(2008/09) Sep 2008

Springz: My SS not that much also, so what i did is i tell my HR mgr (who is my cousin) that i want to pump every 3 hrs. So i pump at 930am, 1230pm, 3pm and before go home 530pm. Cos if i dun pump, my SS will be even lower. SS = DD.

Then at nite, i'll latch on. So in middle of the nite, I'll let ryan latch one side and i use manual pump and pump the other side. Am I tired? Definitely! Imagine now Ryan still wake up at around 230am and 530am for feed. I also feed him at around 11pm for his last nite feed b4 we put him to sleep again. Damm shag man.

Jo, baby just turned 3 mths.

by the way, i received a call yesterday from a really nice lactation consultant from TMC, doing a follow-up on breastfeeding. HOW SWEET of them. I don't think that is the standard practice right, follow-up even up to 3 mths after i have discharged.

hee hee and i have the cheek to tell her that "EVERYTHING is good and i am on PARTIAL BF". hahaha

and millie, 80-100 ml is something to be proud of already! i only get that amount on good days.

i also asked the lactation consultant that even after 3 mths, it is possible to increase milk ss, she said YES! SS=DD.

i think i will give it one last shot to see if i can up the supply....

i remember reading a post of a mummy (springz/lilboymum/flos?) whose bm overflow the bottle! WOW!
hi springz
me too back at work since mid oct
have been pumping twice a day at work mostly at 11 and 4
will latch on when i get back around 7ish and 11ish before he sleeps. sometimes he wakes for mid morning feed at 3ish if not he can last till slightly later. will feed again at 7ish before i go to work or pump out lor. so far ms still ok. pumping regular amounts of > 150ml each time.
but you are right ! its tiring.
prob aim to wean off at 6mths
Alabone & Miow - have tried all you gals did as well. His head from back view really ugly (quite a slant slope) and he tends to use a lot of strength to get back to his favourite side. My brother passed me the expensive flathead pillows and my little one still refuses to be on it. Now with him mumbling more, he will shout very loud as if asking us not to tilt him. Sometimes, ts really funny but its worrying.

Springz - I have managed to drag my pumping to 4 hourly and supply has dropped as well. But for working mums i think this is a norm. I also have to get up at 1am and 3 am to pump else, its so engorged. I read somewhere stress at work will also reduce supply and am afraid of that. The only consolation is that we are all doing it for the good of our little ones.
Oh dear! Hope your little gal is feeling alright. Always heartache for mummies when our little ones get into mishaps. Josh just had a bathroom accident last month and the scar at the back of the head is a constant reminder that we have to be more careful.

Cool it! *Hugz*

How can we better involve them and make it clear to them that kids are our common responsibility?? I really don't know. Hubs doesn't really blame me for accidents (anyway, not my fault all the time) but I seriously wish he can be more involved with his kids at times.
<font color="ff6000"> u girls really can write, i had a hard time reading through the posts... glad most of u enjoyed the x'mas gathering. it was fun and enriching for me to know that one day my boy will grow up to be running here &amp; there!

sunnysunny: glad u found your way. very difficult to find a place in Sengkang. my own brother still couldn't find his way to my place and even gave up once and went home after he got lost for more than half an hour! i'm impressed u managed to handle a kid yourself and at the same time drove and found your way! hope your girl is alright from the fall.

alabone: sorry to hear about the quarrel. hope everything is ok now. just to make u happy a bit, i told bigtoes u look very good for a mummy of 3!
keep smiling, or else won't look good ya.

most men are dumbos lah. but there're of cos wonderful hubbies around!
*hint to bigtoes*

bigtoes was sick yesterday. that's why not many posts from her yesterday. </font>
I also frequent the library in Bishan! But usually I borrow the books home for bb instead.
Probably ur bb need more time to build up his neck muscles!!! Stay positive and do try to seek a 2nd doc opinion if necessary leh!

Haha… it is ‘fun’ to read abt our plight with our hubbies. My hubby is also quick in finger pointing as well!!! And last nite, i dashed out of the bathroom STARKED NAKED to carry my baby out from the cot cos he was crying FRANTICALLY away and my hubby was CHATTING away on the fone. I SCREAMED at him on his whereabouts and he was chatting in the kitchen. He claimed that he cannot hear the bb cries!!! Argh!!!!!!!
Is S drinking alot nowadays? I am solely giving 120-150ml EBM (6 feeds a day) now. 4 pump sessions a day - 6am, 12pm, 5pm and 10pm. No night sessions. Just nice for TBF. I'm very sure your body can adjust, u just need to do it slowly, maybe over the course of a week. And I'm feeling very accomplished --- managed to go from total FM (when he's severely jaundiced) to PBF to TBF now (cos 1 less feed now that J is sleeping thru).

