(2008/10) Oct 2008

<font color="ff6000">Trace,</font>
<font color="ff6000">I have the worry coz I really experience a change in my eyesight since my 2nd trimester loh. Now I totally cannot wear my spec, will surely get headache

So I may have no choice but to ren until after we have our 2nd bb</font>

<font color="ff6000">Lili,</font>
<font color="ff6000">Glad tat u r coping well with your bb &amp; BF, u really 'on' on BF lei even when u having sore &amp; bleeding nipples somemore ^_^b peifu peifu! Keep up your gd work

<font color="ff6000">Busybee,</font>
<font color="ff6000">Tat's so true man! Must still upkeep ourselves even being a mama still have to b chio mama...hahaha!
Yest we went to a full mth party &amp; after tat my DH commented my friend (the mom) looks like aunty now @_o
So at tat moment, I also OSing tat I better don't let myself become an aunty in my DH's eyes =P</font>

<font color="ff6000">Rebecca,</font>
<font color="ff6000">I know it's not easy being a SAHM loh coz I used to b a SAHW for a yr when my DH was posted to US &amp; I followed him over. I get so sianz to cook even thou I don't have to cook every meals =P But guess I m really a lazy wife too lah =P</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Littlebluey
On Sat too but need to wake up very early leh! Also, I want to watch the korean drame "huang jing sin liang". </font>
<font color="0000ff">Forest,

Wat an arse is he!!

Same here lar, me oso facing with tis stoopid cow in office, keep on asking non stop muz gimme some time to check mah? I'm not the issuer wat the bloody hell can I do if they dun pay!! if I can wallop her I will gladly do so!!!! </font>

<font color="0000ff">Mousebb,

Asked yr DH to get you the VCD/DVD! keke</font>

Hee hee, yeah i am very appreciative whenever he does these nice things for me! I wanted to colour/body perm my hair but still kind of breastfeeding dunno if it is safe.

I have been surfing net and watching net all day while on confinement. Dun feel any difference for my eyesight.
<font color="aa00aa">Littlebluey
I think it is a waste to spend money on VCD/DVD cos I only watch once and will not repeat the show cos boring liao! A few years back, I was so crazy about Da chang jin and my hubby bought the DVDs for me but now, I also dont know where are the DVDs le? </font>
<font color="aa00aa">mousebb,</font>
<font color="#151B54"> all of us are slpin in the same room. guess bcoz all the while she's slpin wif me. out of a sudden wan her to share her mummy wif others she might nt use to it. n she oso tend to cried easily. whn the daddy scold her, she cry. daddy didn every raise his voice. juz look at her wif a fierce look. she cnt take it liao. if i scold her, even worse. she can scream n cry until i gve in to her. haiz... headache.. but nvm la.. slowly lor.. keep explainin to her lor. i love her n baby Erin lor. but oso at the same time cannot left out my boy. haiz.. tired being a SAHM. coz i need to divide my love equally to all my 3 kids.

i wish i can. but cnt leh. my mind will keep tellin me to 'miss ur kids. they need u.' haha... like dis i cnt happily leh. will keep lookin at the watch to see the time. n wonderin hw are they doin at hme.

<font color="119911">forest,</font>
aiya.. no la.. i can choose nt to sacrifices for them de ma.. but juz that i 放心不下. coz b4 i got married, i heard too much of nannies abuse BBs or toddlers or children. even childcare centre i oso saw hw they treat a toddlers. so i told myself,'one day if i got a chance to hve my own kids, i wont let them suffer. i rather i'm the one who suffer. coz i juz imagine if i were the BBs, toddlers or childrens. being helpless n fearful. veri poor tin leh...</font>
argghh.. *#$&amp;@#$&amp;(#^$&amp;#$
i will also wallop him if i could lor!!!! damn pissed!

sorry mummies, i just needed to rant manzzz... otherwise, i keep inside me i feel damn pek chek!! hope u mummies dont mind me ranting!!

