(2008/10) Oct 2008

I tried google map the addy, there r 2 locations.
1 at middle road & another near my kenteen.
So its the 1 near my kenteen?
The Very Hungry Catepillar
For those interested in weekday show, pls call act 3 direct. they do not allow bookings thru sistic for weekdays for some strange reason :p
i'm lost.

i think i missed an iherb spree or was it the one i recently participated in?

Also, am i too late for hungry caterpillar

i'm so drowsy.. abby and i are down with the sniffles.
<font color="119911"><font size="+1"> Dear Mrspung, Little Doggie, Daisybuttons,Jjmom, Bluey, Buffy, Ms Piggy,Ruffles, Busy Bee,

I'm the BP organiser for the Nyonya Sarong Kebaya. I hope I have not interrupted anyone as I have some updates on the stock status to announce so I thought it'll be easier to post directly in this thread.

This is the first time I'm working with this supplier and I realised that his stock turnover is so fast that a few of our orders are OOS, especially the Sarong Skirts. But the good thing is that there were still many good selections that could match very well with the tops that we have ordered. Pardon me for in order to secure the stocks I've already brought in the skirts to match each of the tops although they may not be what you have chosen because I reckon if I don't do so, more mummies will be disappointed as the next batch of stocks will only be shipped in from Indonesia 2 months later.

I'll post in this thread the affected orders as well as the alternative Sarong Skirts you mummies can consider. Please do not feel pressurised to accept my offers because I just want everyone to be happy at the end of the day. If you really do not like the replacement, you can:

(1)Choose to order the Skirt you want but it'll be a 2-month long wait. So please order only if you don't mind waiting.

(2)Ask for a refund but hopefully as a last resort because in my opinion, all the selections are really beautiful and it'll be a waste to let go.

Please bear with me while I post the details.</font></font>
<font color="119911"><font size="+1">Ruffles Order :
Dark Pink Kebaya + Turquoise Sarong Size 2
Status : Dark Pink Kebaya arrived but Turquoise Sarong OOS.
Alternative Matching Sarong : Dark Green</font></font>
<font color="119911"><font size="+1"> Little Doggie, Daisybuttons, Jjmom, Bluey Orders :
Blue Kebaya + Pink Sarong Size 2
Status : All 4 Blue Kebayas arrived
2 Pink Sarongs Arrived, 2 OOS
Alternative Matching Sarong : Purple

Please indicate your choice :

1) Blue Kebaya + Pink Sarong
2) Blue Kebaya + Pink Sarong
3) Blue Kebaya + Purple Sarong - Taken by Daisybuttons
4) Blue Kebaya + Purple Sarong</font></font>
<font color="119911"><font size="+1">Jjmom orders :
(1) Dark Pink Kebaya + Pink Sarong Size 1
- Dark Pink Kebaya arrived
- Pink Sarong OOS
- Alternative : Dark Green Sarong

(2) Green Kebaya + Pink Sarong Size 2
- Green Kebaya arrived
- Pink Sarong OOS
- Alternative : Red Sarong

(3) Dark Pink Kebaya + Turquoise Sarong Size 4
- Dark Pink Kebaya OOS
- Turquoise Sarong arrived

Do you want to get another alternative to the Dark Pink Kebaya in Size 4? I've seen the Light Pink and it's very nice - worth considering.</font></font>
<font color="119911"><font size="+1">Busy Bee Order :
Dark Pink Kebaya + Turquoise Sarong Size 3
- Dark Pink Kebaya arrived.
- Turquoise Sarong OOS
-Alternative : Dark Purple Sarong
<font color="119911"><font size="+1">Buffy, Ms Piggy Order :
Blue Kebaya + Pink Sarong Size 3
- Blue Kebaya arrived
- Pending stock status of Pink Sarong from supplier. Will advise further</font></font>
<font color="119911"><font size="+1"> Here're the stocks that have arrived in whole sets:
(1) 2 sets of Blue Kebaya + Pink Sarong Size 2
(2) Daisybutton's Blue Kebaya Size 2
(3) Jjmom's Blue Kebaya + Pink Sarong Size 5

Mummies, please pm me or post your decisions in this thread. </font></font>
Hi XY, am I too late for iherb?? Fighting fire at work, one of my staff got poached by the client so busy interviewing candidates for replacement and trying to get through our peak period. If still can, I'd like 2 boxes each of the Smiley snacks and cookie monster alphabet cookies.