If mummies are really concerned, better seek PD opinion.

Isaac only does it in the car seat? J does it most of the time cos his eyes will follow whatever catches his fancy (like mummy, TV etc) and then stay put in that position until something else distracts him again.
hi mummies ,
i am back ... drove down to tagore lane at 9 am to have pump repaired on the spot ... the person mentioned that i haev kept my pump idle for too long then reused .. so after a month broke down ... charge me a 50 bucks for 10 mins service .. and nw i am happily pumping again ...
Idle for too long?? But u r already one of the more "hardworking" mummies with an age gap of 15mths between the 2 kids!! What does the repairman expect huh?
tmc follow up calls
how come i never receive any calls from them? hmm...

bigtoes? u feeling better? drink more fluids and rest well.

lok, well done! my bb is now on pbf and i'm hoping to slowly build up my ss so she can go tbf too. it's encouraging to hear that u managed to do it. i must persevere!
Springz, Millie, Mandy:
You mummies are very discipline to still keep up pumping at 3hr intervals. i'm getting lazier and lazier, dragging the interval from 3hr to 4hr and now 5hrs. thinking of stopping the middle of the night session soon. but my PD advise me to store 2 weeks supply of EBM cos once start work if have stress then the SS will drop. so must standby more EBM just in case.
My ger was sick from yesterday having fever above 38. so i bought her back from infant care n called my hb telling him eleanor is having fever. so he rushed back n want to bring her to KKH to SEE doctor. I argue with him y bring her to KKH when we have not even see any doctor. It not that we have see doctor a few time and her fever don't even subside after we feed her med. don't like to go KKH as I scared they will make her stay at hospital n started to draw blood for this n that tests. so heartpain. so i tell him go to see our my family doc first, but it was close at 4.30pm and will reopen at 7pm.
after seeing the doctor n we came out, i told my hb i forget to tell doc that ger ger had actually 7 times on monday. he can tell me in my face, ai ya, it ok, no need to ask doc, bb always to do. so i tell him back, then bb get fever too, then y u must bring her to KKH b4 bringing to any clinic to see doc. so he bobian, wait for the paitent come to out n went in to ask the doc.
Breadmum,my little boy too! My gynae and PD also warmed us to let him sleep both side! When I turn his head to left side, he will very fast turn back to right side eventrough I use beanbag to block on right side.. he will moving his body until his head can turn to right side to sleep..

Alabone, I also did same way ! but can't work! the little one moving his head !
Breadmum, Alabone &amp; Miow – My son’s head is a bit flat on the left too. If I turn him to the right and stuff pillow behind to prevent him from turning, he will “eh eh eh” until we remove the pillow. This happen even when he is very sleepy! So no matter what we do, it’s of no use. MIL says sleeping in yao lan helps to shape his head. Well, we shall wait and see….

Miow- Your baby is very heavy! Mine at only 6.5kg, my wrists are already screaming in pain. I can’t imagine when mine hit 8kg. Probably you can try to sling him even at home? I do that too.

Mandy – Stealing my bird nest is nothing. There are times when I stock up maggi mee, and the next moment, when I want to eat, everything is gone. Now I have to resort to hiding my maggi mee in my cupboard. Imagine staying in your own house, but have to resort to such action!

Alabone – I do that sometimes. Just walk out of the house whenever we have a big quarrel. And I always come home to find him sound asleep. But now with baby, I cannot just walk out with baby. What if baby poos halfway? Wanna drink milk? What shall i do?

Sunnysunny – hope your little girl is better now. A tiny crack? So doc said let it heal by itself?

Dracwy – Hope bigtoes is feeling better. Saw from FB that she is down with food poisoning. Send our regards to her. So, this time round, you must show her that this wonderful hubby is willing to rope in more to take care of K so that she could rest.

Goldfish – I am trying to picture you dashing out of the bathroom starked naked and screaming at hubby. Must be a sight! Keke… Men…. They got selective hearing lah. My hubby always liddat too.
<font color="0077aa">Lok: I also wished my hubby can be more involved with smallberry! And not his work!

