(2008/10) Oct 2008

hi Xy - i think too much carrot will still cause jaundice so that shld be taken not in large quantities.

Hi Elch - can take the skin from peas first then puree (learnt from a Aug mummy)...but i have not tried yet...this wkend i will try...if it works i will let u know....
hi mummies!

Gathering looked great! I typed a long post on sun but forum down so lost it.

Anyway, reminder to those on solids, give yr kids water regularly... Pd said bb had not enough water that's why got quite bad constipation. Now ok liao...
<font color="0077aa">papaya
my IFC concultant also said not too much yellow food to give at this stage. papaya only can give once a week. </font>
<font color="0000ff">
It's nice meeting the mommies &amp; bbs at the gathering

Thanks Mona &amp; family for hosting the gathering. It's really thoughtful of u to place the playmat for our bbs

Dumbo, thanks for arranging the food. Paiseh, i joined in last min so i din pay for it, only bought some kuei up =P</font>
<font color="#C24641"> eelyn
she fuss for few days!! if ur BB is a pampered child like my Erin, den u will suffer lor.
How to remove skins 1st? Will take a whole day to remove the skins of each individual pea! Haha...do let me know when you've tried!

Carrot, papaya and etc 'yellow-based' fruits will cause yellowing of skin but not jaundice...yellowing of skin and jaundice are different...
<font color="#C24641"> re:gathering on sat.
so sorry that i need to go off early. coz hubby actually meet his fren for movie! so we gtg early. so sad.

so did u join in the gathering at the vry last min?</font>

i always use the Japanese sweet potato. The outer skin is purple; inside is light yellow. I find that these taste better.

I think all strong-coloured food should not give to bb long term and by long term, I mean 4 - 5 days every week. If you give 4 - 5 times for 1 week and then stop for a few weeks, should be ok. My firstborn likes pumpkin, so we gave it to her almost once a day for a few months. Her skin tone started taking on a yellowish tinge, even her eyes. Not sure if it is called jaundice. But the colour went away after we stopped her pumpkin intake for a while..
haii.. then i think im gonna suffer. hope my MIL can handle her when im at work.. i carried and rocked her so much yesterday i have a stiff neck now..

and she was quite difficult to handle at our fotoshoot with kym yesterday.. we only managed to do one outfit change.
so din get many shots.. am hoping to shoot with kym when she goes pro! she's a really nice lady btw.. any other mummies shooting with her?
I bought frozen green peas...it's said to be of equiavlent nutritional value as fresh ones...

Jaundice means they have high bilirubin level which will cause yellowing of skin....but when they have too much yellow-based food, they will have yellowing of skin but not high bilirubin level....
for me it was quite a disaster.. cos kaitlyn was fussing.. but kym is very patient and does try to get some shots despite the angry, pouty and crying expressions kaitlyn was putting out. will post the pics when i get them.
<font color="#C24641"> eelyn
haha.. but wat i mean pampered child is like.. u are always there for here. den like always gve in to her. she make noise or cry until bitterly den u go to her rescue. all these leh... coz i do that to Erin. mayb coz i got a Gracia at hme. so when she cry i go to her. afraid that Gracia might do tins to hurt here. n as time goes by, it naturally become part of my n Erin's life. hehe..</font>
<font color="0000ff">eelyn,
will keep a look out for the socks, thanks

Nat gng for Kym's photoshoot next sun, looking forward to it, hope she is happy on the day.</font>
Arab street shops closed quite early. Think weekdays 6pm closed. Weekend, sat half day, think sunday not open leh. Better to pop by during lunch time if u are in that area.
<font color="0000ff">Rebecca,
Gracia so cute, think she wants to swim vy much. Mayb it's time to bring her for a swim
&amp; your Nic so gd bro, keep stopping Gracia from getting too close to the pool ^_^b</font>
Since ur hubby like photography, maybe can do sideline like Kym. Keke... Earn some diaper and lens $$.

