(2008/10) Oct 2008

<font color="aa00aa">LeSportsac Bags
This brand is having a 25% off. Have ordered a backpack for myself le. Currently am using the babybag from lesportsac also cos the material is light

<font color="green">hi ppp,
sorry wasn't able to reply. somehow wasn't able to login here for the past 2 days. my SIL tried different brands as well as using the same brand but different types of flow until she got the one bb likes. she wasted a lot of nipples though cause baby didn't like.

my confinement officially ended yesterday. so happy. baby also 1mo already. tom going to PD for checkup. will finally know how much my baby weigh. i think she's about 4kg already. by the way, any of your babies always have gas in their stomach even though baby burped? mine always have le. i have to religiously keep massaging her stomach every day so that she will fart otherwise she will have colic again.
<font color="aa00aa">lili
My gal has started to sleep sideway when she came home from the hospital leh. In fact most of the time she was sleeping sideway.</font>
Really? So amazed so young only and they know to sleep sideway.

Anyone still get massage lady to massage for u? Intend to get mine to come this wk as my tummy still feel flabby and extra more. Still have 3.5kg to reduce to achieve 50kg (prepregnancy weight hr 48kg)
Hi Xinying, how did u get on the bus with Marcus and stroller? I'm going to bring Ethan out alone on Fri and now thinking how to get out of the house with him. Tried using the sling and he dun seems to like to be inside.

May I ask what stroller u using?
I never use bus. I stay very near the LRT.
So it's LRT the MRT. Keke... i using peg perego.

Marcus loves being in the sling. more often then not, the stroller is for my shopping!
Oh... so good, then it is really easy for u to go out with Marcus. I do u put him into the sling? We sling ourself first then carry bb in right? But bb will curb up in the sling like a little worm right?

Where can I see peg perego stroller? Is it very exp? I wanted to get a stroller so that I can use this Fri but I dun know where is a good place to go and view the strollers and car seats too. yet do not wish to spend too much on it. Now my medela PIS already become a white elephant
Lili, I got the same prepreggy weight as u. Also trying to get back to it. Still got 2.5 kg to go but got a flabby tummy. Sat was trying on a romper and th salesgirl told me only left size m (she must know I cun fit in) but I insisted on trying, in the end told her I cun fit in due to tum tum and chest. So sad
haha... Xinying, the weight is not in my boobs leh... somemore mine is one damn small. Mine all in tummy. Now cun even wear tight fitting t-shirt liao

Thanks a lot for your advice. Will go n buy one to try.


Really appreciate your reply.
Thanks thanks!.
everafter, that time MIL told me not to feed bb with ebm since bb keeps vomiting. She said milk cold and I manage to latch bb well so I keep latching. If dun latch, bb will be on fm.

Now thinking shd I sell it after unless I want a #2. Cos I dun think it will be easy for me to express when back to work.

It's a pity, my PIS use last then a month. and I pay so much for it.
baby ave or bb hypermart lor.
i have bb ave member card. Paid $30 to get it lor. Some of their items member price cheaper.

I got my peg perego at 488. usual 699 i think.
Littlealmond, latch still can pump mah.
i also latch marcus on most of the time. but still pump abt 1-2 times a day. Freezing BM now to prepare when i go back to work.
My ss is not that much so even if pump i think not much. therefore never pump liao.

Wow, u got a good deal for ur stroller then. Thinking of getting a combi stroller but not sure if it is good a not. Also looking for one which has reversible handle, one hand opening and light weight. Of cos the price must be reasonable.... haha... very demanding yet not willing to pay hor

I got my Capella 705 from tangs. Had some vouchers to use then. I like it. Got all the qualities u said, cost 299. Dunno whether 6.5 kg is light to u tho.


haiz dunno why my hubby cannot! @&amp;?"; army.

I also sterilize after each use but some are left in sterliser so get cooked multiple times when I cook my pump parts more often than the teats are used. Argh that sounds confusing.
hi mommies,
Today my is my first day looking after baby alone, coz MIL back to JB le. I was so worry cant handle, but luckily everything went well in the morning til now, hopefully baby will continue to cooperate with me...Btw, we shaved baby Isaac on last Sat, now he looks so funny with his botak head, hee....

Same same, I also have 8kg to lose before I can hit 50kg! Aiyo, dunno why, all these extra weight seems dun want to go away lay! So sad....
<font color="green">ppp,
you're very much welcome.

wow! you guys are so slim! i'm so envious! my pre-preggy weight is 60kg le.. now i'm 62kg. got 2kg more to lose. but i'm eating and drinking a lot now cause always hungry and thirsty. now give up on losing weight already. hahaha..