Xuanting: I also never recived any calls from TMC, guess they choose their customers, limay got a call from them so I presume only those who stay in suite gets followup calls? Miow, you stay in one bedded suite also? No money, no talk! LOL!

Xuanting &amp; alabone: I will also be scared if I wander around at my neighbourhood in the wee hours!! Meb hah, cannot make it sometimes!</font>
woah so many posts to catch up on!

oh dear. I hope the little fractture heals real soon! At least u guys went for X ray. If my hubby he'll surely say no need!

gosh. U must have been so angry! Hubby "kok" #1's head when she was a baby and she screamed and cried bitterly. And then he said she din vomit after that so no need go for xray. Idiot

(oh yes, check ur FB too!)

aiyoh u r so tempting me to go edventure webbie. When is the sale?
I agree on the lib thing. At first was afraid lib books wld be so dirty but then again, never mind, boost her immunity. But when there's HFMD outbreak I will not go lib!
Before I took FB to watch hungry caterpillar, i borrowed the book and the mixed up chameleon from lib. Otherwise wasting my money. Now I've bought the hungry caterpillar board book cos I feel i can still use it to teach her days of the week next time. And we had a mini-art &amp; science lesson with hungry caterpillar too (One of the rare times I tried to teach her) which was uber successful! It was the life cycle of a butterfly.
Now she's still asking me to read that to her, so it's worth it!
Xuanting, Alabone:

Yes you're right! Sometimes just has no where to go during the wee hours except roam the void deck..lol....but now i have gotten clever, whenever i am unhappy, i take the car and go airport for a nice ice-cream... at 4am.. hahahaha... better still in the morning when baby cry, he can't find me.. hahahahah
hope lil chloe is better now? hair line fracture? self healing?your girl is really active! the physical genes must run through the entire family man, with R flipping over so soon!!

o might want to do something about it, if bb is too flatheaded, might need physio next time. cy was flat at the back when he was a bb (coz rem i did not give him any tummy time coz scared mah...)his head is ok now...just a wee bit big for his size :p

wah! actually cannot complain about hb. coz most of the time in any accidents or near accidents, im the one panicking nad he is the cool as cucumber one. maybe coz he knows bb first aid and that helps?

gosh the instinct of mothers!!!!

btw, presenting lil ch in her infant crawling track (her ICT/in camp training)

<font color="119911">Hi mommies, thanks for all your concern
Am better now - had bad food poisoning yesterday and everything was coming back out - even water! Had to send K to my MILs for the night (thank goodness she already took leave today cos i was suppose to go out shopping).

So anyway, lost 1.3kg IN A DAY, and am now back down to 40+kg! (the only good thing from the food poisioning).
Am still nauseous from the smell of food, but going to venture out anyway - have to get a Bday pressie for hubby cos his Bday is next Monday!

breadmum (breadmum) - K has abit of a flathead as well, cos he likes to lie on his right side. We tried to make him lie on the other side, but he resisted and we gave up eventually. Don't think its a big concern, cos once they sit upright more, the flatness would be less obvious.

miow (miow) - wow, thats the record so far - 8.25kg!! How many weeks old is ur baby? K is 7kg/61cm now, and i think he is 'obese' according to the weight/height charts</font>
<font color="0077aa">l'l CY^^l'l CH (lilboymum) : Gosh, Ch looks so cute! You have everything from GD yah? Kekek..

Yday went to Popular to get the Bahasa - eng dictionary for my helper &amp; came across the book by Popular UK called the Robin series, it uses the i-pen something like the Leapfrog tag pen. Anyone knows if the books are good? And is the i-pen expensive? I am so ulu leh, 1st time saw those books at popular!</font>
After I start work on 29/11, my milk supply drop somemore my ms not a good flow! I only able to pump during my lunch time. Before I go to work die die also need to pump or latch on my little boy. Midnight I latch on 2-3 times now. First week, I did wake up 12am,3am and 6am to pump, in between still wake up to feed,warm up milk..I really super tiring on the next day.Even I drunk chicken essence (ji jin) tired still
for older tots.quite wordy.

the books are quite cheap but pens are more ex...think it's cheaper in msia though...

singapore cost around $70?and can load up to two books per time...
sorry to hear abt the food poisoning, but congrats on the weight loss!

Baby's weight
My chubby cheeks is only 6kg now. Ok, not so chubby after all!

