(2008/09) Sep 2008

T_T – Maybe you could get a sleep positioner to prevent baby from flipping in the night. Or just put bolster and pillows to prevent baby from flipping.

Flos – Wooo… can see your MIL is one wealthy lady from getting the allowance, rent, etc.

Mandy – Yes, she is collecting rent and getting allowance from my hb. Now, I always complain to baby when I’m fed-up wit MIL. Hopefully he will get influence by me and stand by my side to scold MIL in future… keke… My friend even suggest me to pack baby and run off to my parent’s place to stay.

Jas – I don’t really tell my mom about this, coz she will surely be very worried about it. I only complain to my sis, and of coz she supported me coz her MIL is also one kind!

Gunibabe: That’s the problem with having a mummy’s boy. Hubby also got give his mom sup card.. I don’t want to know whether hubby is paying for her bills a not. The more I know, the more angry I am…

Ade... i think i got the same prob as u leh... got a mummy's boy HB!!!! so angry...

i always tell him tat it's ok for him to love his mum etc... bt sometimes he got to std by mi.... sometimes i just feels so wei qu oso...
My hubs is a mummy's boy too. But I'm lucky as my MIL will remind him to consult his wife. So sometimes when he refuses to budge on a topic, I will go via my MIL (who will apply pressure on him when she sees my point). Have to see what works for individual families.

Sometimes I do wonder how will I feel if my boys and DILs treat me in the same way next time and then adjust my expectations accordingly.
I hope my son wouldnt turn into mommy's boy leh. If not i might kena "arrowed" at the back in some forum in the future when i'm a MIL myself, hahaha.

Wah ur fren also very daring, encourage you to run away. But hor i think going to your mom is also a good choice for a getaway. Sometimes i oso "gossip" about my MIL to my mom. Not really gossip lah, just "discuss" some of the diff parenting style haha.

Then my mom will always say, learn to respect and understand one another lor. Must "REN" - tolerate. haha.
Storeberry, in that case i can meet Jeraldin in bt panjang then we meet at tampines?

Jeraldin, u are setting off at 10+am also? i think should be ok also. meet at which part of bt panjang ar?

Ade, living with hubby's parents or siblings sure will have conflict one... I forsee problems too next time when MIL gets older, my hubby being the oldest son will need to take care of her and his siblings lo. SIGH, when we marry our hubby, we are also marrying their family lo.

actually just speak up infront of hubby to ur MIL lo. for me no problem cos my hubby will side the right one. anyway if it happen to me i would just say right in the beginning while in the kitchen, just act blur and say it out loud. anything they throw back to you wadever reasons, you also give wadever reasons u can think of and throw back lor. since u are working and she is at home...

btw, everything that my mil or hubby did to make me go crazy, i will confide in my mum+sis+bro. sure my mum will worry and sad etc, but i do make it clear to her that its nothing, just i need to say out otherwise will go REAL crazy. and also tell her to keep it a secret from my hubby that i did so much complaining lol.
<font color="0000ff">Bigtoes
wow.. K is sure active
Max doesnt like to talk, haha. Onli in super good mood den he will start talking. else he bochap us when we talk to him de. Oh Max has tried to flip the other way around too.. from tummy time back to his back... but not the front leh...

wah. envious.. ur bb can flip le... and only 3 mths. My boy coming to 4 mths le still not flipping.. sighz... seems rather dangerous if she tends to flip even when sleeping. yeap yeap.. do get sleep positioners k..

hhmm... head slanted to one side. Max likes to look in 1 side too. when we carry him upwards, like our tummy against his tummy.. he will onli like to look to his right.. NEVER to his left</font>
hi Ade,
i agree with the other mummies. 1.3k for looking after one kid and not cooking and doing your laundry????? that's waaaaaaay too much! i used to give abt 1k to my mum for looking after jared only and cooking our meals. my hb was like complaining i gave too much liao. so for second kid, i got a maid to help her out, then she told me i can reduce it to 800 a mth since i've got to pay for maid's salary too.

then why does she pick out your laundry and not do yours as well since it's just to be thrown into the washer??? so 计较! can't stand pple like that. my mil when she was staying here, was also like that. wash only her son's clothes, buy breakfast only for her son, then leave notes around my house to tell her son got food for him. and i was pregnant when she was doing that ok!

so i totally understand what you feel. once in a while i buay tahan then i go and complain to hb. else i just shut up and show a damn black face and shut myself in the room all the time. so glad she's not here anymore!!!

