(2008/10) Oct 2008

<font color="#C24641"> mousebb
haha... WX is cute!! my Gracia also no that. but her's is diff. she will sit n den jump jump jump n at the same time she will called out, 'tiao tiao tiao'(jump in mandrin)

icic. take ur time to show us la..
nt in a hurry.
<font color="0000ff">rebecca,
was wondering how come Nicholas has so many wounds on him, thou he had a fall or something. His eczema looks quite bad leh, no? Coz my sis also has it &amp; she always complain vy 'xin ku'. Did u try to get some cream for Nicholas? Poor boy
<font color="#C24641"> JJmom
LOL!!! y din i think of that huh?! wahaha.... if that's the case, i guess all the mummies no need to go slimmig center. just bring Gracia n WX to meet u all will do. LOL!!! BUT!!! we wont bear any consequence de ar. =P</font>
<font face="tahoma"><font color="119911">mint,
you mean your frd didnt bring her bb to doc at all when he's so "yellow"? hmmmmm....

thanks so much!
Mine's at 4pm this Sat.

I have some wrist toys from Lamaze. Wrist rattles. Izzy has lost interest in them already! And prefer chewing on the rattles I got from FP.

You should feed in the morning, near to lunch time! That's what my PD told me. And I find bb more cheerful that time than in the evening when they are tired and grouchy.
<font color="#C24641"> JJmom N mint
i show u some pics of Nicholas den u all will understand y i say his skin nt that bad liao.. wait ar.. BRB~
<font face="tahoma"><font color="119911">re : feeding water

I tried giving Nat water again over the weekends, she sucks 1 mouth... show me weird faces then smile at me. Then keep using her tongue to push the teat out! wahahahahaa </font></font>
<font color="0000ff">rebecca, mspiggy,
oh forget to tell u mommies tat the combi wrist toy is also a wrist rattles cum teether
<font color="0000ff">mspiggy,
Sigh...same Nat, y mine so notti! B4 my Nat will scream her lungs out when we feed her water, now slightly beta after mths of 'force' practices LOL</font>
<font color="0077aa">Rebecca
Nicholas has so bad enzema. did u bring him to Doctor b4? he got sensitive to any food/thg?
poor boy... will he get itchy?</font>
<font face="tahoma"><font color="119911">rebecca,
that's really quite bad! poor Nic *hugs*

our Nats shd "shake hands"! hahahahaha notti notti</font></font>

Nich's ecezma looks terrible!! Poor thing! How u manage to get it to go away??

the lamaze toys are a gift. we still wrap it around her wrists when we go out. easier to bring along then normal rattle/ teether!
i saw it selling for $20+. it is a set of 2 wrist rattles and 2 sock "puppets".
<font color="0000ff">rebecca,
OMG...break my heart to c poor Nicholas with such bad eczema wounds. My sis has 1 patch already complain vy xin ku, must be vy xin ku for him too. Make me cry a little to c these pics lei

I really really peifu u, think i will b too stress to have more kids liao.

Let me go back to check with my sis, hers healed but sometime will come back in small patch.</font>
i bought the lamaze set too.. but mine's still sitting pretty in the box. we havent even opened it since we bought it.

omg.. it looks bad! poor nic..
<font color="#C24641"> bbgoh
yup. bought him to a doctor located at orchard. his charge is ex but good. so high until i told my senior pastor that abt it n she wrote a letter to on my behalf to request for a lower charge.

ya. thanks for the hugs.

wat makes me feel sad n break my heart is when i bring him out, ppl love to point fingers at him n start to say n gve bad commands. some even like chase after me n keep asking me wat is wrong with him? did u bring him to doc? is he got burn? these n that. there's a period of time i got so sick n tired of him. keep asking myself y i wanna bring him to this world n make a an disgrace? y? y is it so unfair to me? y others hve nice n beariful kids y cn ti hve it too? i was so so depressed. nearly kill him. n i keep telling my hubby that i'm sick n tired of my life n feel like killing him. that was when i suffer frm depression. but aft i become a christian. God change my life. coz every of his creation is special n there is a reason for it.
<font color="0000ff">rebecca,
u must sayang him more lei, he is such a sweet boy. With much bad eczema still so guai ^_^b</font>
XY is right.. our babies are safe from jaundice. Taking too much food that are high in beta carotene won't cause jaundice. Will only make the skin pigmentation look yellowish.
<font color="#C24641"> essanna
wa.. so ex ar.. really waste ur $$ leh.. den hw much u bot the rattles in FP?

i bring him to a doc at orahard de lor. spend so much $$ on him.

