyway, wat else can boost BM?

Mummies help!! I need to increase my supply!!

Tot of boiling papaya fish soup this weekends. but dunno how to do. any recipe??
essanna, me too!
i jus put my gal on rocker n on disney channel..
feel like a horrible mama!
but my gal seems to enjoy for like 30mins-1hr..
anyway disney channel also thomas the train, bob the builder, noddy type of "educational" prog so shd not b too bad *make myself feel better*
so i can jus sit next to her n read papers or take my meals cos i'm alone
<font color="aa00aa">R&amp;R's Mum
re: sashimi
That's what I heard pple said leh but dont eat too much cos it is raw. </font>
hello mummies,
been a long time since i posted.. just finished reading the postings... wow... u mummies are fantastic!! still got so much time n energy to login and post...

my condolences to u too.. hugz

re: sleep thru the night
i have not started any training for Kieran either.. but he seems more of a nite owl too!! have been latching him lying down to sleep these few nights, as otherwise, he wld fuss n fuss..

re: BM supply
my supply has not been good either.. ! elchwong, u've got amazing ss wor!!! 320ml is super duper good!!

haha.. i tot ur horlicks method was teaspoons wor... today im gonna change to tablespoons... hope it'll work miracles... :p

wow.. so many of u staying in SK and PG.. will be nice for a gathering!!

u can master the MIM sling ah? i've got 1, not frm MIM but from BayB but its similar as MIM sling.. i.e. those with the rings.. i cant seem to master it.. just received 1 pupsik pouch for my hubby's size.. and i wonder if bb is comfy in it.. he looks curled though? kakaka.. the colour i want does not have my size in stock.. am waiting for new stocks so i can get the pouch too.. hope i can pouch Kieran soon as well!!
jen, my gal can watch for the whole day! But i suspect she is abit sick of it. cos now i ask her to off the TV, she will turn it off with no arguement not like before i gave birth, when she will want to watch.

i got the MIM sling, but i always feel that bb Izzy seem to be very awkward. I asked my MIL to try using it. She seemed to adjust Izzy until Izzy looks to be quite comfy and neck not "bent" like mine. I was thinking of trying out pouch, abit irritated with the extra cloth of the sling..
cannot tahan the rash on my gal's face ytd and brought her to see PD last nite... PD said it's rashes.. not eczema... gave her some cream to apply.

o.. didn't noe there are so many mums watching drama.. i also stuck infront of the tv everyday.. m watching a korean drama which is 165 episodes! lol

bbgoh... u can go this is website on how to use the sling... http://www.momsinmind.com.sg/demo.html
Whitepaper, not so keen on TW dramas. Feel they are too 'drama' (personal opinion lah), still prefer HK TVB shows. The fashion and storyline more up to date.

Wanted to chiong to FOX warehouse sale, but heard from SEP mummies that sale price range from $8 onwards. Not like previous sales which were as low as $2! Think I shall give the sale a miss...

SKers and PGers.... Kopi? Actually I have never been out on my own with my girl. Not sure if I can manage and weekend it gets too crowded at compasspoint....
SKers and PGers.... Kopi
busy bee, try lah. if all else fails, we all hide in the nursing room at Compasspoint. Keke...

Shall we set tentatively 2pm Compasspoint on Friday?? Pls respond. Else later silly me alone with Marcus.
Whitepaper, wow the site is quite good. Just started watching "Gem of Life" and also want to watch "Forensic Heroes 2".... woo hoo! Looks like this mummy is gonna busy...

BUMBO....today we let our girl try out her BUMBO. She loves to sit in her little chair, she was smiling away. But her head still a bit wobbly and not strong enough so I think we can only try the chair again when she gets stronger.

Baby cot or Toddler bed? Just want to ask.... do u mummies feel 6 months is too young to let her sleep in a toddler bed with double side guards? Currently she is sleeping in a rocking crib (much smaller than the regular cot). We got it so that she would feel more secure as compared to sleeping in a big cot. Now that she is growing I am considering of letting her sleep in a toddler bed. Not so keen on a cot, read in the montessori book that its good to let baby have the freedom of getting in and out of bed as and when they please to inculcate independence (of course room must be bb safe).
Unfortunately Friday is out for me, my hubs and I taking our gal for a photo session and also this week bad for me cos too many celebrations. Tomorrow is my wedding anniversary, fri my FIL's b'day, next tues my Hub's bday. I will be Suuuuuper busy bee. May need to catch up with u guys next time. Sorry...
busy bee, eventful week for u. enjoy. Do post pics of ur photo session.

i also watching gem of life. finish 1-20. not very nice. waiting for the rest of the episode to come.
here's one of the nicer photos of Kate. She rarely smiles, and the funny thing is that she only regularly smiles at the winkplay flowers on my wall! and not even so consistently at her mummy! Sad. Maybe cos the flowers are black and white.

you gotta keep trying the MIM sling to perfect it! jiayou!

busy bee
I'm watching the TW idol dramas leh, not the soaps... so fashion and storyline also super up to date. Enjoy the free watching on the link I gave! kekeke
Thanks Xinying, sure thing! I am definitely looking forward to the photo session.

Dimpletot, read on the huggies site that Baby smiles the most at 4 months! SO be patient. I'm definitely looking foreward to more gummy smiles from my little one.

My little cupcake, Mikayla!
Whitepaper, not sure leh.
But the nursing room is just next to the foodcourt. So if need, just go there and get lor.

BB smile most at 4mth:
My Marcus smiling alot lately too. He even chuckled in his sleep. Haha... very cute.
Whitepaper....wow CH sure is a cheerful bb! Yeah that;s according to the Huggies Site. I find the site very informative, another plus is the photoclub offers photo printing at 19cents.

Yeah definitely will enjoy the free viewing....thanks for the link, great to have another money saving opportunity.

Gathering at compasspoint...aiyah I also want to attend. My photo session is in the morning. If I can I will try to meet up with u guys too!
busy bee

I'll visit the Huggies site to take a look too

yeah the site is $ saving... no need to buy DVDs le!
and you can request them to upload those serials that you want...
<font color="0000ff">Hey mommies, check with u on pumping. Do u pump right after latching? How should the schedule be like? can show a sample of a day's timing?
Sigh...my supply is so low...
i shd b ok for the gathering provided my bb don attemp to tear the hse down..
else worst case is everyone come my tiny n messy n dirty hse 1 lrt station away from compasspt.
xinying, i PM u my HP no. in case i don get to login cos i'm alone with bb so online timing must match her timing also
increase milk ss- try horlicks!! it works!! 3 TABLESPOONS of horlicks for 3 times a day ( drink it while its hot) and u will feel engorged b4 every feed and after bb's feedings, pump out ur milk. And also eat Cod fish. I ate 2 perday.
