(2008/10) Oct 2008

me & hub also questioning on the 'how' r the opp gng to deliver their promises?

like some said, they will cut GST to 5% but nv mention how r they gng to implement tat. Cant juz anyhow hum tum a figure mah.

but then again, we were nv really let know of how the whites come up with the figures in the 1st place?

sigh...i also thinking hard abt where my vote shd go but i do like the idea of having more diff voices esp when the KS fan kinda of calibre juz slipped in under protective wings.

oh u mean her biggest regret is not bringing her parents to Universal studios? but she is glad she brought her mum to Italy.

wah... my mum has never been to italy or Uni Studio leh...... i have bigger regret than her hor?

<font face="georgia">Hi ladies...
wow.. interesting topic here.

vanilla : when i heard abt her biggest regret... i almost fell off my chair! hahahahaaa

haha.. i am passionate abt this cos i worry for my boy's future.

mspiggy - haha there are more... she is my entertainer at work...ahaha

JJmom - yup....
<font face="georgia"> vanilla and JJmom,
totall agreed! hahahahaaa

i share the same view as you...ruling party will be still in white. But I also hope to see more opp voices in parliament though, else all the decision is forever "walkover". </font>
huh? Backside ah? Ok lah since his brains are there, I shall kick it back to where it should belong. Heehee!
allo mommies,

ti or or. remember to bring in your laundry.

i know who i am working for, i also know who i am voting for and they may not always be the same parties. ;)

i just did house to house yesterday... and even if the afternoon was a lull, i covered 5 big blocks, 15 -18 storeys each.. in heels. my poor old knees. next week track shoes for me. The minister was nice though.

Bored bored bored. weather is shat shat shat. Think we'd just go down to the library..
Nicole speaks well but she's 24 and she's only a marketing executive. She's alot more media savvy though. I hope both girls sustain themselves for the next 5 years because meeting the people can really run the energy to bring forward idealogy and change down.

uh oh.. time to wash Abby's bum.

long weekend over and looking forward to the next... anyone on off in lieu on 9 may? i am cos i work 5 day week and 7 may is PH... hee, so happy but after that long working months ahead until august...

lol, i wonder this year's ndp will we hv more opposition party faces at the stands...
pildough - which is impressive for a 24yr old girl. At least she has an opinion and voices it out....whether she does her talk, if she does not have a chance to serve as a MP to help the pple, who can know right?

better than some who serves for years and always have excuses when it comes to delivery.
JJmom - penny low is nice already.

Am in the highly contested Aljunied and Mr yeo answered me that " he cannot relate" , when i posed the same questions you did. he said his kids are bigger and he asked if i am asking for him to implement a policy.

Seems like the ruling party does not take care of mothers cos they think we are trival and not nation building just needs us for nation baering.
actually george yeo is right he cannot relate because all his kids were taken care... our kids are not!

also, he earns a good salary but we don't... cmg from george yeo, i am disappointed...
hmm...3 kids &amp; he cannot relate, guess tat sums up his tots on all our other issues then.

did u ask him which r the issues tat he can relate to?

gosh...i think i might tell him:'oic, so mayb i shd have some1 who is at my level, living in the same size as my 'shoe' to help me?'
breadmum - that is someone who lives in an ivory tower...

just something v simple - taking public transport - they already cannot relate to us

unfort they dont think us as child bearing too..cos they are letting in PRs and convert them to citizens v readily.
yes, even the woman who is incharge of the whole mrt system cannot relate to how pack our mrt trains r.

it was reported tat she said it's bcoz we, the commuters chose not to squeeze into the trains, not tat there r not enough trains.

i was thinking how i really love to squash her nicely makeup face into a mrt train in the morning with her in her branded clothes, bags &amp; heels with us when i saw that report.
XYZ, vanilla, mrspung and JJ mom - agree with you ladies. even if his kids are well taken care of, he cannot answer me like that. At lest, be more PR with the answer. maybe he should really take up PM lee's offer to get help to answer the correct PR answer. Even if he said, "let me see what i can get my colleagues to assist", i will not be so pissed off.

How to vote for the big picture? when we get such answers.

We are afterall the middle class that they keep harping about , without any concrete help rendered.
i called in my constituency before to tell them it is total crap for parent's relief. they asked me why i called them i shld call IRAS.

i told the grassroots guy off - aint u supposed to hear us the citizens the pple of ur constituency? I called IRAS but they dont acknowledge me cos there is no feedback officer to listen to my feedback.


we are the sandwich class - sandwich in taking care of our kids and our parents. that is why Mr K told us to send out parents to JB right? CRAP
<font color="0000ff">JJmom,

Steady Pom Pi Pi!! hahaha..


Same sentiments!

Cannot stand that KS ! cmi !@#$%^&amp; crapload of nonsense frm her! can't believe there's other brainless individuals supporting her and doing her 'trademark pose' KNS!

