(2008/08) Aug 2008

Seems like a number of mummies wanna go for the stage and such trial (http://www.stageandsuch.com/). Pls write down your name if you are interested in the trial while i'll contact them for more details. Will arrange a trial on a Saturday. Mummies who can make it on any day can book for a class at http://www.stageandsuch.com/index.php/book-a-class.html if you want.

Stage & Such - Speech and Drama Trial Class
Date: a Saturday (will firm up the details)
Cost: Not sure (think got promotion, either FOC or $10)

6) nini
7) vern
8) Sylvia
9) valnsw (tentative depending on which Saturday)
10) yuuri (tentative depending on date and time)
11) twinstar
12) Ruixuan
13) MummyNana (Tentative. Unless after Sep)
14) Mel_ocean
15) M2B (tentative depending on date and time)
16) celynlee (tentative depend on time)
17) Sam
18) balugu(tentative depending on date and time)
19) Shint
Seems like a number of mummies wanna go for the stage and such trial (http://www.stageandsuch.com/). Pls write down your name if you are interested in the trial while i'll contact them for more details. Will arrange a trial on a Saturday. Mummies who can make it on any day can book for a class at http://www.stageandsuch.com/index.php/book-a-class.html if you want.

Stage & Such - Speech and Drama Trial Class
Date: a Saturday (will firm up the details)
Cost: Not sure (think got promotion, either FOC or $10)

6) nini
7) vern
8) Sylvia
9) valnsw (tentative depending on which Saturday)
10) yuuri (tentative depending on date and time)
11) twinstar
12) Ruixuan
13) MummyNana (Tentative. Unless after Sep)
14) Mel_ocean
15) M2B (tentative depending on date and time)
16) celynlee (tentative depend on time)
17) Sam
18) balugu(tentative depending on date and time)
19) Shint
20) Hui Chin (tentatively - depending on when)
hello mommies. =)
oh...so many people going for the trial class, must be very fun....so look forward...hee hee...
mrs teng

i think maybe something is medically wrong with ur gal...coz no reason to cry and cry

i mean logically speaking (not that i dont believe in ghosts) but this crying should really be checked out by the doctor

try giving her a frozen teether(the type with gel inside) and apply some teething gel on her gums....may help her to calm down

when mark was like that ...i did all of the above and it worked like a charm....

also , u might want to try sleeping on a big mattress with her...hug her to sleep ...this will give her some comfort too
oh also.it could be gas....try giving her some gripe water....or u could put her in a yaolan...that helps to improve the colic....coz she's not lying down flat

the way to check for gas - hard tummy and bluish lips and she keeps bringing her knees to her tummy
Re: Daiso
Juz checked wif my colleague. There is 1 at Rivervale Mall. So it's IMM, Plaza Sing n Rivervale Mall.

Went to the bb corner at PS b4. Notin much. IMM has a wider collection. Many useful stuff, like this pkt drink holder which prevents kids from spilling drinks by pressing the pkt. If you have pets, they hv a section there too. Bought many rope toys for my Dusky at only $2, pet shops sell it at $9.90 up.

Thanks for your offer to lend yao lan... will let you know if I need it.

She sometimes sleeps with my maid in the big mattress cos she only wants the maid. Daddy n Mummy no use, will cry even more if we carry her.

Shirley, Mel_ocean

I'm wondering if you gals are referring to the same temple... Shirley the one you mentioned is near blk245. and Mel_ocean the one opposite a mosque issit?

Will she her progress for the next few days before deciding if we want to try out... My hubby like not very keen leh!


She doesn't seemed to have sleep disorder leh! I know what you meant by forget to breathe when sleeping.... Hehehe! her mummy me also I good example, some times stops breathing when I sleep.
mayb during the next PD check up, u can ask yr dr jus to rule out anything.
not easy to be parents....hang in there. in the day time spend more time with her to assure her. perhaps then she will warm up more to u n feel more secured so u;ll b able to calm her down too but i know it is not easy juggling yr time between 2 of them. give her a security toy or blanket or pillow.....

speech n drama class:
wah, frm the size of the crowd. it is already drama! haha
mrs teng,

think u might want to let maid handle her less coz' if she's going away, it will be difficult for them to be separated. if the other gal is not so close to the maid, u can get the maid to handle the other one when your hands are full and u try to get closer to C.

