(2008/08) Aug 2008

Mrs teng,
Dunno how I can help you also...but like what the others say, just pray for it to go away.

Enrichment classes
Mummies, can share what Enrichment classes are your babies currently attending?

1. Yuuri - BJG

Mrs Teng,
Sorry. Can't help much. Did you pray and burn incense papers on the 1st day? If not, maybe you can bai bai and ask dem to leave ur family alone. Anywayz, Hope you find a remedy soon.

Haven't started her on any yet. Any suggestions? Heehee...If gt free trial class let me noe too.

Re: 7th Mth
Seems like we better go hm early in the nite... So scary hor? Den again, it's mind power. Try to not think abt it. Think if humans and spirits respect each other den ok liao ba.
Yurri, Ceyln, Ling, Nini

thanks for your concern, just hoping for the best lor!


Dun think it's teething or too much sleep in the day.. SHe only sleep for less den 2 hours in the day time.

initially, thot it was teething, but she really cry very hysterically leh! and it's everynite and last least 2 or 3 times a nite.


Dun know what can I do leh... what if the gifted one is not a chinese? that means all those chinese procedures like pomegranate leaves also no use liao!
mrs Teng,
u can't possibly perform every race's ritual mar. i belif if yr intent is clear, any rites u do, the 'energies' will get the message.

hey, u hang in there.. 7mth more than half way thru ald.
Mrs Teng

just follow wat u think u can.

anyway, my relatives who were kids then had the same prob. they nt scare but the parents r as they cant see them n listening to wat were told... they more scare

anyway......i personally encountered before while in overseas. I open bible n use salt n then kept telling whoever to stay away while they screamming at my ears.

Maybe move her cot to another area?

btw, cld it be molar/teeth growing? or wind in the tummy?


anyway most r harmless lah

go temple will hv more coz the monks/nuns will know n share sometimes.

ya............dis age if we dun see, scare,put near us then we busier.

like I go toilet, i will listen if got the crawling sound, if too quiet also scare, dunno go where n hide n explore liao. hahhaa!!

very nice collage!


Love it !! So nice !! Thanks hor...

u r welcome... everybody just try to respect each other lah...

hehehhe, ya lor.. ya lor... on Friday took her to yu guo for her tuina cos she's having runny nose.. tot b4 got worse better go. I went by myself cos nobody can help me oredi lah.. my mum has went back, hb in the ofc, basically make thing short, that day I wanted 2 pee :p no choice lor.. took her to toilet with me than made her stand while I did my biz lor.. then I need 2 keep her hand from touching this n that while on the same time trying to wear my pants back hahahaha.... busy man....
since tomorrow will b like this only cos I'm house alone... will need 2 put aside all toilet thingy n keep the ear sharp sharp hehehe

hmmmm, mayb ya.... but how to make stock everyday ? N I'm bit sad to throw the whole pot of food almost evry day so got lazy
but then yes I think outside food got too much msg lor... which made it very sweet n yummy :p
gou gi ji very sweet uh ? that small red one rite ?

Yeah! 2 more weeks to go.. she very poor thing leh! scared until now fall sick liao...


Can't be teething or wind.. cos crying is really hysterical and a nitely affair. When I said 365 days, really no joke... every nite sure without fail, she'll cry..

I used to encounter such things when I'm traveling the past.. Got soo used to it and I can't be bothered. There was once I could even get up of the bed leh!

What worries me is that my little one is suffering lor..it's really frustrating to see her going thru all these.
morning mummies. =)

mrs teng
maybe ur gal not really can see, but "ba zhi" abit weak thats why always kena disturbed.
depend on ur religion belive to solve problem lor.

hee hee....dun like that say me leh.
i remember that time when i'm not working, he also din bother to come home.
think guys has a way to judge their priority bah?
if need arised, u better tell ur hb directly before faint at home lor. =X

thx, now in office liao....no matter fully recover anot lor...ha ha....

thx, almost fully recovered liao.

nice collage, thx.

Enrichment classes
Mummies, can share what Enrichment classes are your babies currently attending?

1. Yuuri - BJG
2. snow74 - gug
Mrs Teng,
You wanna bring her to temple pray? The Kwan Yin Goddess at Bugis very good. Or like what Brie says, consult her friend to chase away the bad energies. Hope everything turns out fine for you & your girl...
Mrs Teng
May be u can approach "tang ki". i'm Buddhism but somehow i got to believe it when A had same bad experience last yr when she just half mth old.... She cried/scream non-stop, cranky & her eyes full of fears, she can behave weirdly when sky turn dark.....

i don't know u believe in "tang ki" but it help a bit.
hi mrs teng - poor C...for christians, we can ask our pastor to bless the house.. like what twin stars say - i always have dreams abt ghosts (always dream abt me encourtering at my old house which is really haunted)...so i will in my dreams tell them to go away in JESUS name...i will shout at them sayig in Jesus name i command u to leave. U have no power cos Jesus is the son of God and He wants u to go. And i rem in my dream i was v fierce....if u believe in Jesus u might want to tell the nasties to go away in His name and leave bb alone. If u want i can also ask my pastor to do house blessing for u.... let me know k....
hi mrs teng - may i ask which twin is experiencing this? U may sms me...i want to pray for her and get my sisters in christ (in the other forum) to pray..becos prayers work...i will do nightly prayers for her.
Morning, mummies.
Monday is a busy work day again... So tired every Monday, after 24/7 childcare shift.

