(2008/10) Oct 2008

<font color="0000ff">Mrs Chua/Everafter,

Oh no, u mean when face got outbreak means it's having a boy??? diaoz...-_-"" I am still hoping I'm carrying a gal!!! ;p

Before preggy, my skin condition is not fantastic le...on/off got outbreaks de, I thot maybe these few wks more heaty becos have been taking alot of mangoes/durians hahahaha lolx...but now think shd be clearing up le.....but one thing I noticed, I've been experincing thicker hair growth now, all along my hair has been thin and limp but now looks very healthy in fact

Not really. When I had my boy in the previous pregnancy, my completion was good.

Me too. Very picky on food. Although very hungry but don't know what to eat. And I hate fish. Only eat fried fish or fish &amp; chips.
hehehe.. dunno is the myth correct leh?? i rem, some mummies here mentioned that their first kid is boy.. and they didnt get pimples or face changes... hahaha...

oh btw.. my chinese sinseh told me... we should drink black bean cooked with red dates soup weekly... it'll let our baby have v black hair!! i think its useful for me cos' i started having white hair during my teenage years (hereditary lahh..).. but my hubby so funnie.. yday my mum cooked the black bean soup for me.. he looked at the colour so black.. n asked.. wait our baby complexion v dark how?? i told him.. if dark its cos baby looks like you lah.. cos my hubby is darker skin mah.. ahaahhaha...

after dinner, we went to ntuc.. and i wanted to buy strawberries, cos heard from my other frens.. eating strawberries and blueberries will let baby have fair complexion.. he brushed me off n said.. drink black bean soup already black liaoz lahhh.... *duhzzz*... hahahaha...
<font color="0000ff">Forest,

Black bean soup is indeed very good especially for us preggies, becos it helps to prevent backache esp when boil with "du zhong" I think I have it at least once a wk!! it's my fav soup of all time! hahahaha...no theory on drinking black soup means bb will be born dark...it will depend on the genes of the parents leh..hahahaha lolx...

Yr DH very farni oso leh... ;p</font>
Mrs Chua, vy curious abt your fav spicy meehoon...muhahaha coz I also have craving for hot spicy soup. Been eating the korean spicy mushroom noodle but sometime, noodle too filling for me. May I know the brand of the meehoon &amp; where to buy it? Thanks
what is "du zhong"??
yaya.. im asking my mum to cook for me every week, cos my sinseh told me if i cook 1 person portion not v effective.. must cook big pot then it'll be effective!!

hahaha.. yalor... joker lah my hubby!! hahaha... :p
<font color="0000ff">Forest,

"Du Zhong" looks like "tree bark" hahahaha...that's wat I always call it, you can get it from those Chinese medical shop, if your house nearby got Fu Hwa, they oso got sell it in boxes, they are differentiate by grades, so you can see which one you want
think the Grade A costs ard $10+ or more bah but it's gd! But beware, dun put too much, else the soup will be too bitter! ;p</font>
Little bluey: Dat's wat I heard loh... Like I said loh, myths... :p Dont know how true also.

Think my breakout is prolly due to chilli and cheezels and cheese rings. :p:p

Blur: I HATE fish now too! I used to love any kinds of fish. The only fish that I take since pregnant is prolly those found in the nasi lemaks.
My poor baby.

JJmom: I used to take the Korean spicy mushrm mee b4 preggers. But 1 mth into pregnancy, no craving at all. Dont even want to touch it le.

So me eating the chicken and abalone meehoon from Tung-I. I buy my supplies from NTUC or provision shops. Quite easily available.
Guava is acidic? No wonder last week my tummy was not well cos I had it in the morning as I felt like vomitting mah.

I'm in my 15 weeks now. Think I can feel bb movement liao...it was very suddenly. Very surprised.
mrs chua, blur,
i also hate fish now!!! have not been eating much fish as well... and sometimes, feel guilty abt it...

congrats that u can feel movement le!! kekeke.. i only had it once that i thot was movement.. and after that no more... so, i also wonder if i was right that time, or it was just gas?? :p

me also darn sleepy... maybe cos its monday?> shall have my bread later!! kekekeke...
Mrs chua, oic, i thou u mean got spicy meehoon

i used to like the tung-1 instant noodle &amp; meehoon too.
u are not alone. my complexion is worse. as compare, my face is more oily thn before.

if want eat guava, eat after meal to avoid gastric pain.
mousebb: I am into my 16th wk (i guess). So how does the movement feel like ah? Did u all watch the documentary on Geographic channel last 9 on "Life in the Womb" or something like dat?

