(2008/10) Oct 2008

hang in there. I think gracia is experiencing the terrible twos plus getting used to the fact that she's no longer the bb of the family. Like wenxuan, their 'position' was lost qute early so trying to get attn lor... Breathe deep deep. Let it all out here. If u r really v sick of being at home bring them out nearby? Maybe we can go meet u nearer yr place and help manage gracia... To give u a break.

ooo... tonite should be interesting... saw the preview just now... unless not accurate la... cannot tell u la.. if not, not nice liao... keke
<font color="0000ff">dimpletot, my pil bought the organic brown rice from ntuc.

purple, she said new stock will b in during july.

linlin, nope, my pil only bought the organic brown rice to the medical hall to grind ($3). The chinese medical hall doc add in the herbs ($15 pao sheng, $5 si sheng fen) to the brown rice.

my bbsitter feed her daily
<font color="0000ff">brown rice :
my mil wants to add in ikan bilies to the brown rice but i worried too salty.
any1 know of any unsalted 1?</font>
Purpleangle, wow… keep mi in suspense… can’t wait to get home &amp; watch it…

Mousebb, gals good to be ‘jiao(1) xiao(1) ling(1) long’ ya…
My hb now worrying if his gal will grow up being ‘big’ as she’s now on the bigger side… hurhur

JJmom, I’d bought a pkt from the Chinese medical hall but it’s they own grind one… they say have the Chinese herbs in but not stated… sighx.. dunno wat’s in…
I dun think ikan bilies is salty a… add more flavour of sweetness … n oso good for calcium.. I cook porridge using ikan bilies soup base
think they oso got sell the brown rice powder with ikan bilis de

Rebecca, u feeling better now? *hope u r*
what show on channel 55?
i dun have cable. But have seen most of the TVB dramas. Keke... the power pf DVDs and free time.
But long time never watch DVDs already. No time to complete the serials. Sigh... i need more me time.
<font color="aa00aa">linlin
We are ok with her size. In fact she was born heavy but her weight has slowed down since birth,</font>
<font color="#C24641"> Gio
so sweet lor. unlike my case. he wont voice out. den i'm like the crazy woman lor.. i scold scold scold.. den he just keep quiet n gve me att liao!! end up.. i also scold until i sianz.. den i also keep quiet den aft i cool down abit... i den use a gentle way to express my unhappiness. but aft i finish sharing.. both of us.. K.O!! LOL!!!

pueple &amp; Karen
wat show? title? make me 'xin yang yang'!!! quick quick!! tell me more!!! >.<

haiz.. hope this phase can PASS ASAP!!!! sometimes she is just a perfect gift to me!! sometimes she's like a perfect monster to me!!! nam la. it's ok.. all of u got ur own work to do..
if i really cnt take it.. i come here n "meet" u all lor..

yes!!! feeling much much more better now!!

LOL!!! BB grow until this age. they will slowly down n start to "maintain" it. no need to heartpain de la..
Channel 55, 8pm,
It’s “jin(1) shi(1) liang(2) yuan(2)”

Mousebb, o… born heavy? Maybe she’s more active hence burn off the calories she intake.

Rebecca, great! Can feel u smiling! Keep on smiling! ^_^
<font color="#C24641"> Gracia is so sweet to me just now lor... hug me frm the back n call out loud 'MAMA!!!' den i ask her 'u guai?' she nod her head n reply me 'guai'. see la.. even if i really wanna ill treat her also "xia bu liao shou"</font>
linlin, phtanus
the pd worried that he might have internal growth issue like iron deficiency etc... so if weight doesnt gain much in 2 mth got to go for blood test to check liao... jus now try to feed him w porridge he eat some den start to spit out liao. duno is it lazy to chew or not use to porridge. but i will keep trying till he accept haha

now i also slowly 'force' it down his throat while i keep telling him the benefit of water to entertain him.

may i know what is si sheng fen? jus go medical hall and they will noe is it?
My boy also looks skinny now...at least to me la as there are people who says he's chubby still...but as compared to a few months ago his cheeks really shrink leh...going for jab this Sat...won't be surprised if he still remains at 9kg...
hi mommies
we are talking about bb's weight now? think rebby is like maybe 9kg as well... damn fat... i wanna let her go on a diet leh...
Dun... u will regret.
I always call marcus giant, now... no more giant le. Look so thin. Heart pain. Fat cheeks no more.
Ya lor...at least Marcus still likes his solids but my boy suddenly don't like leh...

So sweet of Gracia!

Don't put Rebby on diet la...babies will auto slim down once they become more and more mobile...
Rebecca, that’s so sweet of Gracia!

Icy8, maybe u wanna give him some spinach/ broccoli / ‘eng cai’ …. Heard these vege will help give iron
Dun give up, maybe he’s not used to porridge yet… give him more time to adapt.
hi mummies, how is every1?

me super busy at work as is my co. yr end

u r back
how is ur trip? must be super happy :p

wow gracia is so sweet

wt gain - i think they slow down liao.. on avg my boy only gain 200g per mth.. so sad that his drumstick getting smaller

si shen brown rice - i think my boy allergy to the si shen coz will hv abit of rashes after eating so now i stop liao but i did ask PD can re-intro mah.. then she say can but rem to monitor.
Jellypurin, my girl oso 9kg… hee
U letting her on diet? Dun wan lar… like that chubby cute mah… hee..
They will go down when they grow older ya… esp when they start running about…
hey! i think she is lor, maybe more... now my hands are breaking just carrying her...
i wouldn't let her diet de lah... her dad will kill me, but if she becomes like me in future, her dad will make her go on a diet!
<font color="0000ff">reb,
aiyoh...Gracia so sweet, did u 'melt'? hahaha...
waiting for my nat to do tat to me too...wooohooo
fish porridge - how to get rid of the fishy smell? i try to cook for shawn but he dun like and my hb says might be due to the fishy smell but i put very little fish nia leh.. somemore got spinach too.
<font color="0000ff">back to my ikan bilies :
so no mommies feeding ikan bilies to your bbs yet hor?</font>
wat fish you buy?
i use'ghor he' (in hokkien) and cod fish... dun have fishy smell a...
maybe u can try add celery... celery has a nice smell n taste...

i feed ikan bilies soup base but no ikan bilies by itself...
my mom buys a certain type of fish that does not have the fishy smell leh... so rebby's porridge smells and taste really good, i usually eat the left overs ... hee

u order lah... i collect for you... trying to collect on fri or saturday as well then i pass to you...

jelly / chris,
if u wan to order, can lobang on this.
actually try to find the silver string but cant find from their web.

fish porridge -
can put ginger meh? i thot no seasoning allow jus purely the food.. no meh?

i also use the 'ghor he' leh.. somemore i add spinach for him.. in fact i also eat those left over and i find ok leh but jus dunno y he dun like.. waste my effort