Hmm, guess babies like this will look ok once all the hair grows out to cover!
Ouch....hope the fracture heals soon!

Yeah, look on the bright side....I was only able to lose weight last year after food poisoning too...but not sure if it's something to wish for now!

your hb is working overseas mah, so harder to spend time right? unless u guys move there. does he come b ack every weekend? or every day?
blackberry.. u intend to BF for hw long? i rather pump out the milk leh... latch on is so tiring....

my bb oso abit big size.. he was 7.45kg &amp; 67cm when he's 2 mths 1 wk, PD says he's growing fine.... till nw i haben measure his wgt.. i esti got 8kg liao kua.... he's gng for a jab on 26.12... by the time 3 mths + liao.. i will update his wgt &amp; hgt....

did u all gif ur bb flash cards?
mommies using bbjorn....

how's the support ah?? &amp; does the bb thighs near the crotch area become red after using ah??

currently i got a bb carrier (i think is Infantino easy rider) that is a gift from a friend ... started using for a while but i found the support not very good for me as the cross at the back keeps moving upwards as i walk.... and the part which is suppose to cover the head when bb is sleeping is still very loose when i've tighten to the max...so his head will tilt to the side and i have to use my hand to support him...

so was think of investing in a good carrier since i can still use it for #2

any comments from the mommies???
wah... seems like all your babies are growing very well ah.... hitting 7+ kg in 2mth or 3mth...

my boy only 5.35kg during his 8th week.. my mommy say he is too active to put on weight.. coz his hands and legs super busy when he is awake one...

next tue going to take his 2nd jab.. i think he should be able 6+ kg le bah... =) wonder how tall is he... he kept kicking me when i wan to clean his face.... kick till so pain lor.. naughty boy.. hahaha
Jo, I hope I can last for 6 months. how about you?
Latch on very tiring but my little boy enjoy it!
I didn't wake up pump milk recently, can not 'tahan' next day still have to work..your bb very tall 67cm when he's 2 months..

I think I'm the lazy mum in this thread. Don't know what is GD, book of Eric Carle, Karen Katz..ops, really 'sua ku' !I only read the caterpillar book for him. I'm so glad that I came in this thread and learn from you gals, if not I still live in my 'sua ku world'!
<font color="0077aa">Blingbling: haha.. overseas..., yes, he is trying his best to come home evryday but ever since bb is born, he is only able to come home 3-4days &amp; most of the time bb is alr sleeping! So I tld him next time smallberry can't recognise you liao!

l'l CY^^l'l CH (lilboymum): Thanks for your info! Know I can count on you on that!
I was thinking if its a cheaper alternative to Leapfrog tag. Planning to buy for my nephew not for my son lah!</font>
leapfrog dun buy little touch hor..i think waste of money. just go for the leap pad straight..the one that comes with pen. coz more books and more fun too!!
i oso hope can last for 6 mths.... another 3 more mths to go.. hee hee.... my boi oso likes to latch leh.. he latch and he Zzzzzz..... den i try to "pull" out he will cry....

ya my boi consider quite tall nw... bt i heard some ppl says.. after sometime... their grown will slow dwn leh.. nw grow faster... hee hee

i nv read to my boi loh.. oli do some flash cards when i'm FREE...
lilboymum, how long is your crawling track? your baby looks so cute! 3 mths can crawl already meh? i thot should be 7-8 mths then can crawl?

re: chubby babies...mine is in his 13th week. and yes 8.25 kg is really overweight. according to doc, babies at 3 mths will double their birth weight, so mine is quite ok, since he is birth weight is 4.05 kg. i am concerned that i am overfeeding him, with a latch on, EBM followed by FM.

Jeraldin, 6+ kg is a healthy weight according to the weight chart.

on TMC followup call, yah i was in a single-bed room. i guess thats their sop. i thot it was because i keep asking them for help during the few days, that is why they remembered me....hehehe

lok, i must learn from you to move from PBF to TBF! now i know it is mission possible!
currently i don't do any nite pumps (read: i rest from 1 am to 7 am), is it crucial to increase the ms?
Blackberry ,
can also pay for all the PD fees .... my fb PD fees too ... so nw every visit to the PD , I use the card to pay ... how i wish zac has the card last time .. cos zen card is so useful and paying 1000 + of injection bills last time means i am only paying 500 + cos govt pays the other half ..
Storeberry ,
i just saw the leapfrog tag system at teh tagore lane ... they are the distributor for leapfrog as well .. and selling quite cheaply like 69 dollars if i dun remember wrongly ... they dun include the phonics set ... just the tag system .. and little leappad sold there as well ...
miow (miow) : Baby miow is a heavyweight champion! Hmmn, I wonder how we can control their milk intake, cos when they’re hungry, they just bawl! Did your PD mention any ways?