Hi Springleaf, I will go with your suggestion. Pls advise any next steps.

Hi Wan Chuen, be strong and take care.

Hungry Caterpillar... I proposed for the school to take kiddos for the play!! If they decide against I am game to go... U ladies book yet?
<font color="0000ff">Hi Springleaf,

I will still stick to my choice of Blue Kebaya + Pink Sarong


Hv PM-ed you
morn mommies

re: sarong kebaya
for those who had replied to springleaf, i will ask her to send me a summary and will confirm with all of you again.
will all these ding danging b too troublesome for u?

mayb easier for us to deal with all these changes with her directly ourselves?

paiseh to trouble u esp when u r not even ordering any =P

i have already pm-ed her
Hello mommies

Long time no see. Hope everyone is coping well.

Wan Chuen, hugs to you. please stay strong and positive

Just brought CH for a quick photoshoot on Sunday and would like to share the online gallery with you ladies
CH was surprisingly super cooperative at the shoot.

Please go to www.bambiniphoto.sg, click on client proof, enter user id: Sze_Ern, password: studio. All case sensitive
will post some photos on fb when I receive the soft copies

Ok, back to work
Thanks for sharing! CH is such a charmer! Very nice pics indeed!

Does any of your kids get bitten? Anyway to avoid it? Dylan is being treated like a piece of yummy meat by my nephew who's 5 months younger whenever they snatch toys or get into a scuffle.
M once bit his classmate.
Have to teach him... no bite bite.
Haha... see my FB video... he now tell the horse, no bite bite.

If he dun like to get bitten, cannot bite others.

But as to your problem, Dylan does look yummy. Haha... u have to teach ur nephew not to bite.

I saw that video! I was wondering what's the story of 'no bite bite'! Hahaha! Now I know!

Have to agree that Dylan looks yummy! Haha! Though Dylan is no angel but he don't deserve to be bitten each almost 1-2 times monthly. There's a few times where the skin tears. My brother and his wife is always present so not nice to teach him how not to bite except for telling him. All I can do is to teach Dylan to run away when he sees the cousin opening his mouth.
I learn this from a friend.
She was training her puppy. She pressed the puppy's jaws and say NO BITE BITE.

Then... M picked it up. So... easy for us to implement this no bite bite rule.
halo mummies.. morning

how is every1?

any mummies free to meet for lunch tmr? i can go a slightly longer one since tmr is no boss day :p
morning mommies

was really pissed with M1's customer service. m1's data coverage for iPhone not v good. then i am "met" a really tactless cs guy... i must say he didn't take my verbal complaints or abuse... no i did not hurl vulgarities at him over the phone...
Hi mummies

I'm always so slow in logging on to catch up with the posts from all of you.

I'm wondering if any of you mummies send your tods to enrichment activities on top of the cc or pre-school? June hols are coming (so no school for her) so I'm thinking to occupy her to sign for some enrichment. Any to recommend?

I've heard about Baby Jumper Gym as well as Growing up Gifted. Any comments on these?

sigh...we starts our day bad today. I m super pissed too!

Had a fight with an stupid uncle full of tattoo at the train stn.

He knocked onto Nat from BEHIND her. Thinking that Nat is short so he might not see her so i juz carried Nat off without saying anything.

He caught up with us &amp; said to Nat :'小妹妹,没看路喔!'

Wah...i was so angry! I stared hard at him &amp; scolded back:'是谁没看路!'

Then he had the cheek to say:'开玩笑'

If Nat is not with me, he is gng to b dead meat! si tattoo ah pek!

I actually still vy pissed so i went back to look for him after i dropped Nat at inlaws but he is not there anymore.
wah... u still dare to go back and confront him if he is still there ar.

after meeting u that day, LY asked me on that night for present... I told her mummy nv buy present for u... she said: juz now that auntie got give bag... nearly fainted...

m glad she likes the elmo bottle. heehee

u mean bcoz he has colourful tattoo all over = rough guy?
hahaha...but i m no 善(男)女信女 too lei =P

i dont care whoever he is, whoevers bully my gal is gng to get it from me! Even if he will hurt me, i will make sure he hurts too! wahahaha...