My hubby also obsessed with his DSLR nowadays. Everything also take. So i forsee i won't be visiting studio loft or anyone else. Let my hubby practise all he wants with Marcus. Out of 200 pics, surely can get a few nice ones.
<font color="ff0000">eelyn,

We will be shooting with her this Saturday noon time. Does she uses any props?I hope skylar doesn't get too difficult.....
<font color="aa00aa">XY
Men's hobbies are usually more exp than us!
Exactly. That's why the last time when I mentioned to my hubby about bringing the kids to studio loft, he yaya papaya said he can do the same job too *shake head*.
Kym's skill is good. Dont think my hubby has this standard yet. Haha! </font>
<font color="aa00aa">Rebecca
On sat when my hubby saw how you and your hubby managed your 3 kids, he really peifu the 2 of you! I told him the two of you are very young that's why still have the amount of energy to chase after your kids. For me, I think I would die afte chasing my kids. Haha!</font>
<font color="#C24641"> JJmom
haha.. thanks thanks!!!
i did bring her for a swim. that was during the stay at chalet. she love it so much. she just refuse to get up frm the pool. she even wanna take a risk n nearly jump into the big pool!!!

anyone here know whr can i get a wrist toy? coz Erin needs lots of entertainment which i cnt gve her. hehe... so tot of getting it n let her play by herself n hope that it works.
<font color="#C24641"> mousebb
LOL!!! tho we are young but old at heart! LOL!!! coz they nearly 'kill' us at the explorer kid located at downtown east, ehub. Nicholas n Gracia climb up n down w/o resting. hubby just carry n play with Erin at a corner. guess he is just too fat to move ard so he choose for a more easy task. as for me, worried Gracia might fall frm height. i accompanied her n climb. an hr ltr, i get Nicholas to replace me. coz i got no more energy to climb up n down with her!!!</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Rebecca
My hubby is fat too! Recently he managed to shed a few kilos cos he went night cycling (another exp hobby) after the kids have gone to bed.</font>
all the pic from the gathering r so nice

can see that most of the bb can sit liao.. so gd.. hopefully shawn is well to attend the next one.
<font color="#C24641"> mousebb
cycling is fun leh!!! hubby n i love it. but by the time our kids slp. guess is alredy 12am going to 1am! dun wish to hve any spiritual or creepy encounter. LOL!!!

my hubby also manage to shed off some kilos. but! if he is with me, he will hve uncontrolled diet!!. coz i will tempt him to eat. LOL!!! i eat n keep telling him hw great n tasty the food is. den he will like.. really ar.. den i'll keep asking him.. try? try? try? hehe... evil me right?! wahahahahahahaha........ so my hubby, aunt n mother will say that if my hubby fat, all my fault!!! =P</font>
My girl is turning 6 months this Sat!  Very excited coz can explore with solids. But didn’t know it’s so tough. I videoed the whole process down but it’s as if I was torturing her. She was screaming, waving her hands in the air, moving away from me and pushing me away. I only use 2 teaspoons, but told my MIL to try adding milk today. I showed her the video this morning when she came over. She looked at me and said, “I think better wait for you to come back and then we try again”. Haha………

BTW, you bought GERBER fruit juice for your bb har? Saw you mentioned feed a jar of apple juice.

Thanks for your tips yesterday! I tried to mash and stir for few minutes but can still see the little lumps lor. Or maybe coz the portion too little (1-2 TP only, so didn’t mix well). It’s supposedly 30ml water/milk to 1 teaspoon of cereal? Hard to measure in the bowl.

Where did you get HT fruit jars? I only saw Heinz and Gerber in FairPrice.

Am planning to get a hand blender too coz very keen to make puree for my girl instead of buying the food jars from supermarkets. Agree that the normal blender jar is too big coz our bbs eat so little at this stage. But normal dept stores sell yah? Not to expensive for a hand-held one I think.

Yah, you are right. We tried at 8pm last night. Half hour before her last feed and bedtime, so we suspect she’s grouchy. Just called my MIL to remind her to try later for 3pm feed. Keeping my fingers crossed. Haha.


Is the sophie made in China? How much is it har?