Breadmum: My boy used to prefer to sleep on his left side too when he’s sleeping on the cloth nappy pillow! Then I started to swaddle him again (we stopped for a while after he turned 1 mth) and let him sleep on his back, head on the Babysafe infant pillow with a hole in the middle. So far his head is in a nice shape. You can try swaddling him so it restricts his movement, but I find that he sleeps better when he’s swaddled.

Kymkym: brilliant! Go airport for ice cream!  You stay near the airport yah, so it’s super convenient!

l'l CY^^l'l CH (lilboymum): wow, CH seems to be enjoying her ICT! Hehe

Bigtoes: glad you’re feeling better. Food poisoning is very draining for the body, stay hydrated! But so envious your weight is in the 40+ now!

Storeberry: my hubby also try to come home early before GuniBoy’s bedtime, cos he’s afraid that his son will call him “uncle” next time instead of daddy cos can’t recognize him! Keke
Hi Chewy ring,

check with you, all we need to do is deposit $6k into the CDA a/c? (amt is assuming for fb aft 17 aug 08)When will the govt top up the other $6k?
Chewy ring, how did u use it to pay PD checkup? do they give something like an ATM card? this is interesting.. i didn't even know that we can use it for injections.
hi jaymickey

i opened the CDA wif stan chart &amp; they gave me an atm card (nets), it's a separate card fr my other stan chart accounts which states baby bonus but i dun dare to put any $$ into the a/c yet, cos i scared if "overput", cannot take out liao. hahah. so better see what chewy ring says abt the deposit procedure 1st..
haha, no lah, she cant crawl yet. she is coming to three mths soon...will try to and sometimes can move inches but accidental i think...

the infant crawling track is supposed to encourage movement lah, not sure if it works but at least it gives her some tummy time lo. she will go to sleep if tummy time is on the mattress.

o yah, the track is only 2 metres...

yikes, hope you are better. i hate fd poisoning!!

wow, all your bbs are big and tall!!

$1000 plus for vaccinations??what did you give zac?
Baby Bonus CDA Account:
Max of $6k to be deposited into account before child turns 6 years old. You can start with any amount. Eg, if you deposit $1K in Dec, in 3rd week of Jan, the govt will top up $1K into the account.

Can use your account to pay for the following:
- Child Care Centre
- Early Intervention Programmes
- Healthcare Institutions
- Kindergarten
- Special Education Centre

Can find out more information here and check if your PD is under the approved instituitions:

Some approved insitutions has NETs services for baby bonus, so if you're issued with a NETs card when you open the account, you can use it to make payment. If not, deductions are done via GIRO.
Ade, Sasa, thanks for the advise. I am using myself to block her from flipping as she sleeps with us on the bed. Nothing can stop her! If she wanna flip and something is blocking her, she will "eh eh eh".

sunny, hope your girl is fine!

Bigtoes, Get well soon!

l'l CY^^l'l CH (lilboymum), Your bb sooooo cute! she started crawling? Where did you get the crawling track for her?
hi blackberryb, think gunibabe answered ur query

thnks gunibabe for the link.. scb staff so blur. can't answer most of my questions. he even had some facts wrong &amp; i had to point out the fine prints to him. luckily i'm not an unreasonable customer else think he sure kenna axed for giving wrong info.

Lil Monkey is ok. Thanks! The crack is really tiny, will heal by itself. Should be ok by end of the week. No cast is needed, I can't imagine how my life would be if she's in a cast. She was wailing in the X-ray room but was very happy when she got to see her own skeleton. Anyway, Raph broke his collar bone during delivery and we didn't know till a week later during the routine check by PD.

Lok, I never dare leave my girl in the bathroom lone cos she attempted to climb into the long bath by herself. With tots, we must have 4 eyes and 2 pairs of hands.

Hope you are better now. Rest well!

The driving instructions you guys gave were great. If I had bother to look at the street directory before leaving I wouldn't be lost. Yours the start of Sengkang so I'm still quite familiar. I'm an Hougang kid.

You can set up playschool with the resources you have at home. CY and CH will never be bored.
