(2008/10) Oct 2008

<font color="0077aa">Jelly
next time just let her taste yr noodles lah hehe maybe she ll give u more sweet expression </font>

<font color="aa00aa">everafter
YOu havent heard her high pitch yet! I think I'm going to go deaf soon if she continue to scream everyday! </font>
JJMom, u have mint in your FB? The video is there..surely put a smile to your face
<font color="aa00aa">Jelly
So soon!
My xiao jie sleeps at around 10pm every night and wakes up at around 7.30am. </font>
hi bbgoh and jjmom - the dietian doc told us to give..my son 3percentile so i think she quite worried...

mousebb - hee hee then if she does not finish her bird nest u take over...that will be a time u happy she did not finish
<font color="aa00aa">Jelly
Maybe we should have a competition for all bb gals and see who scream the loudest and highest pitch! Hahaha!

YOu are so cute!!! Wenxuan seldom scream leh. I always compare him and xiao jie and korkor is so easy to take care! </font>
<font color="aa00aa">Vanilla
I have a better idea! I should eat the birdnest porridge and this will contain in the bm which I pump out for her later. Ideal right? Haha!</font>
hi mousebb - my son also has temper..dun want means dun want and he will show it but shouting now...i told him mummy will buy 7 canes..1 cane for each day
confirmed you're going to dream of Regina. I also watched countless times. Had to stop or my girl no chance to be in my dreams.
jaundiced neck?
mummies, my girl's neck which has been well-hidden, is looking very yellow, as compared to other parts of her body. How ah?
been like this all the time or just recently? going to the pd soon for last jab or anything? better to chk with pd, but my guess could be just her skin is uneven or maybe discoloured?
problem is, her fat neck has always been hidden so no idea (read: bad mummy) and nect time go pd will be when she turns 1.
dun force WM la.. think she jus take her time to learn to eat solids.. jus like shawn 6mths liao still havent learn to flip and now i already give up on forcing him to learn liao.. jus let him take his time.

share the interesting video leh
<font color="aa00aa">Cheer Bear
I let her be le. Nowadays I just prepared a little bit of solid food for her to let her taste nia.</font>
u will still prep lor...i think i am too lazy to do that...now trying to finish up the nestle rice cereal that i bought, but so much... how to finish?

I tried the connecta last weekend and just like your review, find it hard to tighten the straps as i dun ski too! and what u do with those straps hanging around huh?
I never do anything to the straps ah. All carriers will have the straps hanging around. Beco and Ergo too. Actually what I don't like most is the straps always go up to my neck.

Oh and a tip of tightening. For example, to tighten the left side, I will support baby's buttocks with left hand, 'psuh' the right side straps, and then using the left hands again, pull the straps behind. Hmm, hope I make sense. But if you understand that the left buckle tightens the right strap and vice versa, you will get what I mean.
<font color="ff0000">Jellypurin,

U very naughty hor, don't let her have your noodles. No wonder she pulled that face, so cute!!!

Btw i started letting Skylar try tasting some of the things i eat. It can be ice-cream, char siew bao (just a tiny bit of skin. Cream Cheese.... Some of them she loves, some of them she pulled faces. So funny.

<font color="0077aa">thanks for the link
wahhaaha so funnie ler, i hide my face behind the monitor scare my coll say i m crazy hahhaa </font>

<font color="0000ff">mint, regina is so cute in the video LOL

XY, u r really gd in photo edit ^_^b</font>
