(2008/10) Oct 2008

Busy bee:
Thanks for the info for the sale!! I juz came bk from J&J sale. Got some shower foam for family. Well, its really nt worth if u were to travel from ur place. Actually i dun intend to go but hubby wants to eat at the Penang restaurant so we went to buy some stuffs there.

Looking forward to the Mattel sale!!

<font color="green">lili_fc,
yup. just found out yesterday. did you get the 6in1 package from him?

wow! i envy you. i pump both sides only get 90ml on good days le. most of the time only 60ml. but i'm using medela mini electric now. still need to buy a transformer first before i can use my PIS.

busy bee,
thanks for the mp3 site. also just joined the oct 08 mummies in facebook.

last time was $40 only. i see. i guess better check poly out for the 6in1. did you also take the pneumococal rotavirus at GP? i'm staying at tiong bahru.

i also watch from there. addicted to korean series.

r&amp;r's mummy,
lucky you. my girl still wakes up after 2/3hrs and lately has been so fussy at night. care to share with us what you did so that baby will sleep longer?
Ur bb vy cute lei. Smiling away.
My girl also smile alot. Making lots of noise when i talk to her.

Milk time
Want to change My bb timing esp night feed after 8.30pm, she will sleep thru till 2am+ and 6/ 7am+ for next feed.
Should i wake my girl up at 11.30pm for feed so that she can sleep thru next day?
<font color="green">lili_fc,
really? considering now if i should go to poly for the jab. but poly say they don't have the rotavirus and pneumococcal. did you get those as well? </font>
same here. Izzy latches around 8pm or so, then sleeps until 3-4am and then 7-8am. i tried waking her up to drink at 10-11pm, but she'll finish max 70ML &amp; go back to sleep &amp; still wakes up at 3-4am. So i figured she's not ready to drop the night feed &amp; left it..
xinying: i wanna join on the 5th dec but me gg for photoshoot too..i dun mind joining the next one =)

busybee: is your photoshoot @ studio loft?? the x'mas special ?? somehow have a feeling it's the same..heee..oh ya,my wedding anni is 1 day after yours..

whitepaper : me watching Moonlight Resonance (Heart of Greed 2) on mysoju !! but am taking soo long to finish watching..
Hi mummies,

is anyone using medela single electric pump? Can give me some feedback?

I was thinking of buyin an electric pump coz my hands ache when i use my avent manual pump, n i oni have a miserable 60-80ml for both sides!
reading abt all ur 'good supplies' reallie make me envy!
320 ml! waa! tats like my 2 days bm ss! sob sob!

i have a budget, so PIS is too ex for me
was wondering is medela single electric okie?

Enya, can i quote your card number to get discount at mothercare? Any idea whats the discount like?
Anyone there?

Sigh...my bb refused to sleep..he goo goo gaa gaa there with his daddy now....sooo alert man...i waner sleep!!!
beary, the discount is 10%. i quote my nric no usually. my card no is 49406

maybe you can sms me, so i pass you some of my personal details in case they ask.
i dun like mini electric. it's very noisy and let down is not so good. maybe you want to consider ameda duo lactine..i'm using it. it's quite good. cost about $388.00. my mini electric sleeping in the store room
<font color="ff6000">hi mummies

hoot hoot @v@


thanks - her acne and rashes cleared up... before that my MIL also v kan cheong abt the rashes...
but she still got cradle cap.


thanks! abt the milk how abt feeding slightly less at 8pm so she wakes up nearer 11pm instead of 2am?

2 days ago, my gal fed at 10pm then only woke up at 5am, but last night fed her at 11pm hoping for 6am wake-up time but she was squirming (and waving her arms vigorously with her mittens rubbing her head - she does that a lot these days - any other mummies observed that with their kids??) at 3:30am. diaoz. Read in a book that, to train bbs to sleep thru can try to pat her to sleep again instead of feeding. so my hubs doing that now (so i can pump). hopefully she can re-sleep.</font>
my girl make some noise around 4.15-30am instead of 2am+ so i quickly changed her diaper and feed her. Will try tml again else go back work tired if still wake up middle of night feeding.
Now sleeping snoring while i pump.
Anyone bb snore as well?
Wonder if she snore or block nose sometime.
Whitepaper, nursing room at compasspoint do not have hot water. I would like to join the kopi session, but not so confident to bring Bryan out alone in stroller leh..i hvnt go n buy bb carrier yet
Good morning!!!