oh! and i find it quite strange that your hb tells you you have to give his mum allowance too!

sale on friday:
i wanna chiong the sale too. what time are the chiongsters going huh??? 9 is it???

thanks again for having us on that day. hope the kids didn't mess up anything and frighten you and your hb too too much. i think all the mummies who have seen and heard (very loudly) jared and natalie must have been scared off!

just had a super huge quarrel with hb on sunday midnight. jared was coughing away at night and then he threw up on himself all over his face. then when hb was cleaning him up in the bathroom, he blamed me for having made jared cry earlier. saying that because i made him cry, it ended up in him vomitting! i was sooooooooo angry! always pointing fingers at me when something goes wrong. he vomitted because he was coughing!!! i ended up being so angry, i slammed the bathroom door, to which it made him angrier and we kinda ended up shouting at each other... bad bad example. then i was crying and this jared climbed up his chair and used his bolster to clean my tears! so touched. but we kinda realised halfway through our quarrel that we were setting a really horrible example we went to the room to resume our quarrel in softer tones. really hard thing to do!

then in the morning when i went to sleep beside jared, he said to me 'last night papa scold you and you scold papa. then i clean you.'... am still nursing anger at hb! bloody chauvinist!
Oh gosh, really cannot quarrel in front of kids hor, if not they really pick up very fast.

Alabone, yah its really touching but like wad you say, its bad example. I know its hard to avoid being angry in front of the kids but sometimes when our HB make us angry, its really to the verge like volcano erupts lor.
alabone: *hugs* Jared is so sweet! I think your hubby is over protective over the kids and neglected your feelings! Poor mummy! Feel free to air your grievance here! I know what u mean about setting examples and not fighting in front of kids. Hubby and I also tried very hard not to fight in front of the baby too. We did it once and the little one could sense tension and he cried too!
alabone: but i hope jared wouldnt feel bad about vomitting due to his cough. If he knew by coughing and then vomit will make you all quarrel, i scared next time he might suppress his cough. And in the end sekali make his cough worsen?
My boy cant flip yet, but he can turn to one side and is kicking his legs furiously at the same time, as if trying to flip over. Then when he's on his tummy, he'll try to get on his sides and flip to his back. Think he's gonna flip soon! No more naps on the sofa!
yes. i was at my limit lah. usually i won't erupt like that. but recently, he's been very short and pointing accusations at me more often than i fancy so...

about jared suppressing his cough, i don't think so. that boy is quite a happy-go-lucky person. i did have a talk with him and said that it's not right of us to shout at each other. i don't want him to emulate our behaviour and start yelling at his sister.

thanks! and you are so right abt kids being able to feel the tension. so we must really be super conscious of it. i'm now very conscious.
Mandy, at least we know such forum exist. Next time we ca just come into forum to see what our DIL gossips about us.

Alabone, at least your mom is understanding. I don’t understand why MIL is so irritating. She don’t seems to understand that our expenses amount up to a lot. Oooo, when I was pregnant, she also treat me no better. I really can’t wait for the day that she will move out, but I doubt it will happen that soon….I hate it when she think she is the one who owns the place, leave her things lying around, and even meddle with the way I place my things. She even took my bird nest given by my friends after I gave birth for her own consumption. It was only the other day that I found out I have only 2 bottles left. And my Hb said it’s ok, since she also need to ‘bu’. Yes, I find it strange that he ask me to give his mom allowance. Luckily I was wise enough, find it a bit funny, so I argue with him that if he expect me to give, he have to give my mom too.
Jared is so sweet, still know how to clean your tears. At least he is clever enough to know that his dad is wrong and come to comfort you instead.

Ladies, thanks for all the concerns. Think next time round I will just comment bluntly in front of MIL. Don’t bother about giving my HB face liao, since he don’t care about my feelings too. But he sure is one MCP. The other time, I told him off infront of his parents (not sure what, but it’s a small issue), and he give me black face, said I din give him face at all. This time round, think I am going to do it again. I don’t wanna let his mom climb on my head and make her think she rules my house!
Lok: They do? Any sale now? I wanna make a trip to Forum Galleria one of these days.

