(2008/10) Oct 2008


i do, but my boy doesnt like it, unlike my gal.
however, it will be good when bb gets older.

bjorn got so many version...original, air, synerygy...dunno which one is good.
some mummies are selling cuz their bb dun like it too. guess it depends n individuals.

like my boy, he really luv the pouch, unlike my gal who would scream when i put her in the sling.

same with ergo..ehehe he screams when i put him in there, whereas my gal 300% loved it there (used it for 18 months until i was pregnant)

always hv to buy and try...sigh.

yeah..times are bad now...
<font color="ff0000">whitepaper

im not sure if bjorn is good. read articles some years back that baby carriers that hang babies on the groin isn't good for the spine and aint good esp for boys. can use max for 1 hour.</font>

my boy doesn't like his head to be covered in the pouch (kaypoh, wants to look see look see around), i juz put him there..uncovered to start with my arms supporting it until he gets drowsy or falls asleep, i slip his head in and he sleeps like an angel in there.
i slip his head/body in first, then fold his legs and put in. after that, i uncover his head.

yup depends on individual babies. really not good for the spine? i thought it looks great for the spine!!! well, see howlar,it works well now, and i don't use bjorn all the time, sometimes use sling, pouch or stroller, so guess its fine
i remember i read quite a number of articles claiming the same thing.that's why i got ergo, cuz bb is in sitting position.
Good morning all...

Whitepaper, your little one is so cute, just want to pinch his cheeks. What's his weight now?

About Bb carriers, I didn't know that there is cause for concern with the Baby Bjorn?
We just got ours recently. But Mikayla loves being in there. She can even fall asleep in it.
<font color="aa00aa">everafter
Wow! Yesterday was like a heaven to me and the kids w/o my bil's family around. The kids were able to sleep longer. Wenmin slept from 12noon to 5pm before she wake up for her feed. Like what you said, 4 days are short and they are coming back on Thur liao
Hi ladies,
Now I'm confused as to whether to get the Ergo carrier or Baby Bjorn. I have Metro vouchers so can get Ergo. Not sure Metro has Bjorn.

Anyone here needs ebm, pls pm me. need to clear space in freezer. Not that I have a lot but my freezer is small.
hey where do u get yr bb bjorns? i know mothercare has but rather ex. i also wanna get one for my ger. whitepaper / busy bee - did you get the original or air or synergy?
busy bee

he was last weighed at PD when he's one month old. he was 5.02kg then. no idea about now. he's in his 9th week already

for bjorn, i'll continue to use it, coz baby is really comfy in it, and is really easy to use!
whitepaper -oic. Looks like I nd to make a trip out to try the bjorn. I find pushing the stroller ard v leh cheh.. esp w a big diaper bag.
Hi mummies,
My boy keeps making 'eh...eh' sounds even after I've burped him...seems like there's alot of wind in him...how do I get rid of the wind? If I ignore his 'eh' then he'll end up spitting or vomitting milk from his mouth or sometimes his nostrils...
We got the Original from Mothercare, I think its too much to pay $299 for a baby carrier.

Yeah Whitepaper, everyone has their favourite brands and preferences, same goes for diapers, detergents etc. As long as baby and you are happy that is the most important. WOW, 5.02kg! My little one is 3 months tomorrow and I think she is about that weight only now! She was preterm born at 34 weeks, but PD said she is growing well. I already find her heavy nowadays can't imagine you carrying your kiddo at 3 months!

Elchwong, learnt from the dunstan dvd to burp the baby by gently rocking them like doing baby crunches, seems to work with Mikayla. She used to be like your boy and will puke(sometimes) out from her nose when she is gassy. She has been happily burping away with this new burping method.
Mummies, may I ask if you guys keep your babies engaged all the time during their every waking moment? I try to do as much tummy time, play time on her rocker, reading but I run out of steam. Cannot imagine when she starts crawling...
I just wind his cot mobile and let him entertain himself with it...he enjoys it...I don't have that much energy to keep him engaged all the time he's awake...
not leg raises but crunches (like sit ups)...
We just do it for like 5 to 6 times then normally she will let out a loud burb.
I do that too! just wondering if I am 'neglecting' her.....not stimulating her brain cells enough! hahahaha
busy bee - yes v ex for the baby carrier. I dun really entertain victoria all the time cos its v tiring. sometimes i let her play on her own, look at the cot mobile etc. i do flash cards once daily.
Ruffles, if you are looking for carriers maybe can browse online. I even saw one with memory foam straps for usd 40. Think the bb stuff in spore has been super marked up. Even with int'l shipping there is still some savings. We bought our bjorn from mothercare as we had some vouchers to use.
<font color="green">hi busy bee,
where to get the dunstan dvd? my baby also the same thing. will always make the eh eh sound and the eair sound. i keep massaging her tummy so that she will fart. sometimes after she burps she still makes those sounds.