Jollyhoppy.... yup its the same one! what time are u heading down? I am still contemplating whether to just take pics of my girl or take a family pic. How about you? Thought I try them out first before committing for the little boss package. About drama serials, heard heart of greed 2 is nice. Is it as drama as the abalone show?

Ribena... it was my pleasure. I am now wondering if I should go for the Mattel sale. Probably the only items I am aiming for is from the Laugh and Learn series. I like the Learning home, learning purse and also the Brilliant basics stroll along walker. Already getting the Bright Starts Pink Bounce Bounce exersaucer (chose this one cos of its space saving design) for my girl for Christmas so not looking for the jumperoo which I heard is normally a steal at the sales.

Huggies pwp....Anyone getting the little tikes items? I already got my receipt since Cold Storage was having a sale on Huggies Ultra. Kill 2 birds with 1 stone. Tot of buying either the rocking horse or the Little red roadster for our gal. Can give it to her for her 1 yr preseent. Sorry I sound like a broken record but with the economy gloom must really find ways and means to SAVE while not depriving our little ones of the best we can offer.

Beary, I may want to let go of my Ameda Lactaline. Never got down to breastfeeding cos my ss was mega mega low. tried once or twice only, even lactation consultant told me my case was bad. Oh well, as long as bb is thriving with FM I am fine. Let me know, PM if u are keen.

Lili, my baby has block nose sometimes too. Does your girl sleep in air-con. I suspect the culprit is the air-con. I tot of buying baby vicks for her congestion. But I dun see in the pharmacies in singapore. Anyone used Baby Vicks before?
Dimpletot, that's what we did with our bb when she woke up at 3am previously. We pat her back to sleep, after a few times she got the msg and has slept thru the night since. Persevere, you can do it too!
busy bee - wat time r u going to the mattel sale? I also wanna go get the FP rainforest play gym for victoria and any other toys. Times are so bad, need to save $. U bringing baby or who will care for M?
<font color="aa00aa">Good morning mummies

I also dun like medela mini electric. Only used that for 3 days and I surrendered le. Too noisy and also find the pump not working well for me. </font>
Hi Ruffles, it depends on how long the photo session takes. WIll probably leave M at SIL's place and then go down. Probably in the afternoon. Just worried that the day would be too 'exciting' for M as she normally just stays at home. How abt u?
Yesn-talk abt 'overstimulating' our bb at this age! We had a party for my FIL recently, n all the noise n pp caused her to be super cranky that nite. Threw up her mlk, din wanna zz... ans kept crying. So moral f the story is not to bring your bb out to noisy places - for now. Plus it will be super dusty there.

Am still thinking whether I shd trouble my MIL to care for her. V pai seh .. not that I've kept asking her to take care (am totally hands on) .. but she alrdy caring for my SIL's 3 kids .. dun wanna load her .... and then if am going (in the afternoon), nd to get HB to come back to fetch me cos only got 1 car
BTW - any cute antics by yr bbs recently? Victoria has started blowing bubbles - darn cute, and started to stretch her hands to grab stuff... that's why I think I need to get the FP rainforest activity gym mat.
Ruffles, That's very cute of baby V! Yeah a baby gym would be great. The FP one is quite pricey, I got the playskool one which is half the price ($39.90). Quite cool. It has lights and music, quite engaging for your little one. I know what you mean about troubling others, my hubs wanted to ask my SIL to babysit tonight so that we can have a romantic anniversary dinner but I feel bad as well. So I told him we should celebrate it with Baby M!

Think Baby M, quite nua.... she still not batting at the toys but loves admiring herself in the mirror. The little critter is calling out for me. Got to go...its TUMMY TIME. Talk to you mummies later!
busy bee

it's impossible to pat CH back to sleep when he wakes up in the wee hours leh... he's a super aggressive drinker, even at night. He had been downing 180ml to 200ml for the past few feeds... he will never surrender and go back to sleep.

sometimes I feel he is so like me... stubborn and is a fighter.

how about having the gathering at your place? since some of the mommies not comfortable bringing baby out alone. at least more comfy and everything is in reach at your place...

ok for you?
busybee: i should be there after lunch..prob abt 1pm..thinking of doing 2 shots (single+family)..heartofgreed 2 is revolves around mooncake, it has 40 epi,though i watched from confinment, oni finished 10..but its exciting! i just wish i can sit in front of the PC and watch all day..but can't =(

the mattel sale sounds fun but i'm just afraid that i will end up buying too many &amp; Baby A may oni play w it for a while..for now, there are boxes of unopened toys in my spare room..mmm.

mummies, do you have prob when you place your bb downinto the cot/bed (though he was sleeping in your arms) &amp; he starts fidgeting &amp; wailing..i dunno y, but baby A seem to be like that these days, &amp; my mum + MIL said that he has been 'frightened'..
good morning mummies!

