(2008/10) Oct 2008

Hi mummies, good afternoon! The thread is moving fast, I am lost!

Gongxi, gongxi! So nice to have a pair of princesses, really sweet lay! U have history of twin in the family?

Trace & icylemon,
Dun tempt me lay, i love Japanese food too! *drooling*

How r u? Geeting back ur voice?

everafter, yup I booked for June.. cos will be 20 weeks around that time.

carole, I think I will also cry too. I ever ask my hubby when bb is crying and I'm also crying, who will he soothe first? And he said of course bb lah. Then I said wrong answer. Must soothe me first so that I can help calm the bb down if not he might make bb cry louder if handle on his own. haha!
<font color="0000ff">Purebliss,

Congrats!! So nice to have 2 princesses

I just puked out all my lunch, cmi
now somemore got a terrible headache *sighs*</font>
<font face="tahoma"> rachel's mummy,
oh i c! i took leave coz last night my boy had fever and been abit cranky... very tiring for him and me. his fever still on and off, gotta monitor too.

congrats! i wish mine a princess this time round. </font>

I got this 'cure' from the net..hehe hope it helps..

Eat plenty of fish -- fish oil helps prevent headaches.
So does ginger, which reduces inflammation and pain.

U better now?

Me also been plagued by migraine's symtoms for a week liao. Finally, felt the throbbing pain ytd in my neck. Coz I cannot take my usual medication, I resorted to rubbing my neck area. Now, the 2 areas right below my ears are very sore.

Last 9, asked hubby to rub for me. It was SO painful! But I felt very good leh. Hehehe... A bit "bian tai"
<font color="0000ff">Mspiggy/Icylemon,

Hope your little ones recover very soon ^_^


Will try to have more intake of fish...Ginger am definitely not a fan of it leh...Juz now after lunch, took a fish oil but I think oso merlion out le somehow..maybe tonite will take something light and soupy...feel like zz now...concuss le...</font>
<font color="ff0000">TraCe</font>, i still take raw fish only ard the 1st trimester. 1-2 slices only. my gynae said ok to take as long as i know is fresh.

<font color="0000ff">lili_fc</font>, now can touch more.. but when tummy getting bigger &amp; abt to pop liao dun touch too much. i heard will pop earlier. *old wives tales*

<font color="119911">Phtanus</font>, got 70% of my voice back le. 30% still slowly recoverng back. my colleagues said i sound like having flu but i m not. kekeke...

<font color="0077aa">littlebluey</font>, oh gosh! can u take panadol??

<font color="ff0000">mspiggy</font>, did u bring ur son to PD or GP?? i didnt leh. self medicate. think tmr morning i will bring her to GP.
<font color="ff0000">Mrs Chua &amp; littlebluey</font>, i had migraine's symtoms for a week plus then end up cough &amp; losing my voice. pls take care. drink mroe water.
Rachel's mom, u still have not gain your voice back, so serious...must take care more wor.

Littlebluey, hope u will feel better after awhile. At least, it's fri liao. After work, get some rest bah.

Trace, i miss sashimi but don't dare to eat lei coz i would not be sure tat it's really vy fresh unless we eat it
don't dare to risk but really miss it.
Trace &amp; icylemon,
im also going for Jap for dinner.. got a gathering!! kekeke...
preggie cant take raw food lah.. i've avoided sashimi, and the raw fish porridge liaozzzzz...

good that u got ur craving fixed!! kekeke....

lili_fc, phantus,
i also keep touching.. even my hubby keep touching! is it true or just a myth?? i think shd be ok bahhh...

congrats on ur princesses.. i think princesses more "tie xin" leh...

icylemon, mspiggy,
hope both ur kids recover soon!
poor thing!! hope ur headache goes away.. and u will have good appetite for dinner....
Rachel's mummy: Thanks! I think I will use the weekend to have a gd rest.

I hope that u will get well soon and speedy recovery for ur lil princess too!
<font color="0000ff">Icylemon,

Already took 1 panadol le else how to work? whenever the headache strike, surely things will come up de -_-""

If your gal is not feeling any better, good to take her to a GP, fever dun play play wor...


Thanks, juz want to faster finish work and go home...</font>
Congrats purebliss, wonder if your girls will look identical

U gng to have lots of fun time, dressing them both
I realised most of the mummies here got headache. Mee too...panadol doesnt work for me. I felt better by rubbing some tiger balm on both side of head. I asked Dr Adrian, he said ok with Tiger Balm.
hope u feel better soon! and will have appetite tonight for dinner! rest well over the weekend ya!

u also need to rest more.. n recover 100% of ur voice ahh!

mrs chua,
u also rest well over the weekend ah!

we are all much more prone to sickness due to preggie.. so all of us must rem to take good care.. drink more fluids.. sleep more ahh!!
I also have migraines from time to time especially after a super busy day at work. Then I reach home, no appetitite to eat, vomit plus headache. Can die! I don't dare to take panadol now so just sleep early when I reach home.
Jess: Same here. Panadol didnt work for me before preggers. When gynae told me that I cant take my migraine med but can only panadol, I was like "OMG. Den sure die of pain."

