(2008/10) Oct 2008

hi mousebb - no lah... i dun have alot..my son drinks too little! now force him he will give me a want to vomit look, then i stop...cannot increase more for him...if he finish 110ml i v happy already
<font color="0077aa">Jelly
<font color="aa00aa">I notice my gal doesnt like apple. Yesterday I gave her fruitty apple pureed and she din even want to swallow it. Today I added some apple juice to her cereal and again she gave me her "sour" face again! I wonder is it the apple is sour! Haha! </font>
<font color="aa00aa">Vanilla
My gal is the same! She is drinking 80ml every 1.5hrs now! She make me so bo eng wor! Besides feeding her, I also need to feed my elder son and my daily schedule is like feeding the kids and pumping milk, no need to do any other things le! Unless my gal is super super hungry, she would finish almost 160ml. I give up le! I just feed her when she is hungry. </font>
Mousebb, my mum tasted the apple puree (btl) and says its sour but Bryan likes it. I think he "tam jia", like anything as long as can eat!! He will scream if we're slow in feeding him
ask xy do a favour and give her a hat.. think will look really funny and cute

ur son only give u a 'want to vomit look' but mine is will vomit out abit then i will xin luan liao and dun force him then will be xin tong to pour away.
<font color="aa00aa">Jelly
Not cute lah! She struggle and try to spit out make me so angry wor! I really HATE to give her solid. She is like tasting the food nia. She really eats very little solid. I really envy those mummies who babies like solid food so much! My xiao jie is simply not interested at all!

Good that Bryan like the apple puree. My gal likes pear juice. Tomorrow i'm going to buy her banana. </font>
<font color="aa00aa">Cheer Bear
Whenever my hubby is at home and he see I force my gal to eat those things which she doesnt like, he will feel xin tong but me never feel xin luan at all! Haha! I'm a evil mummy!!!</font>
Mousebb, bryan is the other way round as he seems more keen with solids lor..only feed him once a day then sometimes he refused to drink his milk! heng its not my BM!
<font color="aa00aa">Jelly
So is my xiao jie. Each time as long as she can finish 0.5tbs, I'm very happy le. Even when she drink milk, she also has the same pattern, only drink a little bit each time *shake head*</font>
<font color="0000ff">Jelly,
aiyoh...your gal so sweet &amp; cute yet u 'force' her to be popeye ah pek LOL</font>
<font color="0000ff">mousebb,
your xiao jie only like good food right? mayb try birdnest porridge? hahaha...</font>
hi Cheerbear - haha mine sometimes will shock us by vomitting the entire feed out. i v scared feeding him sometimes dun know when he will real vomit when bluff vomit.

Hi mousebb - ya i understand..i pump so hard and he doesnt drink all...now so hard to offload the frozen ones - thot it is v wasteful to throw bm away...is ur apple puree the bottle type? if fresh made cld be sour. My son also dun really like apple , apple juice, but loves pear. but pear cannot give too much cos will poo alot then all i feed him wasted. He v fussy also, my mum say he v fussy if he likes something he will be v eager and open mouth big big for next spoonful, if he doesnot like, he will hold in his mouth for v long....we now put fish, but must get amt right -- if too much he will know fishy then reject...now must put in veg to mask fish smell...
<font color="aa00aa">JJmom
Haha! Birdnest porridge!!!! Maybe I should suggest to her daddy!

Why got 形象??? Look at the way she scream and cry!!! </font>
<font color="0000ff">vanilla,
so fast your bb eating fish liao? our bb really growing fast &amp; furious hor
<font color="ff0000">Rebacca,

From some angle she looks caucasian but from other angles she looks like chinese wor, so when i bring her out alone, ppl will assume she is pure chinese ba.

Wan chuen,

Thank you ya.


Wah, your little precious looks very cute. Hehe what did u do to make her pull that face? Wondering what she was thinking then.



hahaa...really so cute..reminds me of those Amercian's funniest home video :p i watched many times, mayb tonight i'm gonna dream abt Regina like karen! hehe..

Mousebb, Wenmin not so bad with the screamings lah.. maybe she's throwing temper nia..
