(2008/10) Oct 2008

<font color="ff0000">TraCe</font>, now u feeling better le mah.

<font color="0000ff">littlebluey</font>, was thinking of you. kekeke...

<font color="0077aa">Diane</font>, i was lor. coz i tot gynae supposed to be by our side one mah. but didnt. so i already in labour for more than 15 hrs. feeling already damn hot inside me le. kekeke...

i will be going to KKH. got all my records there since my 1st kid.

<font color="119911">Carole</font>, thanks man. i need to get avent teats &amp; pacifiers.

trace, then very good. i am with Raffles. been with raffles gynae since 1998, no complains. even when i had bleeding for my #1 &amp; #2, gynae never fail to pop in within 20mins.

i am happy with raffles with its facilities. only worry is my #1. how is she gng to take it when i gng to deliver? daddy will likely book a room at hosp and share with her. lol.. both can snore there
180++ for how many lesson u know?

actualli i oso think of chose 4 bed then hope they will upgrade to 2 bed for me.. but again thinking of 1 bed so that hb can stay.. but abit too ex hor.. nvm decide when date nearer

mrs chua,
thanks in adv

i think 1 bed one hor bb can sleep with u but u must able to tahan if bb cry in the middle of the nite.. my colleague fren she stay 1 bed then 1st nite bb sleep with her but cry until she cant sleep then 2nd nite tell the nurse to bring bb back to nursery to sleep.
sorry chear bear... hee..

Diane... wah.. the couple must be really angry lor.. haiz... but really hard to decide... coz some woman take v long lor..
<font color="0000ff">Icylemon,

So sweet of you!! Think of me *blush* hee hee, btw, u got your voice back??

Btw, any MTBs attending the Baby Talk tmr at Suntec City from 1.30pm onwards??


Think it's about 6-8 lesson bah, not too sure wor..hahahaha ;p</font>
<font color="0000ff">littlebluey</font>, hehehe... still sounds rough leh... haiz...

got baby talk at suntec city mah? i didnt know leh.
rachel, no worries, i happen to jump upon the ad.. so must share share such good deals!

1 or 2 bedded - i think the difference is abt 400. last time hb also feel the pinch of 400, but when i deliver, he found it better to upgrade cos he worries neighbour's visitor will disturb me or my visitors disturb the other. so best 1 bedded.
<font color="0000ff">Cheerbear,

It's a 6 wks program (5 weekly lessons plus one Doctor's Talk)

When to book :

Confirmation of pregnancy around 20th week of gestation

Time (subject to change)

Weekday Classes : 7 pm to 9 pm
Weekend Classes (Sat) : 2pm to 4 pm / 4.30pm to 6.30 pm / 7pm to 9 pm)
(Sun) : 10 am to 12 pm / 12.30 pm to 2.30 pm / 3.30 pm to 5.30 pm

Course Fees

6 lessons (wkday classes) : (Delivering at TMC : $181.90) - (Others : $203.30)

6 lessons (wkend classes) : (Delivering at TMC : $214.00) - (Others : $235.40)

2 lessons + Doctor's Talk : (For subsequent deliveries only : $160.50)

For more info, check out tis link:

Hi everyone,

Wow, the thread is sure moving real fast. Ok, here's my update:

Went for the OSCARS on Wed. Told my bb to be good so that can do the scan quickly. But end up, bb turn and somersault here and there. The sonographer was so patient. She said must wait for bb to be in correct position. But bb just keep moving, stretching, turning, etc. She tried her best to take some shots but it wasn't enough to determine it. Then she still say my bb so cute move so much. heehee! In the end, she ask me go for blood test first then go back and do the scan again. The 2nd time I went back, she managed to take the shots quite quickly. She said that bb must be tired and went to sleep cos play too much just now. haha!

After the OSCARS, I went downstairs to Parentcraft to book my antenatal class. Managed to get weekend class with Mrs Wong. yay! Wanted to be KS cos heard that her classes always fully booked.

When leaving TMC, hubby told me about what he saw on the screen of the bb.

The next day, the nurse from the clinic called me to say my results back and doc said everything is normal. So relieved.
But I was quite amazed that the results got back so fast. Tot had to wait for 2-3 days.

trace, glad that all is well for you.
<font color="0000ff">Icylemon,

It's a Baby Talk - Seminar on Pregnancy and Raising a Healthy Baby

Venue: Suntec Convention Centre
Room 303 - 305 (Level 3)
Time : 1.30 pm - 5.30 pm
Registration fee : $15 per pax/$20 per couple or enter free with Gynae Appt Card

*Inclusive of all refreshment and goodies bags for participant*

Seminar Topics:

1) Guide to a successful pregnancy - Dr Beh Suan Tiong

2) Effective Baby Handling Tips and Live Massage - Mrs Wong Boh Boi

3) Pain Relief for Easy Labour - Dr Dave Kang

4) Cord Blood Banking</font>
i didn't get my Tuan Yuan, sob sob. Later go eat.
i don't always take cold drink, just that maybe cos' of the dinner make me thirsty so drink lor.. i vy kuan one...

<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">John Little's Avent SALE 18th - 20th April!!!
30% off selected product! check it out!</font></font>
forest: Dats wat the new daddy said in the other thread. He said that they were told that bb will zz with the parents in the 1 bedder. But during their stay there, the bb was wheeled in only during feeding times. So I am confused too.