But gynae just ask me to try, she said panadol may work while I am preggers. Quite skeptical still. Ahehehehe...

forest: Thanks. You take good care also!
<font color="0000ff">Forest,

Decided will cook instant noodles later for dinner muhahahaha, later after work go NTUC buy some vege/fishballs/eggs then can cook le...not much appetite after that "merlion episode" hmmm...

Mint/Mrs Chua,

B4 becoming preggy, am alrd a migraine sufferer le, I used to take those very strong medication for them. My gynae told me that Panadol can be take but only the mildest one and not more than 4 a day. I really have to take else super duper frustrated and irritated le!!</font>
<font color="ff0000">JJmom</font>, ya lor. not 100% back yet. haiz...

<font color="0000ff">forest</font>, i stop le. no longer taking raw fish. but took 1-2 hum lately. kekeke..

thank u! i oso praying hard tat my gal will recover soon. weekends le leh!!

<font color="119911">Mrs Chua &amp; littlebluey</font>, u gals rest well over the weekends ok!!

<font color="aa00aa">forest</font>, i will try to rest more. thank u! but now gal sick hard to rest oso.
i cant take panadol for migraine or headache during pregnant coz sure will have swollen eyes.

ok time to go home. i m knocking off at 5.30pm today.

talk to u gals again.

enjoy ur weekends gals!!
bbgoh, hb happens to go home rest, i told him to go home cos he really tired stayin up all nite during the delivery and my dog is all alone at home.

i tot i can handle her then, but maybe the emotions were then just too strong. When i went home, on n off i will cry. hb was thinking wat happen. i said dunno cos bb cry i cry. after 2 weeks it got better. kekeke

MrsChua, its about the emotions then. if you see bb sleeping you will smile, but when bb cries and you are lost, you will feel like crying too cos then was too helpless and dunno what bb wants.

bbgoh, whatever you drink, u have to drink FRESH!

Forest, i cant say i am experience mummy. I can handle my 2.5 yrs old but i doubt i can do it with a New born all over again. i am worried.

Congrats PureBliss!!! i wish for another girl too.. keke will know on 10th May.

Trace, wahahahaha. My MIL is happy with a ger again when i told her 80% girl. She is ok. but my mum very cute. She asks my SIL to sms me on weekend to ask boy or girl. I told SIL 80% female. Then met my mum on Tuesday and she was with my stylist friend. Stylist friend asked too, i said 80% female infront of my mum and i think my mum is very upset. My mum hoping for a boy since the birth of my girl. Weird right? she is my mum... and wants a boy. Well, frankly boy or girl to me is nvr an issue. As long as bb is healthy, what God has given to me, i will take as a whole. even if He gives me all girls, i wont complain.

mint, u are cute.. keke.. but my hb did the same thing.. he pacify me first and then i in turn pacify bb thenz.
Hi Mummies,

Been a busy week, didn't have time to post here.

Congrats Purebliss for having 2 princesses!

Wishing all of you a nice weekends!

Hi Carole,

Tot MIL always pin for boy..she has been asking me when can see the gender of the baby..i just told her..i dunnoe..!! sometimes cannot stand her..

hi dmk,

welcome! :p
i try to stay of instant mee so far.. but my weekend food has been mee sua with egg.. kekeek... easy to cook, and easy for me when im home alone on saturdays... ekekeke.. :p

ya hor.. u have to take care of ur gal.. u n ur gal shall recover soon!!

ok mummies, have a great weekend!!
<font color="0000ff">Forest,

Occasional indulgence is ok muhahahaha...I know it's not healthy but sometimes just dunno wat to eat le very sianz...at home I oso got mee sua maybe later on the way home might change my mind lolx...

Hope everyone will have a gd rest over the wkend and a fulfilling one ^_^

Welcome DMK!
i have been thinking of mee soto for almost 3 days...everyday went to the malay stall and asked..and everrytime got no chance to eat it.. gonna try again on MON..hehe
trace, my MIL got too many grandsons (4), so one more or less to her is ok.. kekeke.. so if this one is girl, i will make it 4 granddaughters for her too.. ekkeke balance.

Welcome DMK!