Ribena, i m going to the mattel toy fair too. oso near my ofc.

call me when u r there ok. will love to say hi to u.
jollyhappy - i had that problems b4 for my 2 kids.

have u try to pat ur baby to sleep in ur arms abit longer then placed back to the cot/playpen?

the elderly sometimes will advice u to give bb "jing fen san" or "bao yin dan".

my method was to carry them in my arms longer. and make sure they are really sound asleep then i put them to the playpen. when putting them down i will quickly grab the beanspout pillow &amp; the pillow and let my bb cuddle. i will oso put her sleep on sides. so tat she will feel tat i m still carrying her. from there i will still pat her to sleep until for a while, i will leave her alone.
jollyhoppy - try what icelemon suggests cos it works. I also make sure V is asleep before I put her down. One sign of her konked out is when her pacifier falls out of her mouth. Then I pat a bit longer to ensure really KO. Then put her down to sleep on her side and continue patting or simply placing my hand on her chest or backside just to assure her that mommy is sleeping w her ... try it!
icelemon - how come you return to work so early? must be really tiring for you!

jollyhoppy - wah, you must have received lotsa toys during the 1mth party or you went on a toy spree earlier? heh. For me, V got like 3 Lamaze toys, and the rest were all clothes, and angpaos. Lotsa those pre-packed gift sets of clothes that I dunno what to do with cos mostly 0-6mths and V has enough clothes till then. Mommies - what do you do with such clothes sets? Giveaway or open to wear?
I'm using Mini Electric Pump too. Works well for me apart from the noise. I am able to pump 200ml 4hrly. It's a hand me down from my sis in-law so can't complain much.

Thanks everafter for the baby spree website.

Does anyone knows if the car adaptor is compatible with thei Mini Electric Pump? All the webpage mentioned is the compatibility with PIS

Ya, besides 6-1, I will let my gal take all the optianal jabs @GP as I will be sending her to infant care from feb onwards so better play safe..hehe...tiong bahru so near my place...see which day free we can meet up for coffee...we can 'jio' lily along too as lily also stay very near there.

Opps...type your name wrongly as lily...sorry sorry....

Edmund koh charge $113 for 6-1 and consulation is not inclusive. Everytime see him must pay consulation fee....GP chrg $95 for6-1 inclusive consultation fees...this is the reason y I can't afford to bring my bb to see him.....hehe...
icylemon &amp; ruffles : thanks, will try to pat him longer &amp; sleep on his side c",)

ruffles: my frens asked me wat to buy for 1st month, i said Toys,,guess that's why..hee.I have those clothes set too..&amp; i dunno wat to do with them..3 boxes are similar designs..mmm..

we don't use baby vicks direct on abby and i think vicks doesn't recommend that we use it on infants either but when she was recovering from the flu (i passed to her. sob), i rubbed tiny tiny bit on her clothes on belly area (because put on chest too close to her nose, might be overpowering), rub hands to heat up then used my oily hands to put some on the soles of her feet also, dunno.. that's what my mil recommended. but in very very little minute amounts only. it helped lots.


i think different things work for different moms but i read that the production of breastmilk is part hormonal and psychological. don't stress lor.. supplement if you have to. about the horlicks, i have to be honest. after 2 weeks of drinking horlicks 4-6 times a day (i like my fluids), i was damn sian of it.

so this week i started mixing up horlicks with anmum and nestum, nestum with anmum, horlicks with nestum, milo with anmum, i take alot of dao huey jiu (vitasoy if not fresh ones from market), i also drink alot of water (like.. maybe 2 big airpots worth per day).. it helps. i get a decent 150 after she latches, about 200 if she doesn't and on days i pump every 6-8 hours (i might get 250-300).