me too... i hate my curls now!! grr.. and my grey hair!! yucks!

go buy the VCD/DVDs.. i saw TS having some clearance at Northpoint yday, and bot 2 box of Korean dramas too.. hehehehe... :p

VAIN is in my blood manzzz... hehehehehe :p
<font color="ff6000">Jollyhappy,</font>
<font color="ff6000">Wah...tat's really a big OMG for a lot of us...hahaha!
Think a lot of us already have a whole series of drama programs planned liao wor.
I intent to catch all the CSI &amp; Hero that I missed. My friends gng to lend me their jap &amp; korean drama. My mom &amp; my sis also a HK drama fan like me but we have no time for it so thou we can catch up on some during my ML too.
If really cannot watch, think I will cry of boredom &amp; in the end, also affect my eyesight...hahaha =P</font>
<font color="ff6000">JJmom,</font>
<font color="#151B54"> aiya.... no la.. u nt lazy.... cookin is tirin leh.. n u noe ar.. juz to tink of wat to cook can crack ur brain liao lor... den aft cookin need to wash up... den aft the dinner oso need to wash up.. need to spend time at the market or supermarktet to see wat to buy n wat to cook for meals... aft gettin all the ingredients, need to spend time to wash the ingredients n all that... so ma fan.. that's y sum mothers rather to go work den bein a SAHM. coz really sianz de....</font>
<font color="ff0000">hi mummies I'm back! nobody miss me huh? haha.

super duper tired organising and hosting F1! hope your hubbies have been returned to you also - mousebb and ... oops can't remember the other gal!

was working from around 1pm to midnight on race days... super tiring, but got to sit down most of the time. glad it's over, and overall quite a success! i wanted kimi to win, so was a real letdown at the end of the race!
but also glad that hamilton only got third haha!

just read today's posts... going to catch up on the past few days now...

today boss gave us all OFF - whoo hoo. actually dun give also i cannot drag myself to work liao. tmw my LAST DAY at work ! double WHOO HOO!</font>
<font color="0000ff">Busybee,

Wah! Got storm alrd ah, oso gd leh so bloody hell hot these few days, the F1 are really blessed with "gd weather"</font>

<font color="0000ff">Rebecca,

U are a really 100% responsible mummy, can't take yr mind off them once in a while!!</font>

<font color="0000ff">Forest,

Let's "tied them" up and put a gunny sack over them and "hantump" them properly muhahahahaha lolx ;p </font>

<font color="0000ff">Trace,

U ironed yr hair? muhahahaha...I juz cropped it real short! from so long to so short, boo hoo hoo missed my long hair!</font>
<font color="0077aa">dimpletot,</font>
<font color="#151B54"> WOW!!! tml last day of work liao!! den can prepare to meet ur little bao bei liao lor!!! :p</font>
<font color="0000ff">Littlebluey,</font>
<font color="#151B54"> no la.. nt as responsible as u tink la.. but i dunno leh... juz got dis habit leh.. sumtimes even short while i oso miss them de.. like ytd, my hubby bring them to sun plaza for abt 1hr plus. i keep callin him n ask him whr's he. whn comin back. sumtimes i call him until he got so fed up n say comin back soon liao. y leh?!?!?! hehe..... den i juz say nth la.. juz wan u faster come back la!!</font>
<font color="ff6000">Forest,</font>
<font color="ff6000">aiyoh...tat angmo man really childish lei...complain in msn somemore! Ask him to go back his country, c how he die there! Now their country so jialat still don't pull up his socks @_o these ppl really dunno what they thinking!</font>

<font color="ff6000">Trace,</font>
<font color="ff6000">I also have my 1st white hair in my life during my 2nd trimester lei
I also need a colour &amp; highlight after confinement ^_^v

Lily Ang is our Lili?</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Dimpletot
Your boss so nice to give you all off day. Tomorrow is your last working day before your bb's arrival and you can have a good rest le! Good for you esp you must be very tired working thru the F1 season. I waited for my hubby until 2.30am already cannot take it le...