Then i shall tell my MIL..haha..you oredi got 2 grandson (from daughter side) and one granddaughter (from daughter side too) so i shall strike a balance and give u another granddaughter..wahahhaha
trace, whahahaah u dare? i challenge u kekeke.. mine already known. MIL wont bother i produce egg or boy or girl. But she said, likely to be a boy, duno based on wat calculation. lol. frankly i am not bothered abt the gender.

i just to love to stress that Healthy child more impt.
Wah, your MIL is good. My MIL already has 3 grandsons but they don't count because she count per grandchild per couple. So hb and I haven't got a grandson yet so we can't count the 3 other grandsons into the count.
<font face="tahoma"> rachel's mummy,
initially i also self medicate but his fever went up to 38.5 on 2nd day hence i thought better bring him to see a doc. i always bring him to PD, the one at SBCC AMK. very nearby and convenient for me. </font>

Karen, your MIL same as my MIL wor. In fact she got 8 grandsons from her sons and daughters liao. My gal is the only granddaughter of the family actually. But she still tell me that 2nd one MUST BE boy. I showed back face immediately. Like Carole, I don't care boys or girls. Most impt is healthy baby!
Hi Mummies

Thanks for your well wishes! Now I am in my 13 weeks and when I have my #1, my gynae told me I am expecting a BOY ard this timing.

Yesterday when I did my oscar scan, the lady told me... " Seems like going to be 2 princesses.. but better let your gynae confirm" Then my gynae scan for me in her clinic, she says "very empty" in between the legs for the both babies. 90% chances both going to be princesses.

I lost weight for my 1st trimester, total lose 2kgs and gynae hope that i will gain some weight the next visit in May. Hubby says if i dun gain, he going to pump me with during.

Hubby was hoping for a girl and boy but I told him not so easy le... then in the end he laugh and says so long healthy okay already.

Expecting twins not as easy as expecting single. This is totally a different experience for me. Acute backaches, cramps and nauseas till now. And stretch marks appear extremely fast and also tummy looks like 5th mth preggie. Hahaha!!
Hi mummies,

Carole, yah lor... simi also double. Now worst, what I craving for also hard to eat. Bring my boy out = no peace eating... he cannot sit still for even 5 mins. Hubby says he waiting for next mth after my fetal, everything confirm that these are princesses... then he brings me shopping. He says now gynae says 90% chances then later suddenly next mth scan, got "balls" drop down how? Lolzz!!
hi karen

My mil also same pattern. she also count per grandson per couple though she has 5 grandsons fm the other two sons and one daughter.....

all mummies

do u have vomiting after taking the multi-vitamin????????
so sian sunday still need to work.
Purebliss, your hubby so cute, the way he say : 'got balls drop down'...muhahaha

Carina, I will vomit if i take my 'chalky' calcium pill so i rather skip tat now till my next appt, gng to ask for another kind from my gynae.
lili_fc (lili_fc): I always touch my tummy, its my way of telling my smallberry that mummy loves him. So I don't agree with your colleague that bb will want to be carry all the time. I read a book: "Praying for your unborn baby", it actually say that bb can feel your love &amp; warmth when you touch your tummy or put your hand there to so called "transmit" your love to him.

Trace &amp; icylemon &amp; Phtanus: I love Japanese food, have been craving it for the longest time!
Congrats on having 2 princesses
Just heard from one of my friends that one of my ex-colleagues also expecting twins boy in Oct too. So envy! My hubby prefers to have a princess this round but as of now, we dont dare to have high hope but my test results will come out ok and doesnt matter whether it is a boy or girl as long as bb is healthy.

Went to Ajisen to have ramen yesterday. Hubby has never liked Ajisen but bcos I told him I'm craving for its Tom Yam Ramen, he bo mian so brought me there. Who knows after yesterday's lunch, he also kana hook on to Ajisen liao and keep saying must go back (Bugis) next week again...
Good morning all
how's weekend?

yeah! looking forward to coming Sat.. can see bb again.. have been looking forward to this day... hope can see gender too .. heee

yes, i saw this book but din't buy it, bought another book instead (can't recall the title)
i still touch my tummy even... haha
Morning Mummies,

JJmom, yah, he very scared later we start shopping and next mth go scanning, later got " ball ball" appear. Cos he knows, usually we all will buy pink for girls and blue for boys. Hahah!

Mousebb, dun be pressimistic yet. Wait for the test, meanwhile will pray for you, hope every okay.
Me also waiting for my Oscar scan result... dunno what is the outcome.

Lili fc, weekend okay but tiring... manage to get what I want to eat... HAHA!~ Satay from East Coast Lagoon Hawker.

wow... satay!! yummy... must be nice lei.

just had "kuen chap" this morning with just Taopao, lean meat &amp; egg...

had alot of dreams last night... so tiring... last night, so hungry in middle of night ... it's been long while since i wake up to eat again... vy tiring... anyone still eat in middle of night?
