(2008/10) Oct 2008

Thanks mousebb. Their neck is the scariest. My boy likes to wriggle a lot and throw his head here and there somemore. So makes it even tougher to put him in.

littlealmond : for the sling, try it in front of the mirror, it helps ! once you are confident, can bring bb go gai-gai on your own c",)

pupsik is good... but hor... I should have bought 1 size bigger. Now my big big breasts are in the way, and sometimes leak when baby presses on them while in the pouch!
Oh yah... I sit down when I wanna put CH into the MIM sling... coz my left hand quite weak leh? Can't support his weight with 1 hand for long...
Mousebb, Whitepaper, b4 Bryan is borned we couldnt decide which bb carrier, so eventually we tot we will buy after he's borned. Maybe its time we go get 1!

Whitepaper, which model of baby bjorn carrier u using? I suppose CH's neck very strong so no prob, but Bryan's neck still very soft leh
Tell u all a lame joke abt my experience with stroller.

So far when we bring Bryan out together, we'll bring him in his stroller and my hb will b one to push it. One fine day while walking in Compasspoint, i couldnt take it anymore! I held my hb's hand and asked him : hey, can u wait for me??!! Y u always chiong so fast ahead while i had hard time chasing behind?! Stroller meant to be strolling and not in "ferrari" speed! #$%^&*(#$
we got a phil n ted double stroller, which weighs a whopping 10+kg and costs a bomb. I am not sure if it is that useful as it is so heavy, I cannot handle one-hand. Even with 2 hands, I really need to use my strength. Only my hubby can carry it in and out of the car with relative ease... hmm, afraid it will be a very expensive white elephant.

one time we used it - was pushing it from the carpark to the lift lobby. the stroller was so wide that we cannot push it in between the parked cars. have to stop, unload the stroller, close it up before we can squeeze it through!

my BabyBjorn is my SIL's
so it's the old BabyBjorn original. It's great!!! CH likes it! And I think it's better for baby's spine as compared to pouches and slings. He's basically sitting in an upright position with cushioned spine support. I think even if the neck not very strong also can use leh... just let baby face you first. When neck is strong, then can face outside. I got a pic of CH in it, but not with me now. I'll post tonight or tomorrow for you to see k?

Everytime CH is in it, he will quieten down and will be in a daze, looking at the things zooming past him... then he'll fall asleep... kekeke...
Hi mummies,

any of u saw the news on meadjohnson milk powder something abt the milk powder containing melanine. think is news on friday @6.30pm @ channnel 8.

can tell me what do the news say, can our bb continue to consume them. my boy drinkg enfagrow leh..

<font face="tahoma"> hi ladies,
my frd has 3 spare tubes of destin creamy. selling at S$11 each including normal postage. anyone keen, pls PM me.

love CH's eyes! so big and round... so cute!</font>
Yah he's super chubby... think next time have to help him lose weight... I have a hard time digging out the dirt from the folds around his neck, his arms, his legs... grrrhhh... he's very slim when born lor! haizzz... no choice leh... he's a hearty drinker...

yah big eyes now, but think will be smaller when he grows up. coz his parents both got small eyes

hahaha... think his eyes will be smaller next time. Coz my cousin also like that. Eyes super big when young but grow up the eyes become super small!
<font face="tahoma"> re : destin creamy
forget to add that the expiry date is Aug 2009 for all the 3 tubes.

interested parties pls PM me </font>
<font color="aa00aa">Whitepaper
CH is so adorable! His tummy is very big! Was this taken after his feed? So cute!</font>
<font color="aa00aa">everafter
You mean your hubby push the stroller very fast? The reason why I dont like to push the stroller is bcos I have no confident to push the stroller up/down the escalator leh. I scared I cannot control properly

Enfa range of milk powder is in netherlands, any idea it is in US or AU or NZ...i m not veri good in this....

little doggie
no i don't think so. even the new report carried in the newspaper n tv states its the US version and not europe or asia pac FMs

here is an extract from the press release:
"Has melamine ever been detected in Mead Johnson formulas?
No melamine has ever been detected in any of our products - either in the U.S. or in any other market in which our products are sold. We maintain stringent standards at all our manufacturing sites to ensure the high quality and safety of our products that our customers have come to expect from Mead Johnson for over 100 years."
haha thanks
he's cute only when he's good.

you mean the last photo? Yah... haha... taken just this morning, after his milk milk
WOW, your CH is as chubby as my girl. Hee. But I like your CH's complexion - no baby acne. Mine has a face full of baby acne

Bringing baby out
I never bought any stroller. I thought the sling would turn out perfectly. Just put baby in car seat, and when I reach my destination, just put baby in sling. But my girl doesn't like the sling
Tried putting her in a few times already, and each time, she would cry.

your girl how many weeks and how heavy? CH also had some baby acne and milia spots when he was born, but now clear already. So dun worry, your girl's face will get better

try the sling with baby only when she's fed and happy and in a good mood. Only when you get confident and can operate the sling well, then use it to bring her out.
I have no idea. My girl will turn one month on Wed. Will bring her to the PD to be weighed. Hee, can't wait to see how much weight she has gained.