Littlebluey: Are you referring to the Cordlife talk? Me and hubby going loh.
mrs chua, tt depends on the hosp n mummy. if u wan bb to stay, they are glad, but they worrry u need to rest. best option is to wheel bb in during feeding time.

i gave birth to my girl at 3am, and i walked to the nursery at 8am to ask for my girl. i wanted so much her to be with me.. mad one must be thinking. she stayed till i cant handle her cries. cos when she cries, i cried. cos tt time very lost. whahhaaha
<font color="119911">lili i hear ur tang yuan i oso wanna eat liao pengz... ok tmr i sure go eat hee... i love those with peanut filling...yum

hey i very keen on tmr's talk leh but i got a bday party to attend at noon
hai think i cannot make it in time le...

wow so many of u went for oscars liao? no one uses triple test? think monday i going for that test. plus dunno what blood test. doc no say must fast or not leh. issit no nid to fast for all this tests one?</font>
Carole: Is it? Hmmmm...

Actually, I tink I will cry if I were u too 'coz I am a first-time MTB and sure very inexperienced. Quite scary to tink about it.

anyone of u ll buy soy milk &amp; keep in fridge for next day drink as breakfast?
i have a question cant solve, why after heat it up then it turn like sticky sticky seem spoilt liao.. if i dun wanna drink in cold de then hw to warm it up? any mummies can help me
mrs chua,
hmmm.. i would think if we request from nurse... baby shd be able to stay with parents in the 1-bedder...

wow.. ur results come out v v fast leh.. happy for u that all's well as well!

hope u get to eat ur craving soon!! kekeke..

hope ur gal's fever is coming down!!! take care!

Juz Me,
no need to fast.. just cannot pee before scan...

kekeke... first day become mummy.. sure lost lah.. kekek.. but now u r experienced mummy liaozzz...

i had nasi lemak and yami yoghurt for lunch... :p unhealthy and cold stuff again!! :p :p
<font face="tahoma"> rachel's mummy,
your girl is not feeling well too? i just brought my son to SBCC at AMK this morning, last night had fever. been coughing and running nose.

hope all tods get well soon. </font>
<font color="0000ff">JJmom,

Think you will still need to register even thou got the gynae appt card, it's tmr at Suntec.


Hope your gal will recover soon!!
bbgoh, tweety

ya actually sometimes we also have to be reasonable bah
...i heard Dr Ang's MIL is the head nurse of TMC. So all the nurses there can work well with him.

I remember last month i was at his clinic, very very pack..tweety think u were there too...then the nurse told me Dr Ang has to deliver 6 babies that day and he had to rush off by 12.30pm or something. Then some mummies went missing. They left their appt cards on the table then just went off. So Dr Ang kept calling their names until he fed up wor.
yeah, finally had my Tuan Yuan bought from "Mr Bean" very nice... yummy...it's soya bean milk with tuan yuan (peanuts)..
Hi Mummies

Just come back from my Oscar scan and check up... 90% having 2 princesses this round as my gynae cannot see any "extra" thing in between the legs. She will confirm during next mth check up.

Babies are growing well, one is 6.4 cm and the other is 6.5cm. Have hard time in the ultrasound room today.
<font color="ff0000">mspiggy</font>, i rush becoz my mum gave her double dosage of the medication. i was very worried. her fever was 39.5 at 11.15am my mum went to insert bullet then at 11.30am my mum fed her nurofen. tat is really double dosage.

juz called back &amp; check. she is ok now.for the next 8 hrs no medication for her. haiz...

<font color="0000ff">littlebluey</font>, thanks. she is much better now. her fever has been 2 days. suspect she is teething.
<font color="0077aa">lili_fc</font>, hey! i didnt know MR BEAN got sell tang yuan. really ah. wah! muz try one of these days.

rachel mummy, nope this is my 2nd pregnancy... just now went Oscar, gynae says between the leg very empty, 90% should be girls.
rachel mum,
it's 3-in 1 tuan yuan (with soya bean, soya bean milk + tuan yuan) but i told them i don't want the soya bean cos' that one is cooling...
hi mummies

For those who give birth in TMC, so far how is the services?

My no #1, i give birth in NUH..... tort of going TMC tis round bcuz i chose Dr adrian as my gynae this round...

congrats!! Wa 2 princesses!!! They can share clothes. Now how many weeks? Ur first kid is gal or boy?

Rachel mummy
why ur mum go and give double dosage?
<font color="ff0000">Purebliss</font>, congrats again! princess good mah. can dress them up pretty pretty.

<font color="0000ff">lili_fc</font>, i will love to give it a try!!

<font color="119911">carina</font>, so far i nvr heard of bad service abt TMC wor. think u can "fang xin" go ahead. heard the confinement food tat is damn good!!

<font color="0077aa">TraCe</font>, so wat did u have for lunch? dun tell me u have my favourite, sashimi, shishamo, ebi tempura, chawamushi hor....

Congrats! my MIL is hoping I can get a boy..but i told her..ger is so much better! ger is GOOD! hehehe..and she kept quiet..

Rachel's mummy,

I had, terriyaki chicken, with chawanmushi..n some sushi..yummy!!!tot preggie cannot take raw stuf?

hey mummies,
do you always have the habit to touch your tummy?
i do lei... and my colleague (a mummy too) said can't always touch else bb will want to carry next time. is it true?
