(2008/10) Oct 2008

<font color="ff6000">Trace, lynnzee</font>
<font color="ff6000">yah loh, I totally agree. They think it's so easy to look after NB meh, they have been enjoying their carefree tai tai life for too long liao, surely totally CMI 1!
Then tat time we suffer loh &amp; do they pity us then? Only know how to talk 'BIG' nia lah</font>

<font color="0000ff">Tracel,

Juz hang in there, we juz hv to bear with it for a while more!

Muz agree that ytd was one of the hottest and humid night! -_-""

Dun be bothered about your MIL, juz let her say what she wants! After all, u got the support of your DH mah! muhahahahaha ;p

I alrd give up monitoring le, like very bo chap hor I juz only ensure that bb is moving about all the time hahahaha..think junior oso very excited with all the F1 thinggy ytd nite muhahahahaha ;p see tmr wat my gynae will say. Legs started swelling again, tmr surely kenna "butter" lolx ;p hope he dun tell me tis wk muz arrange for the Csection leow...-_-""</font>

<font color="0000ff">JJmom,

Am hoping to do it asap, even during confinement oso nvm else it's getting abit in the way leow...;p</font>
So good you still got reward leh!!

Tink nowadays wanna have really good mil very rare liao... so better to have confinement done by own mum or CL lo.
lynnzee/ jellypurin,

we r well deserved to hv the rewards!!! hahaha...we went thru hard times during this few mths leh!
think its still better that u insisted on CL... dont end up not here not there.. sure v frustrating !!! good that ur DH supports u all the way.. i think our lives are made easier whenever our DH supports us.. kekekeke... ;)

i was quite surprised with my mum too... but i guess she's heard of many modern mummies now who jus cannot stand not washing hair.. so she's not gonna force it upon me too... hehhehe..

maybe u can research which doc u gonna see to remove it now? so u can do it asap after delivery??
you got check with the doctor the laser will takes how long? When your bb comes out you will be very busy leh might not be able to "siam" away for too long... hopefully the pimple will dry up and shrink la...
Trace, Jellypurin,
hehehehe... ^5!!! i got the same requset too... hahahaha...

ya boy... F1 yday is so full of "events"... the way massa's car went off with the fuel pipe still attached... gosh!!!
Tink my hubby not as auto as yours leh... must drop big hint to him liao... heehee... in case i can't slim down, i will DEMAND for a slimming package!
<font color="aa00aa">Lynnzee
I also put on quite a bit of weight during this pregnancy but I think as long as we eat moderately, it should be ok bah.

Single-bedded room have free internet access! That's good. Will be bringing my laptop there otherwise very bored leh. </font>

no need to drop hints..haha tell him direct..haha


wad do u intend to request? haha..

yest F1 was exciting..massa's car is due to the technician..giving wrong green light at the wrong time!!! from 1st position to the last position... *siGhz*
I shall do that tonight! I sacrifice so much leh... From XS become XXL lo! Must make sure i get my rewards leh! Thanks for reminding me leh! heehee...
Hello all mummies...

I went for my regular checks last sat(week 38)... I had high blood pressure of 140/87 then... the nurses check me a few times n the readings were high still...They then told me if still so high, I will have to be admitted.

When I met my gynae, he said HBP will cos complications in pregnancy, I was told to take my blood pressure myself at home from then till my next appointment next sat, he said if my pressure exceed /90, I have to go hospital. Either for C-sect or Induce.

I was quite paranoid though.. very worried the whole night... so far yesterday n today when I measure at home... my bP is normal...phew... I still hope to have a normal delivery...

Though my EDD is 10 oct, really hope to deliver tml 30 Sep... heehee.. cos tml is my hubby bdae also our ROM day... I have been telling my precious girl to arrive tml... counting down the days with her also.. but till now I dun seem to feeel anything at all... based on last sat check with my gynae, it doesnt seems like I'm going into labour anytime soon... xianzz.... getting very impatient liao....
me also lah ... tipping 18kg liao
think i also ask either for gym or slimming package ...i wanna got for that Health Club's package... think it is quite hua suan!

I was v upset lor Ferrari lost. my husband and i are Ferrari supporters... but happy Alonso win and Hamilton din ... hehe
<font color="#151B54">forest,
still can cope la. wif the help of my MIL. juz that durin nite time den a bit troublesome. coz my #2 wanna slp wif me. but nw currently i'm sleepin on a single bed. so my gal will come to me in the middle of the nite. hubby will carry her away tellin her that her mei mei need milk. but aft that in the morn, she'll still layin nxt to me. so my single bed can slp 3 person. coz of that, i sweat even in the air con room. i'm like a sandwich between my gals. </font>
take care ya... am sure that you will do just fine ...

me sian too... want my little gal to pop soon so that her dad can see and play w her before he flies off to HK for two weeks!
limkoh p,
You must take care and take your blood pressure constantly leh. Think your gynae worry thats the sign of pre-eclampsia which is a danger to both mum and baby.

