(2008/10) Oct 2008

<font color="0000ff">mint,
problem with me getting the ergo is it's too not girly LOL problem couple!!! I hope to find something tat we can both live with...hahaha

I worry i will b so tired tat i will sleep like a dead rock to know Nat is moving. Although I m a vy light sleeper. Juz kiasi lah LOL</font>

<font color="0000ff">Vanilla,
your son will be fine too *hugz*

I understand how it's vy easy to be over-protective when our bb r not feeling well
Get the pink ergo then... heehee!

Just got a call from kindermuzik. They can squeeze us in for this Wed, 2.30pm.
<font face="tahoma"><font color="119911">Rebecca,
good that those times have passed and Nic is now alright. never blamed yourself... though i know it's easier for me to say than done.

your boy will be strong and will sure be alright! *hugs*

still having the gastric pain..... me too backside itchy, thought i will be coz had those drinks before. </font></font>
<font color="0077aa">jjmom
wat i do is i put her cot besd my bed &amp; the height just nice match our bed. i open the gate of her cot. so in this way she just like sleep besd me &amp; anytime i need to pat her its more easy </font>
No problem. It's on the way.

Talking abt being contipated
Marcus max no poo was 3 days. We give him abt 30ml of water after solids. Sigh... When he doesn't poo for a few days, i'll stop solid and put him on all milk diet. Then he'll poo alot. Keke...

How much water are u mummies giving? Is 30ml too much or little?
I don't measure how much water I give cos i spoon feed her from a cup. Will just let her drink as much as she likes.
<font color="ff0000">Rebacca,

Poor little boy, it must be really itchy for him.....Those ppls were really rude, i would have tell them off. If i were u, i will fed up of those ppl too.
<font color="0077aa">XY
will his stool hard after 3days no poo?
i m concern abt Seline's poo too. she isnt poo everyday &amp; dun like to drink water but her stool isnt hard. just like sausage. i do give her fruit every day </font>
<font color="#C24641"> eelyn
suddenly i rmb i mentio n abt the teething gel right? y dun u try n apply some for ur gal n see hw is it?

ok.. thanks!!

ya. it's really itchy. sometimes he scratch until so bad that i got to keep threaten him that if he continue to scratch, will send him to hospital. but actually, nt threaten la.. coz the doc frm KKH told me to send him in if his condition is bad.
yea me also thinking entry level one.. dont think i'm ready for anything too technical.. hope i can make my mind up soon.. wanna capture so many moments but think my digicam is too "weak".. hehe
Think the Canon 1000 and 450 cost the same.
Hubby got the 1000 coz top up $99 for another lens. Keke... DSLR is good. But very bulky to carry around. Not to mention after that, he'll probably invest alot more on extra lens, SD card, external hard disk, dry box etc etc... the list can go on and on.

In short, expensive hobby. But since he's taking pictures of Marcus, i'm not complaining that much yet.
<font color="#C24641"> XY
Gracia hve a little bit. her's are on those folded area. Erin is safe.

if u notice abt his pair of eyes. they are actually swelling.
im hoping i'll just stick to the cam and kit lens and stop.. not an enthusiast so think i wont be so hero.. am looking for a 2nd hand 450 in clubsnap.. price around $900-$1000.. not so bad..
<font color="#C24641"> Gio
i did. sometimes i enjoy being with him alone. with nobody with us. just the 2 of us. we chit chat n do tins together. n he behave vry well. guess he need attention too. he will do tins to make me feel like pulling off his hair!!!</font>
<font color="#C24641"> Nicholas just now saw his pics. n we start a conversation.. n it goes like this..

Nick: ee.. who is he? y he so ugly?
me: (keep quiet but LOL in mu heart) do u like him?
Nick: no. coz he is so ugly. i think this is Gracia la. y is Gracia so 'er xin'?
me: (smile at him) no. not Gracia. but u cannot look down him ok.
Nick: orh. coz he vry 'ke lian' is it? who is he?
me: this person is u. thie was how u look like when u were young n keep scratching.
Nick: (silence for few secs) i dun wan to be like this. so ugly. i dun wan to scratch anymore.
me: (sayang his head) good boy.
<font color="#C24641"> JJmom
nope. but doc roughly told me that no seafood n dairy product. no nuts allow as it might cause irritation n will start scratching. wheat n oat might be 1 of the food that can cause the allergic. certain food need to be try out n see how it react. </font>
your nic so dong shi. Big hug to him from me. So sweet to take care of his mei mei for you too. I'm sure he will get better.

better give as much water as she can take. At least 30ml after each feed.

think that's a gd move. I'm also giving kate tbm for a few days before restarting solids. And getting her used to drinking from FP sippy cup with soft spout.
I got the FP rattlers at the babyfair at Taka previously. About $7 - $10.

