(2008/08) Aug 2008

Dunch know abt that... depends on today lor.
Apparently last nite he woke up twice and maid gave him 120ml instead of the usual 240ml. And he woke up twice in the middle of the nite before waking at 6am for the next feed wor. So still in training stage. Must persevere ... my maid I mean ... hahha.
*Looking forward to a peaceful sleep .... cos i had been woken up at nite as well. In the end can't sleep oso.

I never really trained her to go to sleep early.
Guess once she gets back home, we play with her a while then it's alrdy 9pm so time to start her sleeping. Still hv to rock her to sleep but at least not so much as when she was a baby.

Wondering if I shd take some time to train her over a period of few days to sleep thru the night.

hisstory / rona,
I think I have to agree that the child will pick at the scabs. And yes I heard that it's bad to have it when you're older.

But was just thinking would it be better to let her catch it naturally and hence build up the immunity.

Oh yea, both GP and hb said even though you get it once, doesn't mean it's for sure that you won't get it again.

But I thought once u get it, you won't get it unless damn suay.
Hi mommies,
Please feedback on the below by latest Sunday. Thanks.

August Baby Bash CD
Celyn - received
Catherine - received
YLN - received
April - received
Gayle- received
valnsw - received
linx- received
Ruixuan- received
snow74 - received
Fairybees - received

Not received
<font color="#CD3278">val</font>
Eh, I rem Chevelle slept like 11-12+ last time coz ur maid wld play with her coz Chevelle 'looked' like she didn't want to sleep? Anyway, it's gd tt she can do with less rocking now.. I can imagine how toned ur arms wld be

Gotta be prepared for the crying for milk, less she is actually crying for comfort. Must persevere &amp; tahan the crying.. But ur hb &amp; maid must also agree, otherwise if they back down, then gone case

I think getting at adulthood can be more life threatening. So it seems if one doesn't get it during childhood-adolescence, then better take vaccine

<font color="#CD3278">Shint</font>
*jia you* You can do it, your maid must also not sayang him &amp; give in to him.. heehee
Looks like your Kai and Chevelle both abit stubborn in that sense.

BTW, you also know right, that day during Gymboree trial class, both of them wanted to play with the same toy.

At first Chevelle got it and played with it, then Kai took it over from her. Chevelle still didn't give up and still wanted to play with that toy and wanted to take it away from Kai.


Haiz, teach my girl so many times liao, not to snatch things but still like that *faintz*

She also took the ball away from YLN's Kaer that day. Then Kaer gave her a puzzled look like "Why you take away my ball??!"

Then during my housewarming cum bday celebration for my girl, my hb's friends's kids were there too. One of them is a 2 yrs+ boy and while they were playing, she snatched a toy from him!

Ok, no doubt those toys they were all playing are hers, but I was like....
I think it's ok ba ... my #1 got it just 2 weeks before Kai was delivered. He healed well though he has it BIG TIME .. loads and loads of it.
The only consideration is that if u have a pregnant person, an unborn or newborn baby around, an old person who has not gotten it .. then better to have it... cos the kid having it might spread to them which is dangerous for them lor.

Ask me, I think it's good that the kid have it cos getting the jab does not mean they dun get it and if they do ... it'll be when they are older and the risk is higher.
I think if he can sleep through , maid will be more happy .... so i told her if she wants to sleep through, then better train him faster .. hahha.

Yes yes, I remembered that they were both snatching from each other. I din quite bother with it lor ... cos normally at home, Kai will want to get what he wants, he will eh eh eh or cry till he gets it .... vv demanding. My #1 was never like tat. I think cham, next time sure bully the Ger Ger one.
Twin Stars,
You very busy at BP section ah? =P

Aiyo, sounds really bad...your hb so sweet, took leave to take care of you...envy!

You take care ya...gastric flu very jialat 1...bet you must be scared of spreading to the gals.

