(2008/10) Oct 2008

morning mummies..
its monday again, so xian & tired

yst went bugis pray for my bb & it tireing day. realised after preg cant go out too long, easy to get tired.

Carina >>
ic yah better ask hubby keep company during & after delivery.

i bought a recipe book for during pregnant & confinement at popular, queit useful. if u like cooking can buy 1 for reference.

ya agreed with you... get tired easily as compared before

all mummies
how's your sleeping style now? i'm still lying upright instead of side... know where to get those pillow for pregnant woman to support when sleeping side?
Morn mummies...

its another monday again! and back to work..so sianz! had an angry weekends as colleague keep calling n asked mi abt work....irritating! until no choice that I have to make a trip to expo... argh!
<font color="ff0000">lili_fc</font>, thanks gal. cannot kiss her. so miserable.

regarding sleeping style. i m sleeping mostly on my left.
Morning all...

Rachel's mom, oh no, she must b feeling vy bad then. My 1yr+ niece got it too when she went to attend the shisida class, take gd care of her. Hope she get well soon.
<font color="0000ff">Morning All MTBs ^_^

It's Mon again, Mon blues, Mon blur...aching all over tdy so sleepy *yawn*


It's must be dreadful for her to be down with HRMD, hope she will get well soon


Hope your little tot has recovered too
Think i ever saw those pillow at John Little and Mums &amp; Babes. As for me, I realised I like to sleep on my right side. I know sleeping on the left side is best for bb but somehow find sleeping on the right side is more comfy.

Rachel Mum
Hope your girl will get well soon.
<font color="ff0000">JJmom</font>, thanks gal.
heard tat shisida class not cheap.

<font color="0000ff">littlebluey</font>, thanks gal.

<font color="0077aa">mousebb</font>, thanks gal.
<font color="aa00aa">lili_fc</font>, from my 1st pregnancy i heard ppl telling me... sleeping on the left is better for blood circulation &amp; oso more blood to the bb.
Rachel's Mummy,
oh no.. hope ur girl recover soon!! ya.. although adults not so prone, but cos u r preggie, better take precautions.. hope she'll feel better soon!

i m still sleeping on my back.. cos it takes me a long while to fall asleep if i sleep on my side... :S i think it'll be a headache for me when i get bigger n must sleep on my side... r there such pillows? yday hubby just asked me if i need pillows to support my back, and i told him no... :p actually, i also dunno what they'll be used for.. kekeke..

hehe.. i nv wake up in the middle of the night to eat so far.. only wake up at least twice a night to pee... :p

def v v tiring now, if i go out for the day... will need the night or the next day to rest and feel better! u said u bot a book? Can recommend the title?

kekek.. ur hubby is funnie!! but true lah.. once confirmed le, can buy the pinkie clothings for the twins le.. :D

pray for u as well.. like u, carole and jasminetea, to me.. i just want my baby to be healthy! :D

btw all mummies, any1 has any good pregnancy or parenting books to recommend?? thinking of doing some reading up...
<font color="0000ff">Forest,

I think you can read up on "What to Expect when you are Expecting" although it's wordy but very informative!! I can't find it in the bookstores so I borrow it from the library.

Some other informative ones are books by Dr Miriam
Gd morning all!

Rachel's mum: I hope dat ur gal will get well soon!

lili_fc: Me prefer sleeping on my right. I heard from my boss and colleagues that sleeping on the opposite side of our heart ie. right will be better for the baby. They discouraged sleeping on our backs coz our babies are still breathing with the help of the ammiotic fluids in our tummy. So if we sleep on our backs, the fluids will be spread widely and hence, lesser for baby to breath. Or something like dat lah.

Dreams-wise, I dreamt that we are expecting a gal over the weekend. Not once hor, but 2x! Once on each day. Total 3x dat I dreamt that we are having a girl. Hahahaha... So funny, the dream I had on Saturday even revealed the bb girl's name.
<font face="tahoma"> rachel's mummy,
sorry to hear that your girl got HFMD... you better take care and dont share things with her now. you will get infected too. my frds all got it from their kids when they had HFMD then.

speedy recovery to your girl girl *hugs*

Thanks! My son's fever finally gone last night. Hope will not come back again. *keeping fingers crossed*

his running nose and cough still lingers... worst hit of all time. poor thing... see him suffers so much makes my heart damn ache! </font>
Rachel mummy

the shichida classes costs abt $800 every 3 months. My niece attends and she is a very intelligent gal. Not sure whether its because of the classes or its in-born.