no schedule for me because have alot of things to do leh.. i dunno how to follow schedule. it's murphy's law, when i pump, she cries, when i bathe, she cries, when i shit, she cries, when i eat, she cries but when i'm there next to her, she sleeps. sometimes.. so my supply ain't great and it's not enough sometimes, i give her friso, everyones sleep better .. like what enya told me, i've done my best lor. ;) good luck

p.s. pump makes a difference.. i'm using the medela mini electric dual. it's noisy and it sounds like i'm manufacturing something (yea, milk) but it works for me but may not work for some..

i like ch already.. downing! ahhahahahaha.. i like babies with the appetites of alcoholic seamen.. abby almost didn't finish my ebm yesterday, there was 40 ml left (i was almost crying.. almost contemplated on drinking it myself), i had to pop bottle back into warmer, burp her, give her a break and cheer her. you should see me.. it was like ladies night at mohammed sultan all over again except with milk. i was going 'YEA ABBY, GO ABBY! SCULL SCULL SCULL!!!' and she finished it. The man complained that i was giving my baby the japanese water torture treatment.. heeee heeee heeeeee

abby fidgets.. she probably inherited attention deficit disorder along with a truckload of neuroses from me. that's when she gets frustrated trying to sleep, sometimes i carry, sometimes i pat, sometimes i burp her and sometimes i hold her hand and arms down gently but firmly until she sleeps. sometimes nothing i do works until someone else carries her.. i think trial and error bah,. i do the same thing as Ribena, get her to sleep first then put her down into her bed.


a friend of mine recommended tallon oil for wind but i do the same with the ru yi oil, rub hands to heat up oil, put on belly then using the same hands, rub to heat up, hold onto soles of feet. i do that after bath times and before she sleeps, she doesn't have a big problem with wind although she fusses alot more in the evening but according to research, that is expected. there's an actual graph, i'ld scan it up later.

i'm looking for a handheld manual pump (i think may be quieter) so i can try and lock room, pump discreetly in school when i go back to work in jan. any recommendations? i'm looking at the avent one, anyone with experiences? damn sian.. i want to keep the flow going man.. but it's a boy's school and it's a damn weird feeling.

i have success! i have success! what i did wrong was just assume she will guai guai get in and allow me to sling her downstairs. what i should have done was yesterday put her in sling for about 5-10 minutes after she has fed and burped and she didn't fuss. with the advice of some mommies, i walked around the house.. got her used to the motion. last night after an evening feed, i did the same thing and she fell asleep in 5 minutes! havent mastered slipping her head in yet.. my right arm is supporting but i don't feel her weight.. so far left arm is free to go clear things, one hand type, weight disributed on upper back and length of shoulder. woohoo. i aim to have both hands free with 2 weeks of practice.

haiyur.. i want to join the PG and SKers too. any mommies in the east want to head out for kopi or teh?
Whitepaper, the some mummies refering to me lah! hehe...but hor, sorri leh im so troublesome, but gog to xingying's hse means i need to take LRT which is even worse for me!! At least compasspoint i can walk over. u all decide which location u prefer, i will try to join if im comfortable..paiseh paiseh
ppp, joanne
Sure. We can meet since we stay so near. Can meet at TB plaza.
Me back to work in jan.
So, who will look after ur bb? Me put my girl in infant at Harbourfront

My girl also did that.. she making some noise (argh, eer) but didnt cry. Only i check the clock then realised time for milk. But i always changed her diaper first then feed her. That is when she start to cry, and i told her milk is outside and she quiet down. So cute
Yes, since bb will be taking her 6in1 at Dr Edmund clinic, so will be taking the oral and the other jab. Will take the other jab this 20 dec. Hope wont get fever
pildough : i have the Avent manual pump that i can pass to you(unopened)was a gift from a fren, but i'm happy with my ameda..lemme know if you wanna it =)
i've been entertaining ashton with all my singing &amp; funny faces..i'm jus afraid that i'm overstimulating him..&amp; when my MIL takes care of him when i'm back to work..he will be bored =(
I have a avent manual pump but used U dont mind , can pass to u. Else, u might consider getting one at CC.

About letdown-
Well almost all mummies have good supply. For me, good times is 200ml only. Bad times can be 80ml. But i am not discourage at all as i know i have provided to her even 20ml also good for bb.
So for mummies supply low , dun discourage. Give whatever we can. Better than nothing.

my friend sell her Medela PIS Advance, also giving BN membranes and breastshields. So u can use it w/o buying new part (for hygient purpose). If u want can PM me.

any baby here having umbilical hernia? my boy have it. can share info with me about it?