Hope it materialises...heehee
I will be giving Mae the chix pox vaccine too...#1 got it at 1yo+ too...
aiyo that is bad too. when gg sleep 1hr in the day she will knock out frm 9:30pm to 8:30am the next morn. if they dun nap, it;s very tiring entertaining them wo

u going Hi 5 concert... gg likes lei, but think too young to go right

u going holiday.....
can c search for pacifier herself on the bed....then not so bad right. have u tried to train her to sleep thru the night...
but i know some babies r really hungry n jus can;t help it but must drink at nt too so no choice wo

hehe, i buy until i scared. but still bot again today. hiaz. need to shop off my fingers liao.haha
morning mummies

wow, so many post liao since i last post yesterday. was watching dvd (&uuml;עҰ) so didn't log in. hahaha....

sayang, hopefully chevelle can sleep through soon. maybe you can train her to find pacifier in her bed herself then you don't need to wake up for her for that. i throw about 3-4 pacifier on yu ze's cot for him. so if he sleep, and suddenly stir wants his pacifier, he will search himself. i don't know how but he manage. we will not walk over to see him unless he cry very long. usually after a short cry, he will go back to sleep. i think he found his pacifier liao. hahah.....

i will be giving yu ze chicken pox vac on the next visit, i think its when he is 15 months. giving the vac doesn't mean he won't get but maybe lesser.

i have given yu ze prawn, crayfish, soft shell crab without shell. a bit each if we are eating.

you take care. better liao or not?
Hi mommies,
Please feedback on the below by latest Sunday. Thanks.

August Baby Bash CD
Celyn - received
Catherine - received
YLN - received
April - received
Gayle- received
valnsw - received
linx- received
Ruixuan- received
snow74 - received
Fairybees - received
aurora - received

Not received
Hi mummies,
Came across this new learning centre that focuses on speech and drama. Looks interesting and it's brand new at SOHO 1! Am going to sign up for the trial class. Anyone else interested? Or anyone wanna coordinate and organise a trial class for Aug mummies? Heheee..

hi mummies.
hb brought both gals to their class today, so i'm free again. =P

gaia soothing lotion look small, but its very thick so can use very long.
usual price is $20.30, u can go taka to grab their offer now if u dun mind to get that normal lotion also lor.
cos i usually buy during taka member sale, when thye have 10%+10% disc. =)

ya lor, really yum gong lor.
no more ls, but still can't really digest food so still will feel like vomitting. =(

ya, i think so also....hee hee....din expect him to take 2 days leave.

cos dr said its definitely contagious, so i definitely gotta stay 2m away from them.
zynn keep crying for me, poor zynn.
at least jie jie understand ma ma will spread bad germs, but she still dun understand why ma ma dun wanna hug her.

was thinking of buying 1st row to that concert some more, but think its wasn't as nice since kathleen left their group ya?

ya, they will be too young to enjoy and understand leh.
just imagine all those big boys and big gals will all dash out or stand on their chairs to dance? -_-"
cos this happens when i brought #1 to watch barney some time back, she is 1 of those that stand on chair and dance...hee hee...

thx, still haven fully recover.

if u organise a trial class on sat morning, i might join in....hee hee...cos its nearby nia, no harm go try.
hi aurora
haha.. i also saw their website and was thinking to go trial next week. they say 5 babies to start a trial class
August Baby Bash CD
Celyn - received
Catherine - received
YLN - received
April - received
Gayle- received
valnsw - received
linx- received
Ruixuan- received
snow74 - received
Fairybees - received
aurora - received
vern - received

Not received
I just got my CD today. Seems like he oredi sent them out.

August Baby Bash CD
Celyn - received
Catherine - received
YLN - received
April - received
Gayle- received
valnsw - received
linx- received
Ruixuan- received
snow74 - received
Fairybees - received
aurora - received
vern - received
shint - received
i've received mine too today too!

August Baby Bash CD
Celyn - received
Catherine - received
YLN - received
April - received
Gayle- received
valnsw - received
linx- received
Ruixuan- received
snow74 - received
Fairybees - received
aurora - received
vern - received
shint - received
rona - received

I wanna ur contact for Bali driver too
Just in case dun wanna disturb my friends hehehehe.. TIA

can like that meh ?once tried outside food, dun wan homecook again ?Aiyohhhh... mayb need to put all the seasonings like outside food liao... headache

Walauuuuu... then we failed in jio u in FB then ? :p
Mummies who believe in "those friends" from the other world.

Re: Seeing 'those friends"

Any mummies have any remedies to it? It took me more den a year to actually figure out that one of my gals may be able to see " those friends" . After so long, I'm left with no choice but to believe it. It's especially serious during the 7th month.

She's been crying all night since she was born, there isn't a nite where she doesn't cry. She doesn't like to sleep at night and she'll not fail to wake up at a certain time to cry, very pitifully... And these 2 weeks, it gotten worse, cause she'll cry very fearfully and dare not sleep alone, as in she got to sleep in my maid's arm.

Initially, when she was younger, we thot it was becos she was colicky, the previous 7th month happened to be the colicky period. So we din thot of this issue.