It details life in the womb from day 1 to the day of birth. Very interesting. Anyway, the show mentioned that experienced mothers shld be able to feel the movements. Mabbe I did, but I dint noe that the movements are bb's movements. So describe leh? :p

forest: I heard that can take fish supplement in the form of tablets/capsules leh. r u taking them? I sure am not. Tink I got to ask my gynae on fri. Boohoo...
<font color="119911">hi all
i just came back form gynae. baby closed legs, cannot tell gender!! this is 2nd time i went hoping to know but kena disappointed liao. both times my mum oso tag along. hai now i so disappointed. but gynae got 'guess' is girl. say 60%. aiyo 60% is just like anyhow guess mah. usually is 50-50 chance right? anyone else had a '60% chance is xxx gender'? was the gynae 'guess' zun not?</font>
JJ mom: Ur spicy means red hot spicy ah? Ohhh... I like the Tung-I coz it is peppery hot! and plus, red cut chilli padi, WOW!!
Thanks. Will take note

Mrs chua
It's a bit like wave/current lor, very quick one. During my last pregnancy, i can only feel bb movement in my 18 weeks. Din watch the documentary leh.
<font color="0000ff">Wah Mrs Chua,

U like things peppery and spicy hot, same as me hahahahaha...can't leave w/o chilli esp chilli padi!! muahahahah ;p

Juz me,

When is your next appt? Maybe your bb shy, dun want to let you know so early, keep you in suspense, u never talk to bb ask him/her to cooperate??</font>
Hi Juz Me,
Dolly is very accurate at her guessing. Most of my colleagues' baby gender she "guess" them correctly. Mine previous pregnancy too.
Juz me
Dont be disappointed lah. How many weeks are you now? My gynae said usually have to wait till 17 weeks then can tell lor. My last pregnancy hor, my bb was very naughty and played hide-and-seek with me. Dr could only tell me 80% is a boy and i only get the gender confirmed during my 20 weeks detailed scan.
mrs chua

is it called "In the womb?"...aiyo missed it again!!!!...i hope they have repeat telecast tonight.

Juz me,

u never cough cough see whether bb got move or not?..heeheee...but doc tell u 60%..might as well dun tell you...wahaahaa!! Wait for detailed scan bah.
aiya Mrs Chua
u make me crave for beehun also liao lah. i used to eat 1 kind of bee hun soup(instant) forgot the brand liao, also very spicy. got chili powder de.

just had a cup of curry chken noodle =P
mrs chua, I watched that show too. It's really amazing. My hubby was kind of freaked out at the giving birth scene. Then I told him but he has to be there when I give birth so this is just a prelude. And he said that he will faint.

Must remember the part about not being too stressed as can pass onto bb.

forest: the book that littlebluey mentioned is really good. I use it like my bible. heehee! You can get it from Borders or Kinokuniya. Popular doesn't have it.

my skin also got breakouts leh. so upset then went for facial yesterday. Feel much better now. heehee!
mrs chua,
im still waiting for my next appt to ask gynae what supplements to take... now, im only on folic acid..

high chance ur bb is shy.. or wanna keep daddy and mummy in suspense!! kekeke...

Littlebluey, mrs chua,
i also like to take spicy food ahhh... been craving for kim chi, ma la huo guo!!! :p :p but hubby always tells me to eat less chilli... i told him.. no chilli cannot eat lah.. kakaka.. :p
Littlebluey: Yea yea, something real strong in taste to perk me up. Though my colleagues keep telling me not to eat too much chilli, I just cant stay away.

Juz me: my fren's baby played hide-and-seek too. I tink she only found out the bb's sex when she was almost 20 wks...

Diane: Yea yea! That is the title. They even showed a life birth! Wah biang! I was scringing and contemplating if I shld watch that part, but I still did.

thanks!!...already set reminder to remind myself to watch wor!!!

ok now i feel like eating instant noodles too!
<font color="0000ff">Bbgoh,

Another bee hoon I like is the "Mee Soto beehoon" by Myojo! Very spicy and peppery too
think got chilli powder de, just went to stock up on Fri evening hahahaha</font>
<font color="0000ff">Mint, Diane,

Dun think my DH can stand the "live birth" video part muhahahaha...he will have jelly legs, I always like to "disturb" him by saying, u are such a big boy yet still feel so squimish abt such things meh? He asked me to "bao zhong" myself during delivery, he said later afraid my gynae hv to rescuitate him becos he fainted le muhahahahahaha ;p</font>
ooohh.. me thinking of getting the book already.. hehehe...
looking at more books, and probably do an online order via kinokuniya.. think there's free delivery for $50 order.. kekekek..

oh... i cant catch the repeat telecast either... :S any other repeats available huh?? :p
<font color="0000ff">Forest,

Since I dun subscribe to SCV at home, shall go to my ILs place early on Sun to watch it muhahahahaha lolx ;p</font>
yah yah correct its mee soto beehoon, drooling liao lah
must grab 1 packet tonight

hei mummies.
the documentary show is on which channel u all talking abt?
hahaha.. so funny!! ur hubby ask u to "bao zhong"?? kakaka..

