(2008/08) Aug 2008

Twin Stars,
Thanks! Hope hb's cousin get back soon man...heehee

Yes, I find HK Disneyland less crowded than Tokyo's...the q in Tokyo really put me off and you are right, mostly Japanese...

We brgt #1 to HK Disneyland in 2007 too and stayed in Hollywood Hotel so tats why this time wana try Disneyland Hotel instead...my #1 is looking fwd too.

Will be gg to collect Mae's passport next week!

<font color="aa00aa">Good Morning Mummies</font>
TGIF! Hope everyone has a great weekend ahead!

<font color="aa00aa">Calendula/Drugstore.com</font>
Quick update for all that order has arrived at Vpost, items are on the way to SG. Will update again once the items arrives...
Oh forgot to add that I have 2 extra tubs of calendula cream if anyone else needs cos I orderd enuff to enure we got the $9.99 per tub price from drugstore.com..
Morning Mummies

Whoa i can totally relate to ur 'pain' siah...

Ruixuan IL
hahaa...izzit u meant Falisha is too big for SL? So SL small small just nice for Zynn (Another cutie pie) hahaa...

ok call me or Shint if u can make it k! hehe...

<font color="ff0000"><blink>Something for TGIF!</blink></font> hahaa...last nite i was getting Falisha to post for some BigMama's new hair accessories that I've created and this is what i get:

Falisha so cute, can make so many faces. Kai vv blur look one ..... the more pattern one is my #1, Kai is the more act cool kind ;)
Hahahaa...Kool Kai

Ya she always alot of pattern one leh! Got alot more patterns, but i chose this one with the pouty lips! hahaha...
you long life leh, was thinking about it and was going to write to you. heheheee...

Thanks for the coordinating!
<font color="aa00aa">vanilla</font>
Can PM me your email address?

<font color="aa00aa">rona</font>
Heh yeah hopefully will reach by next monday? not bad deal.. even though exchange is high... only works out to 16.40 per tub... cheaper then BP :p
hi mommies,

very long never long in liao. so busy the past few days. i read somewhere about seletar farmway. anyone been there? what's there to do there? it's quite near where i live so i dun mind going there for family excursion one of these weekends.
Morning, mommies!

It's not the software, it's me. There are too many pictures to choose from and I didn't want to use the standard formats/ frames they have. My colleagues offered to do for me but I tink it's better that I do it myself so tat I can put silly captions in.

Tats a very gd offer! 2 x 30pgs plus 1 x 20pgs at only $69.90? Tats like half the normal price!

My gal slept at 1am last nite and woke up at abt 6 odd this morning. But heng did not wake up midway.

I will take 1 tub den. Hw much? PM me ur account no k?
hahahah, mayb lor.... tried to feed her everyday but she mostly refused- again !!! if I take her out n feed her KFC mash potatoes or some cream mushroom soup or grilled fish,she's more willing 2 open her mouth... my mom said mayb she like angmoh food :p but then again feed her foodcourt porridge she's also more ok than home cook....
seasoning problems uh ?

ihik.....hope this phase will b over soon.....
Aiyohhhh Falisha is so cute..... hehehhe... can really direct her to bcome pro model for ur clips oredi heheh

Saw Izzy w ur maid on the playground yst, She's getting cuter hor.... ur maid also looks ok uh to handle Izzy all by herself ?? Can introduce me ur agency ? hehehhe

have u crossed to the 'dark' side ? I'm still waiting leh..... Mayb after u, can jio ur hb also so he n my hb can connect hooohohoh.... but my hb also not very active in FB... I the 1 who sometimes answering comment fm his friends that I know too hehehhee

ok.. Hb suddenly said today let's go for this coming long weekend... somewhere close.. Hmmmm, Langkawi, Penang , Bali, Tioman ? mummies, suggestion ? Now with bb, I'm chicken out whether can enjoy the trip or not....
Me on half day today woo hoo! finally gonna go do hair!

sorry.. chop for vanilla oredi.. she very fast took both tubs :p

I still waiting for u on FB lei :p

yeah my maid told me.. she was surprised how come u know Izzy hahahhah yeah she pretty good.. but she is my 3rd maid lah.. maid is all about luck :p u need a maid? let me know I PM u the contact...
No prob. Actually I forgot all abt the calendula cream. Was supposed to check if I still hv stks at hm n reply u on order long long ago.

