(2008/10) Oct 2008

LY so clever
u cant hide from her lah...kekeke

i m so charmed by her beauty & sweetness...aw...

i rec my poll card last night.
Was hoping the poll centre is at the primary school at my place, end up, it's at the sec school some distance away. Sian ah...
mine also... hv to drive... more sian

anyone wants to spree? am going to try again to order fm the site but this time send to vpost address. pm me
craft stuff at OTC...

also my first time... i think there is too much hype going around now all parties... really need to sit down and think about every party's reform... not easy at all...

it can't be just i don't like xxx or i don't like pap so i dun vote for them.

like i always believe swing votes will be from our generation.
Previously I was staying at Bishan no chance to vote leh.

I'm going to be bimbotic and go for the party with more 'handsome' guys or just void. :p Never follow the whole election thingy so not fair to vote for either party.
Thinking whether should get party favours now or not for R's birthday. But she keeps changing her mind about the characters. Haiz!

wah! I will also be hot leh. Stinking ah pek. I don't mind whack him for you too. Haha!

it's really hard to think about every party's reform especially when there hasn't been enough opposition for a long time in Parliament to prove their worth. I say give them a chance and make that change that our government has always been rallying for. But this time probably not in their favour. Haha!

my polling station is at a void deck 2 blocks away.
haha.. mine is a vote on brains - Nicole or Tin Pei Ling...

haha...no need to guess right.

IJ gal rocks! haha i shld say east girl u rock! (i bias lah cos i also east girl)!
a? y yours so far away?

mine is juz downstairs, at our void deck...yeah!

oh & me & Nat met our Penny Low at the punggol mrt stn yest b4 tat si tattoo ah pek knocked onto Nat incident.

after we greeted eachother 'gd morn', i straight away shooted her: 'Y no subsidy for kindy?'
she : bcoz they r pte.
me : so r the cc!
she : erm...u see, cc really dont make much $ if govt dont subsidizes them.
me : & everytime the govt gives us some incentives, the cc/kindy will have an increase in fee.
she : really? tat's not vy nice...
me : yup!
she : y dont u go to the PCF kindy in punggol?
me : no 1 to help take care after 3hrs kindy & maid's pay is getting higher & higher.
she : cc?
me : all full! the cc told me dont even bother to b on waitlist.
See! So i have to carry my gal to my inlaws area for schooling every morning.
she : nodded her head *pause*
there is gng to b a 8hrs PCF kindy here next yr, mayb try next yr?
me : hmm...will c then...
actually all these "promises" are very hard to say.. even if their party is voted into the parliament, if the majority of the parliament are all white and they dun agree to the proposal, then it will not be passed thru. Also, not all the opposition will band together to support one another... Like not all men in white sing the same tune.
yeah! thank u thank u for your support!

wahahaha...ok, if i c tat si tattoo ah pek again, i will jio u!

i will let u have his backside! wahahaha...
My polling centre is at greendale sec school.
Urs at void deck? We same GRC right?

CC issues are a huge factor in punggol. There are too many young couple, with insufficient CC. All the waitlist super long.
yup, we r under the same GRC. & this is the 2nd time, me & Jeff gets to vote at punggol.

The last time also juz below our blk, at void deck.

yah & Penny Low knows vy well so i think she did (-____-)'' a lil when i bombed her abt it & couldnt really offered any solid solution to my qns
i sit in a private bus to work - in it only 1 sporean (me)..rest are foreigners who get the cushy jobs which Sporeans can do too.. crap.

the amt of taxpayers money lost in stupid investments still see the people in white holding million dollar pay and no explantation.
abt tat issue, my colleagues in HR dept juz got 'notice' to stop hiring foreigner talents for this period!

btw have u seen Nicole Seah's rally speech on youtude yet? Power seah!
jjmom - yes i watched the youtube.. wah i really like her alot! she hits the issues spot on!

i see the foreign talents hired n all i do is sigh..some talk only no $ come in. but still keep their jobs for years!
juz curious, the foreign talents in your line r angmo? or others?

my side is a lil chinatown & lucky plaza
wah discussion going on abt GE!
haha, i better not join in... my brains not working now after a verbal audit over the phone w n auditor but i will support the party that gives me hope for building my family in the next 5 years in sunny singapore
nope i am not worried..cos it does not take a group of men/afew ladies to run the country.

It takes people to run the country...

but currently the pple governing the country fails to give us transparency - it is syria, N korea in a sense, we citizens have to take all they do without questioning.

it is liken to how children are brought up...in our times when growing up, we get caned and spanked... we take it without questioning... but times have changed and we cannot do so to our children. we use reasoning, negotiation....
wah! that came out v strong from you... i will be quite scared... i honestly am not prepared for drastic change... maybe that i why i had not yet supported any party... but well said ...
i think most of the sporean have the same fear too & the white knows tat too.

tat's y it's 1 of their fav tactics for every GE.
whatever we call that if the reality is that they lose governance then what is next?

most of us gets to vote and vote we must till 5yrs later... really need to make our vote count...
haha.. if we dont try how do we know if the change is better or worse?

dont fix it unless it is broken to me is reactive and not proactive. we shld do more...

we spent 10m to integrate new PRs into Spore, but no 10m to help old folks and poor children. I hate the fact that children are hungry and no $ to see doc. Or old folks skipping meals cos their handouts are not enuff.
i see TPL running the country i will be scared

I see NS running my country i will be glad cos i know it is in safe hands

old man said young pple in spore complain too much, cant take hardship. now election time white say better dun change govt cos or not Spore will be sinking ship. wont it be a good time to test young pple in spore then?
agree, there will always be a need to help the poor and needy.

i also agree if we don't try we don't know if it would work. but still it scares me... lol
I doubt there is going to be drastic change.

XY who in white is not singing the same tune? I don't know much about the opposition in my constituency but I do know the main rep for MIW is a yes man. Haven't heard much from him. So will my voice heard through him? Probably not.

Husband thinks ruling party will still win most if not all. I think he echoes many singaporeans. Are the opposition capable? To which I can't help but think of a certain KS fan. So she is capable?!

I don't believe in promises. From any party. But having seen so many empty promises, why not give another a chance? Perhaps the ruling party is the best. But methinks they have slackened. So perhaps some competition may just be the thing to remind them not to be so complacent?
i guess it would be good time but governance of a country... not sure if tpl or ns either of them will do a gd job...too uncertain... maybe i am not up for a major change even though it looks like this GE is going to be inevitable...
I can't recall who exactly. But i remembered there were some queries/concerns (not all raised by non-white) raised when certain policies are being argued upon. Like the IRs. Not all the white agreed mah.

But of coz, all drowned lah.
i agree w my fren that the ruling party will be still in white.. i doubt there will a drastic change.

I hope to see more opp voices in parliament though. question them, check them.

some arguments by the whites are so funny - Spore unemployment rate is low cos worldwide is 15%.

I think he uses african countries fig. then ask them to use worldwide minster's pay then to pay themselves.

how much is Obama being paid? How much is Gillard being paid? How much is Lee from Korea being paid.
Also, I can't help thinking that someone is not willing to give up his 'jiang shan' insisting that he's still fit and healthy? But I see otherwise.

Maybe the pay & power is too good to give up?
i also dont think there's gng to b any major changes.

even the opposition said so themselves, they r not ready but at least to have more of them in to have a diff voices.

haha saxo - exactly....

do we need 2 old men to get paid so much to do nothing?

they rem of old parents who tell their 30-40 yr old children how to behave... then snap back to the children saying 'u all inexperience lah...pampered...dont know hardship"...