just went for my baby's 1mo checkup today. so disappointed. thought my baby was around 4kg already. turned out she was just 3.92kg. PD say it's still normal weight for baby as long as she gain about 1kg should be enough. but i look at the other babies there. they were all so chubby... so sad.
We got it at mothercare for $59.90. Its rather expensive, actually not really necessary to get as the crux of the programme is reviewed on the youtube link I shared. only additional info on the dvd are some techniques to help baby when they make the various cries. I did find some of the techniques useful for a "L" plate mummy like me! If u really want it I will check with my hubs if he wants to sell it. Let me know if u r keen.
I wanted to get bjorn oo. But the price relly not very justified. So i'm sticking to my MIM sling.
Ytd shopping ard orchard with Marcus and my sis. Marcus wants to be sling all the time. The stoller become shopping cart. Haha... my poor aching shoulders.
if you want to buy from mothercare, can use my member card. you will get 10% i think.
can sms me for my nric no. 94525107. it's not alot, 10% but it's soemthing.
<font color="aa00aa">Joanne
Dont be disappointed! As long as bb is putting on weight and is healthy, that's very good le. My gal also looks very chubby (esp her cheek) but she also turn out to be "bo liao" one. At 7 weeks+, she was only 4.4kg when I also expected more from her. She is 2 months now and I just weighed her again, she is around 5kg now. </font>
<font color="aa00aa">Xinying
Am interested but dont think I can join wor! Cannot imagine how to bring 2 kids out on my own. Even take a cab also have problems!
Yeah our discussion on a meetup just died off...Hahaha. Weekend better for me then I can drive and hubs can have some time off to rest from the work week? Who knows my hubs may even want to come along to see how our girl interact with other babies.
Mousebb, come lah. If its on weekend I can pick u up. My girl in carseat so if u sling your bb then lots of space for both your kids!
HI mummies!!
Me been MIA for quite some time le...so busy with my girl!! ;p

Btw wanna check with u mummies, those who are taking the Fenugreek pills... How many capsules did u took daily?? I know the recommended intake is max 2 pills per day...but know that some did took up to 6 pills daily....
I hestitate to take 6 pills leh cos heard that it will cause constipation oso... and I orie start to have constipation le despite eating papaya, prunes, yakult etc!! ;(
Cos I really wanna boost my supply at the same time oso.... ;)
How about this coming Sunday? Monday is a PH. How how how? Or Sat even better. My Hubby off. Maybe can ask him cook us something simple. Keke...

Going out with Marcus now. More x'mas shopping. Check back tread tonight.

My place is at Edgefield Plains, it's very near meridian LRT station.
mummies, if u r getting bb bjorn original grab from hypermart now i grab it last wk n its on sake @ 175nett whereas mothercare selling 200++

main diff for air is the carrier got holes so more airy for bb sitting inside.. think synergy is the one wiht the back support but i find it to much going on n too ex @ S$299

meet up: i'm ok if ard the area but must find places which r bb frenly..
maybe jus for kopi @ compasspt? wkdays i'll b alone wkends (sat moring/ afternoons) most prob hb will tag along to make up for bonding time..
if the hbs tag along then ask them bbsit while we chat *lol~*
elch, theres r some thing i do to prevent wind..
- hold btl @ angle that have least lobang
- do not feed bb the foamy part if feeding FM
- rub ruyi oil clockwise direction n give a light pressure at the tummy area n also apply on back rememebr must rub till hot hot n then faster cover *advise by massuer &amp; CL*
i also did the "knees to chest crunch" for my bb
<font color="aa00aa">Busy bee
Thanks for the offer!
Taking care of 2 kids is different when I'm outside and at home. I better dont take this 'challenge'. If I only bring my bb out, my son will be very upset. Dont think my hubby wants to tag along otherwise he can bbsit my son le. </font>
elchwong &amp; Joanne,

my girl also make the eh eh sound after her burp.. but when i continue to burp her... she will burp out again... sometimes there are jus too much wind and 1 burp is not enough..
good afternoon all.

saw littlebluey at the J&amp;J Sales.

1. Johnsons Baby Bath (Blue) Twin Pack $11.50 for 2 btls 1000ml

2. Johnsons Milk Bath $6.00 1000ml

3. Carefree Panty Liners Super Dry Pack of 2 $4.00

4. Listerine Bright &amp; Clean $8.90

5. Johnsons Body Care 24 Hr Lasting Body Wash / Melt Away Stress Daily Calming Wash / Naturally White Daily Moisturizing Wash $4.90 each
<font color="green">busy bee,
actually, i just wanted to see how to do the crunches. i tried just now doing on my baby but end up she spit up. i think i did too fast one. hehe..

thanks. i just can't help but compare with other babies when i was at the PD's ofc. felt like my baby was so tiny compared to them. suddenly felt that maybe i'm not feeding my baby enough that's why my baby not as chubby as theirs. i guess each baby grows at their own pace. i should learn not to compare.

i tried to burp her again when my girl makes the eh eh sound but no use le. i always try 15-20mins each time (except in the wee hours of the morning when i'm just to sleepy and tired.. hehe).

are you the one also going to dr. edmund koh?</font>
Must do the 'crunches' slowly (like slow motion).... I know what you mean about can't help comparing. But remember each child is unique and special in their own way. To console you my gal is 4.2kg at 2 months. She is preterm but PD said she is growing well just petite.

how would u rate the J n J sale. worth going?
xinying : me good for sat =) hee..or like what jen suggests, weekdays kopi @ compasspoint is oso good..since i'm always alone w bb on weekdays..c",)
hi nicky,
looonng time no 'see' you..hope you are coping fine..i guess for the fenugreek..max 2 cap per day wld be better..the mummies here also swear by 3 tablespoon of horlicks 3 times a day..hope it helps =) jia you !!

I also always bring my bb go to see Edmund Koh too...but really find him very exp!!but for convenient sake...no choice.
busybee, depends wat u want to buy. i m comparing the bath wash from this sales to outside places like NTUC or medical hall. price is cheaper by 70 cents to $1.00.

but when littlebluey told me abt J&amp;J Shampoo, chinatown can get at $5.50 whereas during the sales is selling at $7.00.
<font color="green">busy bee,
i see. i'll try again later. hopefully i could get my baby to burp using that style... thanks very much! i'll try to keep that in mind everytime i see other people's babies.

yah. i just went this morning. his consultation fee increased to $45 already. also going there for convenience sake. but considering of going to the outram poly. the only thing is got long q. precious time that i'd rather be resting or doing something else other than waiting in line. by the way, are you getting the 6in1 jab from him?</font>