oh my.. all the talk abt instant mee... i also feel like eating now!!
<font color="0000ff">Bbgoh,

although my mum had alrd cooked wanton soup and have it brought to my house, but I decided to forgo rice for mee soto beehoon later, u see lar, u all so bad, tempt me with the beehoon now...can't wait to get home and lay my hands on it muhahahahaha ;p


Ya lar, he keep tapping on my hand and ask me to "bao zhong" during delivery, that's y he said which mode of delivery just up to me, becos he dun think he can take it hahahahaha...the thot of it already make his legs turn to jelly lolx ;p *concuss*</font>
its on national geographic...

ooh.. i just did a search... seems there's another "In The Womb : Twins,Triplets &amp; Quads Ep 1" showing on Sunday at 6pm... Purebliss, u have to watch this!!!

but i cant find any other "In The Womb" showing... except for Sun morning... arggghhh....
hehehe... so funnie... i only just told my hubby.. u have to be there no matter what!! hahahha... dont think of running away! :p :p
<font color="0000ff">Forest,

Although I wld love for my Dh to be there during delivery, but I dun want to traumatise him else later got shadows that affect after birth intimacy how?? hahaha</font>
Hi mummies,

Glad that everyone is eating well, talking about instant mee. Hehe.

I just went for my oscar today. BB not very co-operative, only managed to measure during the 3rd try. The scan result is okie. Now got to wait for the blood test result. I am approaching my 13week. When we reach 13 weeks, then 1st trimester is over?
Anyway, I had lost about 1kg since my last check-up 2 weeks back. Thought 1st trimester over soon, I will feel better. Apparently my appetite is getting worse. Sigh.

Anyone bought maternity undies? Or can we just buy bigger size undies?

BB gender,
Think my hubby is thinking of boy so much that he told me that he dreamt the gynea told him the bb is boy during the check-up. But he doesnt wana know the gender, so I told him that he better tell the gynea before any scan. Haha...

I have a pimple on my face now. Hopefully will clear. But I very itchy hands one, will tend to squeeze my pimple.
Hi all Oct mommies,

I read somewhere that hair does gets thicker during pregnancy, the rate of falling off declines. Then after delivery, mommy will loose alot of hair. But it is not a cause for concern coz we are just shedding those hair which did not drop during pregnancy.

I tik it is true coz abt 2-3 months aft my delivery, i dropped alot of hair, esp during shower, v.scary coz never see so many hair on the floor before. But it stops abt a few weeks.

As for pimples, I remember when i was expecting my boy, i had gd complexion and become more radiant. Some of my colleag even commented that I become prettier during pregnancy (but face only lar - with a big tummy, overall is like a pengiun)
Hi Ladies

I bought forward my gynae's visit today instead of Sat. My baby is growing well and is now 9.98cm.

Juz Me, my baby is crossing legs! Gynae made her prediction and told me is 50% only! So I take it as she never predict haaaa.. So wait for detailed scan next mth to confirm lor.

I also done my triple test today. Hope everything would be fine.
<font color="119911">jasminetea>> faint i thot mine 60% very jia lat... hee 50% really = never say! hey u oso do triple test?? seems many gynae dun do that liao? do OSCARS instead? mine is oso triple test leh. No OSCARS.

blur>> hey thats what i heard oso!! my sis baby 10 weeks Dolly already predicted the gender correctly! hiaks mabbe i can start stocking up on pinkies ;P hai now must stress next one must be boy haha else wait PIL not happy
stress...anyone oso got such concerns or think is 'outdated' thinking?

littlebluey>> i got same concerns so i decided to tell hubby to just be by my side. dun go 'down there' and witness what's happening haha. so long he there to support me in my time of nid, can le lor</font>
i miss up mee soto beehoon tonight le
cant find on primemart near workplc.
during delivery must grab ur hub die die must stay with u, just grab his hand dun let him go hahahahaaa

thanks, ll catch up on this sunday

yah i also heard b4 and its happen on my cousin too. and our hair not only ll thick also shiny loh. do u feel so?
good morning mummies.

<font color="0000ff">hazeline</font>, u r correct tat after birth mothers will lose hair. i encountered during my 1st one. losing alot of hair in a day until i can feel one of the area was botak.

tat lastes for almost 1/2 a year.
morn' all mummies
raining this morning heavily...

just had mcdonald - mcmuffin w egg this morn', yummy... what you gals had?


I started my DHA last month (supplement for fish). 100mg per day. given by gynae. I took DHA as well during my 1st pregnancy (bought from GNC, Goldmith (pure algar DHA)) I think i will stick back Goldmith after this as for goldmith i can take max 300mg as goldmith is pure DHA w/o EPA. Heard DHA is good for mummy's bad headache as well. ;-)