Do you find the Baby Bjorn better than the sling? isn't it difficult for baby to sleep in the BB?

yah I find BB better than sling, though a sling looks nicer and more fashionable lor
and no not difficult to sleep in at all!

No... the head will be up, coz there's actually a "head rest" behind to hold up his head and neck. This head rest can be folded down when baby is bigger and is facing forward.

the new models can carry in a variety of ways, diagonal, front, back.

not sure of the new cost. Mine was passed down from my SIL... think it was $175+.
The cream that doc gave has steriods so dun use so much hor. My gal also has ezcema and I apply the california calendula cream and it's really good. My hubby likes it too. Even her diaper rash is gone. I used desitin creamy but I find that the calendula cream is better. Get from our supplier-Enya. Heehee!

Ya, me also thinking about getting the pupsik pouch. My stroller is too bulky for me to handle it alone with baby.
Whitepaper, your CH is so cute and i tot bryan have fat thighs already, but your CH one really turbo! hehe...

Mousebb, i hv the same fear as u so we take lift most of the time when we brought the stroller out
whitepaper, i also using bb bjorn now..
now hypermart got offer on classic @ 175..
my gal loves it n no worry the head will drop cos the side can tighten..
i think its ez to use cos i jus lay my gal on the carrier one a flat surface n i jus buckle..
useful even when she is asleep
whitepaper: you are so funnie..esp the way you describe the 'leak' hee.. CH is really adorable !! me thinking of getting the BB as well (so that hb can use) but cos my bb's neck still not as stiff..maybe can bring bb go &amp; try it out..hope he likes it =)

everafter: me oso not confident of using the escalator..been using the lift..but many a times soo pissed off with the those ppl who rush to take the lift, only to go 1 level up/down..or rush to get out of the lift by trying to squeeze out from my left or right..mmmm...
i got a sling, pouch and ergo...my gal loved ergo but my boy likes pouch.

im thinking og getting bbjorn..but it's pretty ex.
yah lor, CH's thighs are really... fat!!! that's why his diaper size getting bigger, his waist area still loose but the thigh area cannot squeeze in le!!!
heard before (Mrs Wong also mentioned) that babies who are on total BM will have very fat and firm thighs. Maybe that's why...

Yes I agree, I really like the BabyBjorn! And yes can put baby in even if he's asleep, coz no need to squeeze him in and disturb his sleep like slings...

yes hubby can use!!! can release us ladies from slinging baby and prevent hubby from finding an excuse! my hubby loves it

I also got a sling and a pouch. But prefer the Bjorn... though it doesn't look as trendy, but super practical. And I thought it's better for baby's spine too! Haven't tried the Ergo, should be good as well?
I would say the Bjorn will be a good investment.

I THINK BABYBJORN SHOULD GIVE ME SOME PERKS OR SOMETHING... I'm like selling their product here.
ya man.. whitepaper. marketing for them at 5.30 in the morning somemore! hahahahahaha

morning mommies.

how's the going?
p.s. whitepaper, going to heed your advice this afternoon. put her in sling after she's been burped and fed and walk around for 5-10 minutes. then gradually increase time spent in sling.. u reckon that's doable?

going through the maya pouch vid now ;)

wish me luck. i'ld take a pic at the end of the week if successful.

i hope to gradually bring her down for morning marketing, park walks then ambitiously to bedok library.

sigh. me have no life.
Mousebb, how was yesterday w/o your BIL's family around? I'm so carefree yesterday and it also made me regret not to get my own hse 1st b4 starting family. Sigh~ 4 days are short..its ending tomor
sighhh... times are bad... gotta earn some commission even at 5.30am lor

yes do-able, just put baby in pouch when she's fed and contented. baby might even fall asleep! CH fell asleep in the sling the first time I tried it at home. GOOD LUCK!!! keep on trying until you perfect it. May not happen at the first try, but keep on trying.

bb carrier
I bought Ergo bb carrier. So far, tried to put bb in with the infant insert but failed cos vy hot. I tried it in our MBR and maybe didnt turn on aircon so feeling hot. Will try again.
Anyone use Ergo bb carrier too?

Wow i tried not to pump yesterday midnight after last pump at 8.30pm. Breast engorged and so i pump this morn at 6.30am. Supply low. Think my body able to stop producing milk within a short period. Intend to stop pumping so try it out. Haha