*hugz* dun cry. he is ok now ma. so i can understand those ppl who suffer frm eczema or kids with the same skin condition.

vry bad lor. but now he ok liao ma.. at least he still can go swimming whn his condition get better.

last time he dun even know hw is a swimming complex look like!</font>
<font color="0000ff">rebecca,
think some ppl may b juz concern abt his condition like me &amp; like to know more to c if we can help, not trying to give bad comments.

No, pls never think Nicholas as a disgrace to u. Infact, like i said, my sis as an adult already complained so much abt her 1 patch of eczema, yet Nicholas as a little boy is able to endure it &amp; still be a happy gd boy. U shd really b proud of him
<font color="#C24641"> JJmom
i do sayang him. but dunno is it last time i overprotect him, now he become like a lady leh. little bit only cry. sometimes i only raise my voice at him(din shout) he start crying liao. den always gve me that kind of girly look! *faint* sometimes hubby got so fed up, he shouted at him n ask him shut up! nowadays, hubby keep telling his fren he got 3 daughter! LOL!!</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Rebecca
Poor nicolas! It breaks my heart too! You must pay extra attention on him and take note of what causes the breakout. Everyone is god's creation and every life is precious. Take heart. God must has His reason behind everything *hugz*

Hope you are feeling better now.</font>
<font color="0000ff">rebecca,
sigh...dunno y, after giving birth to Nat, I m super emotional when it comes to kids. Will cry at anything bad happen to any kids.
The maid abuse case make me sad for quite a long period.
Yest watched taiwan news, a dad throw his bb gal into a big pot of boiling soup after a fight with his wife, the bb gal was vy badly burnt &amp; still fighting for her life - i cried buckets!</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Rebecca
Wenxuan has G6PD deficiency. Alto it is nothing serious only some drugs allergy, I always feel I owe him this cos this is inherit from mother. Even though I myself is not, but i always feel it is my fault. Bcos of this, I sayang him very very much.</font>
<font color="#C24641"> JJmom
no. wat i mean is.. if u wanna ask me abt his condition, i'm ok with me. but some ppl ask is due to their kaypo-ness. i dunno hw to tell u their facial expression. but i can feel. some is.. they start to whisper among themselves n gve me that kind of "eeww" look! that makes me fed up! there's once i encounter a family. SUPER KAYPO!!! know wat they do, gather in front of me n look at my son! wat is this?! den i got so fed up, i told my son, 'look at these group of ppl! they are all ill bred n no manners! no matter how different other ppl look like. NEVER BE LIKE THEM! their parents din teach them manner so they are like this!' i continue, ' u hve parents to teach u. so u must listen.' den my boy keep looking at them n pointed that whole group of ppl n ask me, 'orh. is it them?' den i say,' YA!'.

i said that in front of them is because, they follow me out frm the supermarket at sembawang shopping center. if i'm nt wrong the super mart is giant. frm inside keep following me leh... ask u la.. u fed up ant? i already try to 'siam' them liao. try to get my hubby to pay n go asap. coz hubby also nt happy abt it. hubby's face turn black! den i know he nt happy. so i as him faster pay faster go. i din expect the aunties to follow behind me!!! urgh!!!</font>
<font color="#C24641"> mousebb
ya. i pay extra attention on his diet.
hmm... wat is G6PD deiciency?

same here!!! whenever i saw news abt child abuse or wat, i will cry. hubby always tease me n make me more paiseh by asking; "u cry ar?!" *faint* cnt he see my tears?! piangz!</font>
haha...thanks elch...ya then what i meant was yellowing of skin..my fren gave too much carrots to her bb then...too yellow...pumpkin shld be ok right? though it is yellowish orange

I will try on the bigger pea type..the japanese type....wish me luck! will engage my mum and 2 sisters to peel..haha free labor!
<font color="0000ff">Rebecca,
yah loh, my hubby sama sama. Makes me wonder y fatherhood din get to him leh?!

Abt the maid abuse case, he said tat's coz i watch too many times *piangz*</font>
<font color="ff0000">mint,

Does Regina fuss and cry when she plays in your bed? Skylar won't go to sleep if we let her do that. Then she will get 'over' tired and screamuntil very loud.

<font color="#C24641"> mint
ya. that's y i keep telling u all that he is better compared to last time.