Sleeping on left side

Sleeping on left side is better than right side because right side where the kidney is. So bad for us if the weight of the baby, plus intestine etc is on the right. LEft side is more efficient for passing nutrients, oxygen abd blood to bb.
hi mummies,
I'm from Feb 2008 thread.
I've the following to sell:

(1) Chinese Herbs for bathing (Da Feng Cao/Da Feng Ai) - 29 packets. $0.70 per packet paper packaging removed for easy storage
(2) BN Medela PureLan 100 nipple cream, 37 grams - $13
(3) BN Pigeon Milkbag, 20 pcs - $13
(4) BN Lansinoh Milkbag, 25 pcs - $11

Pls PM me or email to {[email protected]} for fast deal.
<font color="aa00aa">forest, Mrs Chua &amp; mspiggy</font> thank u gals. cant kiss my girl. so miserable.

<font color="ff0000">Diane</font>, one of my friends oso signed up shichida class for her son. heard alot of comments tat the class is good.
I read it from somewhere. Cannot remember liao, think it bcos of blood circulation. Will try to see if I can find the info and let you know hor.

Thanks! I also like to read magazine like motherhood and Mother &amp; baby. Can get a lot of info from these magazines.
Yah, the shichida class is ex, think abt $700~800. But my niece juz love to go wor, she really enjoy her time there, went with her once when my sis is sick. &amp; my niece is clever for her age too (compare to other kids i know of only) but dunno does this has to do with the class or what?
Shichida class

my niece who is 2 years old now can memorise a lot of words and sentences. She can read chinese story books and can converse well in English, mandarin, french and dialects. She also likes to do the worksheets that are given to them . Hmmm,..maybe the classes do help...but soo expensive!!!
thanks. do update me again

you can check out the Borders, i got it from there. but too thick the book, i seldom read also
Rachel mummy >>
hope ur gal getting well soon

forest >>
i bot the book only got recepi for nutrition food, queit simple dish so easy to cook too. the title i cant remember, let me go back &amp; see then tml update to u.
thk of search pregnancy book at library too but always lazy to go out.
hmm.. ok, i'll go check it out!! tks!!

ya.. hahah.. can u imagine, i got a free mag from Hospital visit at TMC.. until now havent even finish reading it!! im sooo lazy.. :p

i was lazy too.. but i realise my preggie frens know alot more than me.. so i better start reading lah.. better be a good mummy!! kekeke.. :p
Sian... No appetite to eat. Urgh... Do you all feel stressed over what to eat during each mealtime? I do still.

Then when I have a craving for a particular food and I do not get it, I will become a monster. Ahahahaa...

Like last Saturday night, I told Hubs that I feel like having my instant meehoon soup. He volunteered to cook for me. While the water was still boiling, I went to the cupboard with the intent to take the meehoon out. Horrors among horrors, they were NOT there!

I stormed into the room and told Hubs that and he hurried into the kitchen to confirm for me. I think he got quite panicky coz my face was rapidly changing colour. Hahahaha...

MIL den walked into the kitchen to ask what we were both looking for. Before I cld reply, she asked if it is the meehoon. And when I nodded my head, she laughed and said, "I finished them lah. I had 2 packets too!"

I think she saw my expression and quickly tried buttering me up by saying that they are very nice and asked where I got them from. When I replied her, I turned around and wanted to walk out of the kitchen.

She then tried making amendments by asking if I'd like her to fry some meehoon for me and that she can open a can of abalones to go along with.

Who cares for those wor? But I was too pissed off then. I just replied negatively and walked back into my room. Ahahahaha...