I cannot believe the nerve of those pple following you guys in Giant! Crazy.

talk abou screaming,
Izzy is a screamer when she is playing with my elder one! My goodness. Emma nvr used to scream like that!
<font color="#C24641"> dimpletot

ur gal love cheap stuff leh.. hehe... =p

yup! they just follow me like how the flies following nice food!</font>
Nic is soooo cute.

think Canon 450 brand new is $1299. DSLR better to get new one, U dun know if the previous owner ever dropped it.
Hiya Mummies, Seems like very quiet today? I am experimenting to make porridge for minibee. Invested in a small purple clay slow cooker to practice. I want to get the right consistency (similar to the cereal texture and not too lumpy so that it is easy to introduce to Minibee). I made pork porridge with the pot for my lunch today and its YUMMY! I love that I dun have to watch the pot over the stove. Plus no need to keep adding water, consistency is just nice!! No need to blend rice to make it smooth.

Rebecca, saw your pics u posted. Ur poor son must have gone through a lot. Looks really uncomfortable, luckily condition is very much under control now.

Purpleangel, though u were going to do a BP on your DIY hairclips and headband?

Dimpletot, do you feed Kate milk via the sippy cup? I still feed minibee her milk with bottle and only use sippy cup for water or juice. So far she doesn't seem to like either so she kind of rejecting the sippy cup.

DSLR, I think they take great pics. Guess at the rate u were visiting Studio Loft and buying the pics, the DSLR is definitely a worth while investment. So next gathering u official photographer? :p
hmm.. ok i'll check the new ones out.. $1299 not much diff.. i thought the price diff would be quite great so din even bother checking out the new prices. tks!
<font color="0077aa">busybee
u use slow cooker cook porridge? how long is it?

she just dun like, only wanna drink when she wanna drink milk then i control it as worry she drink too much water till full can drink milk anymore. </font>
Haha... rebecca,
U called those people flies and u and nic nice food. Cute analogy.

Ya lor. I treat those days that's he's on TBM as "detox" days. Haha... Normally 1 full day of TBM he'll poo le.
Hi BBgoh, I think I had the slow cooker on for about 1.5 hrs? Didn't really look at the time. Initially I tried the rice cooker which indicated can use to cook porridge but the outcome is like Teochew mui texture despite cooking it for a long time. To make congee texture need to stew the porridge and I found effect is good using slow cooker. Cos if over stove the flame need to be very small or else bottom of the pot will burn and it will be so hard to wash up after. U started you bb on porridge?
I can't handle the bulky DSLR with Marcus lah.
DSLR is my hubby's toy. I'm still using my petite digicam.

Small clay cooker
How small is small. Babies eat so little. How to even cook 1 portion? Think before i cook, already burn le.
Go check out the price of DSLR first. Dun gong gong buy preloved one at only 20-30% discount. Not worth it lah. Buy brand new one and purchase the extended warranty. Keke... u never know when it'll come in handy. Butter fingers and inquisitive baby hands.
XY, i know lah just teasing u. I know, my sil gave me a tiny WMF pot for heating up milk to make the porridge but like u said high tendency of burning! The slow cooker is small. I cooked 1 cup of rice with some mince pork and that is the max capacity of the pot. I was thinking pot will be good for making individual portion tonic soups or bird's nest for myself! hahaha...
<font color="#C24641"> mummies who interested in making congee
u can try to soak ur rice overnight. try to keep changing the water. n the texture of the porridge will be vry smooth n is can shorter ur cooking time.
<font color="0077aa">busybee
not yet. thk ll start soon. this morning just talk abt it with her IFC. they said they ll shieve it, not blend.
and her cereal goin to finish, i m thking if wanna buy the nestle mix with vege/fruit one to continue or can cook congee for her. as homecook one sure is better mah

if keep changing the water, will the rice nutrition gone? </font>
busy bee
I'm still latching for milk. Using sippy cup for water. Not introducing juice cos want her to get used to plain water.
mum just told me she's been feeding kate water from mug too! Hmm, I saw and seems easier to slurp from cup... Maybe I'll use adult cup more often from now...

<font color="#C24641"> bbgoh
hmm... vry good qns. i dunno leh. my grandma taught me this de leh.. but for me. i will wash the rice thoroughly n let let it soak n i go slp. den the nxt day i will pour away the water. coz it look milky n dirty to me. den aft that, i will cook lor. but if u dun wan to soak over night. u can soak for at least 2hrs.