A neck condition? SOunds like my ex-boss' two sons who are now undergoing physiotherapy. What's the cause of it? My son tends to lean on one side too, but no particular prefered side like Sasa's boy.

gunibb: the bb can feel the tension and mood. Agree! When I scold my maid for some stupid mistakes, he will stop crying N fussing, and look at me fearfully!

alabone: calm down calm down!!! Jared is soooo sweet!!!
haha so happy!! was placing my boy on his tummy and he was looking at the toys so seriously and the next moment he flip and landed on his back!!! the funny thing he started crying when he realise the "scenary" looks abit different haha... silly boy haha
ade, your mil iv guo4 fen4 like that. earning rental and all at the expense of you &amp; your hubby. your hubby is also weird to expect u to give his mom an allowance when u're already giving to your mom, and esp if he's not prepared to give your mom himself too! besides behaving like u aren't there, does your mil show u any attitude/say anything nasty? she really shouldn't behave like that.

alabone: HUGS!!!!! i hope he'll come apologise to you soon!

hihi..so 'qiao' to bump into u at the zoo today.sorry ah today no time to chat with u coz gota follow the teachers n also jagar all those kids..u got let isabelle go into the waterplay area to play? seems very fun..will go again soon coz my celest saw it n keep repeating to me that she wana go..u cfm going to put her in CC? did your research already?

which library u went usually? some library dun have good kids section..bedok library is good though..
got space for them to run abt..n yet not afraid of disturbing the others as its on level 3 on its own.


next time if got chance meetup then i tell u more..hehe..
btw, it seems that ur HBs look at ur credit card bills and see what u spend on??? To me, if I earned it and it's educational for the baby (and not another frivolous bag), then the hubs has no right to comment negatively right?

Ade - inlaw problems. Sigh. not easyyyyyyyyyyy.

Flos - you should check out Little Colette when u're at the Forum. Damn chio stuff!!!! I want to buy the piggie bank for my boy!
alabone ,
ya .. agreed must "ren" and not quarrel in front of little one. I did that once in front of zac when hb came back and zac was so fearful cos we were shouting at each other in the room.. haha .. I was preg with zen + working pressure + pressure from family issues &amp; financial prob and he just could not seems to understand and scolded me " mad woman " .. MAN... they have a mind on their own ...
lok, sunnysunny
the nat geog series is good. for introduction to math and science concepts. although i do find an assortment of other readers are also good in introducing these concepts to todds!

wow!! raphael can roll over liaoz!!!amazing!!

sunnysunny, flos
well, get the nat geog series earlier lah, coz heard the price is set to go up only.

o dear. i hope jared is ok...hb ah, dun bother!you should have locked him in hte toilet and leave him there to sulk!
<font color="0077aa">Alabone: Hugz dear! Can understand your fustrations!! Yah man, must be super conscious in front of our kids! But Jared is so sweet! And man always don't get it!

Gunibabe: My boy also does the same thing as you Guniboy!! He kick his legs furiously &amp; he turn to one side. Hoping him to flip soon!

Jeraldin: Wow, must be so happy that your boy flip! They can suprised us everyday! Can PM me your number to get in touch cos you cannot received PM.

Today smallberry was also also talking to our chandeliers &amp; he started making "poo poo" sound with his mouth.. So cute!

Sasa: can let me know the car seat model? I am planning to get a car seat also..</font>
Hi Kym,
My little princess was born on 17 Sept!

My older son is coming 2 years old and I am looking to get a 'professional' Chinese nanny to look after him. Both my hubby and I speak English so I want him to be able to learn Chinese. I do not like the fact that he spends a lot of time with the maid as her English is not very good. I explored putting him in pre-nursery but most of them run 5 days. I just quit my job recently when the second one was born. So since I am home, I would like him to spend like 2-3 mornings at a school and/or get a Chinese nanny 3 days a week to spend time with him. Putting him in school for 5 days seems sad when he is so young and I have quit my job to take care of the kids. This way I can spend some time with my princess while he is learning at school/with nanny. AND I can spend time with him on the other days. Make sense?

I stay around Siglap. Any suggestions? Is your nanny working for you 7 days a week? Has she started and how do you find her? Do you have any other Chinese nanny to recommend?
Flos: not too sure whether the ones at mini toons are from the same company, but I think they're slightly thinner. Size wise, think there are a few sizes to choose from.

you may want to take note not to scold your helper in front of Isaac if you don't want him to scold her or treat her in a deprecating manner when he's older. I've seen many children treating their helpers exactly the way their parents treat them! It's not a pretty sight!

storeberry: yeah, let's watch out for the moment together!
lanolin: my hubs doesn't scrutinise my cc bill details
he grumbles but still pays. haha

little colette at Forum? i might hv seen it before...