I;m looking for a babysitter to look after my 2 month old baby girl. those who are keen or have somone to recommend please call me at 91001480. I'm living in Bishan and will prefer the babysitter to come my place.

<font size="+1">I have Ameda Dual Lactaline breast pump for sale at $260 (almost new condition, still under warranty) with free Clarins Stretch Mark Control Cream left 1/2 bottle. Anyone interested, please PM me for details. Thanks.</font>
littlealmond, are u going back to work? If so, then for sure need the pump later?

u can always go to mothercare to see the variety. Baby Hyperstore at Ubi (Shun Li Industrial Complex) is a good place to shop too - cheaper than Mothercare.
i got a peg perego too. rarely use it cuz it's very heavy, 9 kg. and needs 2 hands to manuovere.
using combi for my gal and pouch for my boy now.
i got mothercare card...
if you need discount, let me know. can get 10% or 15% discount. can juz quote my card no to get discount.
Hi mummies,

may i ask u ladies something.. my gal had these tat look like rash on her cheeks and chin.. and it's kind of rough.. is this a norm?? was kind of worried.. and anything to help improving it?
Hi Jess, I discuss with hubby tonight and let u know k.

Hi dimpletot, capella 705 sounds gd except for the weight. How do u find it at 6.5 kg? Managable alone?

You may want to try a sling or carrier if you wanna bring baby out alone? I have a puspik pouch, an MIM sling and a BabyBjorn. I use either one of them when I bring CH out alone. My hubby uses the BabyBjorn too, when he brings baby out to give me some time away from baby (see him 24/7 everyday lor!).

And we only use the stroller when both of us bring baby out together

I would say the BabyBjorn is really good. CH loves it
haven't tried going out w her alone yet. Think it'll be ok to push around but won't be trying to close it and lift into cab if on my own. Going up and down kerbs should have no prob.
<font color="aa00aa">dimpletot
That time when my hubby wanted to defer his ICT, he was told to produce a letter by my gynae to show my EDD.

I also bought a everyday bag in a earlier spree. Very useful! </font>
me a sker too! yupz, we sld org play-dates for our bbs..will be fun !

hav been bringin bb out alone w sling + stroller..hee..better nt let my mum know manz !

dimpletot: me using a capella too but i think its 228..oso 6.5kg..tried taking cab once, wad i did was sling bb, then close the pram (1-hand), luckily the cabby helped to load &amp; unload the pram..=) of nt, i guess abit diff if u r alone
<font color="aa00aa">everafter
A sling is good. Whenever we go out, I will put wenmin in the sling and she sleep inside there throughout my shopping trip (around 3-4hrs). Never wake up for her feed too. The first time we tried to put her in, she screamed and screamed so my hubby said she doesnt like the sling. The second time we tried it, we were surprised that she starts to like the sling liao.

I dont like to manage a stroller bcos it is very troublesome. </font>
<font color="aa00aa">LittleAlmond
We have 2 strollers, both Capella. Capella 228 is good cos it is light with reversible handle and can push even with 1 hand. As for baby car seat, we are using Britax which can be used until 26kg. </font>
Hi purpleangel, my boy has that too. Brought him to see PD and was told is eczema. Given a cream to apply and the cream is very effective. One application, the redness is gone. But the rashes keep coming back. Was told by abt 6 mths old, he shd fully recover from it. Even his eyebrow got it too and he looks like a santa clause bcos after redness, it will becomes like mucus.... then when drying up.... it is so flakey.
Thanks mousebb. Any method to put bb into the sling? My boy also scream the 1st time I put him in. So I also think that he dun like it. But I see a lot of mummies carrying their bbs in the sling and it seems so carefree! Where did u get ur capella and car seat?
<font color="aa00aa">LittleAlmond
First capella was from JL and second one from KP. As for the carseat, we bought from robinsons.

A sling is very useful cos your hands will be free! You try to put your boy in the sling and see how it goes. I remember last time when I first put my boy in it, he also screamed but the subsequent tries, he ok le.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">LittleAlmond
Oh ya! Each time when I want to put my gal into the sling, I will tell my hubby to help me. I will support her head while my hubby adjust the sling for me so that she will not feel so uncomfortable. i think as she grows bigger, I can do it on my own le since her neck with be stronger.</font>