J has been crying a lot these days when i put him to sleep coz' he's so used to having daddy. but after wailing for about 5-10 mins, he would usually settle, then it's more of getting him not to hold my hand, etc. so he can sleep more independently. most times, he will toss and turn to find his comfortable spot.
hi mrs teng... poor C..really hope she gets better and have more sleep...maybe get a PD have a look and see why...maybe her tummy not feeling good cos lying down will hurt more..

Just back from Baby fair in Taka. the baby fair is still on to 13th sept.

I bought Ride on roadster for SL... nearly buy Police CycleSounds Rocker as well but hold back...
hi mummies!

it's been soooooo long since i last logged in. hehe.. so sorry.. i've been busy running to and fro my centre, fetching #1 to and fro classes. especially worse as i also work on sat. and anna is not walking yet!!! haiz... she refused to!
=) in a way, i also enjoying this moment now cos i dont have to run after her. haha..

today special day, no need to go to my centre and #1 on hol so can help me entertain #2.. so i can log in for a while more. hehe..

anyone who has problem with babies sitting in their car seat? anna seems to dislike it very much.
many times, hb and i are so upset with each other that many car journeys are not enjoyable.
since the moment they can crawl, think we got no choice but need to run after them liao ya? =)

oh, ur #1 so nice.
at least u can rest awhile.
Ikea beds think not regular size leh.. you probably have to go back and get their bedsheets..

Seems like a number of mummies wanna go for the stage and such trial (http://www.stageandsuch.com/). Pls write down your name if you are interested in the trial while i'll contact them for more details. Will arrange a trial on a Saturday. Mummies who can make it on any day can book for a class at http://www.stageandsuch.com/index.php/book-a-class.html if you want.

Stage & Such - Speech and Drama Trial Class
Date: a Saturday (will firm up the details)
Cost: Not sure (think got promotion, either FOC or $10)

6) nini
7) vern
8) Sylvia
9) valnsw (tentative depending on which Saturday)
10) yuuri (tentative depending on date and time)
11) twinstar
12) Ruixuan
13) MummyNana (Tentative. Unless after Sep)
14) Mel_ocean
15) M2B (tentative depending on date and time)
16) celynlee (tentative depend on time)
17) Sam
18) balugu(tentative depending on date and time)
19) Shint
20) Hui Chin (tentatively - depending on when)
21) Medusa ( tentative depend on when and timing)
My gal oso dun like sit in car seat, short journey still ok but sometimes make fuss too... stress
.... i must give toys to keep her v v busy so tat she forgot she actually sit in car seat lor
ya, she can be quite sweet most times, for which i'm thankful for. else, i can't have peace also. like now, anna refused to take her nap but cos her big sis around, she wont fuss around me.

oh, yours also ah.. i very stressed most times. our old car had a built in tv so we used to entertain our #1 with shows. but now car small, no tv and anna doesn't like to play toys all the time. she likes to throw them to one side or chew tissue papers!!!
Seems like a number of mummies wanna go for the stage and such trial (http://www.stageandsuch.com/). Pls write down your name if you are interested in the trial while i'll contact them for more details. Will arrange a trial on a Saturday. Mummies who can make it on any day can book for a class at http://www.stageandsuch.com/index.php/book-a-class.html if you want.

Stage & Such - Speech and Drama Trial Class
6) nini
7) vern
8) Sylvia
9) valnsw (tentative depending on which Saturday)
10) yuuri (tentative depending on date and time)
11) twinstar
12) Ruixuan
13) MummyNana (Tentative. Unless after Sep)
14) Mel_ocean
15) M2B (tentative depending on date and time)
16) celynlee (tentative depend on time)
17) Sam
18) balugu(tentative depending on date and time)
19) Shint
20) Hui Chin (tentatively - depending on when)
21) Medusa ( tentative depend on when and timing)

I've spoken with the contact person... eh... she says that all bookings should be done online according to what's on the website, so she can't reserve a slot for us as a class. :S

So for mummies interested,

- if u r not working, can book a class anytime.

- if u r working and available only on Sat, note that sat class timing is 1.30pm for our babies' age group. But the class programme is rotational - meaning next sat is speech and drama (fully booked), then bilingual speech and drama, then waterplay, for subsequent saturdays.

The bookings are done weekly online. She said that new schedule are up every sunday night. So we can log in and sign up for the trial class on our own. 1st trial is $25/ pax, subsequent is $50 or go by package.

She said if group booking is $15 per pax. When i asked her how would they know that we are doing group booking when we are going to book online individually, she said just mention it under comment.

Hmm... not very helpful hor... nevertheless will prob wait for 3 weeks for the next speech and drama trial class on a saturday (if i remember. hahaa).