I know me very petty but I cannot help it leh. MIL even asked hubs the next day if he has bot me the meehoon yet. Ahahahaha...
babycenter.com is a website i browse evrday too

queit usefull and i can use working time to read abt it, night time really tired dun thk can read book
mrs chua
no appetite? for me, even when no appetite/ no craving, i still eat cos' bb will be hungry. today extreme hungry, had lunch alone in canteen. sob sob

so did you manage to eat your instant mee hoon?(did your hubby buy for you)

know sometime crave but didn't get to eat, vy sizn...
Mrs Chua
ur mil sure feel very guilty bah.. thk tdy when u back hom she ll buy 1 big carton for u hahaaa

i still okie for meal leh, coz i m not queit fussy on food de. just try to eat for more nutrition food loh.
tdy lunch had mixed rice, get a lot of vege. after ate 1 packet nw i feel not enuf
die liao, dunno hw to tahan till dinner time, maybe lata have to boil a cup noodle again bah
i had economic rice too &amp; a papaya. i try to take fruit daily.
if hungry, guess will eat biscuit again... vy sian...
Talking about fruits, dont know why i suddenly like to eat guava leh. During my last pregnancy, I like apple.
oooh.. tks! i'll go check them out too!!

talking abt food... im kinda picky... and does find it a headache...

kekeke.. mrs chua, hope u got ur mee hoon eventually... so far, my problem is with my hubby lah.. i'll tell him.. i feel like eating something.. but he'll always reply me.. why dont we eat something else? until that day i told him... is it me or u that is preggie huh? kakakkka... seems he got more craving than me!!!!! hahahah...
Mrs Chua, u powerful pregnant woman

I also bully my hubby ard =P Tat day ask him to tabao meehoon for my teabreak, he heard wrongly, tabao mee for me. I was so angry tat he has to go tabao meehoon for me immediately again =P
Hahaha...nowadays if hubby ask me to do something for me, i also like to ask him : 'U pregnant or I m pregnant huh?'
BTW, i have one more website which I find quite useful.

Yea, I will still eat when not hungry coz of the baby. Just sian...

Wah... Eat alone ah? Ur colleagues all not ard?

NO ah! I didnt manage to eat the meehoon on sat or sun. But hubs bot 2 pkts for me last 9 loh.

My craving since I am preggers so far is anything warm and spicy. I had those meehoon on Fri at my mum's. I added some cut chilli padi into the soup to increase the spiciness of the soup and I felt SO shiok after dat. So I was very disappointed when I din manage to have dat on Sat loh... Hehehhe...
<font color="0000ff">Mrs Chua,

You are so cute leh..but now you are the "Queen" hee hee...your posts are so farni, can't help laughing lolx</font>

Any mummies' complexion getting worst after Pregnant ? I realised my complexion getting worst. Got alot of small small pimples lei. My 1st one doesnt have this problem.
bbgoh: My MIL wont buy for me one. Confirmed, guaranteed, chopped and stamped. She will at most remind hubby to buy for me. If she buys me a big carton, I better go buy 4D, sure strike. Hahahaha!

Actually, me been taking cup mee quite frequently. At least once a week. 'Coz I cannot resist the hot soup. :p :p Heard dat cup mee is a fave for many pregnant ladies also leh.

forest: ahahaha! So funny ur hubby!

JJmom: Hahaha! Must impose our authority now. Time is running out liao. Now, when Hubs gets slightly irritated with me asking him to do things for me, he will say, "Wo REN. This priviledge will be removed after 10 mths. Grrr..."

But hor, sometimes I tried using ur line on hubby too. ie. me pregnant, so u must help me. He will say, "pregnant must also do some light exercises." *smacks head*
Littlebluey: Yea yea, me like Queen bee now. I stay with my ILs then I can sense they cant see eye-to-eye some of my living habits like cooping myself in our rm our time. But they have no choice now. I am untouchable and unbeatable now mah. Hahahaha...

Jess: Are u expecting a boy?
One of the myth is that complexion and face structure of the mom will change if u are expecting a boy.
Mrs Chua, me also stayin with in-laws and b4 preg i oso stay in rm most of the time. Now worst! haha...

err..me also hv terrible outbreak...went facial sat but another few new pimples pop up again.
i hope i'm expecting a boy if this myth is true.
<font color="0000ff">Mrs Chua,

U muz tell your DH I'm carrying your bb leh, u think so easy meh?? Hahaha...of coz now muz treat me like a "Queen" lar, after 10 mths no more such treatment le wor...hee hee</font>

everafter: Hahahaha... Sama sama... My door is always closed whenever I am in the room. Even hubs also give up on me.

I seldom have pimples before preggers too. Just those small small dunno-wat-you-call-it things. But last weekend, 2 pimples popped out on my face. MIL's frens also say that I am expecting a boy coz my face structure has changed. I think they meant that my fat face is now fatter.

Me going for a gynae check up this Fri. Hopefully can tell the gender of bb.
Cannot wait.