lilboymom: u really sound like my mom! hhaha, national geog, encyclopedia, readers digest, lady birds, british council textbooks, NLB books, etc...read until I became a blind bat (750degrees eyesight!). then dad bought our first IBM PC in 1986 to play DOS games like Alley Cat &amp; Bouncing Babies! tsk tsk...but hor, in restrospect, got use lah,...we fared better than our cousins!!! LOLLOLO...

can i buy the edventure books at their showroom, instead of ordering online? If hubby is keen, we might drop by this weekend. I'm not in any hurry to stock up those "STEP UP" level books yet.

all cos i need to free up some EOY budget for my working wardrobe!! i need to decide whether to grab that bag or watch...hheheeh...moreover, i just ordered 7 more boardbooks! (wonder if my maid can read well or not?!)

oh, btw, what's the diff btw sunshine and jolly? which one do u prefer?
we go the Bishan library. Very new and the kids section is also on its own. Most of the time, Josh finds it more fun to run around and then if he spots a book he likes, will bring it to me.

Not sure if there's a sale. Seldom frequent Forum.

The problem is more than Jonas looking to one side. He does look both sides (with preference for the left side) but what is worrying is he cranks his neck at an awkward 45 degree angle. Now we make a conscious effort not to stand beside him but directly above so that he's looking straight. Hope it's a correctable problem for now.

Re: "you may want to take note not to scold your helper in front of Isaac if you don't want him to scold her or treat her in a <font color="ff0000">deprecating manner</font> when he's older. I've seen many children <font color="ff0000">treating their helpers exactly the way their parents treat them! It's not a pretty sight!</font>"

Pls clarify: "a deprecating manner";&amp; "treating exactly the same way their parents treat them"?
Flos: oops, I hope I didn't offend you, I better clarify myself! I know you don't scold yours in that manner (I saw you telling your old maid in a nice manner at IKEA before). What I meant was I've seen children scolding and beating their maids in public and it's not a pretty sight! Then I saw how the parents of the kids scold the maids, and I figured that's how the children learnt how to treat the maid. But that said, we're adults and we scold helpers because we know we want to correct them, but kids will just mimick us, and not mimick with logic. hope I'm making sense here. And since you mentioned he picked up the tension in the air and was looking at you with fear, thought you may want to take note of that.
talking about baby head turning to one side, my boy tend to always sleep on his head turning on his right.

sunny- that is fast. i cant say my boy nect is stiff a not. when he put on 45 degreee he can lift hs head very high. but when on tummy he is very lazy doesnt want to get very high up.

retail at U$80, bought it during a sales at U$29.99
after adding tax and conversion to SGD is S$52

1 set of long sleeves polo and pants for 6months
I received the newsletter from Edventure on the sale, sat on it and sale gone. Sigh. I might just close my eyes, click and check-out. I already spring him a lot of surprises during Raph first month. New toys and books popping out from nowhere.

Your WWII on Sunday, mine on Sat after the party. My monkey bounced off the bed and landed with a loud thud. Hubby rushed in and shouted at me, asking why wasn't I looking at #1. I was holding Raphael, just about to sit down to nurse him. I shouted and warned her just minutes ago and she fell right after that. I didn't sleep the whole night cos of her injury, cries every time she turned. I normally wouldn't shout back, cos kids understand, so she'll think papa is the evil monster shouting at mama. Hahaa...

We ended up in Mount E's A&amp;E on Sunday for X-ray. She got a tiny little crack on her shoulder bone.

If you are going to Forum, can try Twinkle Thinkers. They have a lot of good books too, suitable for babies. Be prepared for those very irritating and pushy sales girls following you around, shoving books in your face once you tell them what you are looking for.

Only the Nat Geo prices will increase?? Like gold? Keke...

Raphael can flipped from both tummy and back, so he's rolling and kicking frog style to move about aimlessly. It's a fight to change his diaper now. Not very fun when he rolled to a corner in the middle of the night and calls for help.
alley cats and bouncing bbs!!! i know that too!!!! my first few pc games!!! looooooveeeee alley cat!!!

your mum sounds like my mum!haha, ok so we are both blind bats...

okok sunshine and jolly are both phonic series with readers. sunshine comes mostly in thin readers and so are their phonic series. they have more books to their series of readers and includes maybe up to hundred books. jolly has a more varied package which includes finger phonics books and manipulatives and catchy songs and stuff.sunshine is very popular in singapore. used in many schools.though recent MOE phonic progr use qutie a bit of material from jolly.

graphics wise maybe sunshine is better?some mummies complain jolly graphic sucks. like this CRT monitor which our kids may go 'huh?whats that?' but jolly is more 'hands on' and activity based i guess.

as for price, im not toosure coz i didnt get the full set of either, and i got my jolly thru amazon uk...

jolly is british and sunshine if im not wrong is american...
wow - so many posts to catch up on.

books - looks like am not the last one not to have bought any yet. You gals are really good mummies. I think am not that a good one.