Dun worry la! You are still far far away from me leh... i tink by the next visit i would have gain 28kg liao!
<font color="#151B54"> Jelly,
haha.. ok la.. last nite my hubby den complain to me that we need to start all over again. as in finally my #2 is turnin 1 nxt week. but nw we need to look aft a NEWBORN AGAIN. so i told him, u only spend 3days wif them n u start to complain? den who shall i complain to whn i start to spend my time wif them whn my #1 is born till today? he kee[ quiet. hehe..... </font>
Weight Gain:

So far I had total of 13kg.
I went to the Baby's coming event last sat as well. Was shared that usually during pregnancy (11kgs is gain) - 3kg for bb, 1.5kg for placenta, 1.5kg for blood increase,another 2kg some other stuffs(I cant rem whats those) all these after delivery will be gone... so anything more than 11kg is extra fats store in our body we gotta get rid after delivery.


Yah loh... I was quite relieve that my BP went back normal these 2 days. Really can't figure out what contribute to the HBP. I read from the net, if HBP during pregnancy is not treated, mum's brain, kidney &amp; liver will be damaged!!! so scary!!
<font color="0077aa">Mummies!!!</font>
<font color="#151B54"> anyone here went to watch the F1 race?

ytd den told my hubby, lucky he didn get the tix. coz i keep buggin him to get the tix i wanna go watch. if he really got it, guess really waste $$$ as nw i'm in confinement period. sianz!!!

i'm nt afraid of givin birth. but afraid of the confinement period. i can bear the pain but nt the loneliness!! LOL!!!</font>
Ignore your hubby! I tink You really very steady lo! So young only but taking care of 3 kids le! Salute you leh! Men are always very insensitive 1... Imagine my hubby keep telling me that my pregnancy seems like a breeze! I really wan to tie a big watermelon on him ask him carry ard for 10 months lo!
<font color="aa00aa">Lynn,</font>
<font color="#151B54"> LOL!!! fully agree wif u!! sumtimes i told him that my V is so heavy. like gonna tear soon. n he juz look at me wif a impression like 'den?' wa!!! feel like givin him ONE TIGHT SLAP!!!!</font>
<font color="0000ff">Tracel,

Everything changes after the Renault's accident, makes me wonder if there's some conspiracy theory behind it muhahahaha *think too much* leow...really luck plays a big part lor...the Massa so gan chiong but then still dunno it's who's fault becos the green light was on! *diaoz* the Ferrari were disappointing thot they will be able to make it Top3 but too bad! Even Kimi oso go and crashed his twds the end *fainted* lose concentration and heart le but like tht makes it more dramatic isn't it! hahahahaha ;p
<font color="0000ff">Lennie,

Me Me, think I will asked my DH to bring me for holidays instead of the diamond earrings he intends to get for me muhahahahaha

My DH was happy as long as Hamiliton din win, u heard his comments last nite after the prize award, so arrogant!! #$%^&amp;</font>

<font color="0000ff">Forest,

Thot of going to polyclinic to get a referral becos across my house there's a medical centre which they got do day surgery, will be more convenient for me keke want to do it soonest!!</font>

<font color="0000ff">Lynnzee,

I can only hope that it will dropped off but the likelihood seems nil leh, seems so glued tightly onto the area -_-"" gek sim ah!!

Think laser it off shd be pretty fast, so hoping can go for day surgery near my place, at least I juz nd to walk over hahahahaha</font>

<font color="0000ff">Limkoh,

Juz hv to watch that BP, my gynae told me the same thing if my swelling doesn't improve or I develop high BP of a sudden, I might hv to bring bb out earlier too hmmm...Hope u get your wish come true!

<font color="0000ff">Jess,

My gynae told me that my bb is growing too big and too fast, very very low % of natural leh, most prob hv to C-section. Will check with him again tmr but then DH is alrd set for the Csection leow....;p</font>
Really congratulations!!! Sounds like a dream birth though

I'm really envious reading mummies who birth naturally. Because bb's breech, I am most likely going under the knife. Sigh, was hoping to experience the pains of labour, man! I know eventually, bb's health is the most important but can't help being envious la.

OIC, I tot u don't want natural birth. Hope u can go for natural after tomorrow gynae visit.

My 1st one was c-sect, but now I want natural for the 2nd one. Any mommies here trying too?
Congrats! Your bb is such a sweetie.

F1: My hubby doesn't like Alonso cos he thinks he's a prima donna. Haha! Last 2 laps my hubby still say hope he crash out. Haha! I told him quite impossible le. But from last position at the start to 1st position is really not easy lor. He also got lucky.

My hubby also said might have some conspiracy theory going on. haha! Aiyah, he just doesn't like Alonso. haha! :p

Can check for us on auspicious days for the rest of Oct so even those who are giving birth naturally can talk to bb to come out on a good day. Haha!