Heehee... U r very fast. Let me noe if you want to let go 1 tub.
hi nana - haha..sorry ... i need it cos my son only can use that for his eczema n for his whole body massage everynite..yesterday discover i use half tub already (just bot 2 weeks ago)..so sorry ...
Go Bali ... vv nice place

Just went recent months ... but not sure of the weather now .... got mountains, got rivers, some of the hotels vv nice too.

I can try to find my driver contact and you can engage him the whole day for a good rate. Much cheaper than if u were to go through the hotel package. those are alot alot more expensive.

Can get the driver to drive u anywhere u wan lor. Better.
Langkawi, nothing much.
Tioman, corals all dead .. anyway go with kid, quite hard to go snorkling or out to sea.
Bali is good to just spend time at the hotel if the hotel is nice and can get a driver to drive u out for the whole day for sightseeing.

Penang - haven't been so can't comment.
haha...more of being 'forced' to be my model. She dun really hv a choice! hahaha...

hahaa...i can imagine Bernice doing that! ehehe...but like tt not ugly la...Falisha got one squinty eyes/nose + looseloose teeth grin = real ugly! hahaa...
I am bringing #1 to the play "Boy who cried wolf" on Monday morning too.

Wondering if anyone else is keen to go? cos my fren who asked me last minute could not make it .... anyone keen to buy over her 2 tickets? It's $15 per ticket. SHow is at 10am.

Who wanna go on a date with my #1? hehhee.
hi ladies.
me still at home, lao till no day no nite. =(
dr said gastric flu.

going hk disneyland?
its quite an ideal place for a short break with kiddos lor, they will enjoy walking along the street there 1. =)

ai yo, u ladies very onz 1 leh.
still haven found kai's gf name, now help quan to date liao ya?
ha ha...

actually that calendula cream is extremely useful to eczema skin, so if bb with normal skin maybe can consider some cheaper alternative?
cos 1 tub very fast finish ya? =P
so i use that on #1 only, zynn use gaia.
oh ya!
before i forgot, hb just pass me this just now:

August Baby Bash CD
Celyn - received
Catherine - received
YLN - received
April - received
Gayle- received
valnsw - received
linx- received
Ruixuan- received
snow74 - received

found that falisha can really make lotsa funny faces ya?
a happy bb.
hehehehe..... off course lah u said Bali nice... u got the chance to pak tor there wor.... the nicest place heh :p anyway bb N is made in Bali hoohohoho

planning to go for nua nua n makan makan :p

oh btw in Bali, I've my own driver.. hv 4 college frens thre now.. 1 of them is branch manager 4 a pharma company so she's bit free... usu she'll b the 1 book our hotel n drive us ard :p
I n hb wl insist 2 pay 4 the gas n her food anywhere we go

thanks 4 the offer though, but just in case how much is the charge ?

hahahah, nowadays all bbs seems to pick up character eh :p

Ok lor... now need to use max b4 she can sign her own requirements hihihihi
me these 2 days busy running toilet, at least today no vomit liao....so, should be better liao bah, thx.
what make me so happy is, hb actually took 2 days leave to take care of me...hee hee...
now he nap nap, cos last nite he gotta take care of both gals....shh.... =P

pd told me 1yr old bb can take honey le. =)
I use the calendula cream for mozzie bites, dry skin and watever spots tat come up so won't use alot. Like I was telling you previously, I've been using gerbers for daily lotion but finishing liao. Gaia also not cheap leh. Did you get it at the taka bb fair? I sneaked there after my seminar ytd. Tot got notin to buy but ended up spending $50+, buying teats, bowl, spoon, pigeon biscuits, and wet tissues.
i better pop in here n not keep lurking in the BP section!!!!!
so addictive.hahah

nice shot of felicia

aiyo, u take care n no milk stuff, no oily food n no spicy hor

wah yr bb has tasted so much things liao. no wander she refuse homecook food la. if me i also want KFC!!! hahha
my poor bb gg has been eating only fish n veg porridge. pork doesn go well with her tummy. recently let her eat tofu only. at times she will steal a sip of my milo n milk but tat;s about it. i jus bot avacado to let her try. her digestive system is not as gd so gotta go easy on food

wah we can also shake hands. mine slept at 11:30pm wake up 7:30pm n talk to me carrying her pillow. she use to sleep frm 9:30, 10pm to 8:30pm!!! see the diff. but mayb cos she is taking longer naps in the day
The problem is tat she doesn;t sleep alot in the day too. My gran says tat she sleeps only abt 1 hr twice a day. Think she's gng to be oh bak kak soon. Need to buy eye gel for her liao...lolx
better dun give seafood 1st. =)

if wanna give bb eat prawn, better take away that black colour "intestine" thingy at the back portion of the prawn.