Alabone - men's temper is like that. Give you big hug. You little one is so sweet.

ade - $1.3K wow, that is a junior staff pay. That is too much la. Already when i wanted to increase my parents allowance frm $350 to $500, my hb made noise and he is not contributing. Basically, hb and i have made it very clear, anything my side of the family, i take care, anything his side of the family, he take care.

My little darling keeps sleeping on his right side, such that its so flat nw while his left is so round. He refuses to cooperate by sleeping on his left and we even bought the pillows support and he yanks them away. Am at a lost what to do with his ugly looking head. Anyone with the same experience?
cadence has the same prob. she sleeps mostly on her left side and it is flattened. PD has warned us that we have to stretch her muscle everyday so that she doesn't end up lopsided. everytime i turn her back to the right side, she'd sleep in that for a split second and turn back to the left again... so i let her lie on the cloth nappy and then under it, roll up another cloth nappy and stuff it under so she is forced to sleep on her right side.

thank you for the consolation. after our quarrel that day, i settled down jared and natalie, then picked up my keys and left the house. then on sunday night, it was drizzling some more. i left the house at 1.45am and actually intended to stay out for like about an hour or so but i seriously had no where to wander to and i was damn scared i'd meet with some stupid mishap lah. so just walked about randomly really really slowly, hoping that i would end up home really late. but i was home at 2.20am and when i reached home, i saw that he was in the study, playing games!!!! so pek cek.

oh dear! tiny fracture? so is she in cast or something? the exact same thing happened to my jared when he was 9mths old but he didn't jump off the bed. he fell off. told my hb to jaga him and he was sooooooooooo busy watching soccer that he forgot he had a son! i was in the wardrobe taking jared's clothes and the next thing i heard was a loud 'thud'. when i picked him up from the floor, he was bleeding from the nose. imagine how angry i was! and then, he turned around and said it was my fault. sometimes i am reminded of how much i hate him.
She's fine, no cast.

Have a nice cup of tea and have your beauty sleep. Men.... my hubby is the same, every time his precious little girl got injured due to her own mischief, the finger is pointed at me first. Breathe and let go. Anger makes us age.
sunnysunny, i hope your child's ok. must be really painful. how old is she?

alabone, i know what u mean! i stomped out once late at night after quarrelling with dh while i was pregnant, but ended up roaming the neighbourhood/sitting on the curb fuming away cos i had nowhere to go plus i didn't bring $! if it were any earlier, there would at least be some coffeeshop to go to. when i got back, he was still sulking and that made me even angrier! that night, i slept facing away from him and spent the whole night making a list of places to go to for if we next quarrel. was so, so angry.
Hugs alabone - check yr FB!

lanolin - sigh i really am at a loss on how to ensure adequate rest at night when I start work yet not reduce MS!
i'm still on 3 hrly pump interval and i'm prepared to do 4 hrly when i go back to work. But the night pumps are the worst. Now I automatically get up after 4 hrs (i.e. 1am/ 4am) coz cannot turn to side to sleep!! Too painful!

Mummies who have started work, do you pump at night or just day? MS still ok? I'm also wondering when I should start dragging the intervals to adjust body clock. Caught between desire to make bodily adjustments and milking enough to tide work period!! Any idea how long the body takes to adjust? 1 wk?
Breadmum &amp; alabone - my kieran also has a flattened head on the left side, i regret not changing his sleeping position when he was a newborn because it would have been easier for him to adjust. Now, i can only put him on his side when he's really sleepy. DH and i are really worried abt his head. When i put him in his bumbo seat, he tends to slant to the right, don't know whether its because of his head.
hi mummies,

Pikkolo Baby Carrier

i am going to purchase a pikkolo baby carrier from http://www.theportablebaby.com/pikkolo.html.

Just wanna check if anyone is keen to get one as well? Cos if we can hit USD$500, shipping by express mail to Singapore is free. And the store is giving away free babywearing belt now. Check the URL for more details ya. i will ask the owner if she can declare the appropriate amount to avoid GST on our side.

I will collect based on exchange rate 1.55 first and refund or request top up based on what is charged to my card for the carrier. Collection points can be arranged in north or town. If opt for postage, buyer will have to bear the cost.