Your first 4 attempts are the same food? Am thinking to just feed cereal with milk for 4-5 days till she finally accepts. If she still does not like it, I probably change. Don’t wanna add fruits yet as they are quite sweet. I also hope my girl does not develop a sweet tooth.
<font color="aa00aa">Rebecca
My hubby would usually go cycling at around 11pm. He will cycle a few rounds at the serangoon gardens estate which is still quite safe lah. I told him pls dont jia li hai go to those ulu ulu places to cycle. Each time when he go cycling, i would wait till he come home before I go to sleep.

We are opposite. My hubby is the evil one. He knows I have shed off some weight le and so kept tempting me with food! So angry with him! </font>
<font color="aa00aa">Cham lah! Both my kids must have slept very well last night cos they still havent go sleep today! Usually the kids would be very very tired over the weekends cos we went out almost the whole day and they have no time to sleep. I'm so tired now!
<font color="#C24641"> mousebb
wow.. so sweet of u. waiting for hubby to be back home b4 u slp. if for me, i too tired den i hack care. will told him. anytin call me. den hubby will reply, "by the time i call u, tink i die liao.' LOL!!!

haha... den u tempt him back la... haha... if u know he is on diet.. den u try to eat nice n tasty food. den u keep asking him wan try? haha...</font>
yep, i tried bellamy's rice cereal.. first time with water.. subsequent with FM.. she fought with me too.. kept pushing my hand away, kicking, spitting.. it was a mess.. another pt is that i dont follow the instructions on the boxes.. i find it too watery.. so i add less water.. but that's just me.
Hi all,
Hope everyone had a great weekend. I went to a full month celebration yesterday and I nearly fainted when I saw the baby. He was so yellow with jaundice and the grandmother can still tell me a little bit only. The eyes were all yellow not to mention the skin. Even my hubby got a shock. He whispered to me that it looks quiite serious cos when Regina had her jaundice, she wasn't that yellow. I told the mother better bring to pd asap.

mona and hubby,
Thank you for hosting us.

Thanks for the yummy food. The nasi lemak and popiah were really good.

Didn't get to say hi to you.

Actually I also didn't get to say hi to few other mummies. :p Sorry.

Your kids are just too cute lah... Erin is so funny.. stick out her tongue at me. Nicholas is so cheeky. Heehee! But his eczema quite bad hor...Poor thing.
<font color="#C24641"> mousebb
LOL!!! same here!!! Gracia love doin that!!! just imagine that we nearly fall asleep n our kids gve us a real good surprise!!! sometimes feel like slappging her!!!

ic. can bite den even better. LOL!!! how much? coz if too ex. nt worth it. aft her teething period over, she might not wan to bite it. my teether doll now just occupy the fridge for nth!!!
<font color="aa00aa">Mint
When you came, we were about to leave so din have the chance to talk to you too.

My son wants to imitate the osim uRobic advertisement and he would sit on my tummy twist and turn. Cannot tahban him!</font>
<font face="tahoma"><font color="119911">hi ladies, how's lunch?

i "backside itchy" went to buy orange &amp; pineapple juice.. now gastric pain! arrggghhhh

combi has wrist toy? do you have the pic or website on it? </font></font>
<font color="0000ff">rebecca, mspiggy,
can't find it at the combi website, let me go home &amp; take a pic. It's abt $9+. It's a red/black &amp; white rabbit in cloth type but washable.</font>
<font color="#C24641"> mint
re:ur fren BB
better to see a PD b4 the condition go bad. of wat i know is jaundice is because the BB's liver cnt function well. as in they are still young n all the while is our liver to help them 'clear' the yellowish tin in their body. once they out of our body. it fully depend on their own liver. n if a normal jaundice, it shouldn't be that yellow until both u n ur hubby to get shock!!

haha.. thanks thanks!!
Erin love to stick out her tongue. Nicholas is alwyas cheeky n act like an adult! u din get a chance to chat with him. frm the way he ans u, u can faint! his eczema can say nt bad liao. </font>

<font color="0000ff">rebecca, mousebb,
mayb tat's how your tummy get so flat? hmm...i shd try to get my Nat to sit on mine