My heart shatters each time when she cries so pitifully and fearfully.. She couldn't communicate with us on her fear and only kept crying , sometime for almost an hour. It's very difficult for us to calm her down too..

I'm so desperate right now, really dun know how to solve this problem.. Will this problem stay with her for her entire life? I've really clueless.
You are a lucky woman. My hb left me wif Anvelle when I had gastric flu a couple of mths back. Didn't even take the effort to bring her to my gran's although it was a weekday. So poor me had to carry her to the loo wif me coz I keep LS-ing.

Mrs Teng,
My grandma bathed Anvelle with a promegranate stalk coz she believes tat children can see the "invisibles" so better to be safe than sorry.
Mrs Teng,
Huh? Den I also dunno hw liao leh. Wat's ur religion? Taoist/ Buddhist - Go bai bai n get a talisman. Catholic - Wear a rosary. Christian - Read the bible before gng to bed.

ya... shld try GAIA soothing lotion. even when i use alot coz BB M got rashes prob, still used very long.

got bp here too, if u cant wait for the sales. think inclding postage..... $18.90
eh...........like that I am the only one with the cd liao......

August Baby Bash CD
Celyn - received
Catherine - received
YLN - received
April - received
Gayle- received
valnsw - received
linx- received
Ruixuan- received
snow74 - received
Fairybees - received
aurora - received
vern - received
shint - received
rona - received

Not received

Read abt ur gastric flu... it must b very uncomfy..
get well soon uh....

will share u a story... these 1 happened to my neighbor herself.. so these what she've told me :
her boy is 2 weeks older than N, but for the 1st 3 months in the house, he never not crying... the mum was so frustrated n depressed, they took him 1st to their MIL's place which is smaller, crampier, so on but the boy stop crying ... so they believe it's the house's problem or the area since PG is quite new area.

they took him to those "thiao thang" ( dunno if I write it correctly ), if u dont have any idea what's that let me know again
so He told my neighbor that he needs silver, pure silver ( lucky her grandpa has 1 ) then put on his cot under his pillow everytime he sleeps.. Acc to her no more problem liao... mayb u wanna try

wanna ask u 1 thing also, do ur gal wears any jewel ? gold or silver kind ? cos if I rem correctly, long time ago my mum once told me, those small children who can see, usually the 'bone weight' bit low so need to add up precious metal.. mayb u hv heard this

then again I believe usually when they grow, they'll overcome these problems unless those r the very sensitive n consider gifted one lor..

hope that can b helpful
count me in for the trial

Aiyoohhhh !! how ur hb did that uh ? poor Anvelle... cant imagine how u managed that time ...
Mrs Teng

dunno if she can see or is it just a growing up stsge.

anyway, u can borrow a dog n see if it walk around the area where ur bb sleeps. they protect esp bb. or pur Catus with lots of spikes. Jap put a mountain of salt at the floor of the bed near the head. The mountain will look like underside down V shape. Some will take bible. ( for this.....somehow the page will open up by itself when u flip....... so u just leave it open near her)

FYI, most bb out grow as they grow up as their 'purity' is reduced. While some still can see, it becme a norm to them, so they wont be affected too. They r wat we called the 3rd eye opened people.

I hope she is ok soon or just growing up stage.
Mrs Teng,
Have u tried saying a silent prayer with her?

My close friend also uses pomegranate leaves soak in water and wipe her son's head each time she suspects he is experiencing something paranormal. She said he is especially sensitive when there are funerals nearby. And he normally would stop after being wiped.

Another friend of mine was sort of ostracized by his family when he was young because he would say things that frightened them. In order to fit in, he soon learnt to suppress his 'gift' and there were many years he didn't acknowledge his 'gift'. But sometimes it made him miserable. Long story cut short, 30 over years later and now he's embraced his gift again and uses the messages he recieve to help people. Ok, I know it sounds cooky - but then some things happened to me that I can't dismiss it as rubbish.

The reason I'm saying this is that if I were in your position, I would probably just stay with her and if you believe this was the reason, then try all sorts of methods until u find something that helps. In the meantime, she's gotta learn to manage her fear, and poor thing, so young, how to understand, so you have to go thru it with her. But when she can articulate what she experiences later on, I wouldn't ridicule her or force her to keep it to herself. I probably would just teach her what can say and what cannot say to other people.

Have you tried crystals? I'm sorry I don't know the exact name of the crystal, but when I moved house 1 time, I had a series of violent dreams every night. We had a little house warming 1 day and my friend didn't tell me anything. It only stopped after my friend - that suppress his 'gift' friend - gave me this black crystal. The nightmares stopped. Till today, I have my crystal with me in my room.