Gou qi zi is sweet and suposed to be gd for eyesight. I usually put a handful in when cooking porridge. Try frog legs wif gou qi zi. Dun need to add any seasoning very sweet and nice liao. But must put it in when porridge is half cooked so tat the taste comes out.
Sam, Vern, Snow, Vanilla, Mel_ocean

Thanks ladies, will try out whatever means later stage.. For now, we all decided to be by her side 24/7.. especially after 6pm, she'll be attended to at all times, we take turns to look after her. Make sure she's not alone in the room. Hopefully, it'll get better after awhile.


The problem is dun know which 'tang ki' to go?


Dun know if it's the ba zhi thing, Cos only one gal kena leh! If you talking about the weigh of their life, both are the same amount and it's rather heavy for gals also..

I remember seeing her for the first time after birth, I instantly knew this gal is not going to be an easy baby.. The look on her face can really tell that she's rather stressed up.


Thanks for your help, guess you already have your own problem, really dun want to add anymore burden to you..
morning mummies

mrs teng,
its not easy for you all. hang on and it will be over soon. hugs...

handling yu ze on sat night when he was sick is already very tiring for us. i can imagine your stress and tiredness.

take care.
hi mrs teng - dun worry...it will not add to my burden
...a short prayer everyday is ok..v light on me ... we met w the cardiologist and he also say E not need op so soon..so we will be delaying it.
Mrs Teng
if you need contact of "tang ki" may be i can PM u later....
Pls do not leave C alone when sky turning dark, if possible more ppl surrounding her will be better, cos those "thingy" oso afraid "yang" qi...

Mine case is the unknown "ying ning" disturbed my gal bcos of jealousy. I told "tang ki" i didn't miscarriage or abortion, may be is the previous owner or pass by "ying ning". so the "tang ki"only gave talisman for A to bathe. Plus, I still remember my MIL everyday swing the broom when sky turned dark, so called swept away the "dirty things".
mummynana, try not to bring kids out after 7pm for the next 2 weeks.
my husband nephew is someone who can see those things, and after hearing him telling me what he saw, maybe there really has someone like them that can see..
mrs teng,

so sorry to hear about your encounter. i guess if you have a religion, you might want to follow what it teaches you, e.g. for christian = pray, for taoist = get medium in, etc. unless you're free thinker then i guess you'll be trying everything possible.

unless your house is really haunted, i think it can be resolved if you "talk" to the spirit and ask it to leave your family alone. tell him/ her that he doesn't belong here and he needs to leave. i really dunno which method works coz' i never experience b4.

i sometimes think J can see these things too but most of the time, the ones he sees are probably the benign ones that dun cause trouble. there was once in church where we were observing pentecost and the priest was going round with the tabernacle. J started pointing and smiling as if he saw angels. then there are times he would play and wave or point at a blank space. i will just ask "who's there u see?" on some nights when i'm putting him to sleep, he will also act as if he sees someone/ something but he doesn't really cry so i guess that "thing" might just be a friendly spirit trying to play with him. or perhaps a relative who has passed away and came by to visit?

i do believe J can see such things but so far, he hasn't encountered anything bad, so i'm not too worried.
mrs teng
i dunno how to explain ba zhi kinda thing, but can only say i understand ur situation due to some personal experiences.
ya, do take turn to be on her side at nite...especially after 7.30pm. =)
Good morning mummies

Long time no log in... was busy catching up on all the posts..

Very nice collage and all the babies are all grown up!! Paiseh wanted to send in my gal's pic in the end very busy past week never managed to..

You asking abt "upgrading" from cot to toddler bed rite? For my #1, he quite jia lat.. at 8 months he didnt want to sleep in cot ( he is a severe "turner" in the cot) already so for the next few months i just put him on a mattress and surround him with pillows. After he turned 18 mths ( can walk liao and can climb up/down), I got him those " car bed".. it is a single size bed.. So far he loves his bed and it is spacious enuff for him to move around.. I didnt bother upgrading him to a junior cot/bed...

M2B/ Shint
Haiz... recently I just started my boy on toilet training and so far everything is good just the night time one abit tricky.. Same as Shint, my boy drinks lotsa milk before he sleeps then nowadays becos he thinks he "big boy" liao so he insist on wearing his briefs to sleep also.. dun want pampers...

Last nite, our fren wet the bed, woke up crying cos he was uncomfortable.. got to change him, bedsheets, comforter... and he still insist want to wear his thomas briefs! * faints*

How to know when he is ready to do "diaper-less" at night? I dun want to have to wake him up to change every night leh..... *headache*

Falisha look so cute in both pics!
I love the second one more tho cos can see the curls in her hair.. so nice.
D's hair today still look like she is wearing a black helmet .. : p
Hello Mummies!