i bought gaia soothing lotion @ $16.45, but it can be use for very very very long lor.
cos its very thick, u need to use abit only everytime. =)
it is effective for normal rashes.
as for calendula cream, can used up very fast.
so if compare, overall gaia is cheaper for non-eczema skin.

twinstars &amp; rona
hope to recover soon also, still wanna bring my gals to "super saver" this sunday...hee hee...
Really ah? I tot the bottle quite small. Maybe i go get 1 bottle to try.

Re: Winnie the Pooh Balloons
Help! Any suggestions on vendors? Best/ efficient service? Wanted to get Babyterror but she cannot do delivery on the 19th.
Please sms me your hp cos i lost it in my old phone ... the screen cracked and I din manage to get my old data out. Tomorrow morning I'd prob go around 11am.
Or anyone has HuiChin's number, can pls msg me on my mobile. Prob not coming online tonite liao.
Btw, I still have not received my CD ..
August Baby Bash CD
Celyn - received
Catherine - received
YLN - received
April - received
Gayle- received
valnsw - received
linx- received
Ruixuan- received
snow74 - received

Not received
Shint -- Not received
Hello Vanilla Pod,
Like to share that my boy also have ezcema,other than the calendula cream which is good,u can also try Evening primose oil.( From the gel capsule,i use a toothprick to take the oil out n pat into affected areas.It works great!.. can understand that it pains the mummy to see them scratch.

August Baby Bash CD
Celyn - received
Catherine - received
YLN - received
April - received
Gayle- received
valnsw - received
linx- received
Ruixuan- received
snow74 - received
Fairybees - received
Haiz... I think my hb will be like yours, later next time if have #2 also say don't go just yet since #2 is still young.

I PMed you. I'm going Bali soon during the long PH weekend.

Ya lo... men... they just don't get it. Ask them chaffeur machiam like want their lives.. haiz.

Cool... Can enjoy the HK Disneyland. I so wanted to go there.

Will there be a Disneyland open in Shanghai? Wa... if really have, then mb my hb may consider to go there, cos he used to work in Shanghai so he probably more familiar with the place. But if open in Yr2012, I can wait til neck long long liao.

Huichin / LTS,
I more chamz, my girl still cannot sleep thru the night, still wakes up to drink milk and still needs the pacifier.
Only consolation is most of the time she will sleep around the same time about 9+pm.
Talking abt jabs, this blur mummy doesn't know what jab needs to be taken.

I only knw the GP passed me this pamphlet on the jabs to be taken when Chevelle was sick.

Ermz... there is this booster jab, whether for 5-in-1 or 6-in-1 right? Then also can opt for the pneumococcal (hope I spelt it right) and the chicken pox vaccine?

The GP said should take the chicken pox vaccine, but I'm so sceptical and said shouldn't the kids hv their own natural immunity by getting the chicken pox?

Then both hb and the GP said, no should take the chicken pox vaccine to prevent the chicken pox cos it can be quite stressful to the baby.

What your take on this mummies?
<font color="#CD3278">val</font>
Wow, Chevelle has improved in her sleeping habits.. At least now she sleeps earlier! Well done mommy for all the training..

I suspect chicken pox if contracted at young age may be diff to keep bb away fr scratching off the scabs.. Apparently, not going to be life threatening
Saw some info off http://www.babycenter.com/0_chicken-pox_11991.bc

<font color="#CD3278">Shint</font>
Way to go!! I think it's a gd indication that actually Kai doesn't really need milk.. Can help u save money lor!

<font color="#CD3278">snow</font>
Aiyoh, yam gong.. Get well soon okie? Less visits to the toilet oredi, I hope?