I've had couple of such stuff happen to me I can't deny that I believe spirits exist and can interfere with our lives. But I shall not continue here, I'm already boring many pple here with my long post.
really uh ?? WOw, actually u just made the forum light up... :p n it's already nite also
I do also believe...
Got BP for Gaia nw? Can mafan you to send me the link?

Bo pian lor. She had to smell my Pxx when I bring her in the loo lor. Luckily she was younger den. I dun tink I can do it now that she is mobile.

Re: Facebook
I finally managed to get in there to add you gals as friends. My name's Andrina. Pls add me. And if possible, can identify urselves coz I keep addin but dunno who's who.

At all cost, I'll even stick to her 24/7, but she simply just dun want me when she get cranky... she just wan the maid.. It's very frustrating when a mum can't do anything in this kind of situation.

Last year during the 7th month period, I've even threaten the 'gifted' friends.. it stopped for a couple of weeks until the month ended. But it was back to square one. We were so immune to her crying that we simply wrote off as she's being a cranky gal..
Things just get worse when the 7th month started.

I'll be storing her cot tomorrow.. she just didn't want her cot. Maybe it's just the cot that she terrified.


Pls help me ask wat's the procedures and where and how to go about doing it? Thanks very much!


Just worried she may not be used to the special ability that she has. Poor gals is not growing at all.. Probably that could be the reason why she's got no appetite for food or milk.. Cos, she hasn't been sleeping well in the nite.

I'm very worried if this problem is not solved before my maid goes back, I'll have problem taking care of her..
you like ghost stories har

Mrs Teng,
I hope you find a solution soon. Can understand how frustrating it must be not being able to help your baby.

Since 7mth started, I oso noticed Isaac been waking up more at night and cry. We caught him playing for a while even. But lucky he doesn't stay up too long. I just think in my mind ask them to go away, dun bother us. Haven't threaten them yet.

In case you want to see what options are available, this was how my friend helped me. My friend from Cosmic Phoenix "cleared space" for my previous house. This is the link for more info on the service. http://www.cosmicphoenix.com/svcs-spaceclearing.shtml

My friend came to visit me one day and ended up helping me send an old lady away. This was when I was pregnant. They say pregnant women are also very sensitive to such things.

He acted strange in my house, so knowing him, I just had to ask what's wrong lor. It freaked me out. He said an old Malay-looking lady was very frightened squatting in a corner of my house. Because his presence was scaring her. He tried to talk to her, but she was too frightened to respond coherently. But he cld sense she was waiting for someone - possibly her family. And she's been there very long and is very sad. He sent her on her way.

After she left, of course I started recollecting the strange incidents. My dog sits staring at the walls, barks at nothing sometimes. How sad I often feel for nothing at all - to the extent I felt I was depressed (being pregnant somemore, I just brushed it off as the hormones). I didn't want to go out much, stayed home and didn't do anything, the bordom drove me even more sad. Then I rmbered the prev owners of the house were Malay. I don't think there was any way they would have known that. My friend told me that it's normal that we can feel their energies - which in this case is her sadness. So after she left, the air was lighter and I was really not so sad anymore.

My hb thinks it was pychological being the skeptic he is. But aiyah... you never know man!!

They gave me another crystal which I now place next to Isaac's cot to protect him. I was carrying it around for some time just after that incident.

When I moved to this current place, I oso asked him to come over to make sure nothing is left here by the prev owners. This time, he only said "just some old energies" (they lived here for over 30yrs), just clear it and our lives here will be new and lively as ever
Sure was glad to hear that.
ehhhh starting to get scary reading the forum..hahhaa

i'm very scared of such stuff.. i basically had to skip reading all these posts. but yet curious so only read abit of briebaby post to get an idea. hahaha
actually when she's not mobile, u can just put her outside the loo... mayb on ur bed then keep the toilet door open so she can see u n u can entertain her...my piece of mind lor...
now they r mobile, I even had to take them with me, worried they mite danger themselves

actually on the contrary, I'm very scared of all of this but curiosity high hehehe...after reading the post lastnite, I nagged hb to go check bb N n come fast sleep w me :p turning alll the senses ON !