<font color="0000ff">Went Boat Quay for lunch earlier on and saw MIW rally at UOB area...saw this guy waving SDP &amp; WP's flag while the PM is delivering his speech!!

Got Guts! and he definitely garner alot of attn! haha ;p
have u guys heard abt desmond choo?

If your wife is unable to cook, there's no point. You must choose a wife who is able to do things for you.

i wonder if he is married and his wife is a great cook ....
<font color="119911"><font size="+1">Hi Mrspung,Ruffles, Daisybuttons, Jjmom, Little Doggie, Lilbluey, Busy Bee, Buffy and Ms Piggy,
I'm sorry to interupt again, and apologies for the wait too.
I've got the following mummies' orders ready :
(1) Ruffles - Dark Pink Kebaya + Turquoise Sarong (Size 2)

(2) Daisybuttons - Blue Kebaya + Purple Sarong Size 2, Blue Kebaya Size 2

(3) Little Doggie - Blue Kebaya + Pink Sarong Size 2

(4) Lilbluey - Blue Kebaya + Pink Sarong Size 2

(5) Jjmom - Blue Kebaya + Purple Sarong Size 2, Blue Kebaya + Pink Sarong Size 5, Dark Pink Kebaya + Pink Sarong Size 1, Blue Kebaya + Red Sarong Size 2, Light Pink Kebaya + Turquoise Sarong Size 4

(6)Busy Bee - D.Pink Kebaya + Dark Purple Sarong Size 3

Buffy and Ms Piggy,
Pink Sarongs in all sizes are sold out.I'm sorry to cause disappointment, no matter how small. I managed to get the following 2 alternatives :


Set A


Set B

I hope both of you are happy with these 2 sets and can work out among yourselves which to get. Please let me know when you've decided.

For the rest of the mummies whose orders have already been sorted out, I'll be giving free normal postage plus a token of appreciation to thank all of you for your patience and support. If you want registered mail, just need to top up $2.25. Please pm me your address and mail option.
Thanks so much!</font></font>
<font color="0077aa">XYZ: how we missed you guys yesterday, *cry*

I am having a fever now lah, damn sad. Eh, Sat free? MSN you...</font>
hi mommies.

buffy, my fever just subsided now clogged up with green phelgm and a hacking cough. sigh.. get well soon, both of us.

Kebayas look goood.
haha XY - u shld listen to opp rally (WP is real good!)..much better..not so pek chek. the atmosphere is simply electrifying! From it u can feel that there are pple who care abt spore and not their fat pay and no accountability.

today alot of PAP rally... haha..u get free drinks and food if u go though....
tonight is the last night for chiam see tong's rally for bishan tpy. Brought a tear to my eye to watch him speak.
i din get the chance to see any of his rally but only watched it on youtude.

&amp; yes, i teared a lil too, seeing him, still fighting on so hard when he is already so old &amp; after 2 strokes.

leaving his comfort zone to battle on in a new place all over again &amp; risk losing his high pay like he said.
yesterday being at the rally and watching on YouTube is really very different. The pauses and to watch him struggle to complete his speech is just beyond description. Salute him fir it. I happened to chat with a lady and she told me she has been living in potong pasir for 27 years. Then she teared when she said to see him like that she's very gek sim and she added he's like a father figure in her estate. Wah really touched my heart.
Mr Chiam is indeed a hero. I salute him for his commitment to the people ...this is called serving. Do u girls see his "office" where he held his MTP session?

ya being at the rally site personally is indeed v different...u feel that Singapore can be changed for the better.
yup, Mr Low's 'office' for meet-the-people in hougang also.

&amp; a lot of time, i see how my town council wasting our $$$ doing all the stupid building then tearing then rebuilding those useless stuff ard my neighbourhood makes me boil!

juz like right now, they r relaying the roads near my blk with the black coal in replacement of the bricks road which is vy uneven &amp; dangerous for the old &amp; young to walk on. Y do we need to do bricks road in the vy 1st place?

laid the lrt landing with smooth fancy tiles then put warning signs to warn us abt the slippery wet tile when it rains &amp; hire cleaners to mop after the rain.

built fancy bus stops with seats that few ppl can really sit in comfortably. fancy looking covered walkway that 1 still get wet in when it rains.

this is like what my hubs always say hokkien :'好看不好吃' &amp; me in cantonese :'有姿态,没实在'

still dare to comment other area is a slum...tsk tsk
ya loh... rem the time they change the MRT stations and bus stops seats.. pple sit liao slide down... stupid right.. waste $...if they save those $ and dun increase our p transport $...

this is from another thread, dunno how true is this:

foreign talent : 'ur MOE went to our school in our village and told us they URGENTLY need students here, infact they were hardselling the whole scheme and many of us signed up

sporean: 'huh, wad did they offer?'

foreign talent: 'they offer us, ALL Expenses paid for our fees in NTU, including lodging and we even get pocket money'

foreign talent: 'on top of that, they have send me the INVITATION letter to apply for PR after we grad'