My hubby still has to go back office this morning and has meeting at 10am somemore. Told him to come home early to "compensate" me, he said roads closure still on today. Think my Swensen dinner going to become bubbles liao!!!</font>
my stupid boss today dunno wads wrong with his bloody mouth..keep making so much noise in his workstation...so irritating
<font color="0000ff">Trace,

Easier to manage leh, else weather so hot these days, imagine I cropped off how many inches -_-"" but now feel so much lighter, it's been 9 mths since I last cut my hair muhahahahahaha ;p</font>

<font color="0000ff">Lennie,

U looked ok to me leh, saw yr shorter hair in Facebook

<font color="0000ff">Dimpletot,

Finally u can rest, u deserved a good rest before your bb arrive
<font color="0077aa">forest,</font>
<font color="#151B54"> juz vent it out!! u'll feel veri xin ku if u keep it inside u!! ^_^</font>
aiyo... u only 1 strand.. i have 1 full head of them lor.. and now, they are all SHOWING.. machiam cinema "NOW SHOWING" like that... hahahaha... so u can imagine how ugly that is!!

tats why say u r wei da lor!!

wah... u must have been tired out!! but great that you could be present for F1... i have to wait till next year to witness it!!! hahahaha...

ya lor.. put them both into the same sack!! hahaha.. :p :p

u just chopped off ur hair??? i must check it out when i go home.. hahaha... cant access facebook in office leh....
<font color="aa00aa">JJmom, Trace
Recently, I also found a few white/grey hairs. Think very soon have to go dye my hair le. Sigh!!!</font>
thanks!!! im very qi guai one.. if im angry, i sure must find someone to complain.. as soon as i say it out.. i'll feel better le.. hehehehe... :p :p
<font color="0000ff">Forest,

I din post up the pic with my short hair, but I think I ought too then u all can see my "UGLY BLOOD PIMPLE" -_-"" hahahahaha... ;p


i went to thin my hair..oso feel lighter aft dat..


haha, the way u describe is so farny..! dun worry lar..u can dye it back aft yr confinement.. same old ques..if rebond rite aft confinement,will it affect my BM? still no ans to my own ques..
<font color="119911">forest,</font>
<font color="#151B54"> u oso wei da ma!!! workin whn preggie!!! nxt time gve birth liao need to work n look aft BB!!!
haizzz... got pissed with my ang moh coll lor... choose what he wanna do.. and when i did it, still dare to ask me what is it! then complain to his compatriot in another office when i nv give him face when i answered his question... irritant lah!!

he is making those noise like...something got stuck in his teeth..so irritating leh!!! wondering if he needs a toothpick
<font color="119911">forest,</font>
<font color="#151B54"> haha!!! i'm oso like u!! that's y i can understand he u feel if u keep it inside u.. :p</font>
<font color="0000ff">Littlebluey,</font> <font color="0077aa">Trace,</font>
<font color="#151B54"> sumtimes bosses are damn irritatin!!! simply juz keep their mouth shut!!!</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Forest
Take it easy! Tot most ang moh are quite gentlemen ones but seems like your colleague is an exceptional! Just ignore him and dont let him dampen your mood ya! Think of your boy and you will be happy!!!</font>
<font color="0000ff">Trace,

Hand him a big box of toothpicks! hahahahahahaha....

Mine is both boss and colleague complain and complain and complain *fainted*</font>
tot Trace saw ur pic in facebook??
dont worry abt the pimple.. u'll "xiu le ta" after delivery ya!!! ;)

not funny wor.. but its the truth.. thanks to my daddy lor.. we all inherited his white hair... :S

think better to pump and throw away the BM for the few days after rebonding/colouring... cos' the chemicals are still there? i intend to rebond and colour.. but cant do both on the same day.. so, will need to throw away more BM lor... :S

hahaha... ok ok... all Mummies are WEI DA !!!