Sorry mummies... was looking forward to seeing all of u..

My maid will be leaving next August, so there's enuf time for me to slowly bond with her. In the meantime, just want to settle this current issue and hopefully she's big enuf to understand I'm her mum.

Tried many time taking her away from the maid, and she'll wail for at least half an hour. Her record is 3 hours in a roll.
<font color="aa00aa">aurora</font>
gosh you are right, not very helpful, dun really make sense to do group booking individually :S then we all just sign up online at the same time on that Sunday nite? :p see whether server will crash hahaha! just kidding ;)

So next one will be 26 Sep yeah?
thx for helping us to check, but too bad they are so inflexible.
sat afternoon i cannot le, u gals go ahead bah. =)

i wanna noe if the server will accept anot also...ha ha...what if everybody online group booking?
the server will recognise as 1 person booking, cos it can't read the comment. =P
<font color="aa00aa">snow</font>
yeah man.. what if got like 10 different groups then how they know? I dun think they thought it through!
Hi mummies,
No prob lah... just feel a bit 'duh'... i asked if she could reserve a slot for our grp, but she insisted must book online so as to give everyone a chance at the trial. Something like 1st come first served lor.

for 26 sept class it's not speech and drama. Will be either waterplay or bilingual speech and drama. If u r interested, then make sure u book next sunday night.
Apparently, they dun understand the meaning of "group" .... anyway, what constitutes a group? how many? so means only if 2 of our group manages to sign up the same timeslot, there is no discount? They dun understand that got business is better than no business, unless they so good business, then so yaya.

Bad management ... can do without. I think we can do better than that .... hahaha. We've got multitalented mommies here, dun we? ;)
The owner should read this ... or they just have bad staff who kills their sales.
Seems like a number of mummies wanna go for the stage and such trial (http://www.stageandsuch.com/). Pls write down your name if you are interested in the trial while i'll contact them for more details. Will arrange a trial on a Saturday. Mummies who can make it on any day can book for a class at http://www.stageandsuch.com/index.php/book-a-class.html if you want.

Stage &amp; Such - Speech and Drama Trial Class
6) nini
7) vern
8) Sylvia
9) valnsw (tentative depending on which Saturday)
10) yuuri (tentative depending on date and time)
11) twinstar
12) Ruixuan
13) MummyNana (Tentative. Unless after Sep)
14) Mel_ocean
15) M2B (tentative depending on date and time)
16) celynlee (tentative depend on time)
17) Sam
18) balugu(tentative depending on date and time)
19) Shint
20) Hui Chin (tentatively - depending on when)
21) Medusa ( tentative depend on when and timing)
22) Apriltan
hi aurora
ya i think they are quite un-organized cos i called them last week and the lady told me she would get back to me in the afternoon and till now still no news. They are quite new so maybe everything not settled yet.
Hi mummies,
Regarding Stage&amp;Such, I'm trying to contact the owner directly so hopefully we'll have a more satisfactory arrangement made.


BB M never like car seat. the most is sit on it, but when belt comes in, she will cry till whole face red. she love to stand in the middle of 2 seat while grabbing on the headrest.

if she can sit n sleep on it, we always say must go buy 4D!! hahaha!!
sorry,couldnt login properly..bb N is hvg fever
Started last nite, morning took her to KKH til now still up n down...the thing is I feel her fever comedown very slow after paracetamol but go up very fast
Just 3 hr, feel the temperature up again.. haizzz... 2 days b4 fever started she was havg runny nose then looks not that bad.. then the cough started then fever

can it due to teething uh ? Notice mite b molar or premolar coming cos her saliva is more now can wet her chin likethat

my bb also hasnt join any class rather the 1 kinder music trial :p

neigbor said she'll check 4 exact add for the one.. she knows the place, near bendeemer but add wise not sure :p Wl ask again cos she said she'll try to get complete add
sorry bit slow
<font color="aa00aa">aurora/ruixuan</font>
have a fren who is a dec08 mummy, checked with her and she say the experience not that good and a bit waste of time. Reason being the teachers are inexperienced.. she gave eg - when sing old macdonald, say dog but make quack quack sound.. hahaha.. so funny... keke...

anyways just sharing the feedback yeah ;)

mrs teng,

yeah, u solve this prob first then u try to get closer to C. even though your maid's contract ends next aug, remember that anything can happen. mine decided to leave after 1 yr and my SIL's maid ran away last week. so...better to still be the one C wants to hug when in need. if not u, then at least daddy or some family member.
