(2008/10) Oct 2008

<font color="0000ff">XY,
Pildough is lending me her grobag &amp; bbgoh is passing Jelly's sling to me too
Thanks dear

U have my hp#?
Btw how r u gng to the gathering tmr? If u gng alone with marcus by mrt, mayb i c if i can join u too?</font>
<font color="0000ff">Jelly,
hahaha...u know me well =P beside tat, also the worries of carrying all the barang barang alone + carry nat, dunno can cope boh =P

No problem with gng back home but my place vy difficult to get cab to town *stress* </font>
It vaguely sounds like it and she only calls me when she's crying. But Hubby said it's quite clear so he has been telling her,"Say daddy"... heehee!

cheer bear,
My name is Pamela.

Ya, I haven't met you before too. Hope to meet you soon.
Anyone here using NUK premium bottles? Yesterday I was looking for sippy cup then I saw the NUK sippy cup which is actually the premium bottle with the handles and the teat is the spout type. So now I wanna confirm if it fits perfectly. If it does, I shall save $ on a new cup and just buy the handles and spout teat.
<font color="0077aa">mummies
goin off le.. see you mummies who attend tml gathering hope i still can recognise some of you hehe
have a nice weekend
<font color="aa00aa">Mummies, need advice from you. How do I block someone who I have already accepted as friend in the FB?</font>
HI Mousebb, reject friend option is available when i go to your friends directory on FB.

Abt WM not eating, dun worry lah she has lots of time to learn to appreciate solids. I entice minibee by mixing the puree with the rice cereal.
Mousebb, seems new fb is different. Just click on the "X" on the right hand corner of the person listed in your friends directory to remove them. Oh yeah. want to thank u abt the tip abt serving my dogs hard boil egg. They love it!
Go to that person's profile then scroll down till you find "remove from friends" on the left side. Click and viola!

Wah... you want to remove ah?

p.s. today's food is good... heehee!
Join us lah... I don't think people will leave so early cos I think most will start streaming in at 4.30pm onwards.
Kek Sim. My MIL is conducting a ritual in memory of my FIL for the FULL 2 days! Meaning we may have to be out from 6am to 10pm on both days. I don't know how my Jo will survive. Sigh. And we can't be excused.
<font color="aa00aa">Busy bee
Glad to hear that your dogs love the hard boil egg.
On the FB, can I check will that person know that I have removed him from the friend directory? Dont want him to find out. Thanks!

Thanks. I just had my dinner. Heehee! </font>
Mousebb, not sure leh. I never tried removing anyone before...

Mint, I bought the Bfree sippy cup and realised I could have just bought the handles and the sippy spout and add to existing small bottles. So I bought extra handles for my other bottles so can learn to hold the bottle herself. Guess as long as handles and spout fits wide neck bottle (like the premium NUK) then can?
Yah lor, sigh. The thought of it actually brought tears to my eyes. My poor girl sleeps early (7-8pm) but now she has to be there until 10pm.
Hi mummies

I don't think the person will know that you've removed him from yout friend list. When you click to delete him from the list, a message will pop out telling you thst the person will not be notified.
I guess the person will only find out that you've removed him when he goes through his own friends list, like what Mint said, otherwise there'll be no notification to him.
Interested in going for trial classes for our kiddos? Which one(s) should we go for?

Maybe ask your hubby to tell his mum to excuse you and Jo earlier lah... Or hopefully if Jo cries till very loud and disrupts the ritual, then your MIL will let you go. heehee!
poor dear. Its strange cos even the very traditional grandparents will say its not gd for bb to be at death related events. Hope u and jo manage to find a way out.

my poor kid straining so much today but poo stuck. Only little bits coming out. Bringing her to pd tmw morning....
I'm very interested in music lessons. Any kinds. Actually hubby did ask if she can be excused for tomorrow but was told no. Sigh. Anyway.

Hmm, yah lor. But this is not supposed to be a bad thing, I think.
yah been giving her mainly pureed fruits yesterday and today. Gave water but prob not enough. First 2weeks no prob leh. Only this week...

didn't think of just going bk to bm only. Anyway she seems quite kang kor so better bring her to pd to solve it soon.

Just tried latching her (dreamfeed) but she didn't open her mouth but started pushing instead. Poor gal.

think I'll not start so soon...
Monyetnakal n mummies going for gathering tml..
can advise me if i can park inside meraprime tml or i need to park @ tiong bahru plaza?
I remembered reading that you can park your car in the condo compound.

Wanna go Vivo to attack B&amp;J on Tuesday?
here is the info
How to get there
MeraPrime Function Room
1st Floor, next to swimming pool
301 Jalan Bukit Ho Swee #23-03
Sinapore 169568

If you come fromTiong Bahru Plz:
- Go to the taxi stand
- Call me to open the back door for you
- Cross the street, you can see the back door of meraprime in front of you
- Go up the stairs.

If you come from Tiong Bahru Plz and bring stroller:
- Go to taxi stand
- You need to go in from the main gate since there are some stairs at the back door.
- Cross the street then turn left and go around the condo until u reach the main gate.
- Tell the security guard that you need to go to the function room and ask him to open the glass door for you.
- Take the lift up to 1st floor

If you drive:
- Tell the security guard that you come for gathering.
- The visitor carpark is at your right (B2)
- After you parked your car go to the door with the intercom
- Press the bell picture and ask the security guard to open the door for you.
- Take the lift up to 1st floor.
was gng to ask... how much and how often is kate eating the rice cereal? according to old folks, too much can bubs constipated...
Come come.

Father's milk
My girl sleeps between us. Usually when she wants milk, I would lift my shirt and let her drink milk. Today my husband made fun of her and lifted his shirt to offer her his nipple. Initially she stared and looked so perplexed but after a while, she still opened her mouth ready to suckle!

passed the enfa to bbgoh. pls pay her tmr. tnx!

hee... now u just need to pray for a miracle to happen - ur hubs to hv milk... so u can hv a gd nite slp
