(2008/10) Oct 2008

party city is a webstore selling party stuff

re: hotel stay
just book 1 night at pan pac to celebrate my hubby's bday in jul! haha... damn kiasu... book way ahead!
XY : Sorry for the late reply. I am using a simple and cheap camera CASIO EXLIM Z90 .

Buffy (buffy): So sorry I think I miss out your question. Ya.... I use cookies cutters and mould for the bento deco. So sorry , I can express myself better in Chinese leh!Ha....nevermind just look at the pictures will do ! Ha..

mspiggy : Ha...maybe can try to make one for your child when u are free. Ha....


<font color="aa00aa">Mummies,

Do you give your kids Marmite?

Btw, izzit healthy?

Why I asked is becoz R&amp;R's CC like to give the kiddos' porridge served with Marmite.

I feel that is so salty!!
I m uneasy with this Marmite whenever some1 intro it to me for Nat. Nat's nanny &amp; my mil did try to 'sell' it to me.

but whatever it's made of, i feel it's all 'chemically treated'? lol
<font color="aa00aa">JJmom,
Ya, I feel the same too. I am writing in to MCYS to ask them. May even request them to go a spot check on R&amp;R's CC.

I really hope they can stop serving Marmite.

i know a lot of ppl grow up eating this Marmite &amp; r ok with it.

but i din so mayb it's juz me =P

i support your idea of writing in on this case. I feel the cc is juz having the easy way out with this Marmite porridge =P I would have done the same if it's Nat's cc =P
Hi Lennie, trf done...
Amount S$42.00 
Transaction Reference 6681279355 

Pls check and thx for coordinating!
Abt size I changed on XY's advice! Hee anyway if too big can keep...

Hi Purple, you can check out the hotel promo on the hk Disney website. We stayed at the Disneyland hotel and took the long stay plus 2day pass promo. We opted for the kingdom club rooms which were areal treat for the parents.
aiyooo the tees are soooo cute! Heart you beri much!

how wanna share? It's 3 for $30. If just 1 pc it's $12.
morning mummies

JTS the tees for S size is quite big at least for shawn so u might wan to think twice if u wan to order M size but i got it from another bp seller la..

paging buffy n jelly,
wan to come beach rd meet me for lunch :p
Thanks for the heads up. Will ask the bp seller on the measurements.

LOL! ok then. I have to buy on the sly again.
morning mommies


today i cannot as my paper trimmer blade is blunt and i need to get replacement at orchard road :p

re: sarong kebaya
mommies who need it urgently, pls let me know. i notice my friend's bp is still active hence i do not know when she will close.i suspect it will be quite soon.

i will arrange with all of you on pick up once i collected the garments
<font face="georgia"> Jelly, thanks but no hurry for me.

Waterproof mattress protector :
Did u gals get 1? It's really useful for me. Highly recommend. </font>

thinking of u :p
SP where har, need to ask if my hb can drive me there. today can? or thursday? till what time will u be there.

thanks a zillion
<font face="georgia">jelly,
yeah... I love it. Ordered a few more for my mum's place too.

plus now Nat is weaning off diaper during nap.. hope this come handy.
<font face="georgia">XY,
cool... maybe will pop by this Fri! hahaha
Which foodcourt again?

wanna come along?? </font>
<font face="georgia">R&amp;R,
wow.. that person is really cruel to do that to a newborn!

this baby 大难不死,比有后福。</font>
gosh...so glad tat the bb is alive, hope the bb will find a gd home who loves him/her like their own.
this friday PH... i can;t make it as i have church and workshop

re: baby stories
these days there are so many sad stories on abandon babies. latest one i read on straits times is a woman friend killed her friend so that she can hv her baby... so sad...
any of your kids are fully potty trained?
R is at this phase where she hates diapers, will not wet the bed when she naps but must wear her diapers at night or when we are out.

i find it very hard to potty to train her and the cc still allows her to wear diapers... even my folks at home have differing methods in potty training

anyone care to share your experience?
<font color="aa00aa">sad to say... i m lazy to toilet train Regine. She is ready. Whenever she wants to go toilet, i asked her to pee lor. You are wearing pull upz.</font>
Hi Mummies!

Sorry for intruding...I am helping my company to promote this campaign.
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I'm onz for lunch.

diapers still a must for R at night and when we go to places where I know that the toilet conditions are 3rd world e.g. Hawker centres. But she's diaper free at school, home and nap time.
y not try to talk to rebby's cc abt taking the diaper off when there?

Nat is abt the same as mint's regina.

I m also quite lost on how to potty train Nat for the nite coz the diaper is still vy full in the morning. Dont think she is ready for it yet.

Morning mummie!

Anyone interested in doing a picnic at botanic gardens this Sunday if it doesn't rain? The Singapore Chinese orchestra is doing a performance this Sunday at the Shaw foundation stage.

I read that for night training it's only after 3 years old. So no hurry now.