LOL!! guess most of the men are the same. </font>
<font color="#C24641"> know what.. last nite i had a nightmare. i dream that i'm preg again!! n this time round, i'm having quintuplets!! n i got shock n wake up in the middle of the night! n i thanks God that it is just a nightmare!</font>
Depends on how tired she is. If she's very tired, she will fuss then I let her suckle to sleep. If not tired, she will just roll around till she's tired then fall asleep. Usually hubby and I will KO first. hahaha!
<font color="0000ff">Rebecca,
talking abt our hubby, i must praise yours. He really handle the sling with Eric vy well leh, even better than me! LOL

I m looking high &amp; low at carriers now coz my hubby dunno how to use the sling. Din even try hor! I suspect he think it's too girly for him although he din say anything *piangz*</font>
If you really have quintuplets, then you get mediacorp to come and film you, like the jon &amp; kate plus 8 show... hahaha!
hi eelyn - i am going this Thursday...hee hee went to buy a bright colored tshirt for my son.. hope he will be a good boy that day..

Rebecca and Mousebb - never blame urself..i blame myself too many times when my bb came out w so many health problems...now i think it as God must have a reason for him being this way...God is using him to show how strong a little bb can be. My son before 1 week went for 2 operation. he will be going to a major one soon..next month..and he will b just 7.5mths. Like what Mousebb says..God has a reason....We have to hold on to faith that God is our Father and His will will be done.
<font color="aa00aa">Rebecca
G6PD deficiency is a lack of some substances in the body system which will cause some drugs and nuts allergy. This means that whenever wenxuan sees a doctor, he has to notify the doctor that he has G6PD deficiency so that the doctor can give him some other medicines. He cannot take certains nuts too. To play safe, we dont allow him to eat nuts. If it happens, one maybe fainted or in serious causes, death. </font>
<font color="0000ff">Mint,
I vy tempted to try to let Nat sleep beside me on our bed coz hubby out of town but don't dare to. I worry I will fall asleep b4 she does &amp; dunno what she will do...i m the super kiasi mom LOL</font>
<font color="#C24641"> JJmom
LOL!!! my hubby try it out for the sake of fun only. n that is whn he try to adapt it. my fren gve me a sling pouch. n the size fit him! n thanks God that he also willing to try it for the sake of fun. haha...

OH.. u watch that too huh?! that is the mum that i really took my hat off her!!! she is power!!! looking aft the 8 kiddos herself!!!

den mine will me Rebecca &amp; SM plus 7. LOL!!!! my hubby name Siang Ming. so in short is SM.
<font color="aa00aa">Mint
Not only chinese medicine but the normal types of panadol too and some other medicines which the PD told us. Moth ball too! PD has warned has not to have mothballs in the wardrobes, not even for us since the boy will have close contact with us.</font>
<font color="#C24641"> Vanilla
OH DEAR!!! poor boy?! how is he? dun worry. will pray for him!!

OH DEAR!!! better watch out!!! he so cute!! dun wan any tin to happen to him!! he is sweet leh... sat i told my hubby that i wan to 'steal' WX back!! hubby scold me siao!! 3 kids still nt enuf ar? wanna steal others de?! if wan.. no need to steal la.. we can 'work' it out!! *faint*!</font>
<font color="aa00aa">JJmom
Since you have not started then suggest you better not. Babies are very smart. Once you let her co-sleep with you, she would not want to go back to her cot le. That happened to wenxuan and so come to wenmin, we dont dare to do it anymore. </font>
Why not get the Ergo? My hubby enjoys using it plus it's not so 'girly'.

I do let Regina sleep with me in the morning after hubby goes off to work. But I will put pillows to block and I also put one hand on her to make sure she's there when I'm sleeping. So when she moves, I know.

I called kindermuzik and we're on waitlist for the trial lesson on 29 Apr. They will call me gain to let me know. They might also have vacancy for this Wed afternoon if someone cancels.
<font color="aa00aa">Vanilla
Your boy is a fighter! Have faith and trust in God that your boy will be fine *hugz*

Vanilla, Rebecca
I always tell my hubby i can still keep an eye on my son when he is young and bring him go see doc when he is not well. When he grows up, I cannot stick to him at all times. He would need to take good care of himself. That's also the time which I think I will be most worry for him and need to every time nag to keep to keep away from those things which he not supposed to touch it! </font>
<font color="0000ff">mousebb,
yah, i know of that but sometime really vy tired to get up &amp; go to her room, stand at the cot to pat her till dunno when can i finally climb into my own bed. Worse is sometime the moment i climb into my bed, haven even get to lay down, she starts again *faintz*</font>

hi mousebb - ya esp when they are young they dont understand why no...and when he goes to school, u must let teacher know abt no pandol. My fren's son also has this and i told her to let her son wear a tag or have some tag on his school bag...

initially we r v worried and wanted to restrict our son;s activities. Our docs told us to let my son just be a child and have a normal childhood, dun overprotect him.