Mrs Teng,
*hugz* for you and C. Maybe try to get her to sleep earlier at nite, at least can minimise whatever 'encounter' this month.
thanks. yu ze also will toss around in his cot. so though i wanted to change him out of his cot, very scard he will roll off. he is also a climber, knowing that if i let him sleep on the floor with mattress, he will end up going up and down or playing all his toys in the room and not sleep. so i very headache. want to change him to toddler bed but really don't know how i should do it.
after hearing all the thingy, i will like to relate wat happen to me last year when i was preggy with ger...

tat time i was already 3mths plus preggy and it was during last year chinese new year...i went back to work around lunar day 6 and there was lang xai...then my immediate boss suddenly decided to shift my table and his table to make space for the packaging dept...anyway my colls did mention say not good lar and ask me to avoid the area..so i did managed to pack watever was on my table into a box and my colls help me moved..

the next day, my boss asked the worker to do some simple drilling and hammering...seeing this i also asked for leave saying i shouldnt be around for all this...this went for a fewq days

on the fifth day i started to develop stomach cramps..cramps which feel like some one was hitting my tummy..went gp, take medi no use, went ttsh see, stay overnight once also no use...then i mention to my hb who inturn told my mil that i was always experiencing the pain around a certain time esp at nite 11plus...the pain will be so intense tat i be groaning on the bed...

my mil bring me see a tangki, the tangki (invited the quan ti kong) said i have do things which i shouldnt do..tat is moving the wen fang si pao on my ofc table and thus attracted thingy..also my shi yun is low thus more intense pain for me...tangki say have to waited for another tangki (this time to invite dau ah pei) to give the the amulets for bathing, drink and wear..

i did indeed get better..the moment i went home i sleep till the next day..so for me i really believe this kind of things...

p/s: my coll who is different dept with me also kena hospitalise because of heavy bleeding of her womb suddenly...

i can pm you the contact if you want, try not to bring the gals out after 7pm

your boy is the same age as our babies or older? if he's 1 yrs, i'll be impressed if he can insist on wearing briefs to sleep!


why must be after 7pm? that's when the spirits are released is it?
Can yuze walk steadily already? If yes then maybe you may want to try Ikea and check out those small beds they have. I thot they look quite nice and also they are quite low so wun have danger of him falling.
Yes that time when i put my boy on the mattress, in the middle of the nite he will sometimes wake up and play with his toys! We put baby monitor in his room then we always awakened by him rummaging thru his toys.....

No la hahaha! My boy is my #1, he is turning 3 soon.
mummies, i have just sent out the 2nd version of Aug collage to your email.. if you did forwarded me photo and didnt received my email.. please let me know.. thanks.

i only wish i can get home b4 7pm, haha. most of the time, i get back on IL's place later than that and by the time i reach home, it's really really dark liao, haha. well, gd luck to me & my family! better not scare myself, heh.
anyone knows where i can get a soft plush ball for bb J? it looks something like the kind u find in gymboree...see pic below.

i bought one recently in clementi, one toy stall beside NTUC. but its smaller then the one your bbJ is playing, but has thomas and friend's prints.
I think I bought a similar one with Rona. They have Thomas, Dora, etc. Think it's $2-3 only. But a bit smaller than the one in the picture.

Re: PhotoBook
Thinking of doing a BP for the photobooks. Anyone interested? I go negotiate price.
i got one that is fabric one with a ball inside. so when yu ze play and shake it got sound. ikea got those slightly bigger one also fabric one.

i have not receive the email.

no, he can't walk very steadily but consider quite good liao. is ikea bed, of standard size like single, or special size. very scare to buy special size bed then will have to always go back ikea to buy the bedsheets.
rona/ nanna/ celyn,

do u know where i can find it ard punggol/ sengkang area? didn't know it was so cheap! i have the ikea one but it's too big for J. i'm thinking of giving it to him to hug at night in place of pacifier, heehee.

celyn, i'm looking for your kind...fabric will bell inside. where did u buy yours from and for how much? u think daiso will have? my colleague told me daiso got bb section.
Halo Mommies.

Nice meeting u and your gals yday.

Mrs Teng,
Sad to hear what C is gg through...I believe in the "tang ki" procedure too coz my sis been through many encounters when she was young...

I didn't receive the collage yet. Thanks.
i bought mine long ago during taka baby fair. it was about $5. i saw it at this time fair too near the stage area. is the fair over? if not, maybe you can go and see. they have 2 size. that time i bought the small one cos yu ze still very young.
i bought mine long ago during taka baby fair. it was about $5. i saw it at this time fair too near the stage area. is the fair over? if not, maybe you can go and see. they have 2 size. that time i bought the small one cos yu ze still very young.

i haven't received the email too.


alamak, taka bb fair just ended yest. i went on fri but didn't see leh. or rather, never really look out for it, heh heh.
oh no.... if you ask earlier then you will be able to get it. maybe if you happen to walk around those shops at housing estates selling cheapo toys, they might have. i will look out for you and let you know. or you want me to just buy 1 for you.


I have received the CD. thanks.

Secondly..anyone keen on Polliwogs on Thurs morning...Faeriekim and I are going..so those interested...lets go together ah?

Hope all our babies r happy and well!