But I hope to get the carrier asap, so will close spree and place order once we hit 500(around 4 carriers, not limited only to pikkolo orders). Or if no response within TODAY, I will place order for just myself.

Interested mummies, do pm me to keep this thread clean. Join only if you are ok with the T&amp;C ya.

monring ladies ..
was pumping for about 1 min then pump broke down ... have not even finish reading the posts yet .. JInX ....last week funnel broke and i have to order from mums fairy .. this week pump broke down... anywa mummies knoe where the repair centre was for ameda pumps ?>
found this place ... dunno if it is the correct one ... will send down pump today .
Infantree Pte Ltd
Address : 23 Tagore Lane #03-04 Singapore 787601 Telephone : 6454 1867
Fax : 6454 7784
chewy ring: ur ameda pump break down ah? maybe can ask mums fairy for help? cos i think if they can get the replacement parts from ameda, im sure they know where can get help for ameda's pump repair bah.

alabone and to all mommies who quarrel with their HB b4: BIG HUGS to you! Men hor, they really insensitive and they seem to be living in their own world. just few days ago, my fren also quarrel with her HB cos her HB keep playng games and neglect her.

Although i haven't quarrel with my HB to that extent but i'll make sure he wouldnt be able to watch his TV if our quarrel is due to his TV. I will not wonder out on my own, i'll just bring Ryan to my mom's house! Haha. Then he'll be scare.

xuanting: i was reading your story but couldnt help but to laugh when you say you din bring $$, haha.

But mommies, i really hope that we all wouldn't quarrel again with our hubbies. I think it's not good for our children. And sweet Jared even know how to console his mom.

Ade: Yes, please stand up for your rights. Even if it means not to give face to your HB. So what if we give face, ended up we are the one to suffer. I really buay tahan ur MIL even steal your bird nest which is meant for you.
next time better buy a big SAFE to keep YOUR own stuff. Sounds jia lat hor. Even in your OWN house, also got to prevent in-house thief.
Hi mummies, look like walking out of the house after a quarrel with hubby is quite common hor... I also did it this way, but after going home, will find hubby snoring away like nothing happened. Why cant quarrels be earlier so there is actually some place to go except the void deck...
Springz... i just went back to work on Monday (15.12) .. I still pump out the milk during the day &amp; night.... I pump twice in the ofc.. mayb 4-5 hrs interval... at night .. normally i will wake up at 3-4am to pump oso.. for night time rgt.. i agreed with u.. if i dun pump out the milk... it is beri diff to Zzzzz.... die die must wake up to pump....
re: flat heads

baby miow also likes 1 side (right to be exact). using same method as alabone, but now with his chubby fingers more mobile &amp; itchy mouth, he keeps turning to the right to lick the cloth diaper!!! abisshhh!

tried new ways:
let him nap on the side, with a baby bolster between his legs. put pillows behind to make sure he doesn't roll back.

now i am trying the babysafe newborn pillow that has a lobang in the centre. quite good cos he can't move left n right so freely. plus the hole make sure the back does not flatten out.

lil miow took his 2nd dose of 6in1 + rota yest. he is so brave, didn even whimper! the jab + rota cost me $216. is this px normal?

now he is a RECORD 8.25kg n 64cm in ht. doc ask me to monitor his wt cos it is greater than 100 percentile...no wonder my back n arms ache so much
Springz... now still ok lah.. cos 3 days oli mah.. long run i dun knw leh... bt i got std by "ji jin" in ofc.. when i tired i will drink loh...

Miow ... hw many mths is ur bb now?
I'm staying near Lavender MRT opp ICA Bldg. I think i wanna go at 9. Wanna go tog ? BTW, i'm oso bjorning Alston as my helper (hubby's aunt) is out of town tat day.

If Angeline is joining me, i'll see how she wanna go there, if not maybe we can meet at other MRT station and share cab tog ??

$1.3K is a lot. I'm giving $1K to my hubby's aunt who's my helper and paying for groceries, marketing and other utilities. We oso pay for her meals whenever she goes out wif us. She's always more than willing to take care of Alston and let me surf net, etc. She's staying overnite at my hse cos i wanna bf my son at nite and i need to leave for work at 6.05am, so diff to bring son over to her hse. But i allow her to go anywhere in the daytime. She's oso taking care of the housework too. But i'm not sure if i'm giving too much to her ??? Mummies, any comments ??

Calm down, dun get too angry. Guys are like tat, my hubby oso like tat. I always tell him he "Xin Lai de" (surname Lai in English).