ya lor... once I rem when I was ard 7-8 yrs, slept in my own room, I dont like, dont dare, wld prefer my parents bed :p I thought I saw like 1 shadow passing thru on the alley infront my room door... calling my mum n asked, she said nobody she seen... brrrrr........
but well my mum said normally spirits also like us... try to b civilized n ask not to disturb each other.. off course some worse ones also hv

for my mum, she had nicer encounter. After the divorce, my mum bcome very attached to the religion. She bcame totally veggie n will pray day n nite in full devotion.. 1 day when she was in the middle of morning prayer ( that day we stay in a very small rented house ), she felt there was a guest came visited.. she saw her with her eyes' tail lah... so told her in a glance, "pls b seated, after I finished my prayer, I'll attend to u..."
after the prayer, she didnt see anybody sitting there. went out asked my neigbor also nobody see any1 went in or out.. !! my mum believe it's the goddess Kwan Im came to bless her n protect her..
I do believe... too many story to tell lah... but I'm what I am today, I believe cos of blessing n helps from above

Aiyooohhhhhh, I'll make lots of u here bored lor.. sorry for the long posting

which procedure u need ? the thiao thang ? I'll ask her the name of the 1 they went.. Seems they visited some b4 succeed. let u know again
here's the preview of the collage.. i will edit n put in their names tonight n forward to all mummies..

need to bring janelle out alr..

have a great sunday..
mrs teng: One of my niece also like that..she's also behaving in that manner sometimes.. She refused to sleep, even with her parents. But she can sleep peacefully with her grandma who is very religious. Once, she kept crying n rolling on the floor...Like very frightened like that.. The grandma saw a palm-size print on her thigh n back.. She panic-ed n call my sister home.. But when my sis got home, she didnt see any palm-size prints.. So eerie. And there was nobody else in the house but them lor.

Last night Braiden was also crying very frantically like that... Then I keep carrying him still dont work. Then i applied 'Ru Yi' oil on his tummy... Takes sometime before he finally falls asleep. I think got wind in his tummy leh.. This morning he pang sai out. Wat a relief for him...

Thanks, will check with hubby if he's interested or not..

Just an hour ago, She refused to sleep in her cot leh! Even during day time.. Maid got to hold her in the arm and sleep lor.. Very jialat... aiyo.. I see also heart pain.


Whatever remedies your neighbour can suggest.. I wan to try.
more spooks. hehe


poorthing, i also dunno how to help u. for me i pray la. my mom;s hse seems like got prob. we experience some stuffs but cos i;m a christian i pray over the place. there was one nt when my indo friend came to my place to do a project....the crystal chandelier in my living rm drop n smash into pieces at 2am! she freaked out. next day gave me a pack of stones to protect me but i threw it away la. once i was studying late i hear the kitchen fridge dr open n close n my dog was barking at the kitchen window. freaky but i was very angry cos i need to study haha. i gear up my anger, dash to the kitchen n confront it to come out once n for all n settle this if not leave now but since i am a christian, i use jesus; name la. then my dog calmed down, n walked off n i could sense peace. since then never disturb me again. think it;s like a matter of who scared of who type. as in when a person is fearful n turn into anger it scares them away.

but then again.........putting the spooks aside
it could be teething or colic or too much sleep in the day so frust cos nt time can;t sleep etc.

mine after i complain about her waking up in the nt, now she sleeps thru liao then i spotted a new tooth. so teething la. at first i was also thinking was it 7mth thinggi

do watever helps
try grip water, ru yu yio etc n not let her nao too much in the day or play too much etc. hope it helps

buying hse:
must find out there how long liao. anyone die there or use to live there n passed on etc. think it is impt wo
but my old hse was brand new. so it;s strange too but i think cos my dad;s partner went to temple to invite some spirits to aid in biz or wat. ever since then...probs man

i put go ju zhi in her porridge to make it sweeter. mayb u can try. now her eyesight r very sharp like a hawk! or u can try boiling sweetcorn n use the stock to cook porridge... i dun believe in introducing bb to msg too fast or even outside food too fast es my little fella got allergies la


think i saw the papers if u use capital land card to sigh got free HI-5 tics lei. but u r right, no pt now
i;ll wait till next yr ba


got free trial class. let me know if u r organizing. pm me in case i dun read post now

mrs teng,
hugs. its not easy, hopefully, it will be over soon.

yesterday, yu ze also can't sleep well. wake up almost every hour or 2 throughout and cry. i carry him, he wil sleep. put him down and he will stir. i ended up let him sleep with me. i also thought about this 7 month thingy. lucky this morning, i find out that he is having flu. so can't sleep well. haven't bring him to doc yet, if still not better tomorrow then will bring him.