Rewards: My hubby say will pay for my slimming package but I think I would rather have something else like a branded diaper bag. Heehee! I keep changing my mind about what I want for a reward these days. Haha!
bbgoh (bbgoh)

icic but how we noe need to top up FM &amp; how much to top up after feed BM?
like tat i might have to standby 1 small tin of FM. we must let hospital noe tat we like to have total BF, isnt it? but in 1st few days no supply cum in then how? poor baby ll keep cring or not

Hosp will be able to provide u some samples bottles of 90ml. If bb can take 90ml, and EBM (expressed Breastmilk) only 60ml, balance is 30ml use FM.

You should always standby a can of FM, a small can will do to start with.

At hosp, BF or FM, you should say as long as baby in their care and hungry.. pls go ahead with feeding FM. Thats wat i told them.


Mousebb: i m worried cos EPI i m awake and knows wat is gng on. I duno if i will cry or freak out if my gynae slice me up. I wish to witness his arrival and yet i am scarey cat.. geezz.. soo hard to decide.

littlebluey, noted.. maybe i be more BRAVE and go for epi... at least hb get to see his son first. hmmmmm hmpf..... i ask papa later.. what he wants then..

The weather is a killer.. almost like 3 yrs ago when i had my little girl
hot hot hot....
i was watching F1 live at my usual club with my hb... disappointment with that Fuel pump thingy that happens. Bet there is soome technical problem that costs Ferrari dearly.
still got 3 races to go... Massa will still hv chance.

I am a Ferrari Fan, my hb saying i am for that guy whahaahaha.. i said nahz. Ferrari and Massa or even kimi.. as long as not Hamilton. :p
<font color="ff6000">Carole,</font>
Wah...u have a vy pretty gal! Must have take after her mama
She sure knows how to pose for the camera, next time can b model leh.
<font color="ff6000">Bluey,</font>
hmm...lynnzee have a pt too lei, mayb after u deliver, the pimple may juz drop off itself lei? Then save u the pain &amp; $ to go for laser. Mayb u shd wait &amp; c how it goes.
<font color="0000ff">Karen/Jess,

I'm a person whose threshold for pain is 0% although natural boosts alot of benefits nevertheless, if it's painless I dun mind (not possible) hahahaha..so am ok with Csection at least chop chop short and swift! hahahaha ;p</font>

<font color="0000ff">Mint,

Very scandalous leh, u never know if there's somthing going on hahahahaha ;p but nevertheless it was quite an "upset" hahahahaha ;p lolx

<font color="0000ff">Carole,

Xinying juz sms me and told me that prior to the Csection, if we opt for Epi, they will inject a smaller needle to numb the back before administering the Epi! She said the process quite fun actually becos can still wriggle toes and feel the tugging. And the best part can hear baby cry when he's out, she said totally no pain and amazingly the Epi jab is not as bad as she imagine!

Yr gal is so pretty! Will be a babe when she grows up!</font>
<font color="0000ff">Updates from Xinying,

She's juz discharged and at home resting now, she oso managed to visit Gioanna and Skylar earlier on and she said Skylar is very pretty!
<font color="0000ff">JJmom,

I oso hope that it will drop off by itself but I think the chances very slim -_-"" I will take a pic of it and show it to my boy the next time and tell him wat an "ugly pressie" he gave his Mummy.... :p

I really wished I can take a scapel or scissors and removed it muhahahahaha ;p</font>
<font color="ff6000">Bluey,</font>
Aiyoh...not totally all your boy's fault too mah...hahaha

Glad tat Xinying &amp; her boy r discharged
<font color="0000ff">JJmom,

Muz find some "excuse" mah, so "temp pin" the blame on him lolx ;p

Since the GP told me that it's due to hormones changes during pregnancy...</font>
JJ: she can be a monster! lol

littlebluey, i know hw the epi is being done, cos my girl is Natural via epi.. just that i dunno hw the CUT gng to be like lor
tts the scarey part.

I just love the natural birth. at least after all effect gone, i am all ready to chiong to nusery to carry him out. kekekkee...
<font color="ff6000">Gio,</font>
<font color="ff6000">u r really my hero liao, only have laughing gas &amp; nothing else for labour ^_^b really kowtow to u liao!

I really really hope to b able to do it this way too coz of the side effects of the jab &amp; epi. But I think I can't make it with juz the laughing gas nia...

yeah... i purposely checked with my fren and he said its free... so, im also packing my lappie into the hosp. bag so my hubby can surf n wont be so bored also.. wahahaha.. :p for me, i think i'll be too tired to surf anyway.. hahaha.. :p

hehehehe... me eyeing either a hol or something.. but this morning hubby suggested getting me a new watch... hmmm... still pondering lor.. hahaha.. :p

hmm.. ur BP was high at the clinic but ok when u're at home.. were u anxious/too excited at the clinic.. cos' that may affect ur BP wor... i always chat with the nurse, so that i can be relaxed when they take my BP.. do take care ya!!

ur #2 is still young, so she'll still wanna stick to u... hope u can manage with the help of ur MIL.. it must be very tiring for u now to handle 3 kids... do take care ya!!

ooh.. if there's 1 near to ur place then its good!! but like what the gals suggest.. see if it goes off after delivery bah... might just happen though...

wow... ur girl is sooo sweet and pretty!!! hehehe...must be ur pride and joy!!
